How To Raise Your Regressor-Chapter 120 - Mr. Cat, The Dodgy Messenger

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Chapter 120 - Mr. Cat, The Dodgy Messenger

"And maybe, we're wrong again, and Samur did all that to make Arteria clean his room," Vafferan giggled.

Surprisingly, Vafferan had reached the truth.

Perhaps was able to reach this correct conclusion because she was an amazing out of the box thinker.

Only such a person could look past the surface details and arrive at the true answer.

Samur had indeed acted that charade to make Arteria clean his room because he was too lazy to do it himself.

"I'd be glad if that was it," Arteria smiled.

"Well, I doubt that's really the case," unfortunately, Vafferan brushed her own statement aside.

Perhaps she was not an out of the box thinker and that was just a fluke.

"To be honest, I wouldn't put it past him," Neia shrugged.

Could this woman reach the truth?

"But then again, I don't think even he would go that far just to make you clean the room."

Never mind.

All three of them were slaves to their limited imaginations.

"Whatever his reason, you should first apologise to him and reconcile. The rest can be discussed later."

"Yes," Arteria nodded.

"That is easier said than done, however."

"Why?" Vafferan asked.

"Like I said before, there is a possibility he already forgot about it."

"Even if he has, I should still apologise."

"Yes, but even that is going to be harder than you imagine," Neia sighed.

"Seems like you speak from personal experience," Vafferan commented.

"Mmm. As you know, I did some unspeakable things to Samur. When I went to apologise for them, he said, and I quote, 'Ah, right, you did do something like that. I almost forgot'. Then we ended up having another argument."

"Wow." 𝑓𝐫𝑒e𝒘𝚎𝘣𝚗𝘰𝘷𝐞𝑙.co𝑚

"During that argument, Samur said, and I quote, 'I have no interest in your pathetic apology or lightening your guilt; you simply should not have done those things if you were going to feel bad about them'."


"…The kid's way too sassy," Vafferan sighed.

"So, um, good luck."

"Thanks, I think I'll need it," Arteria sighed. "So I can't even apologise now, huh? Why is Samur like this?"

"I truly wish I knew."




"Dawdling around is not going to achieve anything," Vafferan banged on the table. "Go and apologise to him. We'll see what happens then."

"Right," Arteria nodded and stood up. "…"

Then she sat down again.

"What happened?" Neia asked.

"Well, um, I need some time to prepare myself."

"Oh my God, you're acting just like a child," Vafferan sighed exasperatedly.

"I-it's not my fault, okay? I would have apologised by now if it was someone else, but this is Samur we're talking about."


"So I just need a bit more preparation," Arteria averted her gaze.

"Haah, alright," Vafferan sighed.

"Why don't you start with Ely? You know, as a warmup," Neia suggested.

"Huh, that's a good idea. I owe her an apology anyway-"


"Hmm?" Arteria looked down as she furrowed her brows at this unfamiliar mewl. "Oh, hey Mr. Cat," she picked him up.

"Mr. Cat?" Vafferan raised her eyebrow as she looked at the cat.

"That's what Samur calls him."

"What a terrible naming sense," she shook her head in disapproval, then frowned. "This cat seems familiar."

"Yupp. He's the familiar of the infamous witch."

"Wait, really?" Vafferan exclaimed. "So Samur caught him?"

"Not exactly," Arteria shook her head as she patted the cat enjoying her lap. "Noelle told me that the cat followed Samur on his own."

"Huh? Seriously?"

"That's what she said, anyway," Arteria shrugged and looked back at the cat. "But what about you? Why are you here?"

"Meow," the cat caught Arteria's hand in her mouth and tugged it.

"Do you want to take me somewhere?"

"Meow," the cat bobbed his head up and down, as if nodding.

"Hmm," Arteria scowled a bit. "Well, alright. Lead the way."

Distracting her mind from Samur might help her prepare for the apology.

The cat, as if following her instructions, jumped down her lap and dashed towards the staircase.

Upon reaching the first step, he stopped and looked back at them, as if waiting for them.

"Let's go," Vafferan said as she stood up.

"Alright," Arteria and Neia stood up as well.

Together, they made their way towards the staircase.

"Where is he taking us?" Neia wondered out aloud.

"That's a secret only he knows, I guess."

"Fair enough."

When they reached the cat, he started climbing up the stairs, making sure to match his pace with theirs.

The cat was more courteous than most people.

Together, they went up two floors, took a left and then arrived at a certain room.

"Isn't this… Samur's room?" Arteria raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, yes it is," Neia nodded.

"Look, even the cat is telling you to apologise to him as soon as you can," Vafferan giggled.


'Even a cat thinks that I'm in the wrong,' Arteria lamented at her misfortune.

She really should have not followed Samur back to his room.

Which seemed kinda obvious, now that she thought about it.

"Argh! Alright, fine!" She exclaimed, quietly, of course. "I'll do it."

The cat simply tilted his head.

"…" Lecia, who had quietly opened the door a bit to see what the commotion was outside, closed it back when she heard that declaration.

It was something related to Samur, so it was better to stay out.

"All the best," Vafferan flashed a thumbs up.

"We'll wait here for you," Neia said.

That way, even if worst came to worst, she could stop them from having another argument so that Arteria could avoid accumulating more regrets.

"Thanks, everyone," Arteria nodded and knocked on the door twice. "Samur? Are you there?"

Contrary to what they were expecting, there was no response.

"…Is he ignoring me?"

"Maybe he's not in? He could also be sleeping."

"Should I come later?"

"That would be better than barging into his room."

"Right," Arteria nodded as she remembered how badly he had scolded Noelle.

Forget apologising, she might end up having another fight with him if she forced herself in.

And so, they turned around to head back to the cafeteria (seems like these three were rather free), but something tugged at Arteria's leg and stopped her.
