I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon-Chapter 472 - Knights of the Apocalypse

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Chapter 472: Knights of the Apocalypse

Ever since Ludwig’s betrayal, the atmosphere in land of Qin had been really weird.

The officials of the various countries seemed to have lost their voices, thereby allowing the statements from the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Empire of Xia to ferment.

Ludwig’s accusations were like sharp swords stabbing into the heart of the Polish royal family that were suspected of unbecoming deeds.

Well, to the people of land of Qin, these were actually not a big problem.

They could even be called ‘traditional virtues’.

Even today, the Habsburg royal family still maintained the tradition of brother and sister getting married.

This was for the sake of a purer bloodline.

In the era of the recovery of Spirit Aura, purer bloodlines could produce purer divine sons and goddesses.

This was something that was beyond doubt, so these accusations were only shocking to the Easterners.

The people of land of Qin did not feel anything.

However, the accusations that followed were extraordinary.

Father and son killing each other, brothers killing each other, palace conspiracy..

Ludwig’s tearful accusation video, even if it was deleted completely on the internet.

It was still circulating in countless private circles.

This was extremely embarrassing for the poles.

Logically speaking, the Polish royal family and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should have stood up and denied it a long time ago.

But they didn’t.

Not only did they not, but the Poles also acted as if nothing had happened, which made people suspicious.

What was even stranger was the attitude of the royal families and the officials.

No one reacted, and they were all playing dead.

It was as if the defection of Ludwig had never happened at all.

Thus, as time passed, countless rumors spread among the people and the internet.

The suspicions of the people kept rising.

“What on Earth are the officials doing?”

On the current world map, the people of the pan-qin and land of Qin countries that were marked as the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ were all asking questions.

But what they did not know was the reason why the officials were silent was because of fear.

“The mass of the Earth has increased by one-thousandth compared to yesterday!”

“The diameter has increased by almost 800 meters!”

“But all the results we measured showed that it was normal!”

The old marshal, whose chest was full of medals, stood in front of a big screen and said to the leaders and representatives of the countries present.

“Whether it’s from space or on the ground…”

“The gravity hasn’t changed, the weight hasn’t changed…”

“I think we have encountered an unprecedented crisis!”

A representative from Bavaria raised his hand silently. “Sir Marshal, since these changes won’t affect reality, why should we worry?”

“No!” The old marshal glared at him.

“In the era of the recovery of spirit aura, anything related to transcendent being will eventually reflect reality!”

He picked up a remote control and pressed it.

The big screen then projected a three-dimensional map of the Earth.

“This is the result of our scientists’ intense calculations!”

On the big screen, the three-dimensional planet slowly expanded.

As its mass and diameter continued, the earth slowly elongated.

Like a dough, it was compressed and flattened.


An endless continent appeared on the big screen.

As the earth disappeared, the world became a huge continent.

The old marshal pressed another button.

The image of the entire universe appeared on the big screen.

Then, the universe also evolved.

As the mass of the Earth surpassed that of the Sun, all the celestial bodies in the Solar System were slowly pulled by the transcendent being and the strength of the Earth itself.

The core of the Solar System became the earth.

And as the evolution continued.

The mass of the Earth increased by one-thousandth every day.

A few hundred years later, the entire universe began to revolve around the earth.

“Did you see that?” The old marshal looked at the others. “This is our final fate after the situation continues to develop!”

“This is also the result of our evolution after using the supercomputer and inputting the current relevant data!”

“The core of the earth!”

“Everyone! The core of the Earth wants to be resurrected!”

“And shine into reality!”

“The Earth will become the Solar System, even the Milky Way. Even the center of the entire universe!”

“The entire universe will revolve around the Earth!”

“What’s wrong with that?” The representative asked weakly.

The old marshal smiled sinisterly. “What’s Wrong?”

“Do you know the truth behind the recovery of Spirit Aura?”

“Have you studied the history of the world since the recovery of Spirit Aura?”

The old marshal looked at all the representatives.

“Two hundred years ago… The Greeks betrayed us…”

“They awakened the old gods and rebuilt the gods of the Olympians… The Glory of the Lord fell from the Greek Peninsula!”

“Then the gods of Odin in the Northern Qin continent revived…”

“We became heresy!”

“The Asgard reappeared!”

“This is the result of the mythical grade invasion!”

“We lost the land that we had owned for a thousand years or more!”

“We were chased out of those lands!”

Looking at everyone, the old marshal finally revealed a truth that had been secretly hidden for two hundred years. “This is the truth of the mythical grade invasion!”

“The cruel and cold truth!”

“The revival of the spirit aura has brought about the mythical grade invasion!”

“The invasion of mythical grade is on the surface, but the battle between civilizations is the most important thing!”

“And the battle between civilizations…”

“There has always been only one winner!”

The old marshal turned around and looked at the big screen.

“Moreover…” He looked at the continent that was gradually frozen, the super continent that had become the center of the entire universe.

The continent was boundless, and no one knew how many tens of thousands of kilometers it had spread.

Its area could even be calculated in light years.

“Let’s take a look at this continent!”

“All the transcendent being phenomena are the result of the invasion of the mythical grade!”

