I Received System to Become Dragonborn-Chapter 77 Finally Escape

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At this rate, the two of them could be surrounded. If they were surrounded, then no matter how strong the two of them were, being in a state of being surrounded would never be a good thing.

The Daemons above all began to descend by raising their respective weapons. Their faces were full of unbearable anger. 𝗳𝘳𝒆𝘦𝑤𝐞𝚋𝗻𝚘𝘷𝘦𝙡.𝑐𝐨𝘮

Saeldir moved his hands in a rhythm. Then his sword flew towards the Daemons with incredible speed.

The sword pierced through several Daemon bodies at once. And because of its fast movement, the Daemons had a hard time evading or parrying it.

But after seeing some of them die, the Daemons finally got used to the presence of the flying sword. They could defend better than Saeldir's attacks.

Meanwhile, the black-robed figure hid behind the angry Daemons. His figure slowly disappeared into a mere background.

Saeldir noticed that the black-robed figure had started to disappear. But he wouldn't bother to chase after the black-robed figure now that he was facing more important matters.

The Daemons charged toward Saeldir with their weapons raised. Full of desire to kill Saeldir.

The Elf moved his hands in a lifting motion upwards. Instantly the ground in front of the Daemons turned into a bunch of spikes.

Several Daemons that charged blindly forward with only anger-driven were pierced by the ground spikes. But the other Daemons behind them jumped over the corpses of their comrades and continued their charge towards Saeldir.

On the other hand, Erend and Baldeem were engaged in an equally fierce battle. Erend manages to land a few punches on Baldeem. But the Daemon didn't seem to feel any pain.

He still continued to attack Erend with the same ferocity and ferocity. But Erend was also starting to feel worried.

The slash from Daemon's ax began to cause pain on his skin. It is something new.

Normally, nothing could make Erend feel any touch on his skin when he activated [Dragon Scale].

But now that Daemon's weapon could make him feel pain.

It can be dangerous if left too long. So Erend thought that he should end this fight immediately.

'Should I turn into a Dragon?' The thought crossed his head.


Suddenly an ax hit his chest. And the slash had not only hit Erend's scale but had also penetrated it. Creates an incision that bleeds.

Erend's eyes widened at that. But Baldeem didn't stop there and immediately slashed his ax again.

'This is dangerous!' Erend was no longer able to withstand the attack of the Daemon with his scale alone.

How did the Daemon weapon break through the scale? That question crossed Erend's mind but it wasn't important right now.

Now he had to find a way to get out of this place. Erend saw the daemon's ax blade descending towards his head. But suddenly a sword came in the middle of the ax's path.


A loud sound rang out as the ax struck the sword shrouded in white light. It's not just sound. But sparks of dark red and white light also radiated in all directions.

Soon the sword was pulled back by Saeldir and slashed one of the Daemons that was surrounding him. Erend was slightly surprised when he saw Saeldir helping him.

'Quickly turn into a Dragon!' Saeldir said to Erend inside his head. Erend immediately understood why Saeldir was helping him.

All of that of course only because the Elf wanted to quickly escape from here. But Erend can't turn into a Dragon right now. At least he should be able to get rid of this Daemon for a while.

Saeldir himself was facing dozens of Daemons that kept appearing from inside the passage in the cave.

His face was calm even though dozens of Daemons surrounded him from all directions.

Saeldir was not afraid of himself. He could deal with those Daemons easily. But he wasn't sure about Erend.

Saeldir saw how the huge ax was wounding Erend's body. He didn't know how the weapon was made to injure Dragon's skin.

That's why he ordered Erend to quickly turn into a Dragon so he could get out of here quickly. Saeldir thought at least his chances of escaping would be greater if he turned into a Dragon.

Saeldir couldn't let Erend's immense power fall into the hands of the Daemons with his defeat here. Saeldir couldn't help but have to help Erend.

He spread his arms toward the surrounding Daemons. Frozen smoke gushed out from Saeldir's palm and then instantly froze them.

