I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game-Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Chapter 16

[Ash (EX) has changed jobs to 'Novice Commander'!]

A lively fanfare chimed in, marking my transition to a new job.


[A 50 percent debuff is applied to your stat growth rate.]

[A 50 percent debuff is applied to your equipment proficiency.]


Hold on, what?

"What, what the?!"

I stared, blinking, at the successive messages. What was it saying again?

"Are you fucking serious?"

I double-checked, and it was no joke. There was indeed a growth debuff displayed on my stats window.

"Cut the crap!"

What the hell was this! Shit! What sort of job came with such a debuff?! Setting a trap like this, that bastard director Aider is in for it...

[You have acquired the trait 'Attack Totem'.]

[You have acquired the trait 'Defense Totem'.]

[You have acquired the trait 'Super Buffer'.]

[You have acquired the trait 'Main Order'.]

[The system 'Party Synergy' is now available.]

I froze, just as I was about to grab a weapon and hunt down Aider.

Messages about acquiring new traits and a system flickered in front of my eyes.

Attack Totem?

Defense Totem?

Super Buffer? Main Order? Party Synergy?

What were these? I opened up the trait window.

[Attack Totem Lv.1]

- Simply by being on the battlefield, you uplift your allies' morale, granting a 5 percent bonus to all allies' attack power.

[Defense Totem Lv.1]

- Simply by being on the battlefield, you uplift your allies' morale, granting a 5 percent bonus to all allies' defense power.


So, these were literal totem traits. My mere presence on the battlefield provided an attack and defense bonus to my allies.


[Super Buffer]

- Enhances all buffs provided by the commander character by one level.

This went as far as enhancing by one level.

'Isn't this a gem?'

No, it wasn't just a gem. If this buff was applied to all allies, it was outright overpowered.

Just by possessing one character's trait, I could offer a mass increase in attack and defense to thousands of allies.

'So that's why there's a personal debuff.'

The buff itself was overpowered. If the buffing commander unit could also grow, it would be extremely overpowered. Hence, the debuff to growth rate.

Considering this, it wasn't bad. No, objectively speaking, it was pretty great.

'The only minor issue is, I can only equip up to three traits.'

These three traits are useful, but if I equip all three, I can't use any other traits.

I then looked at the other trait I had recently acquired.

[Main Order Lv.1]

- The ability to deliver commands accurately on the battlefield. It allows you to control your subordinates more accurately, as if they were your own limbs.

This was a trait related to troop control.

In games, it was a simple task to control hundreds or thousands of troops, but this was reality. It was hard to steer the battlefield according to my plans.

This trait seemed to simplify that.

'And then there's [Map Making].'

So there were five traits in total.

With a cooldown of 24 hours for changing traits, it seemed I would have to adapt on the fly, adjusting traits according to the circumstances of the battlefield.

'Well, that should cover the traits.'

I learned that the 'Party Synergy' system had also been unlocked. This was new to me.

[Party Synergy]

- A unique benefit of the Commander class.

- Provides a stats boost to the party depending on the job combination of party members. Encourages trying various combinations.

A boost based on the party members' roles?

I accessed the synergy list and looked at the top line.

[Party Synergy List]

- Knight Synergy: Increase in physical defense based on the number of Knight characters in the party

> (Knight2) Dual Knights: All party members' physical defense increases by 20 percent.

> (Knight4) Iron Squad: All party members' physical defense increases by 50 percent.

> (Knight5) Unbreakable: All party members' physical defense increases by 90 percent.

(TL Note: Seems like they decided to add Auto-Battler to the mix too, lol.)


So, it granted additional stats depending on the party makeup.

As the game progressed, the number of heroes recruited and the parties formed would multiply.

Each party would benefit from a synergy bonus according to their mix.

"That's clever..."

This system was an exclusive advantage of the Commander class.

As a former player now directly involved on the battlefield, I couldn't envision a more fitting role.

I respectfully placed back the cudgel I had picked up to dispatch Aider into the fireplace. My apologies~


I had mulled over numerous tactics to complete this first stage, but ultimately, one strategy stood out.


There were multiple gimmicks, but I wasn't equipped to utilize them yet, and time was scarce. It seemed best to use the remaining time to strengthen our defenses sincerely.

Under this decision, I drafted carpenters, masons, blacksmiths, and alchemists to fortify our defense lines.

"...But, I've been drafting for a while now."

I broke into a cold sweat as I eyed the four individuals standing before me.

The lead carpenter, the chief mason, the head blacksmith, and the primary alchemist.

Four stern-faced elderly men, bound by ropes and hauled before me.

"This isn't kidnapping, it's conscription!"

"Well, none of them were complying with the draft notice, so..."

Aider scratched his head awkwardly.

"In the rush, I only managed to bring the guild leaders."

As Aider politely clarified his 'recruitment' efforts, the disgruntled guild leaders, as if waiting for this moment, expressed their discontent.

"What the hell is this out of nowhere!"

