How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World-Chapter 300: Trial (2)

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Chapter 300: Trial (2)

Many people will be shocked by my reveal. They might ask why I didn’t reveal my identity sooner if this was going to happen.

The same goes for the Minerva Empire. They might wonder why we are taking such a low profile when we have nothing to envy from the Kingdom of Ters, except in terms of culture.

Even if my family background is solid and my father is renowned as the Red Lion, slapping a princess is a different matter.

If the Minerva Empire were to take a hard stance, the Kingdom of Ters would only become more united, and other countries would also criticize us.

Cecily of Helium, Arwen of Alvenheim, and Kate of Xavier. Even though these three know my true identity, they cannot openly defend me.

This is because, officially, only Arwen knows my identity, and if they were to defend me, it would raise suspicions.

As the saying goes, public and private matters must be clearly distinguished. The images of the Minerva Empire and the Kingdom of Ters are neither particularly good nor bad.

They have a relationship that can cooperate or confront each other if their interests align. No matter how close the relationships formed in the academy, the international community is cold.

We don’t need to look far to recall how World War I broke out. As I have repeatedly mentioned, the Minerva Empire and the Kingdom of Teres are arch-enemies.

Therefore, the reason the Empire is taking a low profile is essentially an unspoken expression of wanting to resolve this internally.

Even though the Minerva Empire has strong military power, a full-scale war would result in significant losses, and the Empire also needs to consider the Stavirk region.

If a war leads to Stavirk declaring independence, it would be a major headache. Essentially, it’s a precarious situation.

However, if I reveal that I am Xenon, the above situations become irrelevant. There will be no need to worry as all attention will be focused on me, and it will be resolved easily.

In a way, I’m using my honor and status to exert pressure, but the Kingdom of Ters started this in the first place.

Acting emotionally? My personality has always been this way. Usually, I’m stoic, but I get emotional when certain things are touched upon.

Especially the trauma of losing my parents in an accident in my previous life is deeply embedded within me. The reason I haven’t revealed my identity until now is because of my family, not myself.

I don’t mind being criticized, but I cannot tolerate anyone touching my ‘family’ or those related to my family.

And Adelia is not only a woman who has been intimate with me but also family. I can no longer allow her to be humiliated. Even if a difficult future awaits, isn’t it necessary to take responsibility and see it through to the end?

From now on, instead of hiding my identity for my family, I will protect them under the name of Xenon. This is the choice I make at this crossroads.

“··· ···”

When I revealed that I am Xenon, and even made what was practically a threat, Laos’s reaction was quite a sight. He looked at me as if I had truly lost my mind, yet there was a hint of doubt in his expression. He still didn’t fully believe it.

I stared silently at Laos before shifting my gaze to the side. Hiriya turned pale as soon as I revealed that I was Xenon. She couldn’t even lift her head properly and was trembling like a frightened puppy.

Unlike Laos and the others, who had no prior context, Hiriya had been suspecting that I was Xenon. Her suspicions had been allayed thanks to Cherry’s information and Marie’s skillful handling, but they began to resurface the moment I slapped her.

And now, the seeds of suspicion have grown and are about to bear flowers and fruit.

“What did that guy just say?”

“He said he would prove that he is Xenon?”

“Hahaha! He must have truly lost his mind! How dare he impersonate Xenon?”

“The gods will punish you!!”

Despite the careful buildup, the audience responded with ridicule instead of shock or horror.

Well, that’s the expected reaction. Many people who have impersonated characters from Xenon’s Biography have been dragged away or severely punished.

Most importantly, I confidently revealed that I am not the character Xenon, but the ‘author’ Xenon. If it were an impersonation, being dragged away and executed for blasphemy would be well-deserved.

Ignoring the pouring criticism and insults, I looked at Laos. He was staring at me with a conflicted expression.

“…Are you truly not afraid of the wrath of the gods?”

He still seemed skeptical. However, unlike before, when he was confident and arrogant, his voice was now extremely serious.

His sky-blue eyes glanced at the draft I placed on the desk.

“Why should I be afraid? As I said earlier, I have only spoken the truth. It’s just that you did not believe it.”

“··· ···”

“Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me. You can ignore this and throw me into prison, and I will willingly accept it. But if you are concerned about what might happen next, take a look at what is inside.”

I answered in a soft voice, having calmed my earlier surge of emotions. Laos still couldn’t hide his suspicion despite my words.

He might think it’s a bluff or a trick. Revealing myself as the author Xenon is akin to gambling with my life.

No matter how insane someone might be, they wouldn’t risk their life on such a matter. This is why Laos hesitated.

He alternated his gaze between my face and the draft on the desk before glancing behind me. I turned my head to follow his gaze.

Unlike the other nobles, King Friedrich had noticed something unusual. He was staring at me with a furrowed brow.

Judging by the serious expression and his hand stroking his chin, he instinctively knew that my words were not empty.

