I'm Actually Not Overpowered!-Chapter 67 Entering The Realm Of ’OP!’

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'Oh yeahhhhhh!!!' My mind went ballistic as I grinned at the Earth Dragon.

With my blade wielded at just the right angle and a defiant smile spreading all over my face, I challenged the adversary.

The beast glared at me, most likely sensing the immense amount of energy surging through me.

'Do you see me as a threat? Hehe!' My smile widened as I activated my Skills.

<Five Seconds Rule>

<Freedom Of Expression>

<With Great Responsibility There Must Also Come Great Power>


<Martial Arts>


<Draconic Physique>


The energy surging through me increased exponentially, as I received twenty percent of the stats of my adversary--all thanks to the <Predator> Skill.

Usually, my stock of Mana wouldn't allow me to use so many Skills at once, but thanks to <Predator>, I got a good share from the Earth Dragon.

The highlight of my rapid increase in power was the new Skill I obtained, though.

<Draconic Physique>

Not only was I granted a 200% increase in Stats, but my defenses became 500% higher than normal.

It took a crazy amount of Mana, though, which was why I only activated it after I stacked the effects of <Predator>

Overall, my Stats now looked something like this;

HP: [55/55 (+200)] ?—2 [500%]

MP: [50/50 (+150)] ?—2

Strength: [31 (+250)] ?—2

Agility: [62 (+50)] ?—2

Vitality: [35 (+500)] ?—2 [500%]

Intelligence: [47 (+5)] ?—2

Compared to what I started out with, the level I had now reached could be akin to godhood--just a comparison, of course.

'So this is what it means to be OP!' My heart began racing as I felt my body explode with so much power.

It felt like I could do just about anything.

"Focus, Sam... don't get carried away!" I murmured, feeling my outfit absorb the excess energy I emitted.

They began granting me various effects, thanks to the Runes I had grafted within them. Stuff like [Damage Resistance], [Weight Nullification], [Frictional Resistance], etc.

I felt light, brimming with enough power to face my opponent squarely.

'The Earth Dragon's Stats are still higher than mine, but if I add all the stuff I'm currently capable of, I should be able to win in a drawn-out fight...'

Plus, my Title Effect of Dragon Hunter gave me an extra 10 Percent Damage bonus against Dragon creatures.

Needless to say, the odds were in my favor.

But-- 𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎

'I don't want to secure a hard-fought victory!'

My eyes scoured the area and I could see everyone's eyes on me.

My power had gotten the kind of attention I wanted, and it was up to me to give this narrative the perfect end.

'I've worked this hard... I've come this far...'

There was no way I would go for an anticlimactic ending where I would have to take my time to kill the beast.

"I've been looking forward to this..." I grinned, readying my stance as I squarely stared at the monster.

My gaze dared it to approach me.

Perhaps it was because of my [Dragon Hunter] Title's effects, but the Dragon hesitated in its approach.

All its focus was on me, but I could sense caution in its gaze.

'Guess it's not as dumb as I thought...'

However, what manner of proud beast would be able to resist the urge to feed or conquer an opponent in front of it?

"ROAAAARRRRR!!!" With a fearsome bellow, causing the very air around me to undulate, the Earth Dragon finally charged.

Its body was coated in Magic Enhancement, telling me that it was taking every precaution to ensure absolute victory.


The earth around the Dragon shattered as it increased its speed, closing the distance between me and it in mere moments.

"Haa..." As I watched it approach, my feet became rooted to the ground and I strengthened my muscles.

With my body bent a little, and my arms stretched backward, ready to lunge my blade in a piercing attack at any moment, I waited.

Rumbles caused my body to shake, but I remained stagnant...

... Waiting for the right time...




The moment the Earth Dragon lunged its open jaws to devour me, I summoned every strength in my body and thrust.

My blade moved beyond even my comprehension, and the blast was concentrated at the tip, flying in a direct line.

In a burst of calcified light, my blue Mana penetrated the mouth of the Dragon, invading its insides before any of us could move any further.

Merely inches apart from the beast, I prayed for my success, watching as the inner recesses of my opponent glowed bright blue.

