I Became a Mafia in the Academy-Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

With explosions, screams, and their own shouts, it was a battlefield.

“Eat this, motherfucker!”

“You eat a lot too.”

I put a tommy, which can fire dozens of rounds per second, into the chest of a guy who lunged at me with an arrow.

“That motherfucker killed Hyun Jong-yi!”

“Keep shooting, keep shooting so he can’t do anything else!”

The group that had spread out to surround me eventually scattered amidst a series of explosions and flying containers.

Meanwhile, the new recruits they had brought in to fill in the gaps were being forced to retreat.

The situation was nothing short of a quagmire.

It seems like they’re slowly gathering, but I’ve just killed two of them.

Thinking about the ones the others would have taken out, I’m sure we must have eliminated at least half a dozen of them.

But I’m the only one still exposed, and they haven’t stopped attacking me.

Arrows and daggers keep flying from all directions and I’m dodging them as best I can by running from container to container, but I can’t keep running like this forever.

On top of that, the explosions were becoming less frequent, as Young-jae mana was running out.

I was just grateful that he lasted this long, especially since he used the most energy-consuming explosive magic in the first ten minutes of the duel.

“Die, asshole!”

One of the rangers from above threw something at me.

I twisted and dodged, and a puff of green smoke billowed out, reeking of something musty.

“He’s been poisoned!”

I realized it was poison and upon closer inspection, I saw that they were now wearing masks.

No way, they’re bringing poison to an all-out war.

This is what the Ranger Club is all about, I thought.

[Talent: Activates 【Natural Poison Immunity】]

Well, it won’t do me much harm.

Still, I didn’t want the poison to block my view, so I stomped off the ground and jumped up, catching sight of the guy who’d thrown it at me.

He looked pretty surprised, even if his expression wasn’t fully visible due to the mask as I landed on him, grabbing him by the face and slamming him into the container.

The back of his head collides with the container, and a loud, cheerful sound echoes through Incheon Harbor. At the same time, the red aura grows more intense.

I look around and see the rangers who came to attack me after hearing that I was poisoned.

“What, are you surprised to see I’m unharmed?”

Well, if you’re going to use poison, use a good poison that can pierce through 【Thousand Poison Immunity】.

Well, it’s unlikely that a Bronze Club would be able to obtain such a poison.

As I was about to sweep the group away with the tommy in my left hand, I heard a wind-splitting sound from behind me as the guys behind me were firing arrows to keep me from doing anything else.

If I stayed still and pulled the trigger, I was going to get hit with an arrow and as I ducked to avoid the first one, I felt the wind ruffle my hair.

“Too late.”

I chuckle and pull the trigger instead of ducking.

I sweep the Tommy through the air like a broom over the carcasses of insects, and most of them scurry away or duck under containers.

I don’t feel any pain in my back because the one standing behind me now blocked the arrow.

“Boss, were you waiting for me?”

Jin-woo smiles and says in a low voice.

“How many did you kill?”

“Me? Only four with white name tags like us.”

“Looks like you weren’t just playing…….”

“I didn’t come here to play.”

Over the past four days, it was Jin-woo who underwent the biggest change during his training.

‘I decided to train with my mentor.’

Was it because the club’s fate was at stake?

At one point, the guy who always wanted to go home remained in the club room until the end told us so.

It didn’t take long for us to understand what he meant, as it was an open rumor in the Academy that Jin-woo was the son of the Bevalt Family Boss.

It meant that Jinwoo was being trained by his father, the boss of the Bevalt Family, the legendary Hitman Antonio Bevalt of Corleone.

When asked why the idea suddenly occurred to him, he shrugged it off as no big deal.

‘My abilities are in my bloodline, inherited from my father and I don’t see how I can improve from here. The last time I fought boss, I felt a lot of things……so I told him I wanted to get stronger, and he surprisingly said he understood right away?’

After hearing that, I had a rough idea: Antonio Bevalt had noticed something about me.

I wondered if he had learned about me during the executive screening, but judging from his reaction, he didn’t tell Jin-woo about my identity.

Maybe he wanted to show me that he respected me.

‘Or maybe he wanted to give Jin-woo a hard time.’

Regardless, after being trained by Antonio Bevalt in the use of his bloodline abilities, Jin-woo’s growth has been unimaginable, and he is no longer a mere assassin, but a complete avant-garde.

“Boss, I’ll take the back?”

“Don’t pass out from a bunch of arrows.”


Arrows start flying at us from all directions but before they reach us, they lose their power and fall to the ground as if they’ve hit a wall.

The rangers panic at the sight, and we seize the opportunity, each of us running toward the enemies in front of us.

“Everyone draw your daggers!”

I wondered if any of them had their heads on straight.

Realizing that arrows weren’t going to work, he shouted, and the others drew their daggers and prepared for melee.

But common sense prevails since there’s no way we’re going to lose to arches in a melee.

I lunge at him, throwing Tommy into the cube and punching him in the face.


He brings his dagger up to block the punch.

