I See One Second Into The Future: Loner In The Apocalypse-Chapter 51 Split By The Waist

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The minigun crawled out of the hole it was in, but did not begin firing immediately. This gave enough time for people to get out of the way. Though, not everybody did just that.

Sydney decided that instead of running, she was going to charge towards the minigun, raising her sharpened bone.

Kairos couldn't help but be baffled by this sudden courage that just looked like a suicide attempt to him.

Didn't she see earlier how the minigun just took down an entire building?

And now, she was charging at it with just her own vulnerable body.

The minigun was trembling, almost like it was in pain. It fired a shot, but because of how deformed the barrel was, the bullet just hit itself, causing some blood to start leaking out of the barrel.

Seeing this, Sydney's choice of rushing in didn't seem so foolish. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝙣𝒆𝙩

However, Kairos clenched his fist soon after.


Sydney turned back and hesitated, but in the end, she kept going. Kairos' eyes widened tremendously as he watched what happened next.

The minigun didn't seem to care anymore, making it all or nothing. It didn't hold back at all, firing as many rounds as it could. Almost immediately it began bleeding heavily. In the first moment, blood splattered out from the barrel, and in the next, it was torn off entirely, blown away by its own firepower.

Now, the minigun began shooting bullets covered in its own blood. However, because the barrel was essentially removed, the bullets had next to no accuracy, shooting off in nearly every direction that was 180 degrees in front of the thing.

Nonetheless, this was a minigun that had an incredibly large rate of fire. Normal miniguns could easily begin firing one hundred rounds in a single second, but this one surpassed that by a wide margin. It nearly shot three hundred rounds.

And so, given that Sydney was standing up in front of it, she ended up taking many shots.

She held the sharpened bone in front of her, but that would only block the occasional bullet.

Her skin was ripped through as holes appeared one after another. They pierced through less lethal spots like her stomach and her limbs. However, they also pierced through places like her heart, her neck, and even her skull.

At one point, a stray bullet pierced straight through Sydney's eye, causing it to burst into a mess of blood and other fluids.

Yet, despite everything she kept moving forward. Each time a bullet wound formed in her body, it would already begin healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Kairos widened his eyes in bewilderment.


He continued lying down on the ground, and even got one of the fragments of the black carapace so that he could block a stray bullet if it just so happened to come towards him.

Sydney's bravery was commendable, and her will to sustain the pain of her body getting ripped apart was astonishing.

However, bravery could only get a person so far.

Sydney's waist got ripped in two, causing the top half of her body to collapse onto the ground, bleeding tremendously. Nicole screamed hoarsely.


Yet, even when she was ripped in two, she continued to crawl forth. Both of her eyes were widened to their limits, even when one of them was in the process of regenerating. As for her face, it was nearly expressionless, like her concentration was at its very limit.

Though, it seemed almost everyone, including Sydney herself, underestimated how strange her power seemed to be.

Because the lower half of her legs that were already detached from her body began moving on their own. The movements were clumsy at first, but then they began to push off the ground, sliding themselves closer to Sydney's waist.

It did so at a faster rate than she could crawl, so it ended up latching back onto her and quickly regenerated. After just a few moments, Sydney found herself able to stand back up and run towards the minigun.

Kairos' jaw dropped.

He simply didn't think that such a brute force method was even feasibly possible. His mind would not even think to use such a suicidal strategy of just charging forth, it would just not be considered as a possibility.

And that was even if he knew that he had some sort of super strong regeneration ability.

Everyone watched on speechlessly as Sydney continued to get closer.

However, as she did get closer, the gunfire naturally became more concentrated on her simply because the distance was not as far.

Her body was quickly ripped apart.

Her legs fell off separately, as did her arms.

However, the most frightening thing was that her head separated from the rest of her body, plopping down on the floor.

Yet, every single body part of Sydney's continued moving, almost like she wasn't even a human.

The minigun didn't seem to like this. After a few seconds, it tilted the barrel towards one of the body parts, one of the legs. In just a couple moments, it was torn into a bloody paste.

Though Sydney's regeneration power was frightening, it was not to the point that it could still save that leg. That thing was gone.

If the minigun had decided to do so on Sydney's head, she might have been gone for good. However, it seemed like the minigun had a really difficult time processing things in general.

Even when the leg had turned into a bloody paste, it continued shooting at it as though it still presented some sort of great threat.

This gave enough time for one of Sydney's arms to wrap around the minigun and pull. That arm was able to tilt the minigun upwards, but only by so much before it began falling again.

One of Sydney's legs pushed up on the bottom of the base, assisting in tilting it up further. Then, both the other arm and leg joined in, able to push the minigun up and causing it to land on its back.