And then--

>BOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!< ƒ𝐫𝒆𝐞w𝗲𝚋𝗻૦𝘷e𝙡.c𝑜𝙢

--It finally erupted.

In a burst of azure energy, the Earth Dragon exploded from the inside out.

Flashes of light leaked out of the Dragon's eyes, nostrils, and mouth as it shrieked in pain, sensing its obvious demise.

The energy I sent to its body must have destroyed its internal organs and lethally wounded its heart.

In conclusion...


... The Earth Dragon was dead already.

'Haa... haa... that was one hell of a gamble.'

I was so close to death that I could have sworn my entire body was trembling.

Fortunately, I was simply faster than the Earth Dragon... thanks to <Five Seconds Rule> and all the overwhelming advantages on my end.

'I won... I did it!' I smiled, both in relief and indescribable ecstasy.

The reason for the former was obviously because I managed to survive yet again. Dying would definitely suck.

As for why I felt the former--ecstasy--there was only one answer.

'I'm freaking cool!!!'

The way I took my stance, the exact timing I used in thrusting my blade, and the way the Earth Dragon let out the invading Mana I sent into his body like fireworks...

... They were in perfect sync.

'It's almost as if we choreographed it.' I was silently thankful to the dead monster, happy it was able to play its part well.

'Now, then...' I glanced at my dumbstruck audience.

Now would be the perfect time to gloat. Asserting more of my obvious dominance was another way to go about things.

The eyes of the Adventurers were filled with so much shock and reverence--so much worship--that I was almost overwhelmed by the attention.

Still, I maintained the poise expected of a champion--a Hero--and climbed upon the dead body of the Dragon.

With my blade raised up high, and a charismatic smile plastered on my face, I released the leftover Mana I had into the air--causing them to explode like fireworks.

"The work is done..."

A silent air of reverence greeted my declaration.

Everyone stared at me, and I could feel the tension rising, like a dam about to break. They were all waiting for me to make one final statement.

And the moment I did--

"... The Dragon has been vanquished!"

--The dam broke forth.



Zabdel was beyond awestruck.

His body shivered as he came to a conclusion he had never imagined.

'He's strong... stronger than I thought!'

Never before had he heard of a human single-handedly killing a Dragon, talkless of using a single attack.

The Dragon Slayer... was far more than he bargained for.

"H-he really is unbelievable..." Zabdel heard a mutter coming from beside him.

The Vice Guildmaster glanced to his side and spotted a blond girl staring at the victorious man with fixation.

Her eyes sparkled with awe and adoration--almost like that of a child.

Zabdel knew who this girl was quite well.

'The rookie who recently got A Rank right off the bat thanks to her performance during the Adventurer's Exam... Asa.'

When Zabdel heard of her fears, he was very impressed.

Even though she paled greatly compared to the Dragon Slayer, who looked to be about the same age as her--if not younger--Zabdel knew Asa had the potential to be one of the greatest Adventurers to rise from Dulum.

'This talented rookie, and now the Dragon Slayer... just what kind of change is visiting this City?'

The Vice Guildmaster gazed upon the Dragon Slayer once more, donning a smile

'He really did it... he saved so many people.'

No matter what anyone would say, Zabdel recognized the young man as a hero among heroes.

The being before his eyes closely resembled the Hero of humanity from the legends he had heard since he was a little kid.

'Could he be... the Legendary...?'


Okay, so maybe Sarah and Byron overdid things a little bit.

The crowd that welcomed our group of Adventurers was beyond expectations.

"A-ah...?!" Surprise nearly leaked from my face as I spotted a multitude of people gleaming with pride and surprise.

Adventurers and citizens of Dulum alike--they were as bountiful as sands on the seashore--for real!

Normally, they would have maintained a dead calm. However, the corpse I dragged in my wake as I emerged out of the Labyrinth was enough to trigger an explosive response.


With the carcass of the Earth Dragon behind me, I furthered my steps, donning my cool smile.

Once more, I had succeeded in the art of bullshitting.

To make matters better, the System Rewards started flooding in, increasing the grin plastered on my face.

'I'm Actually Overpowered!!!'