Godclads-Chapter 30-2 Half-Chained Love (I)

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Chapter 30-2 Half-Chained Love (I)

No… No, I have no idea… I don’t know what to tell you! I barely…

Listen. I don’t know why everyone on this street is affected by the rash, and why walking across the road makes you clean. I don’t. My specialty is in Spatial-Geometrics for Jaus’ sake. This… there’s no one else on standby and I just… the first batch of sacrifices we sent in expressed common symptoms. Sores. Homunculi.

Second batch we instructed to walk the distance a street away. Local Ori-Thaum personnel were kind enough to help make an extended tube and push that through the building. He crossed the noted miracle-effect threshold but stayed infected. And then we released some new sinners into the tube and they were fine.

So. It takes effect. But it doesn’t transfer. At least, past a certain point. It also doesn’t go away. The consistency here no longer makes any sense. I need more assistance. We need to find a Biomancy specialist. Someone from the No-Dragons, maybe. I know they’re your enemies but… this affects everyone. Have Voidwatch act as a neutral guarantor or something. Something. We’re on the verge of… I don’t know if the rash is ending or evolving or what’s happening. But this is important.

For now, Seeker, I suggest you keep this block sealed inside a plane while we figure out our next steps.

-Agnos Nasu Kalimus


Half-Chained Love (I)

“Alright,” Chambers said, reappearing next to Marlowe in a sudden instant. The thoughtcaster shrieked and curled back in her chair. “Alright. Woo! It’s cured. I mean, it’s cured over fucking here, but yeah! I’m clean, consangs! Clean as can be!” Chambers pumped his fist high and gave an undulating cheer. Eyes wide, pants only half-pulled up, forehead dripping with sweat, and body shaking, Chambers looked like a Joyfiend halfway between a high and withdrawal.

Which made things easy for Cas to figure out. The Columner’s expression contorted into slight disgust as he shook his head. “Christ, Chambers, you serious. Did you seriously just—”

“I needed to be sure!” Chambers roared, pointing a hand at Cas, who flinched back, trying to ignore the smell. “I needed to go all the way. That’s what it means to conduct an experiment. That’s what it means to put yourself on the edge.”

“Please tell me you used tissues or something, we’re gonna get hit with… fuck, I don’t even know what kind of penalties the Easy Armistice might have for this. It’s probably been years since someone left their uh, ‘material’ here.”

“Never mind that shit,” Chambers repeated. “It’s confirmed. No homunculi. I’m clean?” He let out a breath and sobered up. “I’m… I ‘m clean… I’m…” He grimaced slightly. He got so caught up in the sensations that the full weight of what this meant only just caught up to him. “Fuck me, Cas. People are going to figure out real soon. And when they do… Wait, you said there were places in New Vultun that still had ongoing cases.”

“Yeah. Random spots. Blocks. Streets. Even a specific floor for a random building in the gutters. If there’s a connection between them, I can’t make it.”

One of the Chambers-copies at the end of the table looked between Cas and Chambers, coughing. “So… wait… did number one tug himself.” Other members from the Council of Fuck scoffed and cursed at the man’s lateness. “What?”

“Gods, I’m one slow motherfucker sometimes,” another Chambers copy said.

“So… parts of the city are just entirely Rashless now,” Marlowe asked, her voice still heavy with skepticism.

“Most,” Cas said. “That’s way it looks to me. Can’t say anything about what’s going on inside the Substance but out here, that’s how things are looking.”

Chambers bit his lip and activated his Ansible once. He almost reflexive called for Avo, but instead, he sought out one of the few Minds he knew he could rely on. A micro-wormhole triggered in Chambers’ exocortex implant, and after a few moments of waiting, connection was established, and Calvino’s virtual form materialized in his cog-feed.

{No, Aedon, I’m afraid I still haven’t gotten in touch with—}

{Not about that, Cal. Wombrash. You know about what’s happening? Cas just got back in and uh… I’ve done some science here.}

{Yes. Your biometrics indicate recent physiological occurrences. Am I safe to assume you have used herself as subject in a most enjoyable experiment.}

{For the city,} Chambers insisted.

{Of course. I have never insinuated otherwise. But yes, Aedon. We are still trying to establish a clear understanding of the developing situations across the city, but beyond the threshold of the Substance, the Heaven of Love’s presence has been substantially reduced.}

{Nova,} Chambers breathed. {Listen. I want a favor. I want… I want you to cast me what you have on areas still affected by the Rash. You know. Places really in the shit—}

{You wish to investigate. You understand that most of them are under Guild quaratine.}

{And you know that Kae… we don’t know what happened to her. After… after what happened at Scale, shits fucked sideways everywhere. Maybe… maybe this might give us a trace or something. I don’t know. Might just find some clues.}

A long silence followed. Calvino’s sun-shaped form froze and tilted slightly as if in contemplation.

