Hard Enough-Chapter 34: General Day to Day Tasks of a Gym Leader

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Chapter 34: General Day to Day Tasks of a Gym Leader

I blew my whistle and bodies threw themselves forward. Arms and legs pumped, sometimes even in unison. I held in a chuckle rather than groaning. It helped that I didnt have high expectations. Thankfully, all of them showed some determination so I didnt need to come down on them like the first session where I spent more time identifying the slackers than I did actually training.

Seven! Eight! Nine! I continued to count as the last few struggled across the line. I clicked my watch and stared at it before turning to the crowd of tired, hopeful eyes. I turned the watch over. Less than ten seconds! That means were doing batting practice now instead of running more laps!

Around me, the boys and girls that formed the Pewter Pebbles Little League team broke into cheers. I rolled my eyes at their antics. They were so dramatic.

I gave them a session of conditioning to start things off and warned of doing it again, just once. Once! And they act as if Im a tyrant. I knew they could make the distance in less than ten seconds as a team easily. I had made them run it while tired last time and pretended to be disappointed. Then Id told them that I would not move any training session from conditioning to the fun stuff until they were able to run the same distance in ten seconds.

The joke was on them. I'd just slowly increase the distance over the next few weeks until they actually were running thirty to forty metres in ten seconds. Not a great time for nine-year-olds all told, but you had to account for certain body types and fitness levels.

The kids didnt need to know that though.

Deception is not just a tool for warfare, but also for coaching. Or pokemon training. In fact, being a Gym Leader meant I had a lot of skills that were transferable to human children. In my experience pokemon were easier though.

Some of the pokemon also got to work with the kids. I set up a few Geodudes on mounds and had the kids gear up. Behind each of them, a Graveler took up a catcher position, except for the actual kid that wanted to be the catcher. I still moved around the group as a whole while calling out suggestions, but with more pokemon I was able to give the kids plenty of time to work on their batting. Id have them cycle the Geodude in a bit to give them pitching practice. Then it was on to fielding.

For now I needed to work out where the kids skills were good and bad. Or who was just one of both. Not that it mattered. Theyd all get a chance to play, this was a Little League and not the seniors, who were more selective.

Nice one! I called as one of the girls slugged a homer. A few of the parents that were watching scrambled with each other only for a petite woman to launch herself over the top and snatch it. She then waved back at the girl who was hiding her face behind her hands at the womans antics only to peek and offer a hesitant wave.

I see you Mum!

I chuckled at the girls response. Nice one Missus Donahue! I called out as I made a mark on Jamies file. Over the next five minutes, more such hits began to pile up, even as I rotated Geodudes for her, to make her face off against faster pitching pokemon.

There was some real talent on display so I marked her down as highly skilled with the bat and moved on. I was tempted to linger but I had to remind myself that I needed to spread my attention around as much as I could. A more spherical bodied boy continued to swing at pitches sent his way only to miss every time.

Tomas, right? I say, stepping up to correct his stance and make him focus.

He fell over himself, having not seen my approach. I chuckled as I helped him up. Lets get your stance sorted out before having another swing. I adjust his feet, and his back, and his grip and where he has his head and actually its easier to point out what he isnt doing wrong. Which is watching the ball. Hes just not swinging at it properly, sadly.

Hmmm, I got it. Try putting your bat in the way of the ball, I offered.

Tomas performed a rather admirable bunt that sees the ball falling well short of the pitching Geodude. Hmm, nice. Thatll score some runs if we use it in the right situation. Practise that for a little bit and well pick up your swings again in a bit. He grinned at his success and the thunk of noise informed me he was dutifully honing this skill as I continued onwards.

I worked through another five kids before calling for a break. Drinks! Kids, let's break for some drinks and snacks before we get into pitching and catching! The kids all turned towards their waiting parents instead of the dugout where the more senior players would keep their drinks and snacks.

Tomas was now one of the fastest to cross the distance, instead of being the slowest. I made a note of that before glancing towards a few kids that were milling about, obviously having not prepared anything for themselves. I dont ask about where their parents were. Thats a can of worms that a lot of the kids didnt really want to be opened.

Weve got some bottles of water in the dugout, along with some orange slices. If you dont want anything, go there before the others get back. Ill talk to everyone there, alright? This gave them something to do. I walked about setting up some markers for todays last round of practice. When the kids were back together I demonstrated how to field from the ground and for a high ball.

