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God of Blackfield-Chapter 334: I’ll Kill All of You Guys! (1)
Chapter 334: I’ll Kill All of You Guys! (1)
Chapter 334 - Book 20 Chapter 5: I’ll Kill All of You Guys! (1)
Everyone heard what Kang Chan said on the radio.
Jeong Won-Min and the other soldiers found it very absurd, but they didn’t have the time to argue against it right now.
Right after, they heard Kim Hyung-Jung’s long-awaited answer.
“We have arrested Abibu and found a wireless wiretapping device and a communication device, which he was using to talk to the terrorists. It seems they also have access to the CCTVs of that room, the area around it, the lobby, and even the roads around the International Building.”
Kang Chan immediately pressed the button on his radio.
“Just like everyone heard, we have caught the bastard that had bugged our radios in the Park Hotel. We will now begin suppressing the rest of our enemies.”
The emergency lights barely gave them enough visibility in the completely dark International Building.
Kang Chan continued, “I want the Jeungpyeong special forces soldiers standing by on the third floor to take charge of rescuing the hostages.”
Standing near the railings of the third floor, Cha Dong-Gyun and Kwak Cheol-Ho’s eyes met in the darkness. They then braced themselves for the fight.
“In the best-case scenario, we’ll only have to deal with thirty enemies. 606, status,” Kang Chan called.
“606 is on standby.”
“As I and the counter-terrorism team make our way down from the second floor, I need you to come up from the basement. Together, we’ll make our way through our enemies. We have to eliminate all hostiles in a short period so that the Jeungpyeong special forces team can rescue the hostages.”
“Yes, sir.”
Kang Chan added, “There’s only one reason the UIS would like this when they have hostages—they’re waiting for us to attack them. The moment we do, they’ll most likely detonate the bombs strapped to the hostages in hopes of killing everyone.”
After Kang Chan delivered his orders, a few seconds of silence passed. Since he was still holding the button on his radio, everyone just nervously looked around their surroundings as they waited.
“Our enemies will shoot at us the moment we rush toward the lobby. That’s why we have to deal with the twenty tangos in the staircase. However, killing them when they have RPGs will be extremely difficult.”
So that's why he was silent!
“Our operation can’t exceed two minutes. If we can’t clear them out within that time, all teams—including the Jeungpyeong special forces team—are to simultaneously attack our enemies. This contingency plan requires sacrifices on our part, but it’s the only way to rescue our hostages. I apologize for assigning you to the most dangerous role, 606.”
Once Kang Chan was done issuing orders, the eyes of every Jeungpyeong special forces soldier glinted. They looked like they would rather change roles with the 606’s Special Operations Unit.
“This is the 606,” Jeong Won-Min radioed in.
“We have been taught that when our country assigns us a mission, our military uniform could very well be the last thing we’d wear. Thank you for assigning us a duty befitting the 606. We’ll make sure to eliminate all tangos on sight.”
There were times when men’s passionate determination could make people’s blood boil.
As soon as Jeong Won-Min delivered his resolve through the radio, the agents and soldiers who were about to charge toward their enemies gritted their teeth. Kim Hyung-Jung, the agents in the situation room, and even the 35th brigade, which was protecting the perimeter of the building, all did as well.
“Situation room, prepare to turn on the lights in the lobby right before we rescue the hostages,” Kang Chan said.
“Yes, sir.”
“35th brigade. Prepare for bomb explosions once we’ve rescued the hostages.”
“Leave it to us,” the commander of the 35th brigade determinedly answered, his blood boiling.
“All teams, stand by,” Kang Chan ordered.
They were now going to begin their operation to rescue ten hostages from fifty terrorists.
“Jeungpyeong special forces team is on standby,” a soldier reported. The other teams followed his lead.
“The 606 is on standby.”
“The situation room is on standby.”
“The 35th brigade is on standby.”
Instead of reporting on the radio, Kang Myung-Gu of the counter-terrorism team tapped Kang Chan’s shoulder twice from behind him.
“Move out,” Kang Chan ordered, then took his hand off the radio button and grabbed his rifle.
Haah. Haah.
Kang Chan’s senses sharpened.
As if time was moving slowly, he saw Kang Myung-Gu from the counter-terrorism team checking on the agents to his left and right, Seok Kang-Ho’s eyes glinting, and Gérard glancing behind him.
Their plan was simple. They would kill the twenty enemies on the staircase, leaving them with only the thirty tangos left to deal with. That would match the number of Jeungpyeong special forces soldiers, who would rush into the lobby from the second and third floors.