{Look. I know… I know things might be… I know she might be gone. I’m not… but we don’t know for sure, and Avo still here, and Draus said—}

{I do not think it will be difficult for you to get access to some of these locations,} Calvino replied.

Data download package incoming…

>Accept [Y/N]

Chambers accepted without hesitation, and new information flooded into his mind. A block just a forty kilometers away from him was highlighted. Everpeace Tower. A Sang-owned mass tenement block that used to house a fifty thousand high skilled workers. Schematics for its two hundred floors and twenty sections expanded across Chambers’ vision. A Wombrash outbreak triggered inside its forty-third floor while the Guilds were funneling Citizens in and moving subjects out.

Hospitable relocation, they called it.

What a load of shit. It was the same deal even now. The Guilders glory greased by lives from the gutter. Even with the world coming to an end, a subject just couldn’t stop being kindling for the flame. Least the Guilders were eating shit this time too. Schadenfreude was a decent sauce; could even make bitter filth easy to swallow.

{Everpeace Tower has experienced a particularly virulent outbreak. And unlike the others, the range of the Wombrash has actually expanded within its levels. We are uncertain what has caused this level of dynamism and the local Guild representatives are too overstretched to do anything beyond sealing the area behind a demiplane for quarantine. Their official statement is that they have everything under control. Unofficially, we suspect the No-Dragons to be undergoing a severe leadership crisis with multiple factions across their many ministries vying for power now that their Guild has been bifurcated by the Substance. That, and active skirmishes are ongoing between them and Stormtree.}

{Yeah, this peace isn’t going to last at all,} Chambers said, smacking his lips. {Alright. Thanks a bunch, Cal. You’re the best. And if—}

{I will patch you through the first moment—}

And before Calvino could complete his promise, a new Ansible call came through.

Caller: [Jelene Draus]

A wide grin spread across Chambers’ face, and he shared the call with Cas as well. This day was just getting better and better. “Told you she was too much of a hard sow to get snuffed.”

“Yeah,” Cas said, developing a slight smirk of his own. “You did say that, didn’t you?”

“What?” Marlowe interjected, looking between the two men. “What’s happening? Why are you two just smiling at each other.”

“Ansible call,” Chambers explained. “The Reg dodges the Big Nothing once again.”

“Shit. Quail might actually have some competition now. Listen, about the Ansibles… you got any extras lying around somewhere cause… girl’s starting feel a little left out.”

“I’ll see if I can get Calvino to drop us a care package at some point,” Chambers continued, accepting Draus call. The Regular’s profile emerged in the corner of Chambers’ feed, and she looked much the same as she did before—Meldskin activated. Arms folded. Guess that was just how the Reg saw herself all the time.

{Chambers. Calvino. Sorry ‘bout the disconnect. Was tryin’ to avoid gettin’ snuffed by my other self.}

{Your what now?} Chambers asked.

{Turns out the High Seraph has been creatin’ alternate variations of us. The Burning Dreamer’s cadre. Simulated versions of us where we got the Stillborn after the rotlick passed. Now, she’s usin’ mine to hunt me or something. Kind of a weird fuckin’ mess. Ain’t sure if I’m even explaining things right, but that’s the way I see it. Smugglin’ myself into Axtraxis Academy right now. Got Vator with me—using him as a mule. How are things on your end.}

{Synced on—wait? Vator? As in Vator Grealting? Abrel’s juv brother? The creepy, psychotic flesh-twisting half-strand.}

Stolen story; please report.

{Yeah. That’s the one,} Draus deadpanned.

{Why the fuck are you with him.}

{That’s a long godsdamned story. Shit. Hard for me to believe myself. Other things you should know too. Got a shard of Avo’s Frame in me. Got something else form him too. A sanctuary. And Mercy as well.}

With every detail Draus added, Chambers grew increasingly suspicious. {Hey, Draus, if you’re actually you and not some Incubi running the worst mind-fuck on me, it’s not going great.}

And unlike all the times before when the Regular would threaten him with violence, Draus just sighed and agreed. {Yeah. Things are… gettin’ a little strange. Even for me.}

Her resignation was unnerving. It was also more than enough to convince Chambers that she was probably telling the truth, instead of this being some hyper-convoluted Ori or Famine simulation to torture mem-data out from his mind.

{Operative Draus. I am glad to hear you are still doing well.} Calvino trilled. {However, I am curious to know why you are entering Axtraxis Academy of all places.}

{Huntin’. Trying to gather other shards. Pieces that make up Avo. Seventy-two parts to him, I’ve been told. Just can’t quite remember who told me. And, also, Highflame’s apparently using Axtraxis as their base of operations for all units beyond the Substance.}

{Interesting. We received conflicting information from Speaker Thousand regarding Highflame’s current posture.}

A pause entered the conversation. Chambers and Cas shared a look.

