I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon-Chapter 445 - Relief Troops

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Chapter 445: Relief Troops

Little Man raised her head and looked at the starry sky.

In the past half a month, she would always observe the starry sky at night.

This was because she had clearly noticed that the starry sky was changing.

She understood that this meant that her world was moving at a high speed towards a certain destination.

Moreover, according to her calculations, this speed was increasing every day!

In other words…

Little Man lowered her head.

She recalled again the divine mountain she had seen that day.

The mountains with long trails crossed the starry sky, the stars, and the heading towards the final land.

Little Man thus lowered her head.

She could hear the pulse of the Earth transmitting from the core of the world.

The Torch Dragon hiding in the divine mountain in the core of the world was also looking forward to reunite with his brothers in the past in the new world.

“Let’s go!” Little Man stood up.

Daylight had appeared in the sky.

It was almost dawn!

She still had to continue with her journey in order to get out of this vast mountain as soon as possible, and find traces of human or demon activity.

No matter how, she had to find traces of the heavenly ghost or Shura.

And not like the past 20 days, where there were no traces of human activity other than wild beasts and birds.


Little Man sensed something that made her heart throb.

She turned her head and saw several heavenly demons flying crazily from the other side of the mountain with their magic tools.

They might or might not have noticed Little Man.


They did not pay attention to Little Man at all.

Instead, they continued to activate their magic tools and fled crazily.

Behind them, there was an extremely voluptuous and weird monsters with six arms and in green muslin, stepping on the wind and chasing after them relentlessly.

Little Man looked at the monster.

The monster seemed to have sensed Little Man’s presence as well.

It turned its head over with the corners of its mouth rising slightly. The blood on the side of its mouth was as bright as cherry blossoms.

It did not care about Little Man and rode the wind forward.

Xiao Man looked at the monster that had disappeared into the horizon in fear.

“It’s the Shura that was born from the ruins of Green Mountain Town…” She muttered to herself.

Although the monster had changed its appearance which differed from when it was born from the giant cocoon, it now had six extremely strange arms and could also ride the wind to fly, Little Man knew that the monster was the Shura that was born from Green Mountain Town.

It was an extremely weird Shura.

It was a monster that fed on the heavenly ghosts!

Little Man had spent several days with it and had even ‘cooperated’ with it. Therefore, she knew that she could not be mistaken.

The unique soul movement could not be faked!

After taking a deep breath, Little Man once again summoned the heavenly ghost named Broken Wing with the Terrified Demon Subduing Ghost Book.

The heavenly ghost appeared. Its huge wings spread open. There seemed to be a layer of green film on its strange brains and its two pale eyeballs. This film seemed to have limited the heavenly ghost’s vision and spiritual sense.

Therefore, after a long while, then only it confirmed the person who summoned it to this world.

“Broken Wing, my salute to you!”

The heavenly ghost curled up its wings and lowered its head very docilely. There seemed to be several deep wounds on its strange and withered body.

“What’s wrong with you?” Little Man asked nervously.

“It’s nothing!” The Heavenly Ghost prostrated itself. It was even with a little pride. “This is my honor!”

The Bayaki was a species of space.

They traversed the universe, even passing through the crystal wall system, searching for all the planets and worlds that they could reproduce and feed on.

Other than those upper-level predators, the Bayaki rarely feared of other species.

That was because the ones that beat them were not as fast as them.

The ones that were faster could not beat them.


The Bayaki had their own special cycle.

Each Bayaki had its own limit.

It was in the 100th, 500th, and 1000th year of their lives.

Before these three nodes arrived, all the Bayaki needed to undergo a promotion trial.

The content of the promotion trial was to go to a world that only the Bayaki who had reached the node could sense and enter.

And in that world, to fight against the Bayaki’s mortal enemies, the Migos that who had been technologically armed to every cell.

And kill at least one Migo.

Devour it!

With the Migo’s flesh and blood, the Bayaki’s shackles would be released, entering a brand new life cycle.

This was a secret that only belonged to the Bayaki and the Migo.

The two space races that were hostile to each other, worshipped two supreme races that were immortal.

The two deep space species that had completely different styles.

They were each other’s sharpening stones.

Killing and eating the Migo was the key to Bayaki’s advancement.

For the Migo, killing and eating a Bayaki during the trial was also the key to release the shackles to their genes and souls.

So much so that in the legends, if there was a Migo or Bayaki that could kill and eat all of them, then this Migo or Bayaki would become the strongest Migo or Bayaki in history.

It would even have the chance to participate in the dimensional war that would only appear once every trillion years.

In the war, it would win a ticket to the path of the outer gods.

Thus, it would allow the entire race to obtain true immortality.

As long as the universe wasn’t destroyed, the race that had the protection of the outer gods wouldn’t be extinct!

As this was the rule!

And Broken Wing had just completed the second trial of its life cycle.

In that trial world, it had successfully torn apart three Migos.

Although it had been heavily injured by the Migo’s weapons and had even taken a Migo’s cannon head-on which left an indelible mark on its body, it was worth it.

As it had entered a new cycle and obtained many brand new abilities.

That was why it wanted to shed its skin.

However, these things did not need to be told to the lady in front of it.

Therefore, Broken Wing asked straightforwardly, “Honorable Lady… What are your instructions for summoning Broken Wing?”

Little Man saw that the heavenly ghost was unwilling to tell more, so she did not ask further. She was concerned about the matter that she was most concerned about at the moment. She asked, “Broken Wing, can you sense the current speed of our world?”

Broken Wing raised its mole-like head. The green membrane on its eyeball was faintly flickering with black darkness.

Then, it answered, “Yes!”

“Miss… The current speed of your world is three times that of the first time…”

“And it’s still accelerating…”

“I have a feeling… according to the current speed, it will reach its destination in two to three planetary years!”

“Of course, if the gravity of the gravitational source increases again, the process will probably be accelerated!”

Little Man frowned and asked, “Destination? Broken Wing, do you know the destination?”

Broken Wing knelt in front of Little Man and said, “Please forgive Broken Wing for not being able to tell…”

As Bayaki, Broken Wing could naturally sense the positions between the stars.

This was how Bayaki traveled through the universe and even the crystal wall system.

No matter where they went, the Bayaki would not get lost.

It was because their brain was an interstellar coordinate system.

And as a Bayaki who had entered its second life cycle, its ability was a little stronger than the others.

It could accurately sense the source of gravity.

It was precisely because of this that it didn’t dare to tell.

It could sense that the enormous source of gravity was projecting ripples between the deep space of the universe and the crystal wall system.

Within that source of gravity was an incomparably terrifying existence.

There was at least an external God there!

Little Man fell silent.

The heavenly ghost didn’t dare to tell, this itself had revealed terrifying information.

After thinking for a moment, Little Man asked, “Broken Wing, then do you know that other than you, what other existence in my world can sense this matter?”

Broken Wing listened, thought for a while, and replied, “There should be!”

“Miss, your world, even in the universe, can be rated as a ‘medium world’…”

“It has the potential to nurture old-time existences…”

“In such a world, top existences can vaguely sense something through spiritual sense or spirit vision…”

“The world itself will also give them a certain reminder…”

“The world itself?” Little Man frowned and asked, “What is that?”

“It’s heaven and earth…” Broken Wing answered.

It was very late at night.

Han Li couldn’t fall asleep.

As once she fell asleep, she would dream.

She dreamed that on the other side of the world, the heart of that weird tumor-like object was beating.

Thump! Thump!

It was beating vigorously!

It was growing vigorously!

It was growing every day!

That thick blood vessel was deeply embedded in the shadow on the other side of the world.

The viscous psionic power turned into liquid in the blood vessel.

“Why do I keep dreaming about it?” Han Li asked herself.

The tumor-like object was sensed by Han Li the moment it took root.

They even communicated with each other through divine thoughts.

They learned that it was a part of the Realm of Nightmare.

The Realm of Nightmare would select suitable people to enter, and hire these people to fight and plunder for themselves.

Other than these, the Realm of Nightmare had nothing else to say.

No matter how Han Li came into contact with it, tossed and turned, there were only these answers.

It was like a computer.

It was like a programmed answer.

At first, there was nothing unusual.

Han Li paid attention to the situation in the Realm of Nightmare and did not seem to have any threat.

Until two nights ago.

In the midst of a series of rapid and strange drum beats.

Han Li dreamed of the Realm of Nightmare.

She also heard its heartbeat in her dreams and witnessed its growth.

Tonight, as long as she closed her eyes, the Realm of Nightmare would appear before her eyes, and her heartbeat would echo in her ears.

“What on earth is going on?” Han Li thought.

She recalled the legends before the Aporkalypse.

It was said that a year before the Aporkalypse, many people dreamed of monsters and evil spirit.

“Could it be that the Realm of Nightmare will lead to a new realm of Nightmare?” Han Li bit her lip.

Knock, knock, knock…

Someone knocked on the door.

Han Li walked over and opened the door. She saw Little Ai, who was filled with fear.

“What’s wrong?” Han Li asked.

“Han Li!” Little Ai hugged Han Li’s legs in fear. Her delicate face was filled with fear. “I dreamed of countless people walking out of a huge ball of tumor…”

“They were carrying all kinds of weapons and bringing all kinds of servants…”

“The sky split open, the abyss collapsed…”

“Even the heavenly realm began to bleed!”

