House Dad's Literary Life-Chapter 35

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Guo Ziyi's art entrance exam finallyarrived, and that day, Jiangcheng Media University campus was as lively as afestival. Early in the morning, the car that came with the examinees to takethe exam has already blocked the campus. Yang Yi gave up the idea of going fora run.

But Guo Ziyi, this big-heartedfellow, got up early and squatted in front of the school to "observe"those little sisters dressed up very beautifully. And he didn't rush back withhis bag until he was about to take the exam.

Yang Yi's coffee shop has beenpretty much decorated, and he was left with nothing much to do. He wiped thecups at the shop wondering when he would open his business. Of course, the signwasn't ready yet! He wanted that old wooden sign. So, he looked for acarpenter, ordered a set, and had to wait for a week for it to finish.

"Papa!" There was a faintshout from outside, one that he longed and yearned day and night. Yang Yisuddenly returned to his senses and hurriedly looked out.

Outside the closed glass window, alovely little angel was excitedly waving to him, with a sweet smile and brightbig eyes, all worried about Yang Yi's heart.

In fact, he really missed her.

Yang Yi quickly opened the door andjust after he opened the door, the little girl rushed up eagerly: "Papa, Xiximiss you!"

"Papa misses you too." YangYi bent down and hugged the little girl and said softly. Looking at hisdaughter's happy appearance, Yang Yi felt happiness flowing in his heart.

"Cough! Cough!" Mo Fei,who was snubbed aside, expressed her presence somewhat dissatisfied.

At this time, Yang Yi's eyes fellinto her body, but…. Isn't this woman hot? At the turn of Spring and summer,she was wearing a big windbreaker, scarf, and wool cap. She was also wearing amask and sunglasses on her face. She was like an Eskimo living in snow and ice!

"Aren't you hot?" Yang Yifrowned, reached over and took off her wool cap.

Mo Fei was caught off guard by YangYi's sudden concern, and only when Yang Yi removed her hat did she shrink herhead.

But it was too late. After the woolcap was removed, Mo Fei's wavy hair fell like waterfalls and the air was filledwith a silky fragrance.

"What are you doing?" MoFei felt overwhelmed, but on the surface she still looked cold. She reached outand grabbed the hat in Yang Yi's hand, and asked angrily.

"Why did you come to my place dressup like that?" Yang Yi went in with Xixi in his arms. After Mo Fei came in,he asked plainly.

"Xixi knows why!" Thelittle girl who wouldn't let go of her father's neck was very active. She raisedher little arm and looked at her father longingly.

She seems to be saying, want toknow? Ask Xixi quickly.

Yang Yi playfully traced the bridgeof her little nose and softly said, "Xixi, tell Papa!"

"Because Mama is afraid to beseen by reporters!" Xixi giggled and had a 'I did good' look.

Yang Yi immediately understood. Heremembered Chen Yijie who came over the other day. Aren't these big stars thesame?

Mo Fei took off her windbreakerjacket and took off the other cover, then she breathed a sigh of relief. It wasreally hot just now! She said a little angrily, "Why didn't you say that todaywas Jiangcheng Media Art Exam day? There were so many reporters, fortunately,the car was a little equipped!"

Mo Fei didn't realize the change inher tone. Perhaps it was Yang Yi's slight intimate action just now that madeher relax a little.

Yang Yi frowned, looked at Mo Fei puzzled,and said, "Did you even inform me in advance? Besides, it's Wednesday. Howdo I expect you to come?"

Mo Fei froze for a moment before sheremembered that she had really forgotten! However, in this period of time, shehas been working hard. Mo Fei was just doing things casually, and thought shewas just going back to her home. Should she report back to her own home inadvance?

Therefore, she said a bituncomfortable, "Hey, do I have to ask for your permission before I can come?"

He was speechless for a moment. Hefelt that it was really troublesome to talk with a woman. Their logic was notat all on the same level, or she was not at all reasonable… Forget it, he'lljust not answer the question.

Mo Fei watch Yang Yi played happilywith her daughter. She was a little jealous and went up to hug Xixi, then saidbossily, "Make me a cup of coffee. I want to see if your coffee shop isqualified!"

Isn't it easy to make coffee? YangYi nodded and went to the bar to prepare one for her.

XIxi was almost four years old, and shewas taller than her peers. Mo Fei can't hold the little girl in her armsanymore, so she took her hand and strolled in Yang Yi's coffee shop to see someof his furnishing and decorations.

"The sofa is comfortable… What arethese bookshelves for? Why is it empty?"

"I'm going to put books on some ofthem, and after I bought some again, I will put them on. I'll also put somemusic CDs…"

"What about mine?"

"What about yours?"

"I don't care. I'll just haveyou put my album!" Mo Fei bit her lower lip and said angrily.

"How many of yours? Let's talk aboutit after I've finished listening to it." Yang Yi didn't care at all. He heldthe prepared coffee and gently put it on the table in front of Mo Fei.

However, facing the fragrant coffee,Mo Fei was indifferent. Instead, she stared at Yang Yi's eyes tightly. Her eyeswere somewhat cold.

"Only my album!" Mo Fei saidword by word, "I'll ask Xiaojuan to bring it here to you later!"

But Yang Yi didn't buy it. He said,"I can't do that. I have to choose what I put here, and I like to have allkinds of classic CDs."

Mo Fei's eye had a sense ofgrievance and sadness, but she still chilly pursed her lips and looked straightat Yang Yi's eyes.

Yang Yi actually complied with her.Mo Fei also saw that he couldn't resist her. So, he took a step back and said helplessly,"I'll leave you a layer!"

"I want a bookshelf!" MoFei also took a step back, but she was still stubborn.

"Not so much…"

"I have a lot; singles, albums,photo albums, cover titles of some big magazines…. And I'll have lots of songslater."

Yang Yi helplessly waved his handand said, "Okay, okay, pick one for yourself!"

Mo Fei's eyes flashed with joy. Shepulled Xixi up and didn't bother to drink the coffee anymore, but pretended to bereserved and slowed down, and proudly walked around. She pointed to thebookshelf facing Yang Yi's bar and said, "I want this! You're not allowedto put anyone else's CDs!"

"Xixi also want one too! Xixi alsowant one too!" The little girl was also jumping excitedly. She thought it wasfun.

"Xixi doesn't need it." Yang Yiquickly took several wooden frames from the box beside him and said, "Xixi,Papa has prepared these for you. Then, Papa will frame your pictures and hangthem on the surrounding wall."

"Really? Then Xixi has to draw a lotof pictures!" The little girl said in surprise.

Mo Fei was a little jealous. This time, Yang Yi was so considerate about her daughter. Why didn't he think about her on his own initiative?