I Returned as a High School Girl-Chapter 49: World of VVIPs (1)

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Chapter 49: World of VVIPs (1)

A separate camera was filming Kang Ra-Eun getting her make-up done. She knew what the camera was for.

“Is this for a behind-the-scenes film?”

The lady holding the camera nodded.

“Could you look at the camera and wave, Ra-Eun?”

Ra-Eun softly sighed in her head and raised her right hand with fake nails treated with blue nail polish attached, and lightly smiled.

Smiling used to be extremely unnatural for her when she first became a high school girl. However, after some time getting used to it, her expression changed naturally whenever she needed to smile, no matter how tired she was. She had gotten so good that it was as if she had a smile switch that she could freely turn on and off.

‘Celebrities sure have it hard.’

She had realized their pain after becoming one herself.

Ji Han-Seok was accidentally reflected in the camera angle during the filming, after which he said to the camera woman while waving his hand, “Please cut out any footage of me in it.”

He still had no intention of letting the public know of his relationship with Chairman Ji Seong-Geum, so he was taking all the necessary precautions to avoid even the slightest misunderstanding.

“Also, try to make the behind-the-scenes filming as short as possible, since Ra-Eun’s been filming since the morning. She needs to rest so she can also do her best in the next shoot,” Han-Seok said.

“I understand.”

Ra-Eun was finally able to escape from the cameras thanks to Han-Seok. Since fellow actors knew of each other’s difficulties, Han-Seok had said that for Ra-Eun’s sake.

Ra-Eun’s make-up was finished. Only Han-Seok and Ra-Eun were left in the waiting room after the staff members left.

“How’s the shoot? Is it manageable?” Han-Seok asked.

“Yes, it’s fine for the moment,” Ra-Eun answered.

“They said there’s not much left to do, so hold on for a little longer. Oh, and could you free up some time around mid-January?”

Ra-Eun examined Han-Seok’s expression. She could tell his intentions.

“Did Chairman Ji ask to meet me?” she guessed.

“Huh? How did you know? Is it the so-called woman’s intuition?”

“Well... Something like that.”

It was more like a man’s intuition than a woman’s.

“Grandpa has been enjoying the drama that you star in a lot lately. I think he also wants to listen to any behind-the-scenes stories that you might have.”

Ra-Eun had also been wanting to meet Chairman Ji soon. She was relieved that the other party wanted to meet her first.

“Mid-January would be around a month after these products are released, I guess,” Ra-Eun stated.

“That’s right. The commercial that you’re filming right now would also have long been aired by then.”

“I hope they sell well. I won’t be able to face the chairman if they don’t.”

“Come on, you don’t have to worry about stuff like that. To be honest with you, he’s the one who first suggested that we entrust the coffee commercial model role to you. That’s how much of a liking he’s taken to you.”

That was music to Ra-Eun’s ears.

“You’re going to bring your older brother with you, right?” Han-Seok asked.

“Yes, I probably should.”

“Okay then, let’s decide on a date. Oh, and you know that you need to keep the fact that we’re meeting like this a secret, don’t you?”

“Of course, sunbae.”

Ra-Eun did not need to be told twice. She did not want this truth to spread either if possible, since her plans needed to be slowly carried out in the shadows.


Winter break had begun. Ra-Eun was planning on spending New Year’s Eve comfortably at home, but her surroundings did not allow for such a thing. Because she needed to attend the Drama Awards, she visited a hair salon first thing in the morning to get her hair done and wore a shimmering purple dress.

‘A swimsuit is at least easy to move around in, but a dress... I don’t understand why they even invented something like this.’

Ra-Eun’s head was full of complaints. She felt more embarrassed by the V-neck of the dress than wearing a plain swimsuit.

Shin Yu-Bin laughed while looking at her and said, “Endure it for a bit, Ra-Eun. After the ceremony is over, I won’t say anything about what you wear on the car ride home, whether it be a jumpsuit or only underwear.”

As Ra-Eun’s dissatisfaction was about to pierce the heavens, Je-Woon, who was wearing a tuxedo, opened the car door that Ra-Eun and Yu-Bin were in.

“It’s our turn,” he said.

“Okay, just a second.”

Yu-Bin and the stylist helped Ra-Eun move easier in the dress. The stylist held up the end of her dress so that they wouldn’t drag on the ground, and they got in the limousine that had been prepared in advance.

Ra-Eun sat on the inner seat, while Je-Woon sat on the outer seat. The driver was Je-Woon’s manager, and Yu-Bin also got in the passenger seat in case anything unexpected were to occur. After receiving the signal to depart, Je-Woon’s manager slowly drove the limo.

There was a sea of reporters with cameras and fans outside. Je-Woon said to Ra-Eun who was looking out the window, “Are you nervous?”

“No, not really...” Ra-Eun replied.

Ra-Eun had already experienced such a scene countless times. Being in a place crowded with people was the norm for a bodyguard. However, one thing was different.

‘To think I’d become the target of protection instead of protecting the target.’

Life never went how one expected. As the car stopped, Je-Woon stepped out first and extended his right hand into the car through the open door to escort Ra-Eun. She lightly placed her left hand on Je-Woon's hand and stepped out of the car.

Ra-Eun was overwhelmed by the roars of fans and the flashes of cameras. She set off onto the red carpet with Je-Woon and stood in front of the backdrop. She felt extremely uncomfortable from seeing the guards posted near them.

Ra-Eun and Je-Woon headed to the venue after answering the reporters’ questions about their thoughts of attending the Drama Awards. They took their seats in the Reaper?drama team table where Director Park and screenwriter Hwang Yo-Rin were sitting. Yo-Rin’s eyes sparkled as she laid her eyes upon the beautifully-adorned Ra-Eun.

“You’re so pretty, Ra-Eun! Just seeing you makes this entire ceremony worth it.”

Ra-Eun thanked Yo-Rin like she always did. She had not come to the ceremony because she had hoped for an award. Her main goal was to attend the afterparty of VVIPs where stars and bigshots of the political and financial world gathered.

She had also attended such a party before in her past life, albeit as a bodyguard. But now, she has returned as a bona-fide celebrity. She hoped that the awards ceremony would end quickly.

However, something outside of Ra-Eun’s expectations had occurred during the middle of the ceremony.

“Next up, let us take a look at the nominees for the Best New Actress award.”

There was one name that caught her attention among the distinguished list of nominees.

[Best New Actress Nominee #5]

[Kang Ra-Eun]

She had been chosen as a nominee for Best New Actress. There had been discussions of whether or not she would get at least one award, but it certainly felt weird now that she was actually seeing her name on the list of nominees.

The host opened the envelope that he had received from a staff member.

“The honorable Best New Actress award goes to...! Miss Kang Ra-Eun! Congratulations!”

All cameras pointed at Ra-Eun. She was surprised at first, but regained her composure and calmly got up from her seat and headed up to the stage.

She stood in front of the mic. The Best New Actress award trophy and several bouquets were in her hands before she had realized it.

“A few words please, Miss Kang,” the host said.

Ra-Eun took a breath. She didn’t feel anything particular about getting the award, so her words were also very formal.

“I’d like to thank program director Park Dae-Shin, screenwriter Hwang Yo-Rin, Je-Woon sunbae, and the Reaper production team members. I’d also like to thank my friends, my o-o...ppa, and my father who I’m sure are all watching this from home. And lastly, my mother who I’m sure is looking down on me from heaven. Thank you very much for this honor.” 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝙤𝒗𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝙤𝙢

People usually shed tears when they talked about their mother, but that was not the case for Ra-Eun. People could feel Ra-Eun’s maturity as they watched her giving her thoughts.

Meanwhile, Ra-Eun deeply regretted her words as she went back to her table.

‘I can’t believe I called that son of a bitch oppa.’

She could already feel a fit of rage rising up as she imagined Kang Ra-Hyuk teasing her about it once she went back home.


After the Drama Awards came to an end, Ra-Eun was able to set foot into the long-awaited meeting of VVIPs. In the past, she had only guarded the entrance, but that was not the case this time.

“Congratulations on your Best New Actress award, Miss Kang!”


“I’d like to get closer with you. Could we exchange numbers?”

She was receiving tons of attention. Most people wanted to exchange numbers for business purposes, but there were a few men who approached her for indecent reasons. She rejected the offers of such men by making excuses that exchanging numbers would be difficult.

Ra-Eun scanned the people around her as she walked around the party venue.

‘There sure are all kinds of people gathered here.’

She saw an executive of a certain large business, a chairman of a famous film production company, and even a political figure that promoted cultural industries.

At that moment, someone quickly approached her.


“...How did you even get in here?” Ra-Eun asked.

It was Park Se-Woon. He was wearing a suit instead of a school uniform, with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“I pestered my dad to take me with him,” he answered.


“Why else? So I can see you in a dress with my own eyes.”


Ra-Eun thought of beating the crap out of him, but even Se-Woon knew to behave based on the time and place. He was not blatantly annoying her like he usually did at school, which she found to be a relief.

She shooed him away, telling him that she had no time to deal with him. She had her hands full with making connections that she could make use of for her revenge plan.

As she was looking around for anyone decent, she saw someone that made her scowl.

‘I can’t believe even that bastard Kim Chi-Yeol is here.’

The son of her mortal enemy had also proudly attended the gathering of VVIPs.

1. Red carpet backdrop, also known as a step and repeat banner, is a board that displays sponsor logos where celebrities stand on the red carpet for photos.