They would be rappelling upside down, so they would have to hold their weapon in their right hand.
Those on the second floor would have to rappel seven meters down to the lobby, and those on the third floor would have to go down eleven meters. Even though they had to descend almost instantaneously, they had to stop right before their heads touched the ground. They would also have to use the momentum they had built to stand upright while shooting at their enemies.
If the Jeungpyeong special forces team hesitated during their descent, they would most certainly get shot at, and if they failed to get back to their feet immediately, a bomb would likely be thrown at them.
There were thirty-three men in the Jeungpyeong special forces team. Hence, for this operation to succeed, they each had a second to kill one enemy.
They also had to hit their targets right in their foreheads to guarantee that they wouldn’t be able to move. Shooting them in the chest could give them a chance to press the detonation switch of the bombs.
We don’t even have the option of increasing the number of soldiers on the second and third floors.
Haah. Haah.
Kang Chan slowly went down the stairs.
Thirty-three soldiers were already a lot of people rappelling downward. Any more than that and they would risk their lines getting tangled and their movements hindered.
They trusted each other because they were all in the Jeungpyeong special forces team, which was now one of the most famous special forces in the world. If they had to execute this operation in the past, they would’ve already shaken their heads in refusal.
Kang Chan went down the stairs from the second floor and headed toward the lobby. He could see the soldiers from the 606 climbing up the stairwell from below.
He pressed the stock of his rifle against his shoulder.
The plan they were using right now was the same as the one that they had used in Mangala. Back then, they had picked a fight to rescue their allies, who had been captured by the enemy. Soldiers then rappelled downward and eliminated their opponents on sight.
Kang Chan could remember Daye almost dying then because he had foolishly run toward their enemies all by himself.
Just like that time, to ensure that this plan would work, they had to drag their enemies as close to the stairs as possible.
Haah. Haah.
Kang Chan looked at Seok Kang-Ho, who was positioned to his right.
‘I’ll make the first move.’
The moment Kang Chan pulled the trigger, they would no longer have the option to go back on this decision.
People who hadn’t experienced a terrorist attack would never be able to objectively accept that ten female hostages disappeared without a trace because the bombs strapped to them exploded in the process of suppressing the terrorists.
Hence, if they failed to rescue the hostages, all of the hard work that they had done in this operation would be completely erased, leaving them with nothing but a horrible aftermath.
Their enemies had to run up the stairs for their plan to work. However, if they pressed the bomb switch just as Kang Chan and his team were shooting at them, that would spell the end of this operation.
Abibu would’ve ordered his warriors to attack them. That was probably why they obediently ran here from the hotel.
Kang Chan solidified his resolve.
Haah. Haah.
He aimed at the silhouette of an enemy’s head.
Their opponents were wearing black bandanas at night, and there weren’t any lights. Hence, it was difficult to see the outline of their heads. Special forces soldiers wore jungle hats for the same reason. The circular brim, which would be as close to their face as possible, would hide the outline of their heads when hiding in the overgrowth of jungles.
The moment Kang Chan pulled the trigger…
Pew! Pow!
Although he could barely see the enemy’s head, he clearly saw it explode into pieces like a watermelon.
The hostages shrieked. “Kyaaa!”
At the same time, they heard their enemies yelling and moving.
Whoosh! Whish!
AK-47s sparked awake, sending bullets flying toward the stairs.
Du du du! Du du! Du du du du du!
The sparks lingered in the air for a moment before disappearing. The bullets that hit the marble floor ricocheted elsewhere.
Du du! Ping! Pow pow! Du du du! Pow pow pow! Ping! Pow pow!
Pow! Pow!
Shot in the leg, two of the counter-terrorism team’s agents collapsed. Meanwhile, members of the 606 dragged their fallen comrades away from their enemies.
The enemies hadn't entered the staircase yet. They only fired indiscriminately toward the floors above and below them from the lobby.
Amid the gunfire, one of their opponents stood right in front of the entrance to the staircase, an RPG on their shoulder.
Pew! Pow!
However, Kang Chan’s bullet quickly made their head explode, causing them to fall backward.
[It looks like a battle has started!]
The cameras zoomed in toward the lobby of the International Building, which was being enveloped by flashes.
At the same time, the newscaster stopped speaking. Instead, a banner appeared at the bottom of the screen. It said “Lobby of the International Building” and “The South Korean soldiers have engaged the terrorists. According to speculations, this is a part of a suppression tactic.”
