I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1580 Do You Feel Lucky?

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Chapter 1580 Do You Feel Lucky?


A word so commonly used by all.

Some would describe it as physical suffering caused by ailments. And others would say it was a mental burden throbbing in their heads.


Pain came in many forms and many faces.

But why was all this important?

Because the pirates were now in tears, adding a new definition to the word.

~Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang!!

Bullets flew like a blockbuster, with Landon running, jumping, sliding on his knees, and going to the sides as though he were Hitman 47.


The ghoulish screams mellowed wherever he passed, and many felt their bodies soften and disconnect from their brains.

Demon! Demon!

What sort of demonic weapon was this?

Many had numb scalps and noddle legs, staring at the unbelievable play before them.

What was going on here?

Long Bottom quickly fled the scene, no longer standing at the very front.


There was a mad sorcerer on the loose with strange weapons that shot faster than any arrows or hidden darts one should physically throw.

Long Bottom dived behind a few barrels, taking cover while painting heavily, his face still stung in an uproar.

'No. No! Impossible. This isn't real. How can he alone take us all down? And what sort of weapon was that? Is there a truly stronger group other than our Morgany that's already so strong?

Long Bottom's eyes moved magically out of focus.

The scene he saw was akin to one telling them man could someday fly to the moon!

The concept was both ludicrous and full of sh**.


An explosive went off, shocking Long Bottom. And with his hidden spikes in his hand, he slowly peered through the sides of the barrels, wanting to get a closer look at things.

He hoped the explosion killed the dangerous bastard.

He would support his men in exuding the giants all to hell, though he was a little fearful.

Hell! Didn't you see the way the event deflected all arrows earlier?

So if they throw black powder-filled tubes on arrows and plunge them forth, who is to say the enemy won't deflect them again?

Look all around!

They were surrounded by water and were parched on lumber ships!

Any heavy leakages and it's down Davy Jones's Locker, they go.

Long Bottom reached for his spiky discs, ready to plunge the set of hidden weapons if Landon came close.

But when he peeked at the corners of the barrels, what he saw was a blinding light that left him disoriented.


It was as though someone had switched off his brain.

He had a slightly widened mouth and a frozen stature, resembling someone whose picture had just been taken by surprise with large, flashy lights popping out... Only, the feeling here was a hundred times worse.

What happens to all the sounds around him?

Long Bottom was transported into a white room so that silent one could hear a pin drop.

"God of war... Is that you?"



The strange phenomenon lasted briefly before Long Bottom slowly gained his hearing.

First, he heard mumbling noises, followed by faint squeals. And soon, the full effect came to play, with his vision also returning though blurry.

What was it? Just what did the chubby-faced Long Bottom see?


He fell on his butt in disbelief.

Sweat formed on his face at an incredible speed, stinging his eyes like tiny vipers.

It was strange to say that out here in the boiling sun, his body was inevitably hot, but he felt countless chills crawl up his spine. And the salty air that parched his panting tongue only added to his state.

Long Bottom couldn't even utter a word.

His lumber galleys... His men... Blood...

All around, dead bodies lay motionless.

Some with severed heads, and others with strange holes that bore right through their heads.

Blood coated the wooden galleys with haphazard slashes in all directions.

And for a moment, the scene looked haunted and strange.

Dead... They were all dead.

At this point, Long Bottom had to doubt how long he had been transported to that white room by the God of War.

'Did I spend hours there?'

Long Bottom had no time to think because in the next instance, a day bullet plunged into his shoulder blades.

It was so accurate, completely breaking off one of his bones.


Son of a B**CH!

Long Bottom inwardly screamed, refusing to show his pain to the bastard slowly advancing his way.

The fat on his face jiggled and his teeth clenched with every muscle he could move.

Veins of all sorts printed out, and his eyes were tainted with an abyss of hatred for the slow walker before him.

"You... What is it that you do? How much did these giants pay you to protect them? Give me a price!... Any price and I'll double it!! Women, homes, power… anything you want, just say the word." His voice was laced with desperation and fury.

The giants' hearts tightened.

Though they did help out, it was a fact that over 70% of the enemies were killed by him.

Such a man could take down these enemy forces all by himself. So if he suddenly turned against them for riches, imagine how screwed they would be?

"Oh? You want to pay triple?"

Landon inwardly snickered. His employers weren't the giants but the heavens above.

So how could this guy possibly triple his rewards?

He wanted his life intact, okay?

Seeing no reaction from Landon, Long Bottom squeezed the hidden spiky discs underneath his sleeves.

But how could Landon let him succeed?

"Not so fast... Now, you can ask yourself a question:... 'Do I feel lucky?'... Well, do you, punk?"

"_" Yes.

Long Bottom froze with unwillingness, stubbornly trying again.

"Go ahead then... Make my day."

"Damn you!" Long Bottom cursed amid the terrible pain.

"You!... Who are you?"


Landon moved his gun from Long Bottom's hand to his skull.

"My name is Inigo Montoya... You killed my father... And now, you shall die!"

Long Bottom wanted to cry.

So this was all about revenge?


The last shot was fired.