Then just to help it stick I had them demonstrate it in groups of five. No, Richard! Like this! I demonstrate the pose once more for catching and then point out five kids. Five of you wait for the next round. Sadly, sometimes training kids was more like herding meowth as eight ran out all at once onto the field.

When I spread the kids out for their game I was unsurprised to see that half of them had forgotten their postures. I continued to watch and make some notes for the kids that performed well or needed some additional practice. An old song comes to mind as I watch the kids scramble and struggle. I sing it under my breath as I work. Lets~ get down to business

Eventually, the two hours of training were done and dusted. The parents all collected their kids, and the kids without parents trundled off up the hill towards the building that was in sight of the school. It had a new coat of paint and I could see a number of men, women, and pokemon working around the structure to update it, funded by a sizable donation Id given.

The kids all had clean clothes, but that wasnt new. The staff at the orphanage took good care of the kids. It was just that buildings took a lot more money for upkeep than clothes.

I waved them off and smiled. A trio of photographers watched me like Mightyena waiting for prey to stumble. If something had happened that they thought looked interesting, I probably wouldnt know about it until this weeks celebratory magazine came out. The parents had been a bit confused at the photographer's presence, and a pokemon fight or three had broken out until the newcomers agreed to only photograph me and not the kids.

I expected that theyd leave soon enough. It still amazed me that winning against Lance had caused all of this. What were they expecting me to do? March up to them and announce a formal challenge? That would be ridiculous.

A glint of silvery-grey hair caught my eye just behind them. My eyes tracked downwards, noting that that hair was attached to a body that wouldnt have been out of place on a swimsuit model. I shot my eyes upwards as I realised I had been staring for a moment. Damn hormones. I found the woman grinning widely at me as she cocked her hip, making my eyes track down again only to rocket back up. I swallowed as my memory caught up with my hormone-filled brain.

Karen was at my Little League practice and was watching me. Karen, who was known to be Agathas apprentice, and who I knew was eventually destined to become one of the Indigo Elite Four alongside Koga, Bruno, and a trainer named Will.

Also, if she was connected to Agatha then it most likely meant that she was with the Guardians. I walked across the field towards the stands where Karen was sitting, only to notice her smile turn into a smirk. She got up and walked around the structure with a wink that made me notice the sway of her hips. And while my brain knew what was about to happen with experience coming to the fore, a part lower down roared that something very different could be on the cards.

I walked around the corner and found no sight of Karen. A small part of me was disappointed, but a larger, more logical, part of my brain relaxed.

What on earth had that been about? I found I had far too many speculations and not enough information to properly glean anything constructive so instead I focussed on packing up the training session.

When I was done I headed home.

The encounter stuck out in my mind, however, and I found myself watching the shadows a little more on the walk back.

See how your pokemon is losing sight of its opponent by turning a bit too much? Then she has to reorient herself, which is costing her time. Shes setting herself back more than she needs to.

Rocko rubbed his chin before nodding excitedly. Woah, yeah! I totally see what you mean. Shes overcommitting. Heh! I dont think I could have worked it out without your fancy tech!

I gave Rocko an amused look. Its just a camera and some review on a TV Rocko. This is hardly cutting edge.

Rocko shrugged. I aint never heard of anyone else doing this. Must be why youre so strong. Youre real smart for how young you are. I gave Rocko another dry look. It was true he was no spring chicken, but he wasnt even middle-aged. He was only thirty after all. Then again, some of the women in town did get a bit funny around that age. Just the other day, I had seen a kid run through a cafe yelling something about cake one time. In his wake, he left a good quarter of the women looking harried and depressed. With Officer Jennys recent revelation at the welcome home celebration, I suspected a few more than just Jenny and Joy knew about the poll and their own position on it.

Then again cultural norms, and the term christmas cake, were probably still applicable and damaging to their self-worth.

I gave Rocko another look. He was well, he was rough all over with how he had grown his hair into braids. His facial hair could also use a clean-up as it was kind of patchy. I tilted my head. He wasnt copying surge, was he? I eyed him for a moment before shaking my head. No, this was just him being lazy.

When you said Ace Trainer, most people didnt think of Rocko. They think of the sleekly dressed trainers that hang around the League trying to earn themselves sponsorship deals or positions beyond mere entry-level jobs with the top organisations in Kanto: the Rangers, the Explorers, or the major corporations like Silph and Devon.