The minigun hadn't paused in firing, but now, it could only shoot at the ceiling.

While it did rip apart the ceiling tiles of the grocery store, it was no longer able to shoot any of the people, which was the important part.

Sydney's waist anxiously did a snake-like maneuver to get itself closer to her head. And after a few moments, it did land itself onto her head.

The frightening regeneration did its work, and she was now a body with no limbs. At first, Sydney had sprayed blood everywhere from each part of her body, but now, the bleeding had stopped.

That's not to say that Sydney was in the perfect condition right now. While her limbs were currently holding down the minigun, both of her eyes had already rolled into the back of her head.

As for the limbs, though they anchored the minigun down, that didn't mean it stopped struggling. Almost like a tortoise on the back of its shell, it jiggled back and forth.

There was not much success because of Sydney's limbs, but they couldn't go on forever. In fact, they were quickly losing their ability to move by the second, gradually relaxing.

Kairos forced himself up onto his feet and stumbled forwards.

He wasn't sure if he would make it in time.

However, there was someone else who had the same intentions as him.

It was his father, Sam.

He had rushed forth while still covered in a lot of dust from the debris of the collapsed building. It only took him a few moments to sprint over and reach the minigun.

And once he did, Sam pulled his sharpened bone to the side as a strange white light began circulating around it like a chainsaw.

With an audible grunt, he slammed it into the side of the minigun and an unbearably loud grinding sound ensued, like a saw grinding into metal.

It was so loud, that even the blaring gunfire from the minigun was almost getting drowned out.

Sweat began to form on Sam's forehead as he continued pushing, but also tilted his head back so that he would be hit by the bullets.

He was gradually cutting through the thing, but the process was slow. Even after ten or so seconds, he had only cut a few centimeters in. It had peeled away part of the minigun, revealing a fleshy interior, but did not cause any lethal damage.

Noticing that the situation was still bad, Kairos continued to run over.

Sydney's limbs had held strong for quite a while, but now, they had all softened up, no longer able to move. The minigun rocked back and forth with more intensity, trying to flip itself over.

Seeing this, Sam gave up on trying to cut any further, abandoning the bone altogether so he could use both hands to hold the thing down.

He kept his head down as beads of sweat continued to form on his forehead.

Though the situation was bad, it still seemed to be relatively under control.

But of course, it took a turn for the worse.

The minigun seemed quite suicidal at this point. While the sound of gunfire continued, for some reason, no more bullets came out of it. However, the sides of the minigun began to bulge dangerously.

Sam narrowed his eyes as he quickly came to a conclusion.

The minigun was shooting at itself, tearing a hole through its very being so that it could shoot him.

Sam grit his teeth.

"I need some help!"

Kairos began gathering all the remaining mana he could into his palm for another pulse spell. However, he quickly found himself drained. His heart immediately felt the strain as he tried to amplify its power.

Unfortunately, it wasn't even close to the level of the previous pulse spell which was unable to kill the minigun.

But Kairos still saw an opportunity, the opening that his father created with the blade, peeling back its extremely tough shell and revealing the insides.

If he could just get closer and cast the spell, then it would all be fine.

As that thought flashed by his mind, he saw in his future vision the gunfire suddenly burst out of the minigun's side and shred his father into a bloody mess.

Kairos immediately yelled.


Sam hesitated. His thought process was that he couldn't just give up on holding the minigun down, else it would begin to fire at everyone else. Then everything would be a lost cause.

But that moment of hesitation was only for a split second.

Sam knew from previous experience to trust the calls of his son. That was part of the reason why he even listened to Kairos' strange text to avoid the sunlight.

And so, he tossed himself aside.

Right afterwards, part of the minigun burst, spraying blood and bullets in the air.

Sam just barely saved himself, but now the minigun was free to rock back and forth once more. Using this as an opportunity, it nearly hoisted itself up.

And if it did so, then Kairos would be the one ripped apart by bullets.

However, he didn't even flinch, as he saw what had happened.

Sydney, while still only being a body with no limbs, sat up herself and bit down on the deformed shield plating of the minigun before holding it down.

Kairos ducked down before sliding across. The side of the minigun that faced him immediately began to deform, showing the minigun's intentions.

However, it was already too late.

Kairos pushed his palm against the opening of the minigun and let the pulse spell loose.

A fleshy exploding sound resounded.

While the outside of the minigun was unharmed, blood spewed out of every orifice.

[Killed Creature (??? Kill - Undeterminable Variant) - 0.6 points awarded]

Kairos finally relaxed when he saw that message, but then quickly turned his attention to Sydney.

She was about to lose consciousness.