Pew! Pow! Pew! Pow!
The counter-terrorism team followed right behind Kang Chan, who was going down the stairs. Meanwhile, the 606 were making their way up from the basement and were now almost at the entrance.
In this situation, Kang Chan knew that they’d suffer more than ten casualties if they were hit by an RPG or even just a grenade.
Pew! Pew! Shatter! PEW! PEW! Shatter!
One of the soldiers fired from the staircase and shattered the glass on the entrance of the International Building. Meanwhile, a bullet from their enemies hit the marble floor and ricocheted toward the Korean soldiers.
Du du du! Pew! Pew! Du du du! Pew! PEW!
They could hear their enemies shouting above the gunshots.
Gritting his teeth, Seok Kang-Ho told Kang Chan what one of the opponents had said. “The enemies are telling their men to hold their ground!”
Pew! Pow! PEW! Pow! Du du du! Du du!
Their enemies were clearly looking for an opportunity to blow up the bombs.
However, since Kang Chan and the Korean soldiers had been stalling for so long already, their enemies had resorted to shouting to suppress the urge to detonate the bombs.
How long will they last without Abibu’s orders?
The longer they had to wait, the more likely they were to press the switch to blow up the bombs.
Du du du! Du du! Ping! Pow! Du du du! Pew! Pow!
Two more soldiers fell. Their enemies were purposely shooting at the marble floor now.
“Jeungpyeong special forces team! Situation room! Stand by!” Kang Chan radioed.
“Fuck!” Seok Kang-Ho swore. He already knew what Kang Chan would say next.
“On my signal, we will all advance toward our enemies!” Kang Chan commanded. They couldn’t stall any longer. “Make sure you’re positioned lower than the hostages!”
Du du du! Du du du! Du du! PEW! Pew! Pew!
“Go go go!” Kang Chan shouted.
As ordered, Cha Dong-Gyun and the other Jeungpyeong special forces soldiers jumped down from the railings of the second and third floors and freefell toward the dark floor of the lobby.
They had to descend eleven meters and depend on their senses to know when to slow down. After all, they couldn’t take their time rappelling. If they pulled the rope right now out of fear, they, the hostages, and their comrades would die.
Just before his head touched the floor of the lobby, Cha Dong-Gyun pulled on the rope and stopped his descent.
Bang! Swoosh!
At the same time, the lights were turned on, brightly illuminating the lobby.
Cha Dong-Gyun held up his rifle and pressed its stock against his shoulder.
Swoosh! Whish! Swoosh!
The moment the Jeungpyeong special forces soldiers pulled the rope and stopped descending, the soldiers from the 606, who were in black military uniforms, charged into the lobby. They then dropped down onto the floor with a plop, took aim, and sent bullets flying toward the enemies on the staircase.
They couldn't stand up and position themselves higher than the hostages, who were crouching on the floor. If they did, they would be blocking the Jeungpyeong special forces team’s line of fire.
Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! PEW! Pew! PEW!
Du du du! Pow pow pow! Du du! Pow pow! Du du du! Pow pow pow!
Only those who had experienced something like this knew that they would blank out if their surroundings suddenly brightened.
Terrible things also transpired.
Some threw themselves right in front of the enemies’ muzzles. Some also felt as if they would go crazy when they saw their enemies aim at their comrades instead of themselves.
‘Did that exchange last about two seconds or was it quicker?’ Kang Chan wondered.
Their enemies were now grotesquely crumpled on the floor, and the counter-terrorism team agents and the 606 soldiers, who had rushed toward their enemies, had been shot were now covered in blood.
Whish! Swoosh!
The hostages were shrieking again. “Kyaaaa!”
The soldiers from Jeungpyeong’s special forces team rushed toward them. They lifted the hostages who weren’t strapped with bombs onto their shoulders, then ran outside.
“Daye! Gérard!” Kang Chan called.
Kang Chan unsheathed his bayonet. His shin stung, but it wasn’t painful enough to immobilize him.
Pew! PEW! Pew! Pew! PEW!
Everything would end if their enemies managed to discretely press the detonation button right now. Hence, the Jeungpyeong special forces soldiers shot their enemies in the forehead even though they had already collapsed.
The hostages continued to scream. “Aaah! Arrrgh!”
After examining the bombs, he yelled, “It’s safe to cut the straps! Free the hostages!”
He then immediately used his bayonet to cut the straps keeping the bombs attached to the hostages.
Snip! Snip! Snip! Snip!
