Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband-Chapter 392 - Kidnap

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Chapter 392 Kidnap

“Boss, Zhenxing Society has collapsed. Do you want to go back to Japan?” Yagi’s assistant Kato asks politely.

Yagi forcefully punches the sandbag. He stops and takes off the towel around his neck. He wipes his sweats and drops the towel aside.

This time, he comes to China to deal with the trade problem. Surprisingly, the gang which has ruled C City for tens of years is pulled down into pieces within a night. The sudden change is totally beyond his expectation.

He even didn’t receive any information before the accident which happened to Zhenxing Society!

He can’t but admire the Chinese army’s efficiency in their actions.

Now, Zhenxing Society has collapsed. There is no need for him to stay in China. However, the boss of him will surely blame him for that. He must get preparations for how to deal with it.

“We are leaving the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes, Boss.”


The boom is so loud that the ground seems to shake. People in the room all instinctively crouch down. When he crouches down on the floor, Yagi sees tens of men in army uniforms running in, carrying weapons with them.

“What do you want to do?” Yagi has not stood up when his men have all come to stand in front of him as if they are facing powerful enemies.

“Is Yagi here?” He Hong shouts.

Seemingly, the army men come to arrest him.

Aware of the urgent situation, Yagi’s assistant winks at his people. He takes a step backwards and asks, “May I ask why you want to meet our boss?”

He Hong is just going to respond when Fang Youqi who stands right behind him points at the direction of Yagi and says, “Action!”

Hearing the order, the soldiers rush forwards. The forces of the two sides are totally different. It takes only a few seconds before Yagi is tied and arrested.

Other people find that their boss is taken by the other side. They are worried. Someone starts the first shooting and in an instant, there are bullets flying all around the room. A gun fight is on.

It is unavoidable that some people get hurt in the fight. Seeing the situation, Yagi shouts loudly, “Stop. All stop and put aside your guns!”

The Yamaguchi-gumi men stop at once. He Hong looks at Fang Youqi. Fang Youqi glances at the men in the front. He says in a lazy voice, “Take them all.”


Everyone is shocked. If all of them are taken away, is it possible for them to keep alive?

Seeing that all his men are arrested, Kato grits his teeth and turns around to jump out of the window.

The window bangs and the glass is broken into pieces on the ground. Kato jumps out of the window and falls…

“Go after him!” He Hong cries loudly. The soldiers look confusedly at each other and rush to the window.

This is the twentieth floor. People who jump out of the window here will die without any doubt.

But it is surprising. The man jumps out. But he disappears in an instant!

He doesn’t fall onto the ground at all.

The soldiers realize that the situation is unusual. They urgently search the whole hotel for the man.

“Commander, I wonder what crime I have committed. Why do you use armed force against me?” He is the deputy boss of Yamaguchi-gumi, but he doesn’t have any serious illegal records in the police office. Even if there is a multinational arrest for him, they need to show him the paper. The army breaks in to arrest him. That is totally illegal!

Fang Youqi smiles dismissively, “Because you are from Yamaguchi-gumi! Take him.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Soon, Yagi is put on a hood and taken into an army vehicle.

Twenty minutes later, Yagi is taken to the army department of C City.

Someone rudely pushes him into a room. Yagi loses his balance and falls onto the ground heavily.

The hood is taken away. But his hands are still in chains. Yagi has not collected himself when he is drawn to sit on a wooden chair.

Yagi’s eyes have been covered for over twenty minutes and he feels unused to the light. He slowly opens his eyes a bit.

The light is dim. There is a desk in front of him, behind which there is a man sitting on a chair with quite some soldiers standing behind.

“Why do you bring me here? What crime have I committed?”

Fang Youqi lifts his eyebrows, “Yagi, I warn you. You are in China. Don’t play your Japanese formula here. I am the biggest boss in C City. I am the rule maker here! Based on the fact that you belong to an illegal group, I can arrest you!”

“It is against the law. You don’t have any reason to arrest me!”

“Against the law?” Fang Youqi smiles coldly, “I have made an investigation. You came to China this time to deal with the drug trade. You may tell me honestly who your partner is, so that you don’t need to suffer the pain. Or, don’t blame me for being merciless!”

Yagi feels shocked, “I want to appeal. It is illegal!”

Fang Youqi winks at He Hong. He Hong understands. He covers his hand with chains and fists forcefully on Yagi.

“Hum.” Yagi groans and is hit to the ground. But He Hong draws him to stand up at once.

“Say now! Who is your partner?” He Hong asks savagely.

Yagi feels everything inside his stomach rolling. He endures the pain and grits his teeth to respond, “I didn’t commit any crime. I don’t have any partner!”