Then, Friedrich nodded, giving a silent affirmation, prompting Laos to open the envelope containing the draft.


As Laos opened the envelope, sensing the gravity of the situation, the audience that had been hurling insults gradually fell silent.

When he pulled out the contents, I turned my attention to where I had originally been sitting, towards Adelia and Rina.

Adelia had a complex expression, possibly feeling responsible for the situation, while Rina shrugged as soon as our eyes met.

It meant that the matter was now out of her hands and I had to handle it. I accepted this and looked back at Laos.

“··· ···”

Laos’s sky-blue eyes darted left and right as he read. He was currently reading the draft of Volume 1 of Xenon’s Biography.

The draft, once stolen but somehow recovered and now revered as a holy text.

However, I don’t expect Laos or the royal family of Ters to believe it completely, despite the significance of the draft. Unlike Hiriya, they received this revelation suddenly, with no prior hints or signs. Instead of fully believing, their suspicion will likely grow stronger.

“…Is this it? Is this the proof that you are Xenon?”

As expected. Though his voice trembled slightly, Laos did not definitively declare me as Xenon.

But the budding seed of doubt in his mind is enough. That seed of doubt will gradually grow, gnawing away at him.

I nodded with a gentle smile in response to his question. His gaze shifted to behind me, likely exchanging opinions with Friedrich through eye contact. I did not bother to look back, focusing solely on Laos.

“Is this insufficient?”

“There’s a possibility it’s fabricated. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I’m not good with emotions. There’s a chance this is a well-crafted forgery.”

“If you wish, I can show you more. Or we can go to the temple for verification.”

“Putting that aside, what does you being Xenon have to do with the current situation? Are you asking us to recognize that woman as kin?”

Laos started using the honorific “you” instead of “you (informal),” indicating that the seed of doubt had indeed taken root in his mind.

Moreover, his point was valid. The current situation and my identity as Xenon are not entirely unrelated.

Even though the perception of illegitimate children is low, denying Adelia’s existence outright is unacceptable.

But that doesn’t mean I will hand her over. I’ve already achieved half of my goal.

“No. Even without asking, the situation will unfold as it should. As I mentioned earlier, if a similar event appears in Xenon’s Biography, everyone here will begin to doubt.”

“… …”

“I don’t prefer to beg for acknowledgment.”

It’s as I said. If I were not Xenon, these people would never recognize Adelia as part of their family until their dying day.

Using the authority and reputation of Xenon to pressure them would only amount to forcing them to bow in submission. Even if they claimed to accept her as family, they would never genuinely do so. I can guarantee that.

“The die has already been cast. If what I say is true, everyone will understand the reason behind this situation. Even if they don’t, they will harbor doubts. Regardless of whether I reveal my identity, I have already achieved what I wanted.”

Everything I explained is true. I witnessed it all with my own eyes, and Hiriya tried to seduce me for a nonsensical revenge.

If one doesn’t know the full context, it might seem like Hiriya, blinded by love, committed a wrongful act, making her appear as a tragic heroine.

But the mere existence of Adelia transforms it into a petty and vindictive revenge.

The only reason all of this can be understood is because Adelia is an “illegitimate child.” Illegitimate children are generally unwelcome everywhere and have historically committed numerous bizarre acts.

However, the reasons for such behavior are usually simple: they want attention and love from their parents or siblings. They want at least their existence to be acknowledged, even if they can’t be accepted as family.

The inability to fulfill this basic need often leads to illegitimate children becoming twisted. Adelia enduring it quietly is a very unusual case.

Moreover, considering Adelia’s miserable past, it’s almost a miracle she didn’t commit suicide.

“Nevertheless, the reason I revealed that I am Xenon is that I didn’t want to waste time rotting in prison. More importantly, it’s the most effective card I have. And to give the Kingdom of Ters a choice.”

“A choice?”

“Yes, a choice. Will you declare me innocent or guilty?”

In my previous life, even if I had made crude remarks, assault wouldn’t have been recognized as self-defense. But here, it’s slightly different.

Insulting someone, especially one’s parents, is considered the gravest insult across all times and places, and in severe cases, it can justify taking a life.

This doesn’t depend on social class. For example, if a noble insulted a commoner’s parents and the commoner retaliated with violence, it could be considered self-defense if there were clear evidence or witnesses.

Most would side with the noble out of fear of repercussions, but the law itself recognizes the justification.

“If you acknowledge that Princess Hiriya insulted my guard, the trial will end here. If you are certain she did not, then I will accept the judgment passed on me.”

“… …”

“What will you do?”

I am indirectly asking them to acknowledge Adelia’s birth.

If they admit it, the honor of the royal family of Ters will be tarnished. If they deny it, they can maintain their honor but will have to deal with the consequences.

Honor or national interest, whatever choice they make, the Kingdom of Ters will experience a rift.

