I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy-Chapter 191

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[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 191

After decades of ruling the empire, the Emperor abdicated the throne and stepped down.

Some anticipated a bit of turmoil due to this, but nothing of the sort happened.

As if mocking their worries, the empire continued to function peacefully.

Of course, this could all be a superficial observation.

A new leader was rising, and they couldn’t very well let doubts or obstacles dim their ascent.

A new sun was rising, and they couldn’t very well let clouds and rain obscure its light.

New figures stepped into positions of power, while those already in place doubled their efforts.

In the midst of this whirlwind of change, another chapter drew to a close sooner than they expected.

* * *


I seriously almost died.

Can you believe it? A Medal of Honor recipient nearly getting crushed to death.

The Autumn Festival, which started two weeks later than last year, concluded successfully.

And once again, I was kind of forced into the spotlight and got a real taste of what it’s like.

“Senior! Karl, Senior!”

“The noble saw me! They saw me!”

“No! They saw the mint chocolate bungeoppang next to you!”

I thought maybe my fame might’ve died down over time.

But no. Instead, it was skyrocketing like crazy.

Actually, I had a pretty good idea why.

It was a combination of what I’d done and what others had added on.

Everyone knew that using my name was a guaranteed success, so it would be weird if they didn’t take advantage of it.

“Now that I think about it, it doesn’t seem right to just leave the Memorial Day as it is.”

“To express gratitude and reverence to the fallen heroes, it seems right to designate it as a holiday. It’s a different concept from the Victory Day.” 𝗳r𝚎𝐞w𝐞𝚋𝗻𝗼vel.𝗰o𝐦

“Karl Adelheit, the young lord of Friedrich county, expressed his hope that it would become a day when more citizens of the Empire could honor the fallen and reflect upon their sacrifices.”

“The Ministry of War officially proposes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice to designate the Memorial Day as a national holiday. We hope you will consider it.”

Yeah. Like this. Without me even knowing, I was constantly being brought up in national affairs.

The funny thing was that instead of being annoyed, each department was happily using it to their advantage.

A cause that could never fail.

A proven guarantee that would only rise higher and never fall.

Every time it was discussed, it was met with support and cheers from the citizens, so it seemed they were going to use it to the fullest.

As a result, at the festival, I wasn’t just a senior from the same academy, but almost, with a bit of exaggeration, someone worthy of reverence.

“And on top of that, even the Imperial family is backing it. Right?”

“They’re not backing it, silly. It’s just that my niece won’t stop asking for me. Ugh. You and your elven ears.”

“I get it, I get it. Just keep rubbing them, okay?”

Geez. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

Wait, is this for real? Is it really happening?

As far as I remember, in my past life, the elves (in novels, games, and movies, of course) really disliked excessive attention to their ears.

And that wasn’t different here, as the derogatory term for elves was ‘ear-obsessed.’

But look at Eloise here, lying on my lap.

She’s purring like a cat, asking me to rub her ears.

I tried to pull my hand away, wondering if that was really okay, but she just leaned closer.

Ah. How is Eloise even doing this?

“How about you just lie still and be quiet, Eloise? If you’re going to keep bossing Master around, get off right now. I’ll take your place.”

“Hmph. The sharpshooter who lost rock-paper-scissors to an elf should just go cry in the corner!”

That’s right.

She won rock-paper-scissors against Lav to claim my lap.

And it wasn’t even a single round, it was a best-of-three, and Eloise won all three.

It’s truly a sad thing.

Our pride of the Imperial Army, the Silver Star Medal recipient, Lav!

Of all people, to an elf!

And losing at rock-paper-scissors! A complete shutout, no less!!

“Lav, you’re really terrible at rock-paper-scissors…”

Meanwhile, Lefia, who had just beat Lav ten times in a row, shakes her head and chuckles, clearly amused by her lack of skill.

Actually, I think Lefia might have done more damage to Lav’s pride than Eloise.

“Ugh! Lefia, you too! I’m absolutely not terrible at rock-paper-scissors!”

“Then does that mean you’re good at it?”

“I’m not good, but I’m definitely not terrible! Eloise! You be quiet!”

“They say losers should stay silent. Guess Lav didn’t get the memo… Ehehehehe!”

If I let them keep talking, they’ll start bickering again. I’m 100% sure.

