GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?-Chapter 1541 Future Divination.

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Chapter 1541 Future Divination.

Legion-1 said to him, "We are ready. Go for it."

Soverick replied, "Just make sure to stop me if you notice anything wrong."

Helios was skeptical. "Just how powerful do you think this move will be? It is still at the level of a Supreme Origin god, while both realms are at the world god level."

Soverick said solemnly, "I don't know. But we will never know if we don't try."

He doesn't know, since he has never tried it before. But by his deduction, future divination can lead to serious consequences. That's why he suggested that he be killed if anything went wrong.

The Tree Father promised him, "Have no fear. We will do our part if anything goes wrong. I will kill you faster than you can say, "Don't kill me.""

"Thank you."

So Soverick started. He shifted his white figure into an eye. This eye is a mirror that reflects the world. It also contains a simulated world inside of it. This world runs on all the data he has collected.

In its natural state, the eye can be used to make predictions based on fate and can see the past based on causality. He believes that if these two are combined with the manipulation of time, the infinite possibilities of the future can be narrowed down forcefully into one. That is future divination.

Future vision is an ability that those with the law of fate in their eyes can use. His eyes however, have the law of causality, which he can use to see the past, and the law of time, which he uses to make his future and past visions more accurate and his control over what he sees more precise.

With his eye, he can already see multiple visions of the future. Unfortunately, they lack accuracy the farther ahead he sees. Not only is he unable to control what he sees, what he sees might also not happen. The future is full of many possibilities, but until it happens, it is false and might never happen.

What he plans to do is combine the knowledge of the past with the law of causality as a navigator into the future that the law of fate offers to derive an accurate future at the expense of his present self and future possibilities using the law of time. It sounds complicated, and it is very complicated.

Those with the eye of the sage can do something similar to this. They achieve it by connecting to their future selves and gain snippets of information from that version of themselves.

He wants to do more than that. He wants to sacrifice his present self to see the future. So in a way, he is going to send himself into the future. It is the only viable alternative since he can't send himself into the past or rewind time. This will narrow the future that he sees to one, which will increase its accuracy.

That's all theory. In practice, he will sacrifice all he has as fuel to make this divination. This will increase the accuracy of what he sees. This information can then be used by Legion to gain an advantage in this era of conquest, which is the present.

So Soverick first drew upon the power of the Tree Father's divine spark. This spark of power enhanced him to the level of a Supreme Origin god. But that isn't enough for him. He intends to give it his all, so he drew upon the power of the world fragment and Helios's manipulation of cosmic force.

Aeternus can't strengthen him since he can't control his mark of sin or demonic spark yet. But this might not be a bad thing because the eye that Soverick became was already shaking.

He has reached his limit. Even the world fragment was humming because of the stress. Too much of anything can be bad.

Others can't fuse many sources of supreme power together, even if they have many sources of supreme strength at their disposal. But they can, thanks to the divine spark.

This fusion didn't change Soverick's nature beyond that of a Supreme Origin god. However, it enabled him to run the past vision and future vision together simultaneously and also combine them with the simulation of the virtual world of the present in his eye at the same time.

He activated these separate abilities with the power of a Supreme Origin god in parallel instead of dividing his power. This caused his vision to ripple. The world bent and twisted around him.

The ripple didn't occur to only him. The other clones can see it too. They are not seeing it through his eyes. They can see it on their own. They can see the world ripple around them like the disturbed layer of a lake. It caused them to become wary.

Aeternus asked, "Is this normal, or is this the thing that happens when something is terribly wrong?"

He is the one in charge of killing Soverick with Chaos energy or at least disrupting his technique, but he doesn't know if he should move now or not. None of them know either. The rippling reality is unsettling, but only that. They don't feel any danger from it, and the world fragment is still functioning properly.

Legion-1 advised, "Let's wait and see."

Aeternus agreed. He is the one that wants to see this succeed the most, so he doesn't want to end it prematurely. He was understandably disappointed when the rippling stopped.

"Is it over?" Aeternus asked.

They all know the answer to that question. They didn't receive flashes of information from the present like they were supposed to. Soverick is still present with them, and the only thing they are getting from him is his feelings of disappointment that he failed.

Soverick muttered in disbelief, "What went wrong? It was supposed to work. Where did I go wrong? There wasn't even any backlash from the technique. Where did all the power go? This doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense."