Hunter of Immortals-Chapter 420: Just in Time

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Chapter 420: Just in Time

"That felt great!"

Adam exhaled as he left the psychic world, and at the same time, he noticed that he moved a little in the real world.

After replaying the recording of what had just taken place, he discovered that his prosthetics had moved him on their own. During the course of the psychic battle, a bird had flown past, and his prosthetics had moved him out of the way to ensure his safety.

It looks like I've been upgraded both in body and in mind.

Adam was very pleased with his current state, and he activated his rocket boosters to fly into the water purification plant, hoping that there were more people taking part in this mission

That battle had been rather dissatisfactory for him as his opponents had been too weak, and he was yearning for more powerful opposition.

However, he was left feeling disappointed. After entering the plant, he didn't discover any enemies, and after that, he went to the surveillance room to correspond with the human security guards, who informed him that there were no further threats.

Even though this was only to be expected, Adam still couldn't help but feel a little dejected.

The security measures weren't particularly formidable in this plant, so one team of adapters was already enough.

"You're a mayoral candidate, right?" One of the security guards recognized Adam, and he said in an excited voice, "Your contributions to Sandrise City have been enormous! I can't believe those southern congress bastards tried to frame you twice! If you weren't here today, all of us would have to die!"

"Who did you vote for?"

. 𝘣𝑒𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑜𝘳𝘨

"Er... Well..."

"You voted for Clyde, didn't you? I saved you for nothing!" Adam jibed, but all of a sudden, he detected that something wasn't quite right.

He hurriedly checked the surveillance footage again, but didn't discover anything abnormal.

"Are there any places in the plant that are blind spots to the surveillance cameras?"

"There shouldn't be. Aside from some defunct areas, the cameras capture everything," the captain of the security guards guaranteed.

However, Adam trusted his own telegnosis far more than these security guards, and patted his own shoulder, upon which a swarm of tiny reconnaissance drones flew out to examine every single corner of the plant.

Almost at the exact same moment, a large chunk of the water pipeline in the plant was sliced open by a laser cutter, following which several figures made their way into the plant.

"This seems to be the place. Are we going to participate in the poisoning?"

"There's no need for that. The southern congress only instructed us to disrupt Adam, not to help those Chaos Raisers. Doing more than what's expected of us will only have a detrimental effect."

The man who had just spoken had a very deep and authoritative voice, and even though he was wearing a mask, if Adam had been present, he would've definitely been able to identify the man.

It was Oni-faced Dragon, the leader of the Oni Organization.

The Oni Organization had always been working with the southern congress. They were like the toilet paper of the southern congress, doing all of the dirty work and cleaning up all the messes.

Of course, they were financially compensated by the southern congress.

The Oni Organization had always worked for money, so it was no surprise that the two would form a collaborative partnership.

A while back, Oni-faced Dragon had gone into hiding due to Hebi no Miko's presence, but now that Hebi no Miko had left North America, he had resumed normal operations.

"Come to think of it, I have a personal vendetta against Adam. Both Oni no Hanzou and Oni no Miko were killed by him, but our mission this time isn't to kill him."

"Is he really strong?"

Oni-faced Dragon was accompanied by four of the eight Onis, none of whom had come into contact with Adam before, so they didn't know much about him.

"Not really. However, I've met him a few times, and each time, he's shown significant improvement. Even so, he's still just second-rate trash that poses no threat to us. Hold on a second..."

Oni-faced Dragon suddenly sensed something as he was speaking, and he looked up to find one of Adam's miniature drones flying past overhead.

An alert look immediately appeared on his face as he said, "We've been discovered! How did it happen so fast? Did something go wrong outside?"

While Adam was battling the adapters outside, Oni-faced Dragon was still on the way here, so he was oblivious to what had unfolded outside the plant.

"What do we do?"

"It's alright. The southern congress has already delayed the arrival of Mechguard, so we have plenty of time. If those idiots can't get the job done, then we can do it for them, at an extra cost, of course."

Oni-faced Dragon had already completely disregarded Adam as a non-factor. In his eyes, Adam was just a mediocre scrub, and even the latest information on Adam indicated that his powers were still nothing to fear.

Adam was quite excited upon identifying Oni-faced Dragon from the images transmitted back to him by the drone.

You came at just the right time!

He had a long-standing vendetta against the Oni Organization, which was directly responsible for forcing him to flee to Shadow City and for the deaths of Hook and Nie Yiyi.

If this confrontation had taken place any earlier, Adam wouldn't have had the power required to defeat Oni-faced Dragon, but if it were to take place any later, Adam didn't know whether he would be able to live until that day.

Hence, there was no better time than the present.

Adam suppressed the fury in his heart as he instructed the people in the surveillance room to stay in the room and not leave under any circumstances. After that, he verified Oni-faced Dragon's location before immediately setting off.

Meanwhile, Oni-faced Dragon was just about to carry out his mission when an alarm suddenly rang out from his prosthetic limbs, and it didn't take long before he heard the sound of rocket boosters in the distance, following which he saw a black shadow approaching him.

"Long time no see, Oni-faced Dragon!" Adam greeted as he removed his mask. "Did you come to find me?"

"You seem really eager to rush to your death." Oni-faced Dragon removed his mask as well as he sized up Adam. "Your new equipment looks pretty advanced. Are you trying to use that to kill me? If so, then you should've tried to snipe me down from a distance!"

"I'm not foolish enough to think that this stuff will be able to kill you. I came here today to use you for training!" Adam chuckled. "I've been waiting for this day for a very long time!"

"You sure have become arrogant!"

As a hitman, Oni-faced Dragon instinctively inspected his surroundings in a cautious manner, but both his eyes and his telegnosis told him that he was only facing a single enemy.

Hence, he wasted no time before laying down a challenge.

"Shall we begin?"


Adam was also keen to get the show on the road as he was worried that the southern congress would send more people to disrupt his plans.

Furthermore, he was confident in his own abilities, so there was no need to stall for time.

Thus, Adam activated his neuron transmitter, and his five opponents put up no resistance, allowing themselves to be dragged into the psychic world.

In the psychic world, Oni-faced Dragon still appears like a normal person. He wasn't an anomaly, nor was he a psychic mutant. It was clear that to him, killing was just a job that didn't weigh on his conscience at all.

However, the same thing didn't apply to his subordinates, one of which was a psychic mutant that resembled a gray wolf, another one was a sword-wielding samurai, the third one was a half-human, half-beast hybrid, and the last one was a monk.

"One Dragon and four Onis... In addition to the two that I killed before, if all of you die here, the Oni Organization would just about collapse, wouldn't it?"