GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?-Chapter 1801: Coordinating Divine Beasts.

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Chapter 1801: Coordinating Divine Beasts.

They were attacked soon after by the ice wolves. It was a repeat of what they just encountered. The ice wolves were at the True God level, but they were not a threat to them. That didn't change no matter how many helpers they called for.

However, things started to change the deeper they went into the ice zone. They met more powerful ice wolves that had spawned with their power or had fed on gods.

Some of these ice wolves had 10,000 divinity and 1,000,000 hit points. 1 million hit points is not a problem for Legion-2 to bring down as long as he has Legion-1 to defend for him and distance to use his bow.

He could knock down the 1 million divinity with 100 attacks. With his attack speed of 6 times per second, he could finish the most powerful divine beasts in 17 seconds. But things weren't so simple and straightforward. freё

For one, the ice wolves had an endurance of at least 2,000. That meant only 8,500 of his normal attack power was effective. That increased the time he had to kill the ice wolves from 17 seconds to 20 seconds.

20 seconds is not too much for a single ice wolf, but it became too long when there were 20 ice wolves around them constantly. The other ice wolves were always interrupting him. They didn't let him focus on one of them to kill it.

What's more is that a critical condition needed to show his full capabilities became absent after a while. He lost the advantage of speed and distance because the ice wolves had 3,000 divinity in speed, and they had surrounded him because they were in too deep.

These conditions made them decide to give up on the ice wolves. Not only were they too difficult to kill now, the increased reward of 100 divine crystals for the level 100 divine beasts just wasn't enough to be worth it anymore.

They had to use divine energy to boost their speed with Divine Speed spell in order to escape. They spent the 100 DE, but they didn't choose to leave the ice domain. It is because they had other targets that they would rather hunt.

They were not the only ones with this idea. The gods were all attacking each other once they spotted each other because other gods were easier to kill and had more rewards.

Unfortunately, they were doing this in the elemental zone. This gave the divine beasts the chance to take advantage of the situation. So every battle with a god became a three-way battle involving divine beasts.

"This is bad." Legion-2 said as he shot an arrow, which killed a god. "The ice wolves are growing stronger because of this chaos."

"Yeah. The gods should stop killing each other. At least not in front of the ice wolves." Legion-1 said as he picked up a divine orb from the ground and placed it in the pouch he had prepared for the occasion.

Several ice wolves had waited by the side while he was fighting the god and only jumped on him immediately after he killed the god. They wanted to get his divine orb, not him. Some of them had distracted him while the others went after the divine orb.

Not only do they not abide by threat level and number of enemies anymore, they have become smarter too. This kind of intelligence and coordination combined with their numbers has made them more dangerous, even more than their individual 10,000 divinity. It reminded them of themselves.

Their angel explained that their behavior is because the ice wolf attack system is controlling all the ice wolves, so they are one entity just like their angel and Legion. The main difference is that they don't share their senses or memories, and the individual icd wolves are not special or unique.

The icd wolves that ganged up on him didn't succeed, but that is not the case for the other gods. The fruits of their labor were taken by the ice wolves many times. And because they had lost divine energy during the fight with other gods, they had become easier prey for the ice wolves.

The clones noticed that if this dynamic went on, a divine calamity would be created soon. But they didn't stop killing the other gods. They just bemoaned their ill fate as they killed more gods and went about searching for more gods to kill.

What they are doing is actually a good thing. By killing the gods and taking their divine orbs, they make it so that the ice wolves can't do so. And by strengthening themselves, they are preparing for the eventual creation of a divine calamity. So they were very dedicated to their efforts.

They even killed any ice wolf they encountered that was particularly strong. Those unique ice wolves usually dropped loot and divine materials for forging other than divine crystals.

So not only were they doing a good deed of keeping the divine realm safe, they were gaining rewards for their good deeds. But their angel had to throw a damper on their efforts.

It said, "Unless the ice wolves are stopped from getting divine orbs completely, their deaths will only lead to the quickening of the ancient titans. So you can only stop the creation of a divine calamity or the delay the awakening of the ancient titans. You can't do both if the ice wolves eat divine orbs."

They knew that the divine beasts either had to become divine calamities after eating divine orbs or killing them would speed up the awakening of the ancient titans, but they didn't truly


Legion-1 shrugged, "We have done our best. We lost right from the moment we voted to make the divine beasts more rewarding."

Legion-2 added, "The gods came here for divine crystals. Unless they stop coming, the divine beasts will continue to eat gods."

Then they left it at that. They can't stop gods from coming here to hunt divine beasts. After all, they are more rewarding to kill now.

Read Cannon Fire Arc