It’s true that Adelia is an illegitimate child of the royal family of Ters, and it’s true that I am Xenon. I have nothing to lose.

From the moment they outright denied Adelia’s existence, they fell into a self-contradiction.

“··· ···”

While they were contemplating, I exchanged glances with Adelia. Although I had already told her that this situation might unfold, it didn’t mean I wasn’t sorry.

Fortunately, Adelia seemed to have fully come to terms with it, as she only gave a wry smile and nodded slightly when our eyes met.

Whether the royal family of Ters acknowledges her or not, she expressed that she would remain my dedicated maid and family. It seemed she had let go of any lingering regrets.

“Is it really true? Is that woman His Highness Friedrich’s blood?”

“Judging by her sky-blue eyes, it seems certain…”

“You should say something that makes sense. The relationship between His Highness and Her Majesty the Queen is well known to be very good.”

Even the audience, the nobles, were skeptical. Even Count Kamar, who had been defending me, showed hesitation to trust completely.

I have done my part. Now, it all depends on what choice they make.

They are probably running all kinds of scenarios in their heads. Deciding whether I am Xenon or not is difficult enough, and now they also have to consider Adelia.



“Why are you defending that woman?”

While I was patiently waiting for an answer, Laos asked me a question. His face showed a look of incomprehension.

I blinked at his confusion, then smiled and answered clearly. Honestly, there is no grand reason.

“Because she likes me, and I like her.”

“··· ···”

“Rather than standing by, it’s better to take responsibility. Emotional wounds are not easily healed.”

Through this incident, I can give Adelia a firm sense of trust. There is no stronger bond than trust tied with love.

Even if I have to go through hardships, I will never allow my people to get hurt. This is the choice and decision I have made.

Laos listened to my answer, his lips twitching slightly as he glanced at Hiriya. She still kept her head down, silent like a guilty person.

By now, Laos must have realized that I am truly Xenon. For the sake of national interest, they should accept Adelia’s existence, but…


Not Laos.

“That lowly wench is not my child.”

The King of the Kingdom of Ters, Friedrich, ultimately denied Adelia’s existence.

I turned around to face him as his words pierced my ears.

A stubborn and resolute gaze met mine. It was clear he would not yield an inch.

His expression showed a resolute determination not to abandon the ‘honor’ he had built as a ‘king.’

True to a king who lives and dies by honor in this era, King Friedrich chose definite honor over uncertain national interest.

Even if it meant outright denying the clear blemish in front of him.

Though I had expected it, given my memories of my past life, it was still a difficult decision to accept.

“…Are you sure?”

“Even if you are Xenon, my choice remains unchanged.”

“Just for that bit of honor?”

“… …”

Friedrich answered with silence instead of words. Silence was another form of affirmation.

I couldn’t understand it, but I could accept it. This was the kind of world we lived in.

I let out a long, complicated sigh and looked at Adelia. Her head hung low, her body trembling intermittently.

Even though she had anticipated this situation, hearing it aloud must have been a tremendous shock. She seemed to be struggling to hold back her tears.

“…In that case, Your Highness Friedrich, I will announce something to you. And to everyone else as well.”

I took a deep breath, looking around the room, and then spoke clearly in a low, firm voice.

“From now on, Xenon’s Biography will no longer be available in the Kingdom of Teres.”

I would strip them of the culture they so coveted.

“I will never again empower the Kingdom of Ters.”

While empowering their rival, the Minerva Empire.

“Everyone here will begin to doubt Your Highness.”

I firmly warned about what was to come.

Xenon’s Biography Volume 22 is set to be released soon in the Minerva Empire. Shortly after, it will also be released in the Kingdom of Ters.

This means that from Volume 23 onwards, it will not be available. Of course, it will circulate in the black market, but that is not my concern.

“Your Highness Friedrich.”


“You are indeed a wise king. You mended the rift caused by the Jairos Revolution and maintained an excellent external image. However…”

I swallowed my anger several times before finally speaking in front of him.

“To me, you seem like an unprepared person who denies and avoids responsibility for your own mistakes and faults.”

“… …”


At my sharp critique, Friedrich’s hands clenched tightly. Judging by how the armrests were nearly crushed, I had hit his nerve.

Outwardly, it might seem like an insult to the king. But he cannot do anything.

By denying Adelia, he hasn’t fully confirmed it, but he must harbor suspicions that I am Xenon. That doubt is enough.

Internally, the honor he painstakingly built will slowly crumble, while externally, the suspension of Xenon’s Biography and the ensuing disputes among the nobles will create turmoil.

King Friedrich made the worst possible choice among the ones available to him.

All for the sake of his pride.

“Now then…”

I slowly scanned the now silent audience and, with a characteristic smile, spoke up.

“Could you please tell me what judgment you will pass on me?”

Translators note:

Damn, the novel really got spicy last few chapters

We reached chapter 300!