A normal person’s fist would have snapped in half, but alas, I’m wearing relic-grade gloves so I smashed his face with my fist.

The fact that I can move so freely without being blocked from behind makes me realize that I cannot take on multiple opponents on my own.

I glanced behind me.

“You’re the asshole who fought me. Nice to meet you.”

“You crazy bastard!”

“Don’t you dare look at me like I’m crazy!”

……No worries.

Once I had the ability to block most ranged attacks, I became a living disaster for the Rangers.

I don’t think I’ll be in any danger in this all-out war.


“There are some guys who use poison, so if they throw something at you, make sure you get a gust of wind to counter it.”

“Huh? Was that a poison mist? Thanks.”

Jin-woo, who had already grabbed the stunned ranger by the throat and was shaking him vigorously, nodded at my advice.


Just then, a guy appears from below, firing his bow at me but he’s already seen his comrades crushed in front of him.

I had already located him through the fear he exuded, so I caught the arrow as it flew toward me, spun around, and shot it straight into his chest.

“Only about eight left.”

Just when I thought that number would be enough to keep Young-jae and Se-ah hidden.

“Seven, because I just got done with one.”

Opening the closed container box, Se-ah and Young-jae stepped out.

“Where are they?”

“There’s one on top of the tower crane over there, two underneath, and three near it, and the rest……are all staring at this place. Well, Kwon Soo-hyeop is probably…….”

Isn’t he on the tower crane?

Saying that, Se-ah stretches her hand towards the tower crane.

“……Can you?”

I asked cautiously because I had a rough idea of what she was going to do, but she gave me a confident look and squeezed her hand.

“Of course, this is what I’ve been training for, isn’t it?”

And then it happened.

Se-ah realized from the last duel that she could hack the field and change the terrain.

Even though Ji-hyun’s mana was added back then, just realizing that she could interfere with the field with spatial magic was a huge gain, so she focused on recreating that experience.

The result.



The tower crane with him on it came right up to our eyes.


Se-ah original magic that folds the terrain to close the distance, not by hacking the field, but by simply interfering with it.

The rangers’ expressions turned to horror as they watched us, as if we were bending reality.

“Young-jae, blow it up.”

“Looks like you’re a real……terrorist today.”

He points his fountain pen at the tower crane.


The tower crane’s head explodes, and a jet-black figure pops out of it.

“Crazy bastards!”

Still, the one who’s supposed to be the leader, shielded himself from the aftermath of the explosion by surrounding himself with magic, shoots an arrow straight at me.

“What kind of attack is that, targeting our boss? No way.”

Jin-woo deflects the arrow by blocking it right in front of me.

Meanwhile, Kwon Su-hyeop landed with his men and glared at us.

“They’re probably exhausted from all the magic they used up early on. We have the advantage because we were waiting from the beginning!”

Ah, so that’s why they’ve been hiding all this time?

To drain us of our power by using the rookies and the unskilled, then deal with us themselves?

“Kwak……! Hahahaha, that’s really amazing. You were really hiding for that reason?”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

No, I couldn’t help it. If he was really, really saving his strength for that reason, he’d be excited right now.

‘I can win!’

I release my suppressed [Blood System Ability: “Corleone”]

The crimson aura instantly engulfs the surroundings.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen.”

At the same time, the aura that was spreading out, taking over the space around them, gradually gathered together like blood soaking into a piece of paper.

“You’re not the only one who’s been conserving your power.”

I’ve been thinking about it for a while.

What is the essence of the [Blood System Ability: “Corleone”]?

In the game, Vito Corleone has enhanced his aura by imbuing it into his equipment.

Here’s how the game describes his ability.

In the past, he single-handedly fended off the monsters that flooded the dungeon.

All he had was a single rusty knuckle but with that alone, he protected his people and his family.

They say that Vito Corleone’s hands were stained red.

Some said it was the blood of monsters while others said it was the blood of Vito Corleone but that crimson color became the symbol of Corleone.

[Bloodline Ability: Activate “Corleone”]

In this world, symbols mean power.

Just as objects used by those who wrote history become relics or just as the stories of those who wrote history become myths.

I am the historian of Vito Corleone.

I have the blood and power of Vito Corleone.

I am the symbol of Corleone.

[Bloodline Ability: “Corleone” controls the “Gloves of Midas”]

The power of my blood carries on my father’s myth as the black gloves turn crimson, as if soaked in blood, and then take on the form of crimson knuckles.

(N)[Bloodline: Corleone]

-Monsters weaker than you have a high chance of being afraid of you.

-Ability increases proportional to the number of enemies in the vicinity.

-Ability increases proportional to the duration of the battle.

-(N)Dominates and strengthens the user’s equipment and skills.

“……What the hell is that, what the hell……are you trying to do!”

The guys around Kwon Su-hyeop had already fled halfway through, terrified. All that remained was a single brat with weak legs.


Just a fist raised in defense of the family.

They would call it the triumph of the family.




[Familia wins the all-out war.]