I Received System to Become Dragonborn-Chapter 87 Three Head

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Dragon-Erend shot towards the Dark Mage. The flames on his shoulders extended backward to form two blazing trails.

The Dark Mage waved his staff and then fired magic missiles at Dragon-Erend. He also flew away to dodge.

The magic missiles hit Dragon-Erend but only made him lose his sight for a while after hitting his face. No other damage was inflicted by the magic missiles.

The Dark Mage gritted his teeth and let out a curse under his breath. He should think better now and not attack blindly.

The Dark Mage turned the page of his book again and then stopped somewhere. On the pages of the book was a picture of a creature shaped like a dog with three heads.

The picture is well painted although it doesn't give any actual details of the creature. After that, he pulled a picture and a few paragraphs from the writing on the page.

A moment later the image formed the shape of the actual creature. A dog with three heads that was almost the same height as the Dragon-Erend appeared.

His three mouths secreted thick green saliva that dripped down. Every drop of saliva made the trees and leaves melt like they had been hit by a very strong acid.

Dragon-Erend who saw it immediately felt anxious. He had to overcome the creature while keeping his eyes on the Dark Mage. This fight suddenly became something of a bother. It really sucks.

On the other hand, Dragon-Erend thought that Dark Mage was quite intelligent. He summoned a monster to help him fight once he realized that his attacks alone weren't enough to injure Dragon-Erend.

Dragon-Erend saw no other choice now but to attack. He continued to dash towards the Dark Mage.

Dragon-Erend had expected that the dog-like creature with three heads would charge toward him. And that's exactly what happened.

The three-headed dog ran and jumped at the Dragon-Erend with ferocity evident in its three pairs of eyes. The three pairs of eyes glowed green with bloodlust.

'Well, come at me then, you filthy dog!' Erend thought while looking at the three-headed dog.

Dragon- Erend swept his paw at the three-headed dog.


There was a crushing sound and blood splashing as the Dragon-Erend's claw hit one of its heads.

The three-headed dog rolled to the side and hit several trees.

Dragon-Erend did not follow up and caught up with the three-headed dog. The focus now is on the Dark Mage first because he is the one who controls everything.

Dragon-Erend lunged at the Dark Mage who was still floating in the air. He opened his mouth and intended to grab the Dark Mage with his rows of teeth.

But the Dark Mage would not allow himself to lose so easily. He gripped his snaking dagger tightly and then poured his Magic energy into the dagger.

A moment later the dagger stretched to five meters with a green and black glow. Then the Dark Mage thrust it into the Dragon-Erend's gaping mouth.

The Dark Mage didn't see any scales protecting the inside of the Dragon's mouth, therefore he thought that the inside of his mouth was something more fragile than the rest of his body.

And it turned out to be true. The dagger pierced the Dragon-Erend's upper mouth. Blood gushed out accompanied by a roar of pain.

'FUCK!' Erend cursed in his mind.

Dragon-Erend immediately flapped its wings to retreat. But it turned out that from behind him, the three-headed dog had jumped and caught him from behind.

The three-headed dog then pulled the Dragon-Erend down to the ground. After that, the three-headed dog dropped him and then mauled at him with its three jaws and paws.

Dragon-Erend saw from the corner of his eye that the Dark Mage had also approached him.

'I'm getting reckless,' Erend thought.

He thought of how foolish it was to have opened his mouth and left him exposed to the Dark Mage. f𝗿e𝙚𝘸e𝐛𝚗𝐨𝙫𝚎𝙡.c𝒐𝐦

Now he ended up under the three-headed dog who was dripping his thick, disgusting lyre.

Dragon-Erend tries to dodge but it seems a bit difficult to dodge anywhere if your opponent has three mouths. and all three mouths drooled at the same time.

As a result, the saliva dripped and from the Dragon-Erend scale white smoke came out indicating that the saliva had begun to melt the scale.

But the three-headed dog needed more than that thick green drool to break through the hardness of the scale.

Dragon-Erend saw that the Dark Mage had drawn a magic circle from within his book. Then he used his staff to direct the magic circle close Dragon-Erend's body.

'This can be bad.' Erend thought.

He had to quickly run away if he didn't want to be caught up in whatever the Dark Mage was about to do. And so Dragon-Erend gathered fire in its mouth.

Hot steam came out from between his teeth and his slightly open mouth. Then when Dragon-Erend felt that the fire he had gathered was enough, he opened his mouth and immediately spat out the fire.


The fire gushed and devoured three two of the dog's three heads. The flames also soared into the air like pillars of fire in the middle of the wilderness.

The shocked Dark Mage immediately acted quickly. The magic circle was already near the Dragon-Erend and enlarged until it reached a diameter of five meters.

Erend knew what circle it was. It was the same circle as the circle that had pulled out the chain to bind it.

By the time the fire was over, two of the dog's three heads had disappeared. Leaving the base of the neck still emitting smoke and red from burning.

But the dog wasn't dead because there was still one head left. Dragon-Erend threw the dog's body towards the Dark Mage's magic circle and canceled it in the middle of activation.

The magic circle split into black and green light particles. Then the dog's body flew towards the Dark Mage and hit him straight away.
