I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1586 It Was All Wrong!

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Chapter 1586 It Was All Wrong!

In the South-West waters of Arcadina, the massive fleet broke into several pairs, knowing their rendezvous point.


They had Arcadina's map and several T.O.E.P members to meet.

The various captains commanding their teams nodded in understanding, breaking the massive fleet apart.

Initially, they planned to sail straight for the Capital and take down Willian Barn in one swoop.

But as it stood, they hadn't heard a word from the messenger sent to meet up with William.

They didn't think William would have the guts to kill him since no one in their right mind would boldly go against people from Veinitta.

It's true that they were T.O.E.P members in hiding. But out in public, they were Viets.

They were born and raised in Veinitta, a continent superior to Pyno.

Many wouldn't dare to bring about war in that manner.

However, they still had to consider whether this William Barn was a sane person or not. No sane person would attack the Viet messenger. But what if he did?

Things had to be observed from a different angle.

The original plan of slaughtering him and his family A.S.A.P might be prolonged for several more months.

Everyone was showing, only their leader seemed to smile with a hint of playful excitement in his eyes.


It would be fun to see how well other Barns fair to him.

In this cat and mouse game, he looked forward to William's fall... Especially when he had the 3rd most powerful Assassin in Veinitta working for him.


Pyno's number 1 assassin was nowhere near Veinitta's number 10, talk less of number 3.

So imagine how much of an edge he had?

The number 3 assassin in all of Veinitta was called Ghost.

As his name described, he could be a shadow or one's dreadful imagination, only appearing like a ghost in the night.

He also had a powerful guild and an entire force that could make one feel dismayed. But here was the good thing.

He had been working for their family since Sebastian was born.

No matter how high up there Ghost was, he always worked for Sebastian, the heir and the prime young master of the Barn household in Veinitta.

Many didn't know he was Sebastian, with some people hiring him to kill Sebastian.


They were fools to think a dog could kill its master.

In truth, Ghost came from a brutal clan of assassins.

The entire Clan's purpose was to serve others as assassins.

They were a proud bunch of assassins who could do tasks and chores dished out for them without a problem.

However, to earn their respect, one must truly deserve it.

How Ghost recognized the Barn family had to do with his past.

Ghost was the unwanted and illegitimate child of the then-current clan head.

At 13, resources were hardly given to him, and the hatred in his heart grew to no bounds. His mother also despised him for being born before the clan head could marry her. Thus, making many discover their affair.

With all that hatred, he held his strength and did the most to fight for any resources he could. It was during this journey that he met the then-father Barn and Grandfather Judd Barn.

They saw his potential and helped him grow. However, he wouldn't be quick to work with them unless he truly respected them.

Because of them, he joined the T.O.E.P, growing to his current strength.

He was 11 years older than Sebastian. And from Sebastian's birth, he swore to follow and protect the next lineage of Barns.

There was so much the Barns have done for him that Ghost had long seen Grandpa Barn as his own father.

He took them as family, taking it as an honor to serve them all.

What's more, whether it was in Veinitta or out here in Pyno, Sebastian's future was very bright... Especially with the T.O.E.P deciding that he would be the monarch of Arcadina after Alec Barn's death.

Well, it made sense, didn't it?

A Barn taking over after the death of another Barn.

They didn't for one second recognize William was monarch. To them, he was just someone warning the throne seat until the rightful monarch came along.

The T.O.E.P had decided, and that was all that mattered!

That's why Sebastian not only came with his forces but also had a whole lot of

They sent their fleets to assist, sending word to some members already in Pyno.

The hour of reckoning has come.

All hail the king!



The massive fleets all broke apart, sailing in various directions, knowing they would meet up in a city 2 weeks away on horseback from Arcadina's Capital.

They would act as servants and guards in a certain undercover family.

Yes... That 'family' was just a front for public appearance's sake.

The family owns a massive estate at the far edge of the city, having hills and open greenery all to themselves.

The family is widely known as an upper-class merchant family, with stores, farm fields, and many other properties in their names.

This was also one of the ways the T.O.E.P made money.

Everyone only saw things from surface level, not knowing the estate was sitting on top of an undergoing tunnel leading far into the woods.

One could wall for 8 hours, following that single tunnel until they reached another space in the deep forest terrains.

And there, they would meet an Underground T.O.E.P fortress.

That was where they were headed for.

And breaking apart into small groups was the best so as not to alert the enemy.

Sebastian didn't care about what route the group wanted to use. He only cared about seeing them at the rendezvous point at the appointed time.


The group sailed towards their many chosen routes, with some sailing along the massive rivers that led into the Arcadina.

According to the map, this River was one of the biggest in Pyno, having over 100 various Toll stations, with guard vessels strategically positioned on every coastal town, village, or city bed along the way to observe those failing across the waters.

If the guards were suspicious, the fleet would have to be stopped for questioning.

At the same time, word would be sent to the Capital to alert his majesty.

"Young master, what are your orders?"

"Dock the ships at the forest coastal city along the shores. We will not be sailing up the river... Ghost... Our group will travel via road to Karu City."


Ghost nodded and vanished in a blink of an eye.

And now, all 6 ships sailed towards the first city closest to them.

With 6 ships, they looked more ordinary. And soon, they not only docked but also took their goods, waiting along the docks for a few of the men to bring the carriage and wagons over.


Rudolph, Sebastian's longtime friend, and T.O.E.P member, also came along with him.

But there it was Rudolf, Sebastian, Ghost, and several others, the scene they saw took them aback.

How can this worthless place be so organized? The roads along the docks were clean and broadened, with several people owning establishments that not only rented out transportation but also allowed one to buy horses, gains, and so on.

If a deal were made, the dealer would ask the assistance to take them to an estate not too far away. There, they could pick out the goods they bought.

Even more alarming was that these transport sellers/renters had strange painted portraits of all types of goods they had.

People just needed to pick what type they wanted from the catalog, and the rest was history.

Of course, they placed an order with Baymard to print these Catalogs after Baymard sent a team to take pictures for their businesses.

It was truly amazing that since Baymard came into existence, the unemployment rate has gone down, with people starting their own transport businesses and whatnot.

Everyone was dumbfounded and lost for words, seeing the island's traffic control and the many strange portrait/printed images around them.

Banners were up, business people also had flyers about, special traffic police on the roads, another group wearing uniforms picking litter... Everything was too crazy!

Rudolf smacked his lips in disbelief.

Who said Arcadina was a dirty and ugly dump? Who was it?

Come out and taste his deadly long blade!!!!

So terrible.

The information they received was wrong!!!

Everyone looked at the scene with countless thoughts racing in their minds.


"Hero saves lady! Hero saves lady!... Quickly! Only 1 copper coin for 4 papers!"

"Here you are!... Take your meat in a bun! Step right up and get your meat in a bun!"

"Here! Here! New shoes from Baymard! I repeat, new shoes for Baymard, 30% off!"

"You there! You look like you have a woman in your life. This is the new perfume, Beauty in a bottle! Just buy her one, and she will love you forever!"

"Solar light bulbs!... Get your solar light bulbs here!"

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