To be an Ace Trainer you needed to have undergone the Gym Circuit and won eight badges. From there, it didnt matter if you did well or not at the Conference; you were able to take part in challenges with other trainers and your win-loss record resulted in you scoring or losing points.

Your performance at the Conference did give you more or less points to start off your Ace Career however.

You could challenge for Gym Badges in a new region but if you wanted to keep building your Ace Trainer career you needed to face the Gym Trainers at their best. Their best being their pokemon team with no restrictions. For example, I could even field non-rock pokemon if I desired during an Ace trainer challenge. Otherwise, they had to reset everything but one pokemon on their team and only use pokemon that could be found within the region.

The whole system reminded me of tennis but the best Ace wasnt recognised as the best trainer. That title always went to the regional Champion. If you were in the top eight of the Ace Trainers you could put in a challenge to the Elite Four.

Professional battlers for the most part, you could still have this title while working as a Gym Trainer, Ranger, or even another full-time job. Most people made sure to dress a certain way or have some emblem that showed off their rank.

Rocko looked and acted a bit like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Only not at all afraid to stand and fight. He was much more laid back than most trainers, and insulting him rarely caused him to demand a challenge. On those rare occasions, people would smirk and send out their pokemon expecting an easy match. Then hed release his Gloom or his Kangaskhan and wipe the floor with them. He was very useful to have for people attempting to run the gauntlet at the higher badge challenges.

Something on my face Brock?

Nah, I was just wondering how come youre not dating anyone.

Oh, that. He flicked his fingers into the table a little before looking off to the side. I dont really I just dont feel attraction to people

I gave him a look at that before glancing at his pokemon fighting in the arena as we chatted to the side. Pokemon?

Huh?! He gave me a confused look before realisation sets in, Oh! No, no-just, Im asexual entirely, I think it is termed? Just all around not interested in relationships or sex. Like, at all.

Huh, I said, more surprised by that reaction than if hed said yes to my question. Yeah alright then. I was about to move on before deciding I better ask another question just to check. No one gives you any trouble over that, do they?

He rubbed the back of his head. My parents did, but then I convinced them to foster some kids and that seems to have gotten them off my case. Also helped out the local orphans so now theyve got like five at a time living in their house. Theyve had twelve other kids so far. he smiled at that. Kinda weird how super effective that move turned out to be, yeah?

I laughed and returned to working with him on improving his pokemons battling ability. I consider it weirder what you can learn about someone when you just chat sometimes.

Rocko merely chuckled and gave me a look like he knew something I didnt. He didnt elaborate and instead directed me to help him tighten up his Pidgeottos turning radius.

When I'm done I clap him on the shoulder. Also, you qualified for a raise this last quarter so expect another pay increase.

Dope, was all he said as he returned his Kangaskhan and Pidgeotto before picking up his Gloom. Instantly his entire demeanour relaxed a little more.

You can try and talk with me about the raise, you know? Ask for a little more? I offered as he walked off.

Nah, I trust you boss Brock man. Ill send some of the extra stuff home! Got another two little siblings coming up for their journey this year!

I chuckled before moving on to my next task in the Gym. When I reached my office I keyed in a number on my phone. Sadly, the person on the other side of the line didnt answer on the first call. I did some paperwork for ten minutes and called them again. They still didnt answer. I finished my paperwork and started toying around the pokenet information on my Gym, clicking through links to see how things feel. Rachel had been hard at work from what I could see, and the website was looking much more appealing and was easier to navigate. Then I checked the clock before calling again.

This time the call went through.

Hello! Hello? Can you hear me? said the purple-haired man on the other side of the call. His face fills the screen of the call. Cheers, shouts, and music filled the audio.

Jackson! Its Brock! I could barely hear him over the music that was pumping in the background.

Brock? Im on Pummelo island! Theres a huge festival going on because some crazy new trainer took over for the region as their Supreme Gym Leader! Its so wild!

Lindsay lost? She was pretty strong! I shouted back, recalling my own time in the Orange Archipelago.

Yeah! She went down three to six! The new guy is really good! There is so much beer flowing right now!

I whistle at that before making a decision. Right, well I dont think youre in any state to do anything related to work. Are you alright down there, having fun?