{Elaborate,} Draus said, also interested.

{They are currently moving to a total war posture with all Massists and members related to the Symmetry, and Highflame assets are to actively retreat into Omnitech districts to fortify and muster. It seems the Infacer has been transporting Highflame’s forces into their logistical planes.}

{Looks like the Merito-Chivalric schisms not the only one we’re looking at right now,} Draus muttered.

{That’s not all. Ori-Thaum has managed to establish effective blockades against the Substance, but they are actively refusing direct communications. Only select representatives have returned to us.} A beat followed. {We think they are holding Operative Denton as well.}

“Fuck!” Cas growled. “Where?”

{Uncertain. But her Ansible signal went online within one Ori-Thaum territory before cutting out again. Pair this with the fact that some of our other clandestine assets have also been going dark in their vicinity, and we suspect that Ori-Thaum is moving to a more aggressive footing when it comes to matters of tradecraft.}

That was unexpected. Frankly, if there was a Guild that Chambers expected to trip over their balls and die after the Nether fell, it was Ori-Thaum. Instead, the Silvers seemed to be holding their shit together well, their asses were clenching out diamonds.

{How the fuck are the Ori still standing anyhow,} Draus said, voicing Chambers’ thoughts.

{We are… uncertain. But the Contingency Bleaks have detected strange emanations within their districts. We believe these to be novel Heavens. Newly created. Unknown to us, the Agnosi, or any other Guild in New Vultun. There seems to be some alignment with their Heavens of Information, but our certitude remains mixed. We require additional information for confirm any specifics.}

{Perfect,} Draus sighed. {Just when I thought I wouldn’t need to be worryin’ about no Sleepers no more.}

You… won’t. A new but familiar voice intruded in the depths of Chambers’ mind. A reflexive guffaw escaped him before he fully realized who was talking. Even better, Cas responded as well. And so did Marlowe and the Council, their eyes widening in startlement.

“Avo!” Chambers cried. “I knew you weren’t snuffed you corpse-eating fucker you—”

Glad… you’re fine too… Chambers…. A weary chuff escaped the ghoul and Chambers’ overflowing joy suddenly dimmed.

“Hey, consang? You alright? What’s… what’s wrong?”

{He’s tired. Used himself somethin’ bad gettin’ me and Greatling out from inside the Substance. Had to hide me from a thoughtscan too. Was out for hours after. Only started talkin’ a couple minutes ago. And, uh, it ain’t actually Avo. Not fully, anyhow. It’s Ignorance. One of his Definements. Or his subconsciousness. We’re… not going to remember him when he goes away. But what he tells us will stay.}

About sums it…. Hello, Calvino…

{Avo,} Calvino sighed. {It is good to hear your voice.}

Likewise… Just not too glad about what your… Bleaks are planning… The EGI went silent at that. Don’t blame them… understand… Unique opportunity… Would be looking for ways to… lobotomize me as well… Veylis… Or me… Returning is a risk…

{What?} Chambers asked. {Cal, what’s he talking about.}

Not that important right now. Not a problem you need to worry about either. Something down the line. Listen. Need you to do something, Chambers…

“Yeah? Alright. Tell me what I’ll—”

Go to the Tower. Everlasting Peace. There’s… Love’s broken… I’m sorry… Couldn’t save her…

Chambers’ gut plummeted. Some part of him suspected. Some part of him knew. But he didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t want to believe. Kae. For all she suffered, for all she deserved…

But… I’m broken too… Might be able to… restore her? Don’t know… Not sure… But I need you… to put Love back together. Heaven fallen. Broken. Veylis… She will send someone to take the shards first as well. Me. Her. Gatekeeper. All of us. Scattered. All of us make up the seventy-two. Clarity returns to me sometimes. I get flashes of myself. New perspectives. Me and not. There are others in play. Have to beat them… to… to…

The sheer exhaustion Ignornace suffered was palpable. Wasn’t enough… in the end… Should have won… now… up to you…

“Yeah, yeah, it’s alright, consang, it’s alright. I mean… you fucked the High Cuntess up too right? She blew up too. That’s… that’s not a loss. That’s a draw. And this shit isn’t over… we’re still here! Me and Cas and Draus and Marlowe and a whole bunch of others…”

Find… the rest… Chambers… Dice… Take care….

And the connection blinked out. And suddenly, Chambers couldn’t quite remember who he was talking too. Or why there was a lump in his throat. “Fuck… anyone else feeling some kind of allergies coming on?”

