I Have Yet to Become a Doll Today-Chapter 453 - It’s Noisy Around

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Chapter 453: Chapter 453 It’s Noisy Around

Although Mary wasn’t moving, they still couldn’t go out. If the remaining dolls outside discovered them, they would still be attacked by Mary.

So, they could only continue to wait.

Waiting for daylight to come, to see if there might be a chance.

While it was still safe, they seized the time to get some rest.

They were in the projector room of a 4D cinema inside an amusement park. It was similar to a simple office, not too large, but enough to accommodate them.

Bai Youwei was sitting quietly against the wall, her mind in turmoil.

Though her body and mind were grossly exhausted, Lun Ang’s death was like a knife stabbing her heart, the pain throbbing. She couldn’t sleep no matter what.

Everyone else was the same.

Yu Yaqing, lost in thought, Tan Xiao in a daze, Shen Fei furrowing his brows… Perhaps they weren’t as badly affected as Yan Qingwen, but in the face of life or death, everyone needed some space to themselves.

It was noisy all around.

Outside, a chaotic animated film was playing.

The electronic games room below was bustling and noisy.

Shen Mo pulled her into his arms, gently patted her, calmly saying: “Sleep.”

Bai Youwei closed her eyes…

She didn’t sleep well, waking intermittently, having numerous bizarre dreams. The fluctuating music kept disturbing her, making her even more restless.

She adjusted her position in Shen Mo’s arms.

Shen Mo, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened them and asked her in a low voice: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s too noisy…” Bai Youwei, leaning against him, said, “It’s so loud I can’t sleep.”

“Hmm…” Shen Mo stated lightly, “Amusement parks are noisy.”

Those noises filled every corner, deafening, chaotic, so cheerful they were almost boiling over, like a wild, revelry feast.

Shen Mo moved Bai Youwei closer, covered her ears with his hand, and said softly again: “Sleep.”

Bai Youwei was taken aback, her heart gently trembled.

Of course, covering her ears couldn’t really block out the disturbing music, but his warm palm against her ear felt like a protective shield around her, warm, carrying a bit of weight, steadying her restless heart.

She lowered her head, burying herself deeper into his chest.

Although it was still noisy outside, she suddenly felt as if the world was peaceful…

Time passed, second by second.

After who knows how long, she heard the others whispering, the opening and closing of the door, and soft footsteps.

Then she realized, she had really fallen asleep earlier.

“How long did I sleep?” Bai Youwei slowly straightened herself from Shen Mo’s arms.

“Less than an hour.” Shen Mo said.

Sitting diagonally from her, Yu Yaqing said: “It’s good to sleep for a while, to rejuvenate. The mind will be clearer. I want to sleep, but I can’t.”

Bai Youwei rubbed her head, and said in jest: “With all this noisy music everywhere, of course we can’t sleep. No wonder Mary and Cat slept during the day. That song keeps playing in my head over and over, it’s nauseating.”

Yu Yaqing also chuckled lightly, “This song sounds familiar, I think we learned it in kindergarten, but I don’t remember what the lyrics were…”

Bai Youwei, while listening to the music outside, discerned carefully, and slowly started singing:

“Everywhere that Mary went,

She would bring along, her little doll,

People met them everywhere,

Mary and her merry doll…”

As she singing, her expression grew solemn, as if she sensed something, she repeated:

“Mary and her merry doll…

Mary and her merry doll… freewebnoveℓ.com

Her merry doll…”