I don’t always stop them from teasing each other. But if they’re going to do it in front of me, while Eloise is lying on my lap, then it’s a different story.

“Ehehehehe! Okay, okay! I surrender! I’ll stop! Just… my ears! My ears!! They’re falling off!!”

It just occurred to me that elf ears are quite easy to grab because they’re pointy.

Just a slight tug like this, and she flails around like she’s been disarmed.

‘…Wait, I heard somewhere that elf ears are a sensitive spot?’

Judging by Eloise’s reaction, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

If it really was a sensitive spot, this elf wouldn’t just be screaming in pain.

“Is Senior Selena still busy?”

Lefia, who’s indulging Lav with another round of rock-paper-scissors, asks me a question after racking up another 4 wins.

“Yes. This semester is probably her busiest yet. She said she’ll try to find some free time next year, so she’s definitely aiming to make progress this year.”

“I guess writing a thesis is that hard. It makes me see the academy professors in a new light.”

That’s right. All the professors who teach us at the academy have doctorate degrees.

But I still wonder why they act like sulky children in front of us when we don’t attend their classes.

“My ears… I thought they were really going to fall off…”

“You’re exaggerating.”

“I am not! They’re already long, so it hurts when you pull them!”

“Then stop doing things that hurt. What are you going to do later?”

“Later what?”

“What do you mean? You’re going to be the third wife of a Count, so you need to act more dignified.”

Her reaction was strange.

Eloise clutches her chest at my words, letting out a small gasp.

Wait, is she reacting like this because I mentioned being a wife? Wasn’t this what she wanted?

“…Wait. Hold on. Now that I think about it? Why am I the third wife, not the second? I’m next after Selena!”

“Huh? I heard Lav say last time that it was decided she would be the second.”

“I never agreed to that! Hey! Lav! Who said you could decide that on your own!”

“I did.”

“Go win at rock-paper-scissors first!”

“Is that the only thing you’re good at?! Stop bringing it up!”

“Hmph! Then beat me if you’re so confident!”

Oh, my head. I have to bring these two home as my wives.

I can already picture the household staff sweating bullets.

“Young Lord Karl Adelheit.”

Just as I was about to try and stop them again, a familiar face appeared.

“Director of the Imperial Household.”

The Director of the Imperial Household, the second-highest ranking official after the Minister of the Imperial Household Ministry.

Their presence here means the Imperial Family is looking for me.

And I already have a pretty good idea why.

“Is it happening again?”

“…Yes, it’s happening again.”

“You should hurry. Before His and Her Majesties get tired.”

* * *

Oh, um. This isn’t right. I didn’t come here for this…

Miquella looked at the Empress, who was sitting there, not knowing what to do.

In her arms was the Crown Princess, crying uncontrollably.

“…I’m sorry, Your Majesty.”

“Who said anything? I haven’t even uttered a single word.”

The Emperor had dropped by to see the Crown Princess while attending to state affairs.

He was simply patting his younger sister’s shoulder.

“Mine’s the same way.”

“Your Majesty?”

“She should be at an age where she feels comfortable with her father. But even when she’s doing well, if you make one wrong move, the whole palace echoes with her cries.”

“…I thought she was doing it because she didn’t like me.”

This was how it all started.

The day before moving with the situation, she briefly came to see the Crown Princess.

Miquella just wanted to cherish the adorable sight of her own niece.

But as soon as Miquella picked her up in her arms, the Crown Princess, Lily, burst into tears.

Well to be precise, she had mistaken someone else for Miquella and welcomed her, but then when she saw her face, she went like, ‘Eek?’ and her expression changed completely.

“Your Majesty. Young Lord Karl Adelheit has arrived.”

“Bring him in quickly. The Crown Princess’s throat will dry out at this rate.”

A few moments later.

Karl, who had rushed to the palace, quickly went over and took the Crown Princess from the Empress.

In less than a minute, the crying subsided.


Miquella was surprised, and the Emperor was dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, the Empress was simply smiling, while enjoying the scene.

“Your Highness. Your uncle is here. But if you call for me too often, your uncle will get really tired and it’ll be a big problem…”

Karl, who had rushed from the academy to the Imperial Palace, expressed a slightly sad complaint.

But the Crown Princess didn’t seem to care, giggling and touching Karl’s face.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Read In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe