I Love You, Monster: The Blindfolded Wife x The Masked Husband-Chapter 248: I don't mind having them

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An hour later, Davi finally opened her eyes. She slowly rose and felt weak. She remembered what happened last night and she blushed intensely. She remembered their love making and she couldn't help but felt fulfilled. She was so happy because she knew that to both of them, last night was their night, the night that will always be special to their hearts for the rest of their lives.

Of course, she too remembered just how energetic Sei was. She didn't expect the innocent him to have such stamina in bed. She didn't expect that the innocent and adorable husband of her was a monster in bed. Not knowing that half of his stamina last night was the effect of the overdose of sex drive boosters.

Moment later, Davi then helped herself and after taking a shower, she finally stepped out of their room. The butlers of course, welcomed her with wide smile and Davi was somehow aware why they're looking happy.

"Young miss. Do you need something? Please tell us if you have something you wanted. I think you should eat first for you to get your energy back." The old gramps said with a wide smile, looking like he was currently the happiest old man on earth right now.

Looking at him, Davi suddenly hugged him. She was so glad that they were just as happy as she is.

"I'm fine gramps. Anyway, where is Sei?" She then asked when Zaki's voice reached her ears.

"You're looking for Sei Miss?" he asked and Davi walked towards him.

"Mm." She uttered when Zaki the gossiping paparazzi sidled towards her.

"Your husband is so worried. He almost called a doctor to check on you because you're not waking up and you have bruises. He was afraid he overdid it and something bad happened to you." The mischievous man said and Davi blushed from her head down to her toes.

"W-what are you saying Mr. Chen." Davi staggered while the man grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"Ehem. Well, I just wanted you to know. Anyway, he's in the garden. I think he's trying to cool his head but oh well... You better go and stop him before he kills all your plant without even knowing, before he will die with worry." Zaki said and Davi looked at him curiously before she hastily walked towards the entrance. Upon seeing him, Davi halted.

A certain adorable man was watering the plants, no, flooding the plants without controlling the water gushing out of the hose in the garden silently and seriously. He was still wearing his gray pajama and because the garden have lots of flower now, there are already butterflies flying all over. He was so focused and seemed to be lost in thought that he didn't notice the butterflies landing on him.

The sight of him that moment was just so cute that Davi couldn't help but felt the extremely pleasing and fuzzy warm feeling as she watched him. She couldn't help but want to run towards him and squeeze him hard.

"Miss, he's been like that for more than an hour now. I called him out to eat first but he completely ignored me. You better do something before he faints with worry." The man behind her said and Davi's eyes widened.

"Eh?! More than one hour?!" she exclaimed and the man nodded.

Davi then hastily walked towards him. It's not like she's worried about the plants, it's just that, she wanted to know what's bugging him to be lost in thought to that extent. So even though, he was so adorable, the moment she approaches him, she called out his name.

"Sei." She uttered but her voice didn't seem to reach him. Davi stepped forward and was thinking about startling him mischievously when Sei suddenly turned. Water was still gushing out of the nozzle and he was planning to water the plants behind him. Thus, as soon as he turned, the water, reached Davi and drenched her. Sei immediately let go of the hose as it fell from his hand. He did it again. Wetting his dear wife like this.

Sei was stunned and his eyes widened. He leaped towards her and held her face worriedly.

"I... I'm so sorry. Are you right?" he asked and Davi chuckled.

"Haha. I'm fine, I was actually thinking about startling you but then I was the one being startled." She said as Sei immediately took of his pajama top and gently rubbed it to her wet face.

Davi saw his delicious half naked body again and she couldn't help but remember the scene last night. She blushed as Sei gently rubbed the clothe on her. Until he began drying her neck when he suddenly stopped.

Curious, Davi looked at him when the man suddenly held her and gently bumped his head on her forehead.

"Those bruises, are they hurt?" He asked. His eyes were apologetic yet beautiful as ever.

Hearing him, Davi could only smile. He reached out her hand and ruffled his hair.

"They're not hurt okay? They will disappear soon so don't worry." She answered and when the man heard her, the worry in his eyes disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I'm not gentle at all. Next time, I'll do my best not to give you bruises again." He said and Davi's eyes widened. She remembered him being ferocious yet trying so hard to stay gentle and she blushed again. And his words 'next time' made her heart fluttered and for some reason, both of them gazed at each other's eyes and their faces turned scarlet.

"Don't worry, I... I don't mind having them." She shyly said and Sei fell in daze for a while.

Davi on the other hand hurried her face on his chiseled naked chest, trying to hide her embarrassed face.

But the next moment, Sei held her chin and he kissed her. Their kiss was getting deeper and passionate, they don't want to stop. It was as though, after giving themselves to each other, every reservation all loosened up. They won't suppress themselves anymore.

Their lips parted to take a breath, and was about to kiss again when a certain sound stopped them both.

"Groowwllll..." said the sound and Davi bit her lip as she touched her stomach as it growled again.

"You need to eat now." Sei said woriedly before he immediately held her hand and they began to walk towards the house.