I Received System to Become Dragonborn-Chapter 79 Next Few Days

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Time just passed. Erend still keeps coming to the treatment room to see how Billy, Lt. Boartusk, and Elis.

The three of them were still unconscious after three days had passed. Aurdis tells Erend that the curse that befell them has been lifted.

So Erend doesn't need to worry. The reason why the three of them still hadn't woken up was that their bodies needed some more time to fully recover.

After hearing the explanation from Aurdis, Erend felt relieved. There was nothing more for him to worry about now. All he had to do was wait until the three woke up.

After the three of them wake up, only then could the next plan be implemented. Namely a plan to restore their good name in the Republic.

The white sphere which is the core of the magic shield protecting the castle has also been fixed.

Saeldir and several other Elves worked all day and night to recover the white sphere. Their efforts paid off when finally the sphere was intact again and the magic shield that protected the palace was functioning again.

Since he didn't want the same thing to happen again, Saeldir decided to stay in the room and guard the Magic shield core.

He didn't want the traitor who might still be in the palace to destroy it again. If they really wanted to do it, then they would have to face Saeldir head-on.

Unfortunately, Saeldir couldn't find a way to find the traitor before Aerchon returned tomorrow. So he could only wait.

Seeing that the protective dome had returned to cover the palace, the Elves were relieved. Their happy faces returned.

Alone in the room where the Magic shield core was, Saeldir pondered over his encounter with the black-robed figure on Mount Calamity.

The figure has a pretty good Magic ability. But he chose not to fight Saeldir head-on instead, preferring to hide behind the sudden arrivals of the Daemons of Calamity.

Saeldir thought, was it because the black-robed figure didn't want Saeldir to recognize the Magic he used? In that case, the identity that Saeldir suspected as an Elf was almost certain.

The figure behind the black robe must also have used the Daemon of Calamity and most likely the Ogres to continue attacking their castle.

The culprit behind the damage from the Magic shield core was also almost certainly that black-robed figure. But what's the point?

If the figure really was an Elf, why did the figure intend to destroy their own race? That's very strange. Saeldir couldn't understand the reason at all.

Saeldir also thought of another possibility. There may be more than one traitor.

Some are in charge of coordinating the Daemon of Calamity, some are in charge of coordinating the Ogres Kingdom, and some are inside the palace to weaken the palace's defenses from within.

Elves have magic to order other creatures to tell them the truth. But that magic only applies to other creatures. Elves are immune to such magic. So the choice to use Magic to find out who the traitor in the palace is is no longer an option.

"Hhhhh..." Saeldir took a deep breath. He leans head on the back of the chair and stared blankly ahead. So many things have happened lately. Dangerous things that could threaten the Elf kingdom.

At times like this, Aerchon instead went to see the irresponsible King.

Saeldir did think so. Of course, he only dared to think about it and never told anyone what he was thinking.

The King prefers to contemplate his dead wife and hand over power to Aerchon. Even though Aerchon is not fit to be a leader at all.

Saeldir hoped, Aerchon told the King to return to the lead. So that he can know what has happened in his palace all this time.

Tomorrow, they will return. Hopefully, their return brings good news.


,m Billy and Lt. Boartusk opened their eyes almost simultaneously. What they saw was the typical white ceiling of a room in an Elf palace.

They both breathed a sigh of relief because they knew they were no longer in the Daemon of Calamity's cave.

They turned and their eyes met. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw each other's plight.

"How are you, Lieutenant?" Billy asked.

Lt. Boartusk moved his hands to grip tightly into fists.

"I feel fine now," Lt. Boartusk replied.

"How about you?"

"I feel better too." Then Billy sighed. "I thought we were going to die in that dark cave."

Lt. Boartusk snorted. "I thought so too. Then after that, Drake will flatten the mountain for revenge."

Billy chuckled. "Yeah, I can imagine that's what would happen if Erend found us really dead on that mountain."

"I'm amazed you guys can still laugh like that." A woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Billy and Lt. Boartusk turned their head and found Elis staring up at the ceiling with an unreadable expression.

"What do you feel?" Lt. Boartusk asked.

Elis took a deep breath before answering. "I'm grateful to be alive. Even if I have to endure a trauma that might last a lifetime as well."

"No, I mean your body. How do you feel about your body now?"

"Oh," Elis said. "I feel pretty good."

The door to the room suddenly opened. Aurdis and the three Elves entered at the same time.

Seeing the three of them awake, Aurdis smiled.

"You guys are awake. That's good," Aurdis said. Then she walked towards Elis, Lt. Boartusk, and Billy took turns. Aurdis put her hand on the forehead of the three of them to check their condition.

After finishing checking. Aurdis nodded in satisfaction with a smile on her face.

"How?" Billy asked.

"You guys are fine. There's no need to worry. If you're strong enough, you can leave here if you want," Aurdis replied.

Billy immediately got up to sit on his bed. He then asked. "You know where Erend is?"

"Looks like he's still in his room," Aurdis said. Billy looked at Lt. Boartusk and seemed to convey a certain signal.

Lt. Boartusk suddenly also got up and stood up.

"We'll see Erend," Lt. Boartusk said. "You might be able to comfort Elis first. After being locked up in the cave Daemon seems to need someone to comfort her." 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

Aurdis looked at Elis with a warm smile. Elis who saw Aurdis smile suddenly felt her face heat up.

"Are you strong enough to stand?" Aurdis drew closer to Elis. "Everything's fine now. When you're strong enough to stand up I'll show you around the palace. You haven't had time to do anything since you got here, have you?"

Elis' previously gloomy face suddenly broke into a bright smile.

"Yes, princess!" Elis said.


As soon as they entered the room, Erend was not there. Billy and Lt. Boartusk exchanged glances. But before they could ask any questions, a vortex appeared suddenly.

Erend came out of the vortex with a body full of sweat and dirt. Luckily Billy and Lt. Boartusk had seen him come out like that so they weren't too surprised anymore.

"Ah, you're awake?" Erend asked in a happy tone.

"Yeah. Thanks to Aurdis," Billy said.

"We need to quickly discuss what we're going to do next," Lt. Boartusk said in a serious tone.

Erend had just freed them from the clutches of the Daemon of Calamity and a few days ago this palace had also been under attack. But they had to discuss more important matters.

Even though this all seemed too fast, Erend knew that they had plenty of time to wait and relax.

"I'm going to take a shower first." Erend went to the bathroom.

Billy and Lt. Boartusk waited for a few minutes. As soon as Erend came out, they immediately talked about the plan to return to the Republic of Ascaria.

"In any case, we must still wait for Aerchon. Because only he has the power to command the Elves, right?" Billy said.

"Yes. That's true." Erend said. "But I managed to persuade Saeldir to come with me to save you guys that time."

Billy and Lt. Boartusk cast a glance at him.

"How did you persuade him?" Lt. Boartusk asked.

"Well, I begged him," Erend replied. Lt. Boartusk turned and exchanged glances at Billy.

"I think your pleading skills are pretty good," Billy said. "Perhaps the Elves will indeed melt faster if we beg."

"I guess so. I didn't really care about my pride at the time," Erend said.

"Anyway, then we can ask Saeldir again to help us?" Billy made a suggestion.

"For now I'm not too sure. Maybe Saeldir realized his stupidity when he agreed to my request. And now he doesn't want to anymore," Erend said. "But I'll try."

"But the Elves also need to get the key as soon as possible, right? Wouldn't that be enough reason?" Billy said.

"You're right," Lt. Boartusk said. "We can tell Saeldir that the humans have found a new way to get into the Fountain of Eternity."


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