So much fun! I love it down here! And Brock! Brock, there are soooo many beauties down here! I can just walk to any beach and theyre there! This is my paradise! Thank you for sending me here!

Glad you're enjoying yourself.

I love you so much, he said with a sob.

Okay, well talk again later. Maybe stop drinking everything offered to you? Otherwise, you have fun tonight and Ill call again late tomorrow to remind you of the meeting you need to be proxying in for.

Wooooo! Yujis number one! Was the last thing I heard as it looked like Jackson was making his way into another bar. From the brief snippets of his surroundings, it looked like Jackson was right, and an island-wide party was in full swing. I suddenly felt jealous that Id sent him instead of going myself. I should have gone down there and well, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the party as much, given that the League mandated the drinking age to be eighteen.

Still, I would have had other ways of enjoying myself!

I huffed and headed off to find my own amusement.

Brooock! Dont go running to Brock! I rolled my eyes as the anthem of being a single pseudo-parent with nine younger siblings began. Looked like it was family-time now instead of me-time.

Arceus forbid I get some time for myself.

with Rocko acting as secretary to record the dialogue for the Pewter Gym. I glanced at the clock and recited the time while Rocko dutifully noted down anything said.

Again, despite looking unreliable, he was a solid worker. Id probably have to give him another pay bump soon. Attendants for this meeting are Brock, current Gym Leader, with trainer Rocko acting as Secretary. Dennis, Celia, Rachel, Georgina, and Jackson are attending via transceiver, with Gym worker Yolanda also present. I pointedly glanced at the door before shifting to Yolanda.

Forrest is at his friends house and isnt coming, she said.

I rolled my eyes. Was it too much to ask for some professionalism if he was going to be stepping up? I grumbled at that. I could have another talk with him, but then again what could I expect from him? He was thirteen. I tapped the desk as I played that thought over in my mind.

Id been thirteen Well, actually that was a lie. I had way more life experience than Forrest when I took over.

I couldnt focus on that right now. I needed to run this meeting to make sure the Gym was sailing smoother than a Wailord after a school of Magikarp.

Right, first order of business is welcoming our new accountant. Everyone, please welcome Georgina Glass to the team. I gestured to the woman with rather dark navy hair.

Dennis gave the bespectacled woman a polite nod while Celia leaned over and waved at her. Rocko merely watched on placidly.

She came highly recommended from Lawrence, and when I tested her with our accounts she had us really straightened up for the audit on our finances. To the point that the League has reimbursed us for the last two circuits taxes. You might see her daughter also floating around. Please keep in mind that her daughter does not have access to our pokemon unless I allow her.

Georgina giggled. See was rather put out when you wouldnt let her practise with some of the pokemon. I believe you have her sitting a trainer's course at the Technical Academy?

Yolanda grimaced. Oh, poor Crystal, that course is soooo boring.

Its important, I said firmly.

Georgina merely nodded her head. Well, shes determined to contribute so please be nice to her when shes around. She looks a lot like I did when I was younger, so you cant miss her!

I coughed to reorder my thoughts before continuing with the meeting. Also, the Gym now officially has Lawrence on retainer for any legalities we need looking over. He also helped out tremendously during the recent audit . Everyone in the room shivered but Georgina merely shook her head in amusement.

Alright, is there any old business to review? I asked.

Rocko lifts notes from the end of last season. You announced that you were looking into getting another two Gym Trainers to be hired full-time.

Right I have posted that around the community, and I also put in a submission through our employment agency.

Oh, did we not get any? Yolanda said with a frown, Then again it might have gotten plastered over if you used the community notice board, Yolanda pondered. There were a lot of notices torn down around the time of your match. We could do some more word of mouth adverts while you set them up.

I stopped and smiled at her. Ahhhh, well the issue is not so much that we didnt get any applications I leaned over and grabbed the first tower of paperwork. When it landed on the table it gave off a solid whoomp of weight.

Rocko sat back in his chair while Dennis stared with wide, horrified eyes.

H-how many applied? said Dennis a quiver of fear in his voice.

Through mail? And at the steps of our Gym? I brought up another two towers of paperwork. Exactly this many people applied.

In the horrified silence that followed, Rocko nodded his head. So guess were still pretty popular, then? Rachel did a little wiggle of joy in her seat and pumped her fist.

