I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1627 [Bonus chapter]Revenge For The Giants!

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Chapter 1627 [Bonus chapter]Revenge For The Giants!

Stepping out of the vehicle with 2 guns at hand, one of the Baymardian teams focused on the many archers above.

"Go! We'll cover you!"

Artemis nodded firmly, moving towards the enemy swordsmen heading their way.

Before they could safely eject themselves from the vehicle, a majority of archers were already taken off.

Of course, the archers in question were the ones in the building ahead.

It would be impossible for arrows from other buildings to hit them, given the distance.

This was the city lord's palace, with buildings being a long throw away from each other.

They were separated by massive lawns, roads, ponds and whatnot. So their only worries were from the archers on this single building ahead.

Although the building had only 1 floor on the surface, it still had little watchtowers shooting out from each corner, allowing the archers to launch their attacks.

As for the building's length, it was half the length of a standard street block.

For many unaware, one side of a street block can have 10~12 standard homes and lawn spaces separating the homes. So one could only imagine how lengthy the building truly was. The building's width was also half that of its current length.

So for its overall shape, one could imagine a long rectangular building with watch towers on its 4 ends.


This building was the primary holding residence for prisoners. Because while it gave the illusion of being a single-story building, it hid far greater things below the surface.

That's right. The building had 3 massive underground floors for prisoner confinement. The further one descended, the more important or dangerous the prisoners in captivity were.

Thanks to Payne, Artemis and the others had memorized the prison map, knowing how to descend the tricky building.

~Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang!

Artemis didn't stop when hearing the booming sound from behind.

"Giants! It's all up to us now!"

Artemis raised his sword at the charging enemy and pushed the bastard back with sheer strength.

"Don't you dare underestimate us, Giants!"

He ducked another attack and twirled with his sword slashing the fellow's belly.


The enemy fell to the ground, somewhat stunned by the unexpected blow. But he wasn't dead yet. Seeing as Artemis was battling with 2 others, he sneaky rose and rushed with all his might at Artemis from behind.


A cold light flashed, and all the enemy could see was his blood squirting crazily from his neck.


He dropped to his knees, unwilling and full of hate, keeping his burning gaze on Artemis till his blurry vision grew dark.

This was not how it was supposed to go.

Artemis raised his sword high, running Ouuuh nth the building after clearing the path. "For Soma!."

"For Soma!!!~"

His Giants chanted, now feeling revenge within their cusps. And beside them were several other Baymardians, who were there to... as they said, 'cover them.'

This wasn't Baymard's fight but theirs. They were the ones who had to get their revenge.

So, the Baymardians were each told their assignment, which was to protect their targets amongst the Giants.

They would let the giants fight. But if an enemy pulled a sneak attack or greatly overpowered the giants, then they would finish the job for them.


The one who shot the dagger and saved Artemis' life was Landon. He moved across the scene as though strolling in a park.


~Bang. Bang!

He shot 2 archers appearing at the door up ahead. Hey... It was another day for him to babysit Soma's chosen one.

In no time, they reached the prison's massive metal doors.

As planned, a majority of Baymardians would stay outside since the enemies from other buildings had noticed them and were constantly sending reinforcements.

The task of those outside is to strictly defend and hold their ground outdoors until the hidden team that infiltrated this inner zone on foot has taken control of the situation in the many buildings around.

Call it a distraction, if you will. But their actions of blatantly storming in and making a ruckus were intentional. And as expected, the enemies in the inner zone now focused their attention here.

Landon threw his head behind his shoulder, giving his second-in-command a knowing look. "You know what to do."

"Yes, your majesty."

Hold the fort and wait for the signal.

The plan was straightforward. And if anyone other than our comrades or the giants step out, take them in.


The giant metal doors were sealed from the inside by the giants and Landon's group.

According to the map Payne provided, there should be another entrance/exit door of this nature on the North-East side of the building.

With their doors sealed off, it was time to begin phase 3. But not just yet.

The Baymardians were quick on their feet as they raised their weapons and guarded every door or exiting path exiting the entrance hall. And soon, they made various hand signs.

'All clear.'



Landon opened the top lid of his communicator, like Buzz Lightyear, as he contacted another team.

"A1-023, A1-025, A1-027... This is A1-Prime. Report status."

[A1-025 reporting in. It's done. North-East door is sealed. Team's A1-023 and A1-027 are confirmed present.]

[A1-023 reporting in. Along with A1-027, we are about to clear off the remaining enemies on Ground floor.]

[A1-027 reporting in. We are ready for action!]

"Excellent. You may begin. Good luck, and stay alive! Over."


Everyone watched Landon slowly close his communicator before staring at the middle hallway path ahead.

"Tell me... With the noise we caused, is it possible that these guards wouldn't have heard us?"

Artemis frowned. "Impossible. Even those in the cells should be able to hear us."

Yeah. Payne nodded.

On the first floor below ground level, the option cells had small tiny bars at the very top of the cell, allowing little sunlight, wind, rain and sound to travel through. So how can they not hear a thing?

No… Something was up!