I Became a 6★ Gacha Character-347 - Tentacles, Feathers, and Abnormal Sexuality 2

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347 - Tentacles, Feathers, and Abnormal Sexuality 2

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: Posted in discord

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Lightning rains from the heavens, scorching the earth below. Massive tentacles pulverize everything in their path, unfazed by the electric onslaught. Amidst this chaos, a lone warrior swings his warhammer.

"Incredible... Is this what a decade of adventuring looks like?"

-We couldn't pull that off even with a century of experience

-It's all about being born with a silver spoon, isn't it? Some people just have godly stats from the start

-The tentacles look singed, but the main body seems unscathed

-It's adorable how everyone else is just sucking their fingers lol

-At that scale, shouldn't the army bring in siege weapons instead of relying on individuals? The battle's impact alone makes me feel like I'm floating

The clash between these three titanic entities was so fierce it made one's body feel weightless.

Though the Harpy Empress was conserving mana by controlling her lightning, Han Se-ah worried about their progress since there was no visible HP bar.

Nevertheless, Han Se-ah pressed on silently, bolstered by Roland who crushed tentacles one by one, steadily approaching the main body.

While the creature's health wasn't visibly decreasing, the number of tentacles dwindled. Gritting her teeth, she gripped her staff tightly. Controlling lightning, which moved at light speed unlike wind or rock, demanded far more mana and concentration.

[Suspicious Tentacle donated 5,000 won!]

Did you save that video or not?

[Saved Under a Different Name donated 10,000 won!]

Is it true that Han Se-ah's search history includes men and tentacles? Men and tentacles, seriously?

"Ugh, sh*t-!"

But what viewer would let her focus on the game with voice donations turned on?

Updat𝓮d fr𝙤m ƒгeeweɓn૦vel.com.

From malicious viewers slandering her tastes to those casually recommending weird p*rn, she was bombarded with nonsense. Alternating between anger and laughter, she choked and sputtered, inevitably disrupting her mana control.

Even so, her accuracy only dropped from 100% to about 90%, imperceptible to viewers. But Han Se-ah, her competitive spirit ignited, gnashed her teeth and tore her gaze from the donation window.

"Arrows seem utterly ineffective. What's our next move?"

"The impact on my holy magic is stronger than anticipated. It'll be hard to get closer."

Grace and Irene also struggled against this colossal monster.

Thanks to her passive skill, Grace could ignore 80% of defense when attacking weak points.

But how could she identify a weak point in a building-sized anemone monster randomly thrashing a hundred tentacles?

Irene boasted an overpowered shield that ignored damage below a certain threshold, but these hefty tentacles dealt crushing blows rather than chip damage.

Moving closer risked shattering both her protective holy magic and her body under a barrage of tentacle strikes.

High-level magic proved ineffective, critical weak points remained elusive, and the monster's erratic attack pattern made blocking every hit impossible.

Faced with this impasse, Han Se-ah nervously chewed her lip before abruptly sprinting away. Some viewers feared her resolve had crumbled, while others were simply bewildered.

-Hey, where are you running off to?

-I bet she's going to fetch a big, beautiful bomb


-Shouldn't she head to the altar or something? There's nothing useful here

-Just realized that b*tch Harpy Princess has been quietly hiding behind the camera lol

"Hanna? Where are you going!"

"Staying here is pointless! I need to get the Princess out!"

Ignoring the outcry, Han Se-ah grabbed the Harpy Princess's wing and bolted from the palace.

She had distributed all the bombs in her inventory to cause chaos... but the stone dwarves' workshop should have something useful.


Raei Translations


I dodged lightning strikes while crushing incoming tentacles. fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm

The act has become mindless repetition, like manual labor at a construction site.

Appreciating the lack of mental effort required, I silently hammer away, emptying my mind like a laborer repeating a monotonous task.

If the opponent relies on brute strength alone, I must respond in kind.

Of course, I wasn't without hope. I believed in Han Se-ah's talent, in the viewers bombarding her with advice, in her daily reset ability as a player, and in the intervention of that transcendent being who seemed to oddly favor her.