I shot him an amused look. Yes, physically this many people applied. However I dragged the word out and Rocko groaned as he put two and two together. I also put out a call to the job agency and through pokenet. So we have an additional oh, fifty applicants to work through?

Dennis scratched his head. How many did you get from the agency? Theyre usually selective?

I got eight from them and from a casual read-through of their resumes, all of them are making it through the first round of the job application. I got another forty-two from online pokenet users that still need to be reviewed.

Thats a lot of pokenet applicants? wondered Dennis, scratching his head.

Rachel huffed at him. Its a growing resource! Just you wait! When I have the Gyms page done well have people coming to the Gym virtually all the time! Ive even almost got an online store set up!

Rocko and Dennis both hum in an equally disinterested fashion. They had gone most of their lives without the pokenet. It seemed like a new fad to them.

Physical community notice boards were still the current best way forward with getting out news as in the pokemon world communities were tied together closely and more people checked them. Theyd never think to look online at the pokenet community notice boards. Or at least, that was the case currently. I expected things to shift soon as more people found how easy having a good pokenet would be for their life in general.

I was half toying around with the idea of creating something easy such as a dedicated messaging board. But that was for the future.

Rocko and Dennis both collected a slab of resumes to look through themselves. As senior trainers, vetting applicants to the Gym did come under their responsibilities. I gestured for them to give them a read now or later. Both started now. Dennis with a serious expression while Rocko leaned back into his chair.

Alright! Whats going to happen is that were all going to go through and give these a skim. I want people qualified with at least four badge applicants. Locals preferred. Exclusion criteria would be bad spelling or a shoddy resume right now. Weve got a big pool of candidates here so let's be picky! Thatll cover the initial draft and then we will do further reviews going forward along with going through face-to-face interviews eventually. The job agency people are all through for the face to face and I have them scheduled in fooooorrr a few days, I said with a vague hand movement.

I snapped my fingers. Oh, also, set aside receptionist applications and anyone that is coming in for the breeder side of things the Agency didnt have any of them.

Not surprised, said Rocko as he flicked through a resume idly. They get really good rates from corporate groups for hanging out in the wilds.

Huh, youre right. I didnt post anything about wages Ill need to look into that. I would have thought some might have applied for the chance to work with ancient pokemon.

Dennis grunted. They pay really, really well.

Might be worth asking around at Pokemon Tech? A young idealised applicant, maybe? Rocko said as he paused on another resume. Say, what should I do with resumes that send in He flicked his eyes about the room, graphic attachments.

Rachel tilted her head but I could see that Georgina understood straight away what Rocko meant. Her eyes swivelled to me. I gave the correct answer. Just toss em, I said.

Georgina beamed at me while Rachel gave a coy tilt of the head. I still dont get it? she said. I rolled my eyes at her while gesturing at Yolanda and Celia to stay seated. They both pouted at me but it was ineffective.

Rachel stood up and walked around to see what Rocko had. He handed her the resume and she giggled. I gave her a raised eyebrow. Satisfied? I asked with a dry tone. She rolled her eyes and hurried back to her seat. Georgina huffed at her but seemed more amused than anything.

I shook my head. Anyway, I said, getting us back on track. I looked to the notes I had laid out. Next item of business Well have to match up holidays so that I have someone else around to help me vet them.

Rocko raised his hand and I motioned him to say his piece. Gonna try and save up my holiday time this year for the period after the initial surge, boss. Might go on a trip with my new brother and sister to help them along until they get their fourth badge.

Right, put in time for it and well make it happen. I wrote that on the calendar before reminding everyone that we needed to keep at least two to three other trainers on hand in case there was a later influx of trainers after the initial rush at the start of the season. Then I asked for any other time off requests before moving on to the next topic.

Well also be looking into getting a receptionist trained up to handle further duties. The Gym has gotten a lot more popular of late. We can probably blame Rachel for this, I said with a smile.

She huffed. As you should! With my work, youll have more trainers than you know what to do with knocking on your front door!

I chuckled and wrote a note about scheduling another media appearance in the future. Id mention it later with her. Then I moved on to the next item.

With us looking to hire at least two more trainers, we will likely be one of the largest Gyms around. I think Saffron has more people under their banner training, but not as many employed trainers. The only others would be Cinnabar and Viridian. Oh, or Saffrons fighting Gym under Kong. Dennis huffed at that as Celia sniggered. I tapped the whiteboard I had sat in front of.