Han Li opened her beautiful eyes abruptly as she listened.

Elizabeth was kneeling in the holy mechanical shrine and listening to the drumming that was faintly echoing from the steel and machinery.

Occasionally, she could hear a holy chant.

Although it was vague and indistinct…

Elizabeth understood that it was the great soul of machines singing.

Singing about steel and machinery.

Therefore, it was the holy words in steel and the praise in machinery.

As a mechanical citizen, she needed to listen and feel wholeheartedly.

Therefore, she had brought all the believers of Church of Machinery and knelt here for two whole days!

Listening and feeling the praise of machinery, the Holy Word of steel.

The soul of machines was even closer.

The Great and Merciful Gatling Bodhisattva was even closer!

Therefore, as they were feeling, they were singing the praise loudly.

“Praise to Gatling Bodhisattva, walking in deep prajna honey for a long time, holding six straws…”

This was the praise of the believers of the steel commandment yard.

One by one, the monks or nuns who had shaved their heads and used the molten steel to cauterize their skulls which left white scars of the iron karst caves, knocked on the temple block made of steel in front of them. They used their own electronic vocal cords to make a systematic yet solemn sound, a chanting that was full of compassion.

“Ring the big bell once, push the lever, start the piston and engine…”

The believers who were wearing steel helmets and covered in nano-mechanical biochemical cells prostrated and prayed fervently and devoutly.

Red light flickered in their electronic eye sockets.

The steel organs in their bodies resonated with their prayers.

“The great soul of machines…”

“You are the Lord who forged all things, and also the apocalypse that destroys everything!”

“More is better, and big is beautiful!”

Finally, the mechanical monks and the believers of steel started to worship in unison. “Flesh is weak, steel is eternal!”

In the orderly worship, all the steel and machinery in the Church of Machinery started to resonate.

Countless mechanical souls let out joyful shrieks in the resonance.

Dong dong dong…

The sound of drums within the steel seemed to come from countless light-years away.

Sacred chants were slowly being chanted within the steel.

Everyone could feel the mechanical cells and nano-tissue in their bodies being overloaded in excitement.

As a result, they became more devout and fanatical.

Finally, amidst the rumbling drums.

The pieces of steel and gears in the Church of Machinery began to slowly soften, flow like water, and then re-form.

Finally, under the gaze of the people, more than half of the Church of Machinery seemed to have been melted by divine strength.

The melted steel and gears slowly gathered together under the fervent gaze of the people.

Finally, they formed a silver-white, liquid metal ball.

The metal ball slowly swayed.

From within, the same steel praise and machinery mantra came out.

The soul of machines and the people of steel from the other world were worshipping and praising the great soul of machines and the compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva.

Everyone cheered.

They were not alone!

The believers of steel and machinery were not alone.

Elizabeth knelt down again.

She knelt in front of the liquid metal ball.

That was because the mechanical canon in her hand had a grand and sacred hymn that sounded and lingered in her ears.

“Knock knock knock…”

It was as if the guards of the mechanical paradise were holding the sacred scepter and knocking on the world’s door.

The grand hymn slowly sounded.

“Grant them rest in peace…”

“Praise to the machine…”

“Glory to the steel…”

“The creator of machines and steel…”

“Please listen to my prayers…”

“Grant them rest in peace…”

Elizabeth therefore understood that the soul of machines’ divine power had created a brand-new holy artifact of machines.

It was a door.

It was a door of steel and machinery. It was used to connect another world where the people of steel and machinery lived.

It was also an embryo.

The soul of machines would eventually come to this world through him, bringing eternal glory to all of his people!


Knock, knock, knock… The guards of the machinery paradise were knocking on the door.

They were urging her.

Urging her and all the believers of steel and machinery to fight for the soul of machines!

As steel needed to be watered by flesh and blood, and machinery needed to be lubricated by the soul.

In order for this holy object to truly take shape and open the door to another world.

Then at least one evil god’s flesh and blood needed to be watered in it!

The soul of machines would be welcomed.

The flesh and blood of nine evil gods would be needed!


Elizabeth raised her head and looked at the vast starry sky.

The people of steel and machinery had to kill an evil god!

No matter what, no matter what price she had to pay, she had to drag an evil god down from the starry sky, kill him, and watered this steel holy object with his flesh and blood!

Fortunately, the people of machinery and steel were not fighting alone!

In her ears, amidst the grand praises.

Elizabeth could vaguely see a lump of strange object in the shape of a tumor slowly pulsating on the other side of the world.

That was the Realm of Nightmare.

The relief troops would come out from there!

Very soon!

Read Cursed Immortality
ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts