I Received System to Become Dragonborn-Chapter 90 Each Other Reinforcement

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Saeldir took another deep breath. Then he closed the thick book he had been reading from a long time.

Once again Saeldir turned his head towards the white sphere. Now the white sphere still looks solid and intact on top of the stone. But no one knows when the same disaster will happen again because the traitor inside the palace is still not caught.

So Saeldir got up and left the room. He and Aurdis were looking for something that might strengthen the defensive Magic protecting the surrounding sphere. But he thought it would be better to find the traitor in the palace first.

But Saeldir wasn't too sure that he would find the traitor. Whoever they are, they definitely are not stupid Elf if they can enter the palace, destroying the Magic shield core, and then go into perfect hiding.

There was a possibility that the traitor had already left this palace. Saeldir didn't know how. But the possibility remains.

Maybe the traitor could use Magic that was advanced enough to get past the Elf guards and protection Magic around the palace he had installed.

"(Make sure you guys are on guard properly. Don't allow anyone to enter the room other than me or Aurdis,)" Saeldir said in a firm tone to the two Elf guards guarding outside the room.

The two Elf guards nodded and replied in the same firm tone. The two of them couldn't possibly shirk their duties knowing what would happen if they did. Unless of course, it turns out that the traitor is between the two of them.

Saeldir also thought about that possibility. That's why he also set up a Magic trap inside.

A trap that will paralyze anyone who tries to get close to the Magic shield core. The trap was a complex Magic that could detect the malicious intent of the heart of any targeted creature.

Now of course Saeldir was targeting the Elves to be detected by the trap. But if it turns out that the traitor is not from the Elves, then problems will still occur.

It was indeed a complex Magic. But as an Archmage, Saeldir had enough ability to use that kind of Magic.

Saeldir had arrived at his private room. He entered and immediately prepared everything needed to conduct the interrogation. 𝒇𝔯e𝚎𝘄𝑒𝑏𝙣𝑜𝚟𝗲𝑙.c𝘰𝚖


On the other hand, Dragon-Erend and the Dark Mage were still fighting that tense battle. The entire forest was almost flattened because of the two of them fighting.

Huge Magic Energy was poured into each attack. So that all the attacks they both issue always create damage that is so great.

Dragon-Erend spat out those red and orange colored flames. But the Dark Mage again drew a magic circle slightly different from before from his book and placed it in front of the path of the flames.

The burst of fire hit the magic circle. Unlike earlier when Dragon-Erend only fired fireballs, when the fireball hit the magic circle, the fireball turned into black charcoal which lost its power.

But this Magic circle created a different effect. Each rune that forms the Magic circle also has a different arrangement and consists of several different runes from the previous Magic circle.

Because of that, the effect it gave off was different from the previous magic circle.

The Magic circle absorbed Dragon-Erend's torrent of flames without a trace. However, because the effect is quite great, the Magic circle also requires a large amount of Magic energy as well. 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

The Dark Mage panted. If he could sweat now, he would be sweating profusely.

But even he couldn't sweat because he was still in serious fighting mode. The Magic energy escaping from his body hinders all processes as a normal human being.

The Dark Mage's body was still surrounded by interlocking black and green colored magic auras. As if to signify that he still has boundless Magic energy.

But what actually happened was, the Dark Mage was starting to run out of his Magic energy. He had been fighting at full strength since earlier but still couldn't defeat the Dragon.

The fight between the two of them didn't last for too long. But because the big attacks kept coming out, so the huge Magic energy kept pouring out.

"I have to finish this fight immediately."

The Dark Mage saw no other option. He will not run away from the fight. After all, he felt that the Dragon couldn't let him escape.

So there was only one option left for him. He had to kill the Dragon as quickly as possible. That was all he could do.

Dragon-Erend floated high up. After seeing what the Dark Mage could do, Dragon-Erend knew that he had to issue a large, close-range attack in order to have any effect on the Dark Mage.

But how did he do it? If that had worked, he would have defeated the Dark Mage long ago. But the Dark Mage always had a way of evading by taking something from his floating book.

'Wait,' Erend had an epiphany. 'I still have Slime.'

Dragon-Erend regretted his stupidity. He always felt that he was fighting alone. Because of that, he forgot that now he still has a companion.

Not wanting to waste time, Erend called out for Slime to come over immediately. It didn't take long for Slime to fulfill his call.

[ "I'm coming!" ] Slime's cheerful voice was like a pleasant melody in Erend's head.

With the Slime, he was sure that this battle would become something easier.

Slime suddenly appeared out of nowhere on his shoulder. A viscous creature that was pink in color and was jumping up and down cheerfully.

[ "Let's kill him!" ] Slime said.

Hearing it say that in a cheerful tone gave off a strange feeling. But that doesn't mean Erend hates it.

'Yeah, let's go!'

The slime jumped off Dragon-Erend's shoulder and then transformed into almost the same Dragon form. But it looks transparent with a pink color.

The Dark Mage widened his eyes at the appearance of a new form next to the Dragon.

He saw suddenly another figure appeared and turned into a Dragon. Even though the Dragon looked oddly shaped, the Dark Mage could sense that it had the power.

There was a strange pressure felt by the Dark Mage. It was as if he was watching the same Dragon reappear.

He didn't feel that the transparent pink Dragon was an imitation. Instead, the Dark Mage sensed that he was looking at the same Dragon.

The Dark Mage gritted his teeth. He didn't think that something like this would happen.

How could there be another figure who could have the same power as that Dragon? In that case, that would mean he would be fighting two Dragons now.

Even though facing just one Dragon already made him anxious. But now he had to face two.

The Dark Mage began to feel that his life expectancy was looking bleak.

Dragon-Erend and Dragon-Slime flew together towards him. The Dark Mage really didn't want to do this. But for now, he had no other choice.

The Dark Mage pointed his wand and dagger at Dragon-Erend and Dragon-Slime. Then thunderbolts and Magic missiles shot out towards the two of them.

The lightning and Magic missiles hit the two Dragons as the Dark Mage fired them at incredible speed.

The Dark Mage then opened the book in front of him. After the pages of the book roughly opened, they stopped opening on a special page.

There was a painting of a monster with three serpentine heads and wings that were almost similar to Dragon-Erend.

But the difference is, the wings are black and look longer.

The Dark Mage was hesitant. Summoning the monster required quite a sacrifice.

'Do I really have to summon it?' The Dark Mage struggled with his thoughts.

Dragon-Erend and Dragon-Slime were freed from the lightning strikes and Magic missiles he fired.

Dragon-Erend saw that the Dark Mage was looking at the book floating in front of him.

'He's about to do something troublesome!' Erend knew that every time the Dark Mage looked at his floating book, he would bring up something that could make things difficult for him.

So he couldn't let that happen. Dragon-Erend opened his mouth and gathered fire. He saw the Dragon-Slime continue to fly closer toward the Dark Mage.

The Dark Mage also saw that Dragon-Erend was gathering fire in its mouth and was about to hurl the flames at him. Either in the form of bursts or fireballs.

Either way, the attack would still harm him.

'To hell with that! I will do it!' The desperate Dark Mage saw only one way out in this situation right now.

He pointed his staff towards the page of the book and green and black light started to emit from the page. Monster painting and a few paragraphs flew off the page.

Dragon-Erend shot a fireball at the Dark Mage. But the attack was a few seconds late.

Suddenly, a monster with three serpentine heads appeared in the middle of the fight and dispelled Dragon-Erend's fireballs with its three heads at once.

'What the hell is that?!' Erend was shocked to see the sudden appearance of the monster.