Also we will be developing closer ties with Fuschia this year, as Koga has asked me to host his daughter as a Gym Trainer, to give her an insight into how things work at a larger Gym. We will be treating her just like anyone else. It might work out well with the new hires, too, as I can just slot her in with them most of the time. When she fights for the Gym I will be having her use some of our communal pokemon so I expect someone will have to train her out of poison-style and delay tactics.

Kogas sending his daughter to us?! Yolanda was up on her feet in surprise while Dennis and Rocko shared a look.

Koga has a daughter? Celia asked. Georgina merely watched on with her ever-present smile.

Koga does indeed have a daughter. Her name is Janine. I watched as Yolanda connected the dots between Kogas mystery daughter and the oddball who had been in our living room a few days prior. Youve met her already, I confirmed.

Yolanda coughed. I Ummm, I spent more time talking with Erika and petting Eevee Janine seemed nice?

I chuckled while everyone else looked at me with curiosity. I ploughed on. I think this is a great opportunity for us all and I will be expecting for you all to welcome her when she comes. We dont have to show her everything, but do expect to be teaching or training with her. As much as shes going to be receiving instruction, you should also take advantage of getting the chance to work closely with a poison-type specialist.

I drummed my fingers on the table as people started talking amongst themselves in excitement. I let them throw around some potential training plans, and recorded a few on the whiteboard to work into our training shifts for when Janine joined.

The next item I want you to be aware of is that I have been talking with my financial adviser and they have a suggestion. Having run this by Georgina, I think this is a good topic for her to introduce. I gestured at her and she stood, straightening out her attire as she did so.

A recent analysis of how many challenges it typically takes trainers to achieve the Boulder Badge She coughed for a moment, discounting those that never get the badge, has determined that on average trainers will face this Gym two point seven times. This means that, at a higher than two average matches per trainer, there is a significant chance to earn back what we pay out upon the normal winnings. She adjusted her glasses and glanced around to make sure people understood. Yolanda just looked lost and Dennis was scratching his head.

It costs only a little to challenge us but we pay out pretty well when they beat us? Rachel surmised with a tilt of her head. Georgina nodded.

Yes! Now, obviously, we have other earnings, and the higher tier challenges such as running the gauntlet have a better payout, but the average number of times that Brock has to fight trainers results in this figure. She approached the whiteboard and wrote out a figure that was, by my reckoning, about ten percent higher than our payout.

She shifted to another page of her notes. Currently, trainers can afford to challenge us twice easily, without it biting into their funds. From the analysis performed, Brock should raise prices for the entry challenge rate to accrue more earnings. I also advise tha I listened as Georgina outlined her report on raising our costs all over the gym.

I announced that challenges will be raised in price, but that other features such as rental and training sessions will remain the same unless the trainers themselves wished to increase the rates for people requesting training time with them. Dennis voiced his own desire for this as did Celia. I also get a timid desire to raise the price from Yolanda which surprised me. I didnt realise you got that many training requests?

I also sometimes took part in your gauntlet run for the last circuit! She said with a bounce in her seat.

I ended up with a few people looking for tips on raising Rock types that Ive sort of absorbed by living with them so much. It wasnt the best pay, but if youre offering a bit more pocket money for me I wont say no? Yolanda said with a sheepish look while still puffing her chest out in pride.

I nodded at her before gesturing to Rocko. Right, Ill start raising prices but add in bonuses for people who partake as Gym Trainers. I hope you all realise this will mean I expect you to try and direct more trainers down this tougher path while keeping to their badge level. I dont want you to hustle them.

Everyone agreed seriously with this and seemed happy with the change overall. Then again I did just include a bonus for them that was directly linked to their work. I suspected the two-point-seven average might change in future as more effort was put into pushing trainers toward the gauntlet challenge.

Georgina considered her notes before speaking up once more, Are you sure the Gym shouldnt raise prices across the I waved her off.

The Gym makes enough money as it is. We will soon have the breeding program set up for a number of our pokemon that are extremely rare. Im hoping to hear back from the Blackthorn Clan soon about Dons progeny, and I know I saw an email from Professor Elm that is in my inbox for later review.

I raised my fingers as I listed them off, ticking off revenue streams, We have the ticket sales for seats with some of the bigger challenges when they roll into town. We have posters, and other nicknacks that Im hoping to set the receptionist up with.