“You have a stubborn mouth.” Fang Youqi says slowly. He takes up the tea for a sip, “Seemingly, you don’t want to cherish your chance. Then, you may not blame me.”

He Hong understands. He forcefully hits Yagi several times. Yagi groans painfully. He opens his mouth and throws up some blood.

Yagi falls onto the ground and gasps. He Hong takes out two photos from his pocket and puts them in front of Yagi, “Are they your partners?”

Yagi’s eyes are blurred. But when he sees the men on the photos, he widens his eyes!

The men on the photos are Yi Yunrui and Yi Yuntian!

He looks incredulously at Fang Youqi. In an instant, Yagi understands what Fang Youqi’s plan is.

The army man wants to make use of him to set up the Yi’s.

Once he admits, the army man will be able to make up a crime, which, even if it can’t pull down Yi Yuntian and Yi Yunrui, will bring a lot of troubles to the Yi family.

“It turns out that you take me here for this.” Yagi feels very furious in his heart. His body is so painful that he trembles. But he doesn’t give in, “If you want to make me tell anything, no way! You may kill me!”

Not expecting that Yagi will be so tough. Fang Youqi slightly screws his eyes, “Bring me the water!”

He is stubborn. Well. If he doesn’t suffer, he will not know Fang Youqi’s capability!”

It is in the XX club. Long Zhengren is comfortably enjoying the Thai style massage. At the time, his phone rings.

It is his guard.

“President Long, the young master is kidnapped.” The guard sounds very panic at the other end of the phone.

“What?” Long Zhengren jumps up, “What happened? Who kidnapped my son?”

“We followed the order and went to pick up the young master from school. But a car came on the way and some people got off from it. They took the young master very soon. President Long, it is our fault. Sorry…”

“Go to investigate now! Go!” Long Zhengren bursts into a rage. Long Shaojie is the third generation as the only son of the family. He is the dearest precious of the family. He is kidnapped!

Long Zhengren always does things in a harmonious way. He never makes enemies. Who can be so hostile to him that they take his son away?

At the time, his phone rings with an unknown number. Long Zhengren feels his heart tightened!

An ominous feeling pops up in his heart.

He feels greatly panic. He trembles his hand to press the answer button.

“Is that Mr. Long Zhengren, the president of CR Group?”

The voice from the other end of the phone seems to be specially processed. Long Zhengren tightens his heart, “Yes. This is Long Zhengren. Who is speaking?”

“President Long, I have your son here. If you listen to me honestly and do as I say, your son will be safe.”

“You may tell me what you want. Do you want money? Tell me. I can give you no matter how much you want…”

“President Long, don’t worry. What we want is not money.”

Hearing this, Long Zhengren feels confused, “You don’t want money…Then, what do you want?”

“My boss Yagi is taken away by the C military region and I don’t know whether he is safe. If you can save Mr. Yagi, we will set a place and exchange the hostages.”


Long Zhengren tries all the efforts to remind himself of the name, but still can’t remember who the man is.

“President Long, my patience is limited. If I can’t get any news before dark, we may say sorry to you.”

“Don’t! Don’t do that! Don’t hurt my son!” Long Zhengren hurriedly says, “I will. I will go to find him. I will surely respond to you before it is dark. Please don’t hurt my son. Please.”

“Don’t worry. We keep our promise. President Long, you may hear the voice of your son.” Then, it is silent on the other end of the phone for a little while. Then, a child cries, “Daddy, come to save me…I am scared…”

Hearing his son crying, Long Zhengren feels his heart bleeding, “Jiejie, don’t be afraid. I will come to save you. Jiejie…Hey. Hello?”

He has not finished his words when the phone has been hung up.

Long Zhengren looks at the phone foolishly for a while. He quickly dials a number. When it gets through, he shouts, “Mayor Li, what the f**king problem is it? I come to C City for investment. Now, my son is kidnapped! Who did that? How can I know which fucking bastard he is! You have ten minutes to contact the army department for me!”

In the World Era Weekly.

Xia Ning puts down the coffee in her hand. She stretches herself. There is over an hour to go before getting off work. She thinks that she will have delicious dinner and see her handsome husband soon and feels very happy.

“Sister Xia, this document needs your signature.” Jing Shu puts a document in front of Xia Ning.

Xia Ning takes it over and glances at it. She nods, “Put it here. I will sign after checking it.”

“OK.” Jing Shu glances at the coffee and asks, “Sister Xia, do you want me to add some coffee for you?”

Xia Ning thinks for a while and responds, “Yes. Please don’t add too much. Thank you.”

“It is my pleasure.” Jing Shu says. She bends her body to take up the coffee cup beside Xia Ning.

A fresh fragrance comes with the air. Xia Ning smells the fragrance. She feels shocked all of a sudden.