"Even if you're royalty, there are protocols!"

"We were processing magic stones, how are we supposed to do that if you just drag us here! If there are losses in our operations, will you take responsibility?!"

Look at them, all furious, shouting with veins bulging on their faces.

As I looked at them, I couldn't help but feel regret as I offered them a soft apology.

"Are you guys asking for a death wish?"


"Who on earth screams about protocol? Huh? You think I'm a pushover?"

The four guild leaders instantly shut their mouths. I continued to give them a warm earful.

"When I, the prince of this country and the lord of this city, summon you, huh? Regardless of your work or any crap you're up to, you should scramble over here, got it? And then you dare to sit there, glowering at me? Wound my pride? Are you asking for death?"

"No, well, that's..."

"Sorry, I'm, I'm sorry..."

"It's our first interaction with a royal lord, so..."

The guild leaders instantly came to their senses and averted their gaze.

At times like these, I felt gratitude towards Ash. His nationwide reputation as a madman let me freely indulge in such antics.

"Stand at attention."

With my roar, the guild leaders promptly straightened their posture. Cold sweat beaded on the elders' faces.

I think I've injected enough fear. Time to ease off.

"Yeah, I understand you're busy. After a long time, you must have obtained several high-quality magic stones. You're probably tied up processing and packaging them."

"That, that's right."

"But who procured those magic stones?"

I pointed at myself with my thumb.

"And who will continue to bring them in the future?"


"Your most significant ally! And that ally is none other than! Who?!"

"Y-You, your highness..."

"Exactly. For now, remember this."

I wiped the smile off my face.

"Let's cut to the chase. The Monster Legion is marching towards us."


"They will reach this city in three days."

The startled guild leaders exchanged glances.

"But, the monsters have been dormant for the past few years..."

"Even if they did appear, they were mostly held back before reaching Crossroad, right?"

"The circumstances have shifted. Didn't you hear about the frontier base getting wiped out?"

I clicked my tongue and shook my head.

"The monstrous fiends have started acting aggressively again. It's not a small-scale attack either. We're talking thousands. And this isn't the end, their onslaught will persist."


"And we... to be honest, we are underpowered."

I folded my arms and gazed sternly at the guild leaders.

"We need help. We need the assistance of every producer in this city."

"But even if you say that... what can we do?"

"I seek your aid in manufacturing military supplies. Of course! I'm not asking you to work for free. I'll pay a reasonable price."

I chuckled and snapped my fingers.

"This surge in monster activity is a crisis, but it's also an opportunity, wouldn't you say?"

For the past decade or so, with the monsters in a lull, magic stone mining had naturally dwindled.

Several problems had arisen in the magic stone processing industry.

But if the monster numbers surge again?

Magic stone production booms.

And when magic stone production thrives?

Wealth flows in!

"Let's strike a deal."

I clapped my hands together.

"I will provide you with a portion of the magic stones reclaimed by the military at cost. Perhaps about 20%? We can negotiate the exact percentage later."

The guild masters' eyes widened in shock.


"Sir, are you serious?!"

"Absolutely. Direct access to magic stones sounds like a good deal, doesn't it?"

Until now, the military had been collecting the magic stones and selling them to the merchants, who then commissioned the production workers to process them.

But why should we stick to that old method?

"Why should we needlessly pad the pockets of middlemen? Let's trade directly."

There was no need for us to split the profits.

My long-term plan was to take control of all production within the city, including the distribution of magic stones.

I intended to seize control of not just the production of magic stones, but also their processing, distribution, and selling.

"However, from now on, you must prioritize the production of military supplies when I instruct you to. Of course, I'll pay you fairly for your work."

I tilted my chin towards the guild masters, who nervously swallowed their saliva.

"What do you think? It's a good offer, isn't it?"

Ultimately, I was wielding money and power to reel them in.

Isn't that the essence of a golden rule?

"We're in!"

"We can give it a try!"

"When do we start and what do we need to do?!"

Well, what can you do? There's nothing in this world as persuasive as money.


After concluding the meeting with the guild masters of the production sector, I headed towards the mansion's entrance, where my heroes had assembled.

Lucas. Damien. Lilly.

And the new party representative, Jupiter.

Lucas, Damien, and Lilly had already met, so they exchanged comfortable greetings.

But Jupiter, due to her uniquely ominous aura, stood a little awkwardly to the side.

Of course, Jupiter, not the type to be bothered by such things, took drags from her cigar while squinting at the other party members.

This old lady, her gaze reminded me of a grandmother looking at her adorable grandchildren.

'They'll get along eventually.'

I didn't fret over it and began to brief the party members.

"I believe Lucas has given you a basic rundown of the situation."

I nodded, glancing at each of the four who were all eyes on me.

"A legion of monsters, specifically, a thousand living armors, are marching towards this city. Their estimated time of arrival is about three days from now."


They all simultaneously wore expressions of 'we're in deep trouble!'. Quite the amusing spectacle.

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