I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World-Chapter 528 - 346: Who Leaked the News?

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Chapter 528: Chapter 346: Who Leaked the News?

Harrison Clark said stubbornly, “Since you wish for this, I naturally won’t object.”

Nora Camp: “Alright, let’s settle on this.”

Harrison Clark: “Ah… um, okay… alright.”

He always felt like he missed something.

Hey, if I had just admitted that I wanted to do that thing, would she have agreed?


So sad, I missed a billion.

Seeing his deflated look, Nora Camp found it amusing and interesting.

War God Research Institute did give good advice after all.

Indeed, she shouldn’t force herself to change her behavior; just teasing him like this, letting things take their natural course, she felt quite happy.

Maybe this is what it feels like to be in love?

“By the way, how is Teacher Amelia Johnson?”



Harrison Clark: “Big achievements! Bright prospects! Highly skilled!”

“Oh, alright then. See you.”

Nora Camp waved and sat back down in her chair.

Well, she seemed to be kicking him out again.

Harrison Clark was at a loss with his hands, “Hey, why don’t we…”

Nora Camp cocked her head, “By the way, since you’re the commander of the Caudron Army Corps now, you should probably start learning about the art of command, right? Here, I have some materials. These are all personally organized commander tutorials, from being proficient… well, you’ve already mastered the basics, to being a senior, and then to…”

“Don’t run away again. These are all my hard work, and I spent a lot of time putting them together. I even lost a few strands of hair. And now that you’re in charge of the Caudron Army Corps with a total of 40 million people, you need to be responsible for so many lives.”

Nora Camp blinked.

Harrison Clark hesitated for a few seconds and then sighed.

He really wanted to tell Nora Camp that the best place for his Caudron Army Corps was under her command, but looking at her slightly haggard appearance, as if she’d been worn out from putting all this together, he couldn’t bear it. freewёbnoνel.com


As Nora watched Harrison Clark walk away, she turned around, a triumphant expression on her face that vanished in an instant.

She had received the evaluation of the War God Plan.


Nora Camp clenched her fists tightly, success!

So this was the right way.

She had to admit she was a genius; when she started learning seriously, she was very fast.

With the same requirements, changing the time and changing the state of mind could achieve completely different results.

Nora Camp recalled the negative feedback Harrison gave when she last forced him to learn the commander tutorial, feeling a bit embarrassed and secretly ashamed.

At that time, she wasn’t aware, but looking back, it was indeed too blunt.

Fortunately, the lowest rating for the War God Plan was D; otherwise, it wouldn’t be surprising if she got an E.

Thinking of E, the General’s mind drifted to a certain artistic person and Harrison’s “big.”

Her expression changed again; she felt a bit annoyed and quite bothered.

Harrison Clark, this guy, really is as frivolous as the ancient novels described.

Is big that good?

I’m not small either!

But the annoyed expression on the face of the child’s mother came and went quickly.

Because she suddenly realized.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

Was I just being jealous?

This feeling came abruptly and conflicted with Nora Camp’s original worldview.

Before this, she actually approved and tacitly agreed to the optimized family concept, but her situation with Harrison Clark was special, and there was almost no feasibility.

But being forced to abandon the optimized family and actively feeling dissatisfied in her heart were completely different concepts.

It seemed her recent crash course in love stories wasn’t for nothing.

It felt right.

Nora Camp started a composite simulation video on her personal assistant in the room.

It was the video record of Harrison Clark’s battle with Needham Brown.

She sometimes changed it to the first-person perspective, sometimes moved back to the third-person view, and whenever it came to key moments of the fight, she would play it in slow motion, observing Harrison Clark’s sudden burst of intricate control techniques.

When she seemed to have gained some insight, she quickly recorded her thoughts using brainwaves, noting down new ideas about how the Galaxy Warrior could be utilized on the battlefield, as well as some personal experiences summarizing the Galaxy Warrior’s mass assault.

Not only Nora Camp was doing this, but Mr. Green, Bainesta, Gaius and almost all the high-level commanders were doing the same.

The reference value of Harrison Clark’s battle with Needham Brown was just too great.

Before this, no matter how many military exercises and trainings they’d had, they couldn’t simulate the feeling of a real-life battle with life on the line.

High-ranking military personnel also didn’t know that Galaxy Equipment had so much potential to be tapped into.

But when Nora Camp watched the video, her state of mind was different from others.

Others were only occasionally excited and their hearts raced, but she would sometimes get lost in thought.

There were too many surprises Harrison Clark had given her.

As for the other side, after leaving, Harrison Clark went to find Daniel Thompson.

Their conversation mainly revolved around Daniel Thompson’s situation when attending Needham Brown’s lecture, and the conversation generally went like this:

“Lion, I’ve revised a version of the training materials here, take a look. This set of materials combines some key points from my fight with Needham Brown, and I’ve refined the materials into these few levels…”

After a while, Daniel Thompson quietly deleted the words “Daniel Thompson’s Improved Version” from the suffix of “Clark’s Tutorial.”

How infuriating, how lost.

It turns out that he had made a complete effort for nothing last month, suffering a senseless beating.

