I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1501 Where Monarch’s Meet

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Chapter 1501 Where Monarch's Meet

"Raydon, you sure you don't want me to take you any further? I see that your legs are too skinny for our hilly terrains." The farmer commented.

It wasn't that he was insulting Landon, but it was the truth.

Most, if not all foreigners had a hard time walking about in Titarian without any horses or modes of transportation.

A distance that could take they, Titarians, 2 hours to move, might take a foreigner over 3 and a half to do.

Most foreigners would wall, stop to catch their breath after a while, walk again, stop again and repeat the same cycle.

Some even collapsed by the sides of the roads on boiling days, while some chose to sit and eat before continuing their journey on foot.

It wasn't just in the Capital, but almost everywhere in Titarian. Foreigners just couldn't hold their own.

The farmer had asked out of kindness and familiarity with Landon after traveling with him on the road for a few hours.

That's right.

It was already 11 A.M.

"Are you sure? I don't mind. I could really take you to the Hunter's Guild. It's not too far off in my direction."

Landon waved his hands with evident gratitude on his face. "No. No. No. Thank you, but I couldn't impose myself on you like that again. Really. I'm good. You just run along and meet your son-in-law. Maybe one of these days, we will meet again."

The old farmer chuckled, knowing this might be the last time they saw each other.


The Capital was huge.

And the people, as well as tourists and visitors from other cities and regions coming in were quite a lot.

It was rare for peasants to pump into the same stranger severally. They weren't like nobles who could recognize one another by the crests on their carriages.

The farmer still smiled, looking at the naive Landon waving at him while walking away.

'Hey... What a good young man. Too bad his dreams are a little far-fetched.'

These were the farmer's thoughts. But fast forward to a few days later when the young man would thank him, the old farmer's life would change completely.


Who would've known the young man he carried on his wagon was so powerful?

In future, the old farmer's Wagon would sell for an amazing price just because of this visitor who sat on it, especially after collecting newspapers of Landon's face.

This story would be his own little contribution to the wat. And you best believe his children, grandchildren, friends, and neighbors would hear of it!

But all this... Was a story for the future. For now, the farmer went about his way.


Turning around and wrapping a scarf across his mouth and head, Landon's naive expression faded.

Look left, look right.

He headed into an alleyway and moved through the connecting roots until he reached a site with no one around.

1, 2, 3...

He jumped 4-stories up into an open window.


Landon washed through the room and jumped out a window on the other end.


The couple getting intimate in the bed frowned, thinking they had imagined things.

They thought they saw a man pass by. But clearly, their adult activities were messing up their minds.

And just like that, Landon began his Assassin Creed leap of faith trial.

He reached the rooftops and accelerated his speed incredibly.

At this point, no one could see him, no to talk of seeing his after images.

What sort of speed was this?

Some assassins trying to sneak into some buildings while on the rooftops also had to freeze vigilantly when feeling the strange wind pass them by.

Who's there?

The uncomfortable feeling even saved some people's lives from getting assassinated today.

Go back. Go back!

Many assassins dared not stay around anymore, fleeing as fast as possible. Some even took this matter as a sign of the target having powerful protectors around.


Today was not the day to die.

Fall back!


Run, jump, roll... Landon moved from building to building as though he were in a blockbuster movie.

So fast!

There were the times he jumped over a large road similar to that of a 4 lane-road, landing on the far be holding ahead.

10 out of 10! The crowd goes wild.

But it wasn't just the buildings he moved across.

Each hill had its own quirks, causing him to leap on many towering trees of various shapes, colors, and sizes.

There was a place with trees that only looked like giant mushrooms. The trees had their leaves growing below the flat mushroom-like head.

He passed through a place with vines, another with nothing but soaring flowers in place of trees, and so on.

What strange land.

If people saw this, they would think he made the 'flower scene' in Alice in Wonderland after this.

How can flowers be so big?

In Hertfilia, future scientists have a lot of explaining to do!.. Unless some giant comet comes and destroys everything, just like how the dinosaurs went extinct.

Of course, this world had its natural disaster that wiped out bigger creatures back in early times.

It was just that the creatures it wiped out were 3~5 times bigger than dinosaurs.

Even the animals and beasts left behind were compared to how ferocious this world's last creatures were.

And this was saying a lot from a world that still had giant birds that carried humans away and some deadly animals as tall as elegant.

There were too many giant animals existing in this world as it stands.

So what of the past?

Of course, Landon had also learned that when comparing this world to his previous one, the sizes alone were different.

This world is almost twice as big in radius than Earth's.

So even smaller continents here could be considered regular-sized or bigger ones back in his former world.

But what was strange was that the water currents and the usual flow of the ocean on a calm and stagnant sunny day were faster.

In short, the strangeness of this world knew no bounds.


Thap. Thap. Thap. Thap~

With brisk steps, Landon finally reached the mid-region of the City's central zone.

10 minutes...

10 minutes was all it took to get this close to the palace.

How Grand!

Landom'd feet obeyed his orders, rushing towards one of the far-left corners of the palace walls.

1, 2, 3...

He not only got in successfully and unnoticed, even with all the guards patrolling above the walls.


One of the guards quickly turned around but only met his colleague's curious stares

"I just felt the strangest gust of wind."

"Me too!"

The men quickly checked the corners of the walls before smiling wryly.

What were they expecting? That someone would be able to climb this wall in front of so many people watching?

"It was probably a bird flying by."

"Yeah." They convinced themselves, not knowing the intruder was already heading towards the palace's inner regions.

Of course, they knew it was impossible and even silly to think so.


Having superpowers sure can help a man.

Too bad once the Holy core comes into play, it means nothing!

In no time, Landon found himself inside Gregory's main mansion.

Now... Where was the lucky son of heaven?


"Your highness, please stretch your hands again."

In a large Changing room, Gregory stood on a small circular stand while the many tailors moved about to see what if his attire was perfect.


They had been doing these sorts of adjustments for several months now.

As a monarch, his artists must always fit perfectly.

So even if today he added more muscles, they would need to make adjustments to fit his current stature.

These adjustments were typically done once a week or once bi-weekly.

But with the coronation tomorrow, they dared not play around, assessing things for the last time.

The many ministers also stood behind, examining his appearance.

"Fast adjustments are needed around the waist. It should be fitted together to show his manly stature better."

"Where is his robe? Put it on him; let's see the final look!!"


Gregory felt helpless seeing the excited group make changes here and there.

When can they stop? It's either he was standing here or pulling to the corner for last-minute grooming.

Whenever adjustments had to be made, the tailors would pin these parts before he took them off. They worked on the adjustments right here, allowing him to re-measure and reconfirm his thoughts.

And after so long, everything seemed perfect.

"Excellent! Your majesty's attire is complete."

Gregory rubbed his foretold, seemingly tired.

"Your majesty, rest up. Your next appointment is in 2 hours. We'll come to see you then."

The guards would be around watching over the place.

"Thank you, uncles," Gregory replied humbly.

And soon, he was the only one in his private changing room... Or so he initially thought.

Gregory, who had just closed his eyes, suddenly opened them fiercely.