"Urgh, Roland! This is endless, dammit!"

"Look closely, the tentacles aren't regenerating. We're making progress, just slowly. The damage is adding up. Take it easy and keep whittling them down."

"You're right, they're not growing back!"

Katie, heeding my words, dodges an incoming tentacle before gripping her sword with both hands and swinging wide, half-severing another tentacle.

While she can't crush and pulverize them in one hit like me, the wounded areas freeze solid, crumbling and snapping under their own weight.

I'm impressed by how overpowered the ice attribute is against these squishy opponents.

Severing them at the waist is enough for them to tear off on their own. Once we get the hang of it, we can conserve mana.

'By the way, where the hell is Han Se-ah going?'

After taking out about ten tentacles, the remaining ones seemed to sense something was off and momentarily recoiled. Taking advantage of this brief opening, I glanced at Han Se-ah's stream to check the situation behind us. There she was, sprinting full tilt with the Harpy tucked under her arm.

She dashed past bewildered Harpy soldiers, waving the Harpy Princess around like some kind of pass.

Given that she was encountering regular Harpy police rather than royal guards, it seemed she'd already left the palace grounds.

-Out of the way! Her Highness is coming through!

-Wh-what's going on?!

The camera caught Harpy officers, torn between the invading knights and the thunderous chaos at the palace, gaping in shock at the sight of their princess dangling from a human's side.

My astonishment was short-lived. The boss monster, seemingly determined to crush the tiny foes who'd been severing its tentacles, launched attacks from both sides. The ferocious assault reminded me of clapping hands to squash a mosquito.

I lowered my stance and thrust my shield forward.

Unlike Katie, I lack the agility to leap away. Attempting to dodge and getting clipped once could send me flying. While I'd probably survive without serious injury, getting knocked back like a home run would be a pain to recover from.


My shield, white-hot from the long-dormant "Shield Master" skill, filled my vision with writhing tentacles. A strange pressure bore down, followed by impacts from front and back, but it was more manageable than expected.

Sure, it's a vicious attack that could pulverize a person and demolish building walls, but to me it felt like bumper cars colliding at an amusement park.

The impact shook my body and destabilized my stance, but not enough to make me cough blood and collapse. Just enough damage to do that. As the tentacles pressing down on me recoiled from the collision, I smashed them with my warhammer. The tentacle behind me hastily withdrew.

It seems this thing is starting to realize I'm more dangerous than the lightning raining down from above.

"Roland, you're really okay?!"


Now the tentacles that had been reaching skyward were gradually lowering to target me. But as often happens, a strength can become a weakness.

The monster's sheer size meant that no matter how many tentacles it extended, only two or three could directly attack me at once. Just like how a person with eight arms instead of two would still need to use two palms to clap and catch a mosquito.

Frustrated by this limitation, the tentacles now came crashing down from above. But there was no reason to take such straightforward strikes head-on.

I'd stood my ground against sweeping attacks, preferring to tank them rather than jump and risk getting caught mid-air. But for overhead smashes, a quick sidestep and dash forward would suffice.

"Hey, this thing we cobbled together might explode!"

"Just fire it already!"

"Loading complete~ Firing!!!"

"Hey squishy― watch out for anything that starts flowing out―"

With that thought, I tucked my chin to my chest, lowered my stance, and sprinted forward. A thunderous boom erupted behind me.

It wasn't the sound of tentacles tearing up the ground, nor the crash of lightning. This was the familiar report of a stone dwarf cannon. Then came the dwarves' voices.

They said to watch out, but for what?

The answer to that question didn't come from behind or from Han Se-ah's stream.

It simply flowed in front of me.

"Ugh, f*cking-!"

A potent acidic solution, strong enough to melt not just tentacles but palace ruins and even the ground, right before my eyes.

What happened next was too fast for viewers watching through the camera to fully understand. The flowing acid, my posture thrown off by the sudden change in direction, the boss monster attacking even as its tentacles melted.


The same collision sound of tentacle against shield. The biting wind slipping through gaps in armor and helmet.

A feeling of weightlessness.


A cliff.

And a glitched hologram window.