Rocko raised his hand. We still need a breeder. Were counting eggs that havent been laid, let alone hatched otherwise.

I blinked at him before realising that I had forgotten to list it. I knew I had written it down in my personal notes. Ah, youre right. If we want to make sure the young pokemon and eggs are healthy we should hire a dedicated breeder. It went on the list of jobs to be handled along with notes on how we would get one.

We should also add toys for your Elite team! said Yolanda passionately. I hummed and wrote that on the board.

Rachel leaned forward. You could be paid to do TV or radio gigs as well! You already did a guest appearance on Seventy-Six Radio, and I know theres a lot of people that would love to have you on and would pay for it!

I think Ill keep that as a money for me idea rather than a Gym idea, but I see what you mean. It isnt exclusive. I said. I sounded out the rest of the room for ideas.

Celia wanted me to try doing a calendar for the Gym. It sounded like a good idea, and she got excited for some reason while Dennis chuckled and shared a look with Rocko. Holding a local tournament close to the start of the year was also suggested. I shot that idea down as there wasnt really a need for it. We saw plenty of people in Pewter at the start but towards the middle or end of the circuit? Thats when challenges slowed right down and a tournament might be well received or, more importantly, possible.

Regardless, it was also added onto the list. I then added in a contest tournament with question marks which had Yolanda bolting upright in her seat.

Youre thinking about doing a contest!? Really?!

Pewter traditionally doesnt take part in the Contest Circuit, and it isnt recognised like Fuschia, Celadon, Saffron or Cerulean. But theres no reason we cant have our own charm on display. I think its worth investigating, I said

I barely finished speaking before Yolanda was standing with both arms raised. Ill help! I want to help! Ill do the research and find out whats needed! I blinked at her before pointing my pen. Alright! Do some research and well look into it.

Dennis tilted his head and looked at the suggestion sceptically. Not too sure about that boss. Not many people turn up for those Do they even see much popularity?

Celia spoke up before I could, I spoke with some Hoenn trainers at the conference and theyre always going on about them. They might like to have more, and it doesnt have to be a smashing success. Something new for the locals might be nice?

Dennis rubbed his jaw and shrugged. Might make for a nice change of pace for a week to have coordinators flouncing around.

Rocko merely nodded his head, not at all bothered as he dutifully read through another resume. This one made it into what I assumed was his keep pile.

Any other suggestions? I asked around.

Jackson chimed in for the first time that meeting, More challenge matches between us and other Gyms or even top-ranked Ace Trainers for increased ticket sales, like they do down in the Orange Islands!

Oh, nice! Yeah, that is something that will draw people in. We can also licence the local food industry for supplying rights. I jotted that on the whiteboard with large bold letters that I underlined. Any suggestions on who I should offer the challenge to first?

Rocko gave me a sly look. How about Celadon or Saffron?

I frowned before nodding. Those would be two popular Gyms. With us linking up with Fuschia, those two would also be good Gyms to become closely associated with. Everyone nodded happily at this. It seemed like a good idea.

I looked over my page and saw there was nothing else written that couldnt be handled with a private discussion with Rachel. I mentioned this to her and she bounced in her seat, happy to have me interested in lining up another media appearance.

I then recalled that I probably should mention one other potential wrinkle. I glanced at the door and sighed. With Forrest not being here, I couldnt fully announce my intentions to increase his duties but that probably wouldnt have been the best way to handle things regardless. As it stood I needed to talk to him about stepping up more.

Before I call the meeting to a close there is one more item. I looked up at the ceiling not looking at anyone and most pointedly not looking at Yolanda. Im not sure what I wanted to see there so I tried not to look.

Recently weve had someone scouting out the Gym perimeter. You might have noticed the rather scruffy man with the beanie and jumper loitering around the grounds.

Dennis grumbled a bit but I waved him off. That man is Flint. Yolanda and Is father.

She gasped and I found myself looking despite myself. Yolanda looked hopeful. I chewed on my lip and swallowed what I could before pushing on. He is likely looking to return to my family. He may even ask to resume his duties at the Gym.

Celia stood at this, slamming her hands into the table in front of her. No way! Flint didnt build the Gym up like you have, and he didnt hire that many people before! He didnt train people!