Then Saeldir moved his sword to destroy all the frozen Daemons. The blade moved as fast as lightning and broke the frozen Daemons. Turns them from an angry Daemon of Calamity into small scattered ice flakes.

Saeldir didn't waste time rushing towards Erend. He pointed his sword to dispel Baldeem's axe. The loud sound as the ax hit Saeldir's blade was heard again.

Saeldir then ordered his sword to fight with Baldeem. Baldeem is surprised to see a sword moving on its own and floats to fight it.

He felt anger burn in his chest at the feeling of being toyed with by the Elf. But Baldeem couldn't go any further and passed this sword.

Saeldir approached Erend and checked his wound. Apart from the wound he suffered on the chest, Erend's body had other wounds as well.

"You can still turn into a Dragon?" Saeldir asked.

"Yeah," Erend answered weakly. "I will change now."

Saeldir nodded. "Good. Once you turn into a Dragon we can get out of here."

"You should step away a bit," Erend said. So Saeldir stepped away and temporarily focused himself on dispelling Baldeem.

Erend activated his skill.

[ Skill activated: Fire Dragon Transformation (Lv.1) ]

Instantly red light and heat waves spread out in all directions. Saeldir also felt the heat wave. Baldeem stared at the red light that looked like the color of the smoldering fire with wide eyes.

A moment later the Fire Dragon Erend's form appeared on top of a towering mountain with flames smoldering on each shoulder.

Dragon-Erend spewed flames at Baldeem and covered the Daemon's body in smoldering flames. The grass, trees, and shrubs around the Daemon's body burned and turned to ashes instantly.

"Let's get out of here quickly!" Saeldir shouted at Dragon-Erend.

Erend who heard it immediately spread his wings and flapped them. A wave of wind appeared to subdue the plants on Mount Calamity.

Saeldir immediately jumped up and grabbed the Dragon-Erend's leg. Then the Dragon-Erend flew away from it.

Baldeem jumped out to escape the flames enveloping his body. When he looked up, Baldeem saw that the red dragon was flying in the sky and away. At his feet, the Elf hung with one arm and stared at Baldeem.

"HYYAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!" Baldeem shouted with all his might.

He raised his giant ax high above his head. Then the ax flashed with a dark red light.

Baldeem twisted his body a few times then threw the ax at the two of them. Saeldir saw the giant ax shooting toward them.

So he let go of the sword in his hand and let it approach the axe. Saeldir's sword collided with the giant ax and created a huge explosion.

The explosion was accompanied by a dazzling red and white light and a shockwave that knocked down trees and shrubs as well as Daemons in the surrounding area.

Saeldir's sword returned to him again. But the sword did not return in good condition. There was an eroded part and a crack ran from a single point on the sword.

Saeldir frowned. The weapon of the Daemon can erode his sword. The giant ax was definitely not an ordinary axe.

About How a Daemon could get such a weapon, Saeldir had no idea. But that was a matter he could think about later.

After Saeldir sensed they were quite far from Mount Calamity, Saeldir told Erend to get down.

Erend did so and as soon as he got down, Erend deactivated his skill and turned back into a human.

There was a slash on Erend's chest which was inflicted by Daemon's ax earlier.

Erend winced in pain. Saeldir said nothing else and teleported them back to the palace.


When the two of them arrived back at the palace, Erend immediately fell and was unconscious.

Saeldir immediately used his power to lift Erend into the treatment room. Erend was carried by hovering next to Saeldir.

When they arrived at the treatment room, there were already Aurdis and three Elves who specialized in healing magic. Billy, Lt. Boartusk, and Elis lay on different beds with an Elf each handling them.

Saeldir laid Erend on an empty bed. Aurdis came to them.

"What happened to him?" Aurdis asked in a worried tone while looking at Erend.

"Daemon's axe," Saeldir replied.

"Did he forget to use his Dragon power?"

"No. He was injured while using the Dragon's power."

Aurdis glanced at him. "What?"

Saeldir showed his sword to Aurdis.

"Look at this, the ax even did this to my sword."
