I woke up as the Villainous Empress-Chapter 77

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77 Hidden Secrets.

“Hah! It was exhausting.” Yang Ning moaned tiredly when she walked out of the Royal Court. The so-called meeting with the Emperor finally came to an end and she managed to save herself from the unjust punishment.

Wouldn’t it be absurd if she were to get punished when she killed the bear and saved many people’s lives?

When she shot the arrow at the bear, she wasn’t sure if it was going to work since Yang Ning’s body wasn’t used to doing all these strange things.

Just like how she knew how to swim but couldn’t do so, she was worried that the same would happen shooting the arrow as well.

However, luck was on her side and she managed to protect Xiaowei and herself from becoming the full-course meal of the bear.

She saved the Emperor from unnecessary criticism by the public by putting her self-esteem on the ground and praising him endlessly for nothing. Well, at least her trick worked in the end and the meeting ended on a good note.

The Emperor seems to be quite impressed with her honey-dripping praises.

Before leaving, the Emperor even praised her for her quick-wittedness and handed her one of his pearl necklaces that he was wearing.

The round-shimmery pearls on the necklace were a set of one of the rarest pearls in the world and the Emperor gave it to her in reward for not only killing the bear but also to please him with her sweet words.


He was satisfied when she said that he will become the greatest king in the history of the Zheng Empire and he was floating on cloud nine because of her words.

Yang Ning gladly accepted her reward and carefully held it in her hands. She was surprised by the sudden pearl necklace that he gifted her but she was also glad that he gave it to her and not her shameless father.

Otherwise, she would have never gotten her hands on it and Chang Ah would have gotten this valuable pearl necklace that was supposed to be her reward.


She was in the garden in front of the royal court and was on her way to meet Xiaowei, who was waiting for her in the guest room.

Although the servants aren’t allowed to wait for their Masters in the guest room, however, before going to the Royal Court, Yang Ning requested Zheng Liang to allow Xiaowei to wait for her in the Guest room since she has sprained her ankle and is still shocked by what happened at the brothel earlier.

” I never knew Lady Yang Ning could lie to anyone so easily.” Yang Ning was lost in her thoughts and was looking at the pearl necklace that she was holding in her hands in a trance when Zheng Liang approached her from behind and whispered in her ears.

” Waah! You scared me.” Yang Ning jumped back in startle and looked at him accusingly with her widened eyes and placed a hand on her chest to calm down her racing heart.

Does he have to creep on her like this from behind? He almost gave her a heart attack.

He has a handsome face, otherwise, she would have kicked him in the shins by now already.

Ah. Wait. She cannot do that here. Because the guards who were standing outside the royal court and staring at them would capture her and put her in jail right away.

Zheng Liang was amused by her startled reaction and chuckled to see her staring at him as if she was cursing him in her head, “Why are you so startled? I was simply complimenting your skills to make stories without hesitating.” He remarked sarcastically.

She frowned and continued to walk, while Zheng Liang matched her pace and was walking next to her with his hands clasped behind his back.

She pursed her lips to see him taunting her and responded to his words, “It doesn’t sound like a compliment to me. Seems like His Highness and I have a different taste when it comes to compliments.” She looked at him with a smile.

However, her smile soon disappeared when she started walking once again.

Hah! Compliment my foot. I almost got punished because of him and rather than apologizing to me, he is making sarcastic remarks.’

Hah! What a typical, cold tsundere Male lead.

Zheng Liang was caught off guard by Yang Ning’s straightforward words and was intrigued by her even more than before.

Now she wasn’t even trying to be polite to him. Wait...why is she even getting angry at him?

What did he do so wrong that she was speaking to him as if he had done something wrong to her?

He cleared his throat in embarrassment and continued to follow her,” Lady Yang Ning, do you know that people with many secrets tend to get startled easily? I wonder what secret lady Yang Ning has hidden in her heart.”

Yang Ning halted in her steps and looked at him indifferently.

Secrets? Well, she does have many secrets hidden in her heart.

But does he think that she will spill all the beans just because he is playing mind games with her? Hah! What a childish trick it is.

While looking at him, a sudden thought popped into her head. What would be his reaction if she tells him that this is a novel world and he killed her at the end of the novel?

If Yang Ning was a villain, he was no less either. He was married to her yet he never gave her any respect that she deserved as his wife.

He even fell in love with another woman. It was Villainous behavior as well. Now she has become the villain in the story, she started to feel her emotions and complicated situation as well.

Would he even feel guilty about it or will call her a crazy one for speaking rubbish since none of them have occurred yet? Well, it does sound like a ridiculous story.

Yang Ning chuckled at his question and said, “Anyone will get scared if you whisper in their ears from behind like this.”

” Seems like His Highness doesn’t get scared easily because you believe in scaring others. But it’s normal for ordinary people to get scared since we’re not as great as you.” She grumbled while holding onto her long and uncomfortable skirt, making sure to not stumble on it and fall on the ground embarrassingly.

Her skirt is already long enough, in addition to that, she injured her leg which made it even more difficult for her to walk like a normal person.

Forget walking elegantly like a lady, at this point, walking without falling was a big task for her.

It wasn’t hurting this much earlier but now she was feeling as if hundreds of ants were pinching her wound, making it extremely uncomfortable and painful.

‘Why the hell was she walking over the shards of the porcelain? I must be crazy to do that.’ She sighed and blamed herself for this condition of hers. f𝔯ℯe𝓌ℯ𝐛𝒏𝐨ѵel.c𝚘𝐦

Zheng Liang chortled at her words and could see that she didn’t mean anything that she said.

“Ssh!” He glanced at her when he heard her wincing while walking and noticed her struggling to walk with her injured leg.

She was holding onto her skirt carefully to not fall but the way she was walking, she would fall sooner or later. That was for sure.

‘Argh! This girl sure knows how to worry me.’ He sighed and shook his head before saying, “Excuse me for a while.”

Yang Ning looked at him in confusion when he suddenly bent down and picked her in his arms.

“You....what are you doing? I can walk on my own. You don’t need to do that.” She squealed in surprise and doesn’t want him to do this because she doesn’t want to invite more problems for herself.

She already got a long lecture from the Emperor to worry about her reputation. If he does stuff like that, who will believe that he was just helping her with no other intention?

Zheng Liang didn’t listen to her and continued walking forward while carrying her. ” I could see that you can walk. However, if we go by your pace, you will reach the Guest room by the time of the dinner.”

“Do you want to spend a night at the royal palace? If this is your intention, then I can put you down.”

“What? That’s.... that’s not what I mean...I ..can walk. I surely can. You don’t have to do this.” She said firmly.

However, he only chuckled at her empty words and could see that she isn’t in the state to walk right now. He glanced at her and said, “Hold onto me tight if you don’t want to fall. It will not be my responsibility if you get injured again.”

Yang Ning glared at him but wrapped her hands around his neck tightly anyway.

Preventing herself from falling and getting hurt is more important than her getting embarrassed.

She even leaned closer to his side rather than stretching her body away from him which was making it difficult for him to walk while carrying her.

It was embarrassing but faster than walking with an injured leg.

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