Rocko watched me closely. I clenched and unclenched my hands. The situation is I waved my hand before flapping it about uselessly. Awkward all around. Flint left a little over two years ago now. I think for my family it would be nice, if he could return to be a part of it.

Celia glared at the ground before nodding. Rocko and Dennis continued to watch me. I hadnt really thought about it before but the Gym back then hadnt been very big, nor had it been open to employment.

If I ever left, Id be putting everyone in this room into uncertain hands. I blinked as that realisation dawned on me. I hadnt really thought it through before beyond just my family, had I? If Forrest were to take over hed probably listen to Flint more than Rocko or Dennis.

Flint hadnt hired anyone for the Gym when hed run things. They probably thought if he returned and took things over, theyd be out of work if I didnt lock things down and restrict Forrest from certain actions. But that would be like playing puppet master with Forrest. Which didn't sit well with me, and would be terrible for everyone involved.

Rachels eyes flitted around the room. Her lip was chewed on as she held in the questions she obviously had as someone that had only recently moved to Pewter. It was probably more awkward for her with little to no reference.

Georgina gave me a supportive if sad smile.

Whats that mean for us? Dennis asked. I was suddenly reminded that he had a wife and had been talking about having a kid soon.

I will be securing your contracts for the year and then the next circuit as normal, I said, turning to him and watching how he relaxed only a little. His gaze stayed on me.

I rubbed my forehead. I dont think you have anything to worry about Dennis. I have checked with Lawrence so things are squared away, but having Flint back would I rethought what I was going to say, Is going to create some rough patches. Theres going to be some drama there, so your forbearance would be appreciated cause Im not sure I want to get into it now but it is probably going to affect you, I made a vague waving gesture, in the future.

I rubbed my face. Until then, were really just waiting for Flint to come to talk with us, cause I dont think me dragging him in is going to be good for anyone. Rest assured that he will not be Gym Leader upon his return.

I gave the room a look. Rocko, Dennis and Georgina had all relaxed a lot more while Celia looked like shed calmed down from her earlier fit of annoyance. Yolanda gave me a hesitant smile. I sighed and pushed on with the meeting, very much wanting this discussion to be done with. Anyone else have anything they want to say?

The room was quiet as they contemplated that the Gym might potentially have a very large hurdle to clear soon. Jackson chimed in once more. Arceus, that killed the mood Guess Ill keep an ear out for if anything changes before I can get back.

I gave the room another look before checking the clock. Right. Well end the meeting here. There is a paid holiday coming up in a few days time for everyone that is on wages. Jackson, Celia, you keep developing your teams. Well talk again soon about where you want to explore next, who you can take will change depending on your answer. Until the next formal meeting in two months' time, were operating as normal during the off-season.

I grinned, If youre still around the Gym over the next month I have Trixie coming in with her Hitmonchan.

Rocko groaned while Dennis got a far-off look in his eyes. Sometimes it paid to stay in shape, especially as a Gym Trainer. To make sure everyone kept up a standard of fitness I occasionally hired a local personal trainer to do a bootcamp with us. Rocko hated those sessions. Dennis endured them. Celia didnt know much about them, having been spared them in the past. Jackson groaned across the phone line.

I collected my things, watching as the others filtered out of the room. I glanced at where Forrest should have been seated as Yolanda darted out the door after Georgina, likely to ask after Crystal. That whole Flint situation probably could have been handled better, I mused to myself.

Then again, not all days could be great. Nor could everything be tactfully worked around. Sometimes you just had to work through it. I made a note to myself to talk with Forrest as well, maybe even set him up for a match with me to see where he was at skills-wise.

A quick look ahead on my calendar had me smiling at the note regarding an upcoming meeting with Professor Oak and Elm in the next few days. That would prove to be interesting, of that I had no doubt. I tapped the note.

Speaking of professors and scientists, maybe I should give Blaine a call?

Hed been Well, I had my suspicions about him and Giovanni working together that made me really lean away from offering him access to my Gym. I turned the thought over in my mind and decided against it. It was already going to be chaotic enough with two Professors coming by.

I was about to close the book before pausing at the other appointment blocking out a full evening, two days later in my calendar.

Meeting with Guardians. I felt a shiver run through my spine. That hadnt been there earlier in the day when Id checked. I stared at the location marked out, along with the note about bringing my best pokemon team. It looked like I was in for a few interesting days.

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