“And this continent…”

“Do you think it’s the mythical grade?”

The old marshal shook his head and said worriedly, “No!”

“This is the legend of the East!”

“It’s the mythical grade continent that is invading them now!”

“The mythical grade continent of mountains and seas!”

“Do you think… when this continent is finally formed…”

“What will happen to us?”

The old marshal lowered his head. “The best outcome would probably be to be banished to some desolate mountain range, a desert desert, and become a ‘barbarian’!”

“The monkeys in the zoo!”

“The ancient creatures in the museum!”

“And the worst-case scenario…”

“We can’t even be monkeys!”

“At the moment when this mythical grade finally invades, all of us, along with our civilization and everything else, will be wiped out or thrown out of space and time, becoming forgotten civilizations!”

The old marshal said seriously, “Just like the Sumerian civilization!”

“Just like the hanging gardens of the ancient Babylonians!”

Instantly, the entire venue was in a heated discussion.

“Does the church of bones not care?” someone asked in fear.

“Care?” The old marshal sneered. “How do they care?”

“How do they care?”

“Even the wheel of the Moon was broken by someone!”

“The heretics were resurrected from the body of the wheel of the Moon… and returned to their homeland, hiding under the waves of the Red Sea…”

“It’s been a few days, and the Church of bones can’t even deal with the heretics in the body of the wheel of the Moon!”

“What else can they care about such things?”

“Then what should we do?” someone panicked.

Panic was the right thing to do!

The old marshal sneered.

What he wanted was the Panic of others.

Only panic could make people make choices that they could not make before.

The old marshal looked at the medal on his chest.

These were the proof of his meritorious deeds.

He gently stroked it and said, “Gentlemen… we only have one way now!”

He said softly, “Wake up the four sleeping horsemen of the Apocalypse!”

“Use blood and fire to reshape the world!”

Hearing this, everyone jumped up as if they had been stung by a poisonous bug. “Impossible!”

“Are you crazy?!”

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were a very deep secret of the land of Qin!

Back then, the Allied army of land of Qin had suffered a huge defeat on the southern Zhou battlefield. The transcendent being that they thought was invincible had met a bloody end on the top of the mountains of the new Qin mountains.

The werewolves, vampires, priests, witches, and warlocks that had been formed and thrown into the battlefield.

Undoubtedly, very few who could return.

As a result, the defeated countries were thrown into chaos.

The Fran people even sent their king to the guillotine, using the destruction of a dynasty to announce the beginning of an era.

In the tide of the great era, the Church of bones revived.

Just then, the Archangel Michael woke up.

The Emperor of Fran brought back from the east a volume of the most ancient classic of the cross, the Dead Sea document, which was personally bestowed by the legendary God.

In this ancient scripture, the secrets of Heaven were recorded.

With this, the Emperor made a deal with the Church of bones.

In exchange for the Dead Sea document, the Church of bones trained the first transcendent being of the land of Qin.

With this army, the emperor swept through all the countries, almost unifying the land of Qin.

But he still failed in the end!

Because what he wanted, all the countries and all the transcendents in the land of Qin could not agree to it.

He actually wanted to learn from the east, to suppress and restrain the transcendent being.

Even something like the civil code was created — the civil code contained the secret of transcendent being. It was practically a copy of the eastern Transcendent Law!

How could this work?

Therefore, everyone united and defeated him.

Apart from forcing him to lie in the coffin of the Rong Military Academy, they even placed a seal and a blood curse so that he would never wake up!

In exchange, his homeland was saved.

Before lying in the coffin, the Emperor left a prophecy. “Sooner or later, you will come and beg me!”

“Because I am the Knight of the Apocalypse!”


He was the Horseman of the Apocalypse.

The Red Horse War Horseman!

To be more precise, this emperor took advantage of the weakness of the Red Horse War Horseman’s original body when he was searching for the Dead Sea documents in the east to usurp everything of the Red Horse War horseman with an extremely secretive ceremony.

This was the reason why no one dared to call the emperor by his name!

He was just too sacred!

The Red Horse War Knight.

A heaven-enlightening knight that belonged to war.

An existence that was destined to bring war to the land!

Therefore, the four knights that awakened the heaven-enlightening were the ones that awakened the emperor.

After the Emperor woke up, the first thing he probably had to do was to kill all the royal families that forced him to swear a blood oath and fall into a deep sleep!

After that, he would look for the other three knights to save the Qinlu civilization.

This was something that would definitely happen, and that was what he did back then!

The battle of the three emperors had destroyed countless mountains.

The earth was bleeding and the countries were extremely weak.

This was the reason why Odin and the other gods had the chance to return, and also the reason why the Greek gods had the chance to revive.

However, as the emperor of the land of Qin at that time, he observed everything from the sidelines.

He even hoped that the Odin gods would return and that the Greek gods would revive.

Because he believed that only in this way could the countries of the land of Qin agree to his request and compromise with him in a life-and-death crisis.

He was a madman!

A madman who would do anything for his own cause!

Upon hearing the continuous abuse in his ears, the old marshal laughed.

“Then what good ideas do you have?”

“Don’t tell me that you want to drag our entire civilization to death?”

However, the answer that the old marshal received was:

“If we want to exchange our deaths for the continuation of our civilization…”

“Well, if that’s the case, such a civilization should never exist!”

The old marshal suddenly turned his head and saw the person who had spoken.

The person from Hapsburg!

While staring at the person, he panted deeply.

His entire person instantly aged.

Never had he thought that he would receive such an answer!

That person met the old marshal’s gaze without any fear.

“Da Wu!” He shouted the old marshal’s name loudly. “You, the Emperor’s dog, do you think that we don’t Know?”

“You have always wanted him to wake up!”


“What right do you have to ask us…”

“Honorable and honorable, great and mighty divine blood nobles… born rulers who sacrifice themselves for the common people?”

“They are only lambs!”

“And we are nobles chosen by God himself and born to rule over their divine bloodline!”

When the old marshal heard this, his heart felt like it was being cut by a knife.

He also remembered that these people had always been like this. From ancient times until now, they had never changed.

It was laughable that he still had hope for these people.

He thought that they could make some sacrifices and concessions in the face of life and death.

However, the result was already obvious.

Asking them to give in was the same as asking them to die.

At this moment, there was only one thought in the old marshal’s mind.

“With such a transcendent being…”

“Perhaps the Qin Lu civilization should be destroyed!”

“Just like Sumer… !”

But he thought of the emperor.

He thought of the years he spent under the emperor.

He thought of the emperor’s ideals and the Civil Code.

He persevered and did not let his soul shatter immediately.

He stood with great effort and took one last look at the nobles who were all seated.

He was completely disappointed, for he knew that he could not rely on them.

The Church of bones was useless.

He could only find his own way out!

Even if he had to cooperate with the Devil and be with hell!

In the Church of bones.

The wings of the archangel floated in every space of the church like golden threads.

The pious old bishop prostrated himself at his feet.

He chanted the holy praise.

Suddenly, the Archangel on the holy seat opened his eyes.

As he scanned the entire church with a ruthless gaze, he issued his holy edict, “Don’t bother about the wheel of the Moon Anymore!”

“Why?” The old bishop raised his head, not quite understanding.

The Holy Knights of the hospital knights had clearly locked onto the escaped heretic and could capture him at any time to let him bathe in the holy light again and become the faithful servant of the Lord.

The Archangel said in an extremely dignified voice, “This is the final order!”

He raised his head and looked at the white bone dome above his head.

He could sensed that this was a trap!

“Is it you?” The Archangel slowly rolled up his golden wings and asked the empty dome of the church.

On the dome, there was a mural.

On the mural, the images of the seven archangels were vivid and lifelike.

However, there was a trace of one that seemed to be covered by something, so much so that his golden wings had become dull and dim.

The archangel that symbolized the restraint of the Kingdom of heaven.

Had fallen to the human world.

He had betrayed his brother and master.

“Chariet!” The archangel slowly read out this once Holy Name.

“I should have thought of this long ago!”

He lowered his head, looking a little sad.

The old bishop watched and could only lower his head and obey.


“Your Highness…”

The old bishop asked, “The thing in the east…”

“I have already activated the secret hand and started monitoring!”

“The development of the situation is under control!” The archangel said slowly, “You don’t have to worry!”

In the Honor Military Academy.

The emperor’s coffin was displayed in the center.

Beside him were the coffins of countless loyal guards who surrounded him.

And underground, there were the coffins of countless soldiers who had followed him to battle in the world.

A young, dark-skinned man suddenly appeared in front of the coffin.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the emperor’s coffin that was heavily protected or shackled.

But in the end..

He held it in.

“My brother…” he lowered his head slightly. “I believe that we will meet again!”

“We will change this rotten world together!”

“Realize our common dream!”

“This day… won’t be too far away!”

“My Dear Jupiter!”

“Or, your Majesty the Emperor, the Eternal God of war, Caesar on Earth, the heaven-illuminator of Heaven, and the Lord of Mars, Ares!”

As he spoke, his figure gradually disappeared.

At the place where he disappeared, a fiery red emblem appeared.

The temperature of this emblem was so high that it melted the surrounding surface.

Soon, this emblem was discovered by the people guarding the honor military academy. In their panic, they quickly notified the authorities.

The authorities did not dare to be negligent and immediately sent a general to inspect it.

After the general arrived, he looked at the emblem that was still emitting high temperature in front of the emperor’s coffin.

This emblem was extremely sacred and was emitting red light at all times.

Looking at it, the general took a deep breath and spat out a word, “March!”

This was the Latin meaning of March.

It was also the month of Mars.

It was also the symbol of Jupiter, the main god of the ancient Roman Empire and the god of war and conquest.

This emblem had disappeared for at least a thousand years.

Now, it had reappeared.

And in the era of the recovery of spirit aura, this usually meant that the main god of Rome was waking up.

As the general looked at the emperor’s coffin, he swallowed his saliva.

In the end, he didn’t dare to meddle in this matter!

For a mortal to meddle in the affairs of a god was no different from courting death, especially here in the honor court.

Where the invincible Emperor Sleeps.

The Pride and honor of the Fran.