I Became a Villain's Hero-Chapter 20: Graduation (2)

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Chapter 20: Graduation (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Here

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After finishing my part-time job, I boarded the bus.


It was exhausting.

Honestly, I was very tired.

My body was weaker than I had expected.

After all, it was greedy to think it would be the same as before I regressed.

Young, but untrained.

This body hadn't yet experienced many battles.

Also, the fact that I sealed my abilities as a promise to myself, and wasn't receiving help from them, surely played a part.

Still, one thing is certain: my heart feels much lighter than when I used to earn money by villainy.

At the same time, I developed an unnecessary desire.

I hoped that as much as I worked hard, Song Soo-yeon would also grow splendidly.

Forgetting the pains of the past, I wished for her to live as a good citizen.

For Solace, and for myself.

If I were to be a bit more greedy, it would be perfect if, in the process, she felt gratitude towards me and came to like me as a person.

"....Is that too greedy?"

I muttered, mulling over my thoughts.

In truth, I had forcibly held onto her and spread good deeds, so asking for something in return might be shameless.

She dislikes people, especially men.

Given her wounds, I understand.

Would it be rude to harbor such thoughts toward her who says, I dont like you, mister?

Ah. Its complicated.

When I first pulled her down from the rooftop and carried her on my back, telling me about all her hardships, I thought everything would work out fine.

Who knew that moment would be the closest wed ever get.

...But still, even without any reciprocation, my feelings for her have grown.

That's why I endure this hardship.

No matter how deep her scars, couldn't she also develop affection for me?

Maybe she'll change one day if I keep trying?

The thought that she might never like me until the end, never returning my feelings, brings pain to my heart.

I'm truly selfish, secretly harboring these feelings.


I closed my eyes.

My body is tired, making me think of all sorts of things.

Song Soo-yeons voice calling me a loser echoes in my head.

At least for now, it doesn't seem like she's wrong.



I got off the bus and headed towards the restaurant.

It was around 8 oclock, but since it was winter, darkness had already set in.

White breath clouded the air.

I huddled up and moved forward.

I walked down an empty alley.

A few street lamps stood alone, illuminating the path.

"....Damn it..."

Every time I passed under a street lamp and stepped into the darkness, I couldnt help but let out a sigh of frustration.

Why dont they install more streetlights?

Whats this all about?

Each time I melted into the darkness, memories of my time as a villain resurfaced.

Honestly, I feel a sense of comfort.

It felt like the darkness would protect me.

But at the same time, loneliness finds me.

That feeling that always accompanied me when I was a villain.

Walking alone through this long and wide alley intensifies the loneliness.

I've put in a lot of effort to escape this feeling, but it seems there's still a long way to go.

To shake off this gloomy mood, I rummaged through my memories.


And soon, I recalled a memory that warmed my heart.

...My first encounter with Solace.

As I laughed in the darkness, thinking I had eluded the heroes, she appeared before me, shining brightly like the sun.

At that time, her light, which dispelled the darkness, made me feel exposed, but now I found myself wishing she would chase away this darkness.

Thinking of her drove away my negative thoughts.

And only then did I realize how hungry I was.

What should I eat when I get back?

I just want to rest, maybe just mix some rice in water.

Soon, my restaurant, located in a secluded corner, came into view.


The lights were on.

Is Song Soo-yeon there?

I told her there was no pay today.

Or is she hungry and cooking something?

I checked the time.

It was late for dinner.

With a sense of curiosity, I approached the restaurant.


I opened the door of the restaurant.



Inside, Song Soo-yeon stood up from where she was sitting.

In front of her were several side dishes and neatly arranged kimchi stew, untouched.

Looking at it, I asked her.

What were you doing?

".......Not even a greeting first?"

Ah... I'm back."

As I greeted her, Song Soo-yeons expression softened.

She averted her eyes from me and replied,

...Welcome... back.

I asked her again.

So, were you eating? Or doing something for SNS?

...Was about to eat.

After her brief answer, she quickly went into the kitchen.

From there, a casual question echoed.

...Did you eat, Mister?

...No, not yet.

...Sit down.

Caught off guard by the unexpected situation, I took a seat at the table as she had instructed.

I looked over the side dishes.

On closer inspection, the food had gone cold.

The stew had lost its heat, and the side dishes had dried out.

I could tell that quite some time had passed since the food was served.

Opposite the stew, Song Soo-yeon returned carrying steaming white rice.

She placed one bowl in front of me and one in front of herself, then handed me a spoon and chopsticks.

Seeing her set the table for me, I couldn't help but ask.

...Were you waiting for me?

Her actions froze for a moment.

For an instant, her lips twitched.

She then moved again, heading to the fridge.

"....Crazy? Why would I wait for you?"

And then she brought out some cold water.

A smile spread across my lips.

"What, you really waited to eat with me?"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's not like that."

No matter how much she insisted, it was clearly a lie.

This unexpected surprise melted my heart.

The worries I had all day seemed foolish now.

I felt the warmth of human connection.

As I just smiled without responding, Song Soo-yeon frowned and said,

"....It's not like that. Ah, damn it. Dont get the wrong idea again."

"Wrong idea?"

"Thinking that I like you."

"No...I wasnt thinking that."

"Men have mistaken a simple question for a confession before. Don't forget. I'm not doing this because I like you. Dare to think its a confession, really. You just happened to come at the right time."

Song Soo-yeon avoided my gaze, speaking in a gravely serious voice.

My eyes kept drifting to the cooled dishes.

The food in that state, and she claims she wasn't waiting for me...


I smiled.

It doesn't matter if she really didn't wait for me.

Even if she prepared it just to eat alone, its fine.

Tired as I was, I had planned to eat something simple and go to sleep, so this was a great gift.

The fact that I wasn't alone made me happy.

I get it. Still, thank you.

I honestly conveyed my feelings.

Song Soo-yeon turned her head away, not responding.

I continued speaking.

"Really, I'm lucky to have you, Soo-yeon."

I couldn't hide my emotions.

Ending the day like this couldn't be more rewarding.

As she glanced at me from the corner of her eye, she sighed deeply.

"....Really, what a pushover. Why are you so happy over something like this? Just eat already."

"Okay. I'll enjoy the meal."

As I was about to start eating, Song Soo-yeon stood up.

......Ill just wash my hands and be right back.

And she immediately left.

It was actually a relief.

I needed some time to calm my overwhelmed heart.



Song Soo-yeon entered the bathroom and closed the door.

As the thick iron door shut, she finally let loose the smile she had been holding back.

She bounced on her toes, digesting the happiness cascading over her.

She had been frustrated waiting for hours, but it was all worth it.

"Ah... really..."

She thought she should have taken a picture.

His moved expression was unforgettable.

As the tingling wave of emotion passed, she snickered, blowing air through her nose.

"Ha, what's he so happy about? Just over that. What a fool. So annoyingly pure.."

No one else would react like that just for preparing a meal.

If she were to show him more kindness, he would probably cherish it for a lifetime.


An idea suddenly intrigued her.

Maybe, if she could just bear a little embarrassment and find an opportunity, she could do him a favor.

Then perhaps he would think of her forever.


She shakes her head.

After all, she'll be working part-time and staying by his side in the future, so why bother with such things?

Besides, she didnt need to make an effort; he already liked her and would think of her often.

She recalled the situation earlier.

"...How much must he like me to be that happy?"

She kept talking to herself, chuckling softly.

Her heart felt warm, ticklish, and was pounding.

Thinking about him always did this to her.

Unknowingly, Song Soo-yeon looked into the mirror.

There she stood, her cheeks flushed.

Damn it...

Embarrassed by her unfamiliar expression, she began washing her face.

Every time the ice-cold water touched her cheeks, her racing heart calmed down.

She felt she shouldn't stay too long.

He might think it strange... and it would also reduce the time she could be spending him.

After finishing, she shook off the water from her porcelain-like skin.

The blush had subsided significantly.

By now, Jung-gyeom wouldn't notice her change.

She looked at her wet face in the mirror.

Thinking this was the beauty Jeonggyeom admired, she began to see herself differently.

She had never thought this way before.

She always considered her beautiful appearance a curse.

But now.

"......I am pretty."

She admitted to herself.

This too was a change brought about by Jung-gyeom.