I Love You, Monster: The Blindfolded Wife x The Masked Husband-Chapter 7: Make me want you

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Davi's heartbeat went even faster the moment she heard him said that there was a problem. Her face turned visibly worried. It was just her first night with him, she just met her mysterious husband and there's already a problem?


"Yes, It's about me," he answered making Davi felt instantly relieved. Wait. What? The problem is about him? Davi's anxiety suddenly fell as if her blood pressure drastically went down from over a hundred to normal.

"Tell me, do you clearly understand what're your job as my wife?"

"Yes boss, crystal clear!" Davi covered her mouth right away when she realized the way she answered him. She was actually a bit flustered when he called her 'my wife'. However, the man himself seemed like he didn't mind at all.


"Then, what's… the problem?"

"No woman can arouse me."

Davi blinked for more than ten times, a long pause of deafening silence went by, then her eyes slowly turned wide.

"What? Wait… you're gay?!"

The masked man's cold but calm aura suddenly blazed like an ice cold fire the moment he heard what she said. On the other hand, Davi's instinct suddenly made her move right away, putting wide distance between them and instantly tugging the blanket, hiding herself behind it. She felt like she just awakened the sleeping monster within him. She couldn't see his expressions but his aura was enough to give her goosebumps, as if she was just touched by a ghost.

However, moment passed by but the monster didn't do anything so she slowly put down the blanket halfway, peeking like a scared cat to the masked man before her. His extremely dangerous aura just now started subsiding yet Davi's sweat from the sudden deadly blizzard a moment ago kept persisting.

"No." His stone cold voice almost felt like it made her sweats frozen. His word was just as absolute as ever indicating his solid unquestionable answer.

"A-are you sure?" Once again, Davi almost wanted to just tape her own stubborn mouth. She was still so scared and yet she can't stop herself from digging her own grave. But surprisingly, the man seemed unbothered.

"Yes. Men are out of the question."

"Then why…?"

"Lack of interest in women."

The way he answered her just felt like he was absolutely certain, there's no doubt or hesitation at all. But Davi's curiosity about the man before her is even greater than her fear, thus not stopping her to talk.

"But how about men? I mean, in romantic way. Are you interested in them?" Davi was surprised herself for her braveness, but her brave self slowly succumbs in fear once again when the man didn't reply.

Sei was actually being a bit impressed. It was the first time any woman dared talking to him like this, despite just meeting each other few hours ago. He could tell how stubborn she was, how curious she was, how she still kept talking to him despite her obvious fear.

And the most intriguing to him was that, this fragile looking yet brave creature was surprisingly making him answer her, even her every ridiculous questions.

"Not interested in men either." His voice was firm but it's as if he's indicating that he was already bored with their topic. But his reply made Davi's fear subsides once again.

"So basically, you're not interested in both men and women?"


Davi slowly covered her mouth as if being really surprised. Seriously? He's not just interested in human beings right? Maybe because he is a real monster? Maybe it's because he's actually interested in witches or magical girls? Davi couldn't help but think about lots of ridiculous ideas. However, she continued asking him since he's still giving her his answers despite him seemingly being a man of few words.

"Then why did you marry me?"

"I need a child."

His instant answer was like a lightning suddenly striking her. She knew very well that she had no right to say no, she knew that her life was already his, but she just still can't imagine herself bearing a child and becoming a mother. She already gathered her resolve, she believes that her mind and heart were ready, but still, her soul refuse to abide.

"But how can I give you a child if you…"

"That's why you need to seduce me. Make me want you."