Hitman x Wives-Chapter 20 - - Flight Trip (Part 2)

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Chapter 20: Chapter 20- Flight Trip (Part 2)

Chapter 20- Flight Trip (Part 2)

After taking a look around in case if there was any weird gas in the air, Kai entered the cockpit and checked the pulse of the hostess.

At that time, Eva had already followed after him with a serious expression.

"What happened?" She asked.

"They were poisoned. Most likely from the drinks they had. They won't survive it." Kai replied coldly as he stood up and approached the control panel of the plane

"The plane is also going down."

"Why would such a thing happen? Are we being targeted by that Divinity woman?" Eva asked.

"No, it's a different person. Someone who is really good with hacking." On the control panel, Kai could see words that were clearly unrelated to the plane. It was a message from the other plane.

"Pray for your lives." It said.

A second later, the plane that was following them finally became visible from the side window.

"Carry them outside. I will take control of the panel. You sit tight on the chair. It's going to be a rocky ride." Kai ordered swiftly as he pushed the pilot to the side and sat on the chair instead of him, taking control of the plane.

"You know how to control a plane?" Eva asked with surprise.

"Not much. But, I can handle one to a certain extent." Saying that, Kai started clicking some buttons and then took the handle which made the plane start rising up again.

At the same time, the other plane was now within range. Moving to the side a nudge more and the two aircraft will hit each other, resulting in a huge disaster.

So, Kai without hesitation twisted the handle, making the plane move to the side. Eva's body swayed as she took a grip on the chair with a worried expression.

"Tsk." Kai clicked his tongue when he noticed that the other jet was still getting closer to them. The person that was following them, whoever they were, was clearly very skilled in controlling a private jet.

At that moment, from the other side of the window, Kai's eyes caught something that made him frown hard. Out of the lower part of the private jet, two automatic heavy guns appeared and aimed straight at them.

Immediately, Kai pushed the handle of the plane which made it dive down in one single motion, an action that sent everything inside the jet into chaos.

"Woah!!" Eva screamed as she gripped her seat.

A second later, the mounted guns of the jet opened fire.


Bullets glossed over Eva's private jet and flew in the empty air. But, even with that dangerous move Kai, bullets still hit the upper part of the jet. Fire immediately erupted in the aircraft. 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒏𝙚𝙩


Red alerts rang throughout the jet, announcing the severity of the situation.

"..." However, even then, Kai kept a fairly calm expression as he skillfully handled the jet, moving up and down, left and right, trying to lose their follower.

However, no attempts succeeded. The guns kept firing at the jet relentlessly, hitting it many times and missing it even more times.

"Tsk, this won't work. Eva, take control of the plane for a second. I need to do something." Kai said as he stood up and left the cockpit under Eva's widened gaze.

However, being a professional hitman, Eva didn't say anything and quickly sat in Kai's place.

The latter moved through the jet, reaching the door that leads outside and then he opened it. Immediately, strong, violent air hit Kai's face like a truck.

"What are you doing, Kai?!" Eva asked with a horrified expression. She had a bad hunch about what her beloved was going to do.

"Just keep the plane steady and when I give you the sign, I want you to lower it down." After saying those words, Kai jumped out of the jet.

Being at an altitude of almost 9000 meters, the conditions were horrible, to say the least. The air was extremely strong, capable of moving anything and everything. At this level, even professional skydivers won't be able to control their bodies.

However, Kai didn't seem to be affected by it as he straightened his body. Beneath him, the other Jet was flying at a lower altitude. So, Kai twisted his body, changed his position, and then successfully landed on the roof of the jet.

Then, he dug his fingers into the outer layer of the jet to get a good grip on it. With his horrifying power, piercing metal wasn't that hard. Especially a thin layer of metal like that of this aircraft.

After that, he channeled his Origin powers throughout his body. An orange hue covered his body completely from head to toe before it immediately spread to the jet. The energy traveled throughout the whole body of the aircraft, covering it completely.

"Deactivate." Saying that one single word, the sound of the jet's engine suddenly went silent as the Jet started falling down.

Kai stood up and looked at the other plane before he gave a sign to Eva. The latter nodded her head nervously and then started descending to a lower level so that Kai can jump back.


"Hm?" Hearing a weird noise, Kai looked back at the surface of the jet only to see two missile launchers aiming straight at him.

Before he could even say anything, the missiles were launched right at him.


A huge explosion shook the two jets as a huge cloud of smoke erupted around the area.

"KAI!!!!" Eva screamed as she felt her heart stop seeing her beloved get hit by two explosive missiles head-on.

She felt as if her whole world was suddenly turned upside down. Her breathing grew erratic and her heart rate increased to incredible degrees. However, at that moment, she remembered what Kai said.

'I-I need to trust him. He is safe. I'm sure he is safe!' Saying those words, Eva continued the descent of the jet. She didn't have time to feel worried when her beloved could be waiting for her to get the jet down to a level where he can jump.

A few moments passed and the jet was finally at the intended level. Eva then immediately looked through the window. The cloud of smoke had already dissipated but there was no trace of Kai.

'Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?!' Eva felt as if she was going to lose her mind. 'Kai, please be safe.' As tears were about to well up in her eyes, she heard a voice speak from behind her.

"We need to leave the jet. The fires already caught the engine."

"Kya!!" With a weird sound, Eva jumped back when she saw Kai who looked pretty much unscathed.

"W-When did you…"

"No time for pointless talks. Let's go." Saying that, Kai grabbed Eva's hand and then moved to the other part of the jet where one pilot chute was present. Because of the chaos that happened, one of the pilot chutes was thrown out of the jet, leaving only one of them barely hanging.

"We will use this one." Saying that Kai strapped the bag to his back.

"Huh?! Only one? How are we go-" Eva was about to speak when Kai swiftly scooped her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Don't let go." He ordered before he immediately jumped out of the Jet. A second later, the engine errupted, creating a huge explosion that destroyed the whole jet.

"Woah!!" Eva looked at what happened as she hugged Kai's neck tightly, not intending to let it go at any cost.

Bits and pieces of the jet started hailing down on them. However, Kai skillfully dodged them with ease.

The dive was brutal for normal humans. However, Eva and Kai weren't normal by any means. Both of them could use 'Origin' and both of them were very skillful in it. Coating their bodies with it, they were able to protect themselves from the strong air and the cold temperatures.

As the two fell down, Eva looked at Kai's face. Because of the strong air, his air was lifted up, revealing his extremely handsome face. For a second, Eva's whole mind was completely focused on the young man she was hugging tightly.

She didn't care about the situation, or what could happen. At this moment, she was closer to Kai than she could ever be. His strong arms were touching her body. She could clearly feel his warmth from this close.

It was heaven on earth for Eva. If she were to die this way, she will be completely satisfied.

Kai, who didn't notice that dreamy look on Eva's face, focused on their fall before he immediately deployed the parachute which instantly stopped the momentum of their fall.

"Kai… Is it wrong for me to feel happy now?" She asked in a daze.

"Hm?" The latter looked at her confusedly as if he didn't understand where that question came from.

"Mm, no need to answer that. I already know the answer." Eva replied with a bright smile as she hugged Kai even more tightly.

The duo then continued their descent slowly, in the middle of the wide sky. The view was magnificent yet Eva didn't care as in her world now, only Kai existed, and nothing else was more attractive to her eyes than him.