With this guy making tutorials, others don’t even have a chance to perform, Lion doesn’t really want to put in the effort anymore.

Daniel Thompson: “Damn it, why didn’t you do this earlier?”

Harrison Clark: “Didn’t I not have time before?”

Daniel Thompson: “My beating was quite unjustified.”

Harrison Clark shrugged, “It’s not bad either. If you didn’t get beaten up by Needham Brown, I wouldn’t have thought of fighting him. If I didn’t fight him, I probably wouldn’t have had time to make this tutorial for another two months.”

Daniel Thompson: “So, the meaning of my beating was to give him a reason to provoke you?”

Harrison Clark: “Yeah, don’t you feel honored? Don’t you feel a great sense of accomplishment?”

“Get lost! I won’t bother with you anymore. Quite a few new recruits have come to the base, and Marthus has become a basic instructor. There’s plenty to do.”

After speaking, Daniel ran off, not knowing what he was avoiding.

The construction site of the Cauldron Base is booming, but there isn’t much dust since almost all buildings are made from pre-made modular devices.

Building houses is like assembling blocks, emphasizing speed.

At this time, there aren’t many people at the construction site, as most of the work is done by fully automated machinery.

Harrison Clark strolled around, performing his duty of inspecting as the new official.

Seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but think of the day he and Rainer walked through the Summit Research Institute and the countryside.

It hadn’t been long in his memory since that time, but in real time, it had been nearly a thousand years.

This feeling was quite peculiar.

At that time, he and Rainer discussed the problem of time travel and were unable to refute Rainer’s well-founded arguments.

Now, when he thinks about it again, it feels like a life ago.

If Rainer could see these fully intelligent machines and the incredible experimental equipment in the research institutes of the new era, what would he think?

Huh, what’s that?

Harrison Clark’s gaze shifted, seeing something rapidly ascending from the base.

Two feet like the Leshan Giant Buddha were placed on the ground, already reaching the calf position.

Harrison Clark quickly turned to the blueprint of the base and understood immediately.

This was his own statue!

There was no statue in the Black Bear Training Base because it wasn’t big enough.

The Cauldron Base was much larger than the Black Bear Training Base and was designed as a large city, so a symbolic statue became a necessary project.

Moreover, the leader of the Caudron Army Corps was Harrison Clark, and they shared a similar appearance, so making a statue was quite fitting.

Harrison Clark’s face immediately fell.

Damn the thinking cocoon room, damn the War God Plan, it never ends.

He was simply fed up.

He decisively exercised his authority as the corps leader to terminate the statue construction.

The Cauldron Army Corps’ preparatory group immediately noticed the change.

A stranger’s middle-aged male voice sounded in Harrison Clark’s communicator, “General Clark, what is this about?”

Harrison Clark rolled his eyes, “I had a conversation with Miss Amelia Johnson previously, and there should be a recording at the War God Research Institute. You should know how much I hate this statue. By placing this thing under my eyelids, aren’t you trying to annoy me?”

“Uh, General Clark, this is a big deal, and it doesn’t follow the rules. If you insist on not building the statue, I’m afraid it will require a vote at a high-level meeting.”

Harrison Clark became angry, “Impossible! I decide my own matters; I don’t need anyone else to vote for me.”

And that wasn’t the end of it.

Harrison Clark’s eyes shifted, and he suddenly came up with a new idea.

“Alright, you can build it if you want. Whatever this crappy corps leader title is, I don’t want it. Oh, and help me tell Needham Brown that the next time he comes to challenge me, I won’t fight back. Let him kill me.”

After saying this, Harrison Clark didn’t care what the preparatory group thought, cut off communication, and quickly sent a message on the Defense Army General’s communication channel.

“Everyone, this is Harrison Clark. I have considered it briefly, and my decision is as follows…”

He began making sky-high demands.

He must completely destroy his statue, promote his and Amelia’s new version of the program, revert the sage Harrison Clark to an ordinary person, only then would he be willing to accept the position of the helm of the Caudron Army Corps.

Otherwise, there’s no point in discussing it.

At the same time, Harrison Clark didn’t hide anything anymore and directly expressed his aversion to the War God Plan.

“Let’s stop the War God Plan, it’s boring and makes me feel uncomfortable. If I really need to learn something, I’ll learn it myself. I don’t need you to train me. No one has the right to train me.”

As soon as Harrison spoke these words, there was an uproar in the high-level communication channel of the Defense Army.

Mr. Green was full of confusion.

What’s going on?

Which link went wrong?

How did the news leak?


Since the establishment of the War God Plan, Harrison Clark’s every move has been under surveillance, and every detail has been thoroughly analyzed.

Absolutely no one leaked any information to him.

Also, what’s going on with his excessive demands?

How is he even more arrogant than Needham Brown?

It’s simply outrageous!

In the past, if Harrison Clark said this, no one would pay attention.

However, in just one day, his popularity among the people has skyrocketed. With the return of 800 million stubborn Lost Ones to society and their jobs, his standing has unknowingly reached its peak, far surpassing when Neville Brown became the Chief Executive officer.

The situation was becoming complicated.