Seok Kang-Ho and Gérard swiftly did as instructed.
Meanwhile, the other soldiers carried the wounded out of the building.
“Hurry!” Kang Chan yelled.
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Whish! Swoosh!
The Jeungpyeong special forces soldiers rushed toward them and carried the remaining hostages over their shoulders.
“Permission to have the 35th brigade enter the building, sir!” a soldier yelled, his blood boiling. He was so loud and desperate that he sounded as if his voice would pierce their eardrums.
However, it wasn't time yet.
“Run!” Cha Dong-Gyun yelled. Carrying a hostage on his shoulder, he rushed out of the entrance.
Whoosh! Swish!
Right after, they heard a loud shout. They wondered what it was about since it sounded as if it could sweep the International Building away, but they didn’t have the time to care about it.
Kang Chan raised his hand to his radio.
“35th brigade, enter the building! Take care of the bombs in the lobby and rescue the wounded in the basement!”
“Copy! 35th brigade, entering now!” one of the soldiers responded to Kang Chan.
Crash! Crash!
Soldiers with bloodshot eyes rushed into the lobby of the International Building. They were dragging a deep blue explosion-proof mat with them. It was made out of iron plates and had layers of sand in between.
The soldiers put the mat in layers on top of the bombs.
Click. Clank. Click.
The soldiers of the 35th brigade occupied the lobby, and some ran down to the lobby.
Haah. Haah.
Kang Chan looked at where the 606 and the counter-terrorism team had been. Pools of blood were all over the area. He was frustrated, but he still had things to do.
“Situation room,” he radioed. “we have suppressed the terrorists and rescued the hostages. The operation is now over. Please collect the bombs and take care of the wounded and the deceased.”
“Understood,” Kim Hyung-Jung responded, then sighed heavily.
I should’ve told him about the satellite coordinates a bit earlier.
Click. Click. Click. Click.
The wounded 606 soldiers in the basement were carried up on stretchers. At the same time, the explosives disposal unit, wearing bomb suits, walked in through the front door.
Meanwhile, Kang Chan looked for the commander of the 35th brigade. He then asked, “Can I leave the clean-up to you?”
“Leave it to us. I’ll contact the situation room and wrap up accordingly,” the commander answered.
Kang Chan then raised his hand to his radio.
“Manager Kim, I’m leaving the 35th brigade in charge of the post-op process. I’m heading outside now,” Kang Chan said.
“Copy. Be aware that there are cars on the road in front of the International Building.”
That was inevitable. After all, they had restricted access to all the roads in the area.
“Alright. I’ll head to Samseong-dong for now. Oh, right! Don’t announce that we arrested Abibu.”
“Yes, sir.”
After talking to Kim Hyung-Jung through the radio, Kang Chan looked back at Seok Kang-Ho and Gérard.
Their eyes were still glinting with ferocity, but they didn’t appear to be heavily wounded.
“Let’s go,” Kang Chan said.
“Sure,” Seok Kang-Ho responded.
Past the entrance, Kang Chan saw ambulances, armored vehicles, and soldiers from the 35th brigade, who had mounted guard. He also saw soldiers from the Airborne Forces.
Kang Chan went outside the International Building with Seok Kang-Ho and Gérard.
A roar erupted from the onlookers, much to Kang Chan’s confusion.
When Kang Chan stopped walking, an agent from the counter-terrorism team quickly approached him.
“The news has identified you as the person responsible for suppressing the terrorist attack and the commander of the rescue operation in Afghanistan,” the agent explained.
How do they know about that?
That wasn’t important right now, though.
People beyond the roadblocks, inside buildings, and even on top of the roadside trees applauded and shouted at Kang Chan.
Damn it! I can’t turn around and go back into the building now.
Kang Chan followed the agent’s directions and walked toward the main road.
The onlookers began shouting at him.
“You’re amazing!”
“We’re proud of you!”
“Thank you for your hard work!”
“Long live the Republic of Korea!”
[The person you’re watching withdraw right now is the head of the National Intelligence Service’s counter-terrorism team and the one who commanded the most recent rescue operation in Afghanistan. He is also the one responsible for eliminating the over fifty armed terrorists that had occupied the International Building, rescuing all ten hostages unscathed, and suppressing this terrorist attack in a minute and twenty seconds!]
With the newscasters’ excited voice in the background, Kang Chan’s face, which he had covered with his bandana, filled the TV screens.
Startled, Kim Mi-Young slowly turned toward Kim Kwan-Sik.