GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?-Chapter 1518 Exposed Information.

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Chapter 1518 Exposed Information.

They have combined the power of the law of order and the dragon heart of a god beast into Helios. His concept, the Eternal Dominator, is what they get for exchanging Legion-8 and their access to Cosmic energy.

Helios is no longer a star. He is a golden pillar of light now. He is still producing light, but his light is not enough to serve the realm as a sun anymore.

He complained about it, "It seems we will never get back our access to an infinite supply of cosmic energy. I didn't like my time as a star, but cosmic energy more than made up for it."

Legion-5 tried to console him, "It is what it is. We can't eat our cake and have it."

Aeternus stated clearly, "To be clear, we want to eat our cake and have it, but we can't. So we are settling. The cosmic energy that you have collected for over 50,000 years will have to be enough for us. The blood of the dragon king will also have to do for me."

If he had lips, he would smack them right now because he can still remember the taste of the blood of the dragon king. He doesn't have taste buds, but even if he did, he wouldn't be able to taste anything after Chaos energy got into contact with it. However, that blood had the taste of power.

Aeternus said in awe, "I compliment the chef. That blood was truly worthy of being the foundation of dragons."

He didn't gain as much power from the blood as he got from eating the dragons and Supreme Beasts, but the power from the blood had a higher quality to it. It is a taste he can never forget.

Soverick became increasingly certain that the reason their enemies didn't come was because of Aeternus. He changed the subject, "I am certain now that our plan for the world fragment can work. We can use the system of the dragon spirit and the transfer of power through ancestral bestowal to enhance it."

The Tree Father gave a solution, "We might be able to eat our cake if we manage to finish the world fragment before the era of conquest."

Helios perked up at that. "Let's go and do that."

They dispersed to complete the world fragment. It is sure to elevate them beyond the progress they have made since Legion-8's death. Legion-8's didn't weaken them, it made them stronger. The world fragment will only top that accomplishment.

The clones returned to Legion-1's inner world. This time they are all there to build the world fragment, except Legion-8. They still don't have a Legion-8 yet, but the eight of them are more than capable of building it.

Only six figures can be seen in the inner world. This is because Legion-1 is the whole inner world now and can do anything in it through his will, so he doesn't need to appear in a physical form. Legion-7 is also absent physically, but that's because he is in every one of them.

What's peculiar about them is that they all look the same. They all appear to be white porcelain dolls with tentacles for limbs and a single mirror-like eye on their faces. Apart from their unique abilities, they are not different from each other physically or spiritually. They can even use each other's abilities, just not as well.

At this time, they are using the Tree Father's forging expertise and skills through the tentacles of Legion-7 and the eye of Legion-2. The combination of the three of them is making quick work of the law matrix. They have more hands and minds for this attempt, so they intend to complete the law matrix.

The law matrix that they are building will cover the whole inner world. This is so that it will be strong enough to bear the backlash of the void universe when they try to bend its rules with the shard of power.

It is a four-dimensional metaphysical and phantasmic construct created out of soul force, law fragments, cosmic energy, and information states. It will need all their attention if they are to perfect it, so they are focused on it.

A lot of entities are paying attention to Legion right now. This has been going on ever since news about the laws that they have broken was released.

Only Supreme Beast Origin gods heard about it, and only those related to dragons and Supreme Beasts in one way or another heard about it. That is a very small portion of all the Origin gods in existence. It is probably less than 1 million Origin gods that heard about it. Even so, it is enough to expose their secret to the world.

Something is a secret only when one person knows about it. Their identities and abilities are certainly not a secret anymore, now that a million Origin gods know about them.

The saving grace is that full information about Aeternus is not known. Unfortunately, their ignorance about Aeternus won't last long because the exposure of their secrets caused a lot of people to pay attention to them. It is an addition to those who usually pay attention to them, such as the realm lord. It is almost too much attention.

The realm lord is always paying attention to them, and so is the dragon king. The realm lord doesn't know what they are building in their inner world or that they are building anything at all, but the dragon king knows that they are building something.

This is because the law matrix is present within the inner world of Legion-1, so Draco can see what is going on in there. If the void universe is aware of what they are doing then the dragon king is also aware of it.

The dragon king is currently watching them, and it is grating on them. It's like being stared at by a predator. Their fight or flight instinct is activated and is constantly edging them to either fight or flee. Unfortunately, they can't do either. They can't fight Draco and they can't leave the void universe.