Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System-Chapter 1252 Preparing for the Main Event

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Updat𝓮d fr𝙤m 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮𝙬𝓮𝙗𝓷𝒐𝓿𝓮𝙡.𝒄𝒐𝙢

Chapter 1252 1252 Preparing for the Main Event

?Once the meal was done, all the other Commanders split up to go to various nightclubs, lounges, and in one case, a Host Bar, according to their preferences, so they could enjoy the rest of the evening.

"I will gather everyone in the morning, not too early, and we can go to Absolution, where I will be preparing for the larger gathering of nations." Max informed the other Commanders as they left to go truly enjoy the evening.

This night of revelry was an important one for everyone. If they were going to solve the staffing and training issues that were plaguing the fleets, they were going to have to take drastic action, and that meant getting every faction allied with the humans involved.

They had received positive responses from nearly every powerful group among the humans, and the Alliance would be sending over two more Envoy teams as well as a large group of representatives that were deemed essential to the negotiations.

At this rate, the meeting hall would look more like a coliseum, with the most important few seated down on the main floor, and the other ten thousand in the bleachers above them, all equipped with microphones to speak in turn.

With that many people, it was impossible for anything to get completed in a timely manner, so there would be smaller meetings between the upper levels to prioritize the matters that had been raised during the general assembly and keep things from going off course.

Max was definitely not looking forward to it, but there should be plenty of familiar faces there. Nobles from Cygnus, former Kepler military leaders, Alliance members that they had worked with in the past. They had even received a response from the black market, through one of their legitimate cover businesses, stating that they would be sending delegates along with the Alliance force, and giving Max the heads-up as to who they really were.

Even the Cygnus Royal Family was coming, in a way. Imperial Prince Wushu was confirmed as a guest, along with Lord General Kirkland and the young Lady Chen, now Princess Chen, after her marriage to the young Prince. fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

The Generals Yaakov and Tennant, as well as Inquisitor General Ming would also be in attendance, and Emperor Ahmed, of the Alliance's Myceloid Species, now more commonly referred to as the happy mushrooms after the Alliance was introduced to the green tide of the Myceloid God's horde, were going to be in attendance.

The loss of status was well known to bother the Emperor, who had reincarnated countless times, and currently had his successor at the Academy aboard Terminus, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Compared to the massive green monsters on the other side, his people really were rather squishy and friendly.

The meeting was turning into the largest Gala that this portion of the Universe had ever seen, and they had even invited the Koleska and a number of other species from the Anomaly Region to attend so that they could keep up to date on current events, and make more connections that might be useful to keep their fleets combat effective.

Most of them didn't use much Alliance technology, often because of the physical compatibility, but they did like some of the weapons and the shields.

With so many people to respond to, Max wasn't the least bit apologetic when he finally woke everyone up close to noon the next day. It wasn't easy to get them moving, and one of the Reaver Commanders, who had voiced her disdain for the idea of a late night massage, sent away not one or two but three young men from the host club after Max's call.

With the ship operating nonstop, he didn't know how long it had been since they left the club, but they were certainly looking a bit worse for wear when he saw them leaving in their dishevelled uniforms that morning.

Compared to that, the handful of people leaving from the other suites was quite tame.

Eventually, they had everyone gathered at a shuttle bay, ready for transfer to Absolution, while their ships would remain on station nearby, to save on docking space which was about to become very precious aboard even a vessel as large as that World Ship.

The Gathered Commanders straightened their clothing one last time as the shuttle made it to Absolution, and Nico smirked at them.

"There's no need for that. This is a private dock, and the only people here are us. My research team normally greets us at the door, but they are busy today, and very few others have access." She explained.

"Oh, what have they been working on?" The Commander next to her asked.

"The integration of the quantum computing cores with the holographic projectors to create assistants. The technology is stable and useful already, but they think that they can enhance it to have more capable personal assistants made at a more reasonable energy cost. The current ones are incredibly energy intensive." Nico explained.

Everyone else gave her a jealous look, as they had heard that the Reaver Council got new AI assistants, but the design was proprietary and exclusive, they weren't available to anyone else, no matter what price was offered.

But if the team here was working on cost-cutting measures, that meant they designed them, and they would have access to them, possibly as welcoming gifts to the highest-ranking nobles and others attending the ceremony.

While they were all Reaver Commanders, they didn't have the level of clout that Alliance Envoys, Cygnus Princes and others with massive fleets did. The chances of them getting access to the AI personal assistants was incredibly low in the short term, and even their home ships didn't have that level of computing power.

"Don't worry, as soon as we get past the initial phases and get the cost under control, we will be making them widely available. Having an AI assistant to handle the drudgery of your daily schedule and drag you out of bed in the morning is going to revolutionize the job of a Commander.

I know for me, just having the AI available aboard the World Ship cut the amount of unnecessary work by ninety percent, and the total workload by over half. Felicity, the integrated AI here aboard Absolution, has been a blessing for the Board of Directors since her arrival."

They might not see it that way, as she was constantly hounding them to finish projects that she assigned, but things ran much more smoothly on Absolution than any other organization with a government to population ratio that small.

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