{Kinda get what you mean,} Draus said. {Happens…. There’s somethin’ then it’s gone. But yeah. You… remember what you need to do.}

Somehow, Chambers did. He had direction. A purpose. A mission. Direction. That was what he lacked on his own. Perspective and awareness. But now, with something, or someone pointing the way…

“Alright,” Chambers said, running his fingers through his dirty mop of hair. “Cas. I think we got a run to do. Lesser mes—”

The Council of Fuck exploded into an uproar.

“Don’t fucking call us that, motherfucker—”

“This is discrimination! By me, against me!”

“Hey, fuck you, old Chambers, I’m going to bust my first goosh into your vial of Numb. Hope you like injecting cum into your veins!”

Chambers held up his hand, quieting the unruly children. “Come on, come on, I’m fucking with you. Besides. I’m about to go out and do incredibly dangerous, risky, and painful shit in No-Dragon territory. Fuck, I’m going to have to lose my balls or get a Neuter-Mask. Meanwhile, you guys get to stick around here pretend to do boss shit.”

They all shuffled awkwardly.

“Come the fuck on, guys. I’m you. I know what you’re going to do. You’re going to pass off the logistical challenges to the techs or the Drauses and basically spent all the time you can hot-simming vics until your walls are white, and your ball are shriveled instead of doing any actual work. It’s what I’d do. You wanna trade places?”

A series of quieter mutters and declarations about “how true heroes need to focus on the homefront” and “their districts need them” rose. And lo, Aedon Chambers was proven right once more.

“And that settles it, then. You get busy work and wank time. I go out and do what needs doing. Marlowe—”

“I’m going with you,” she said. The thoughtcaster eyed the other Chambers briefly and shook her head. “It’s going to smell something horrific here soon, and I don’t want to be part of this sausage fest.”

“But we don’t mind, Marlowe!” A Chambers-copy declared.

She snorted under her breath. “Yeah. That’s kind of the problem, isn’t it? A bunch of dirty bastards, and just one of me. Yeah. I’m drugged up right now, but I’m not that dumb. That’s a vic I’ve seen before. I’m coming with you two.”

Cas and Chambers looked to each other.

“Uh, Marlowe,” Chambers began—

“Sure. You get snuffed, that’s your problem.” Cas shrugged. Chambers shot the Columner a disbelieving look. “Well, you heard the lady. She made up her mind. If she gets herself killed following us, that’s her business.”

“But—” Chambers winced. “I… fine…You ever done anything like this before.”

“Tavers told me a few stories,” Marlowe replied.

“Oh, shit,” Chambers sighed. “Okay. Well. We can… we can take it slow.”

“Relax. I won’t be throwing myself in the fire,” She said, punching Chambers on the shoulder. “Just be doing surveillance or something. I know what I’m good for. And what I’m not. Probably the only reason I’m still alive right now.”

A huff escaped from Chambers and he threw up his hands. {Alright. Draus. I’m going after the shard. Keep you posted on how things develop here.}

{Synced. Watch yourself, half-strand. Keep an eye on the other two, too.}

{Wow, affection? Am I finally—}

Jelene Draus has disconnected

Chambers giggled. Yeah. No Sleeper. It was definitely her. {Thanks for the data, Cal. And, uh, I might be interested in learning about the Bleaks after this. Just curious. They’re coming to help us too, right?}

{No,} Calvino said, monotone. {No. You will not be interested in learning about the Bleaks. Please avoid inquiring about them again.}

Well. That set the tone pretty good.

As Chambers reached out into the demiplane’s settings with a thought, he selected himself, Cas, and Marlowe before detaching them from the frequency. At once, they plunged back over into baseline reality, and found themselves seated at an alcove table while the rest of the Easy Armistice’s interior was absolutely filled with people.

“Haven’t seen this many Squires, fixers, Necros, and mecs in one place since the last Guild War,” Cas mused.

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“Right,” Chambers said, stepping out from their reserved spot. “Let’s go pick up Love’s pieces.”

The other two followed, and Cas kept pace with Chambers. “Hey. Chambers.”


“You were serious earlier. About rather sticking around and just jerking yourself empty, huh?”

“I mean, yeah.”

“So. Why didn’t you just command one of them to do it? You know Avo probably gave you some level of influence. They pretty much obey everything you say. Like they’re subsidary minds compared to you.”

Chambers paused. “Yeah. It would be nice to just… you know. But… I guess I just… need to be hard for others right now, and not hard for me. That’s what Avo would want. And that’s what Kae might need. Needed.”

He found Cas staring at him for a good while more before a genuine smile dawned on the mans’ face. “Blessed be scoundrels and perverts.”


The Columner reached up and ruffled Chambers’ hair much like an older brother would. “Nothing. You’re turning into good people, Aedon Chambers.”

Was he? Was this was what that was like? “Fuck. No wonder there’s so few of ‘em around.”

That made Cas throw his head back and laugh.

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