I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1641 His Woman, His Plans

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Chapter 1641 His Woman, His Plans

A total of 16 impressive galleys stood floating above the ocean's surface. Their victory wasn't without damages.

In several groups, some went about picking up the many fish on the decks and other upper surfaces. Others took out their mobs and began drying off the soaked and dampened floors.

The sailing ships were fashioned with a superior ancient oak, that would make many in lesser places burn with greed.

Some men hastily brought out tools to fix the wreckage on the ships and others remained indoors to reorganize any scattered items, like thrown-over pots, foods and many more.

There was a stunning man no older than 24 standing on the stairs leading to the upper deck of the main ship. His clothes were soaked and his hair was dripping wet. He came to the most luxurious room aboard and found the entire place a mess. free webnov el.com

"Clean it up."

The man seemed to be speaking to himself. But just as he sat on his bed, several men in black appeared. And in no time, the place returned to how it originally was.

These shadows, though silent, showed signs of absolute fear toward their master.

"Bring it to me."

One of the shadows reached for a secret compartment in the room and presented a portrait alongside several documents, and Baymardian magazines.


The man's eyes shone with a domineering light when looking at the woman in the portrait.

"Tell me... My brother failed to woo such a beauty, isn't he incompetent?"

"Master, Prince Skye can never be compared to you."

He's an idiot, one who is too eager for results. All the hidden guards felt so.

Who was their master? He was the renowned Prince Daniel Lockhart, Skye's older brother, as well as Tilda's. But more than anything else, he was also a powerful member of the T.O.E.P.

It's been years since he set his eyes on Penelope. It was also around the same time that Skye made his reckless move and lost.

Prince Daniel could've attacked or claimed Penelope way back then. But who knew his brother dared to think of a woman he already wanted?

He had already negotiated with the T.O.E.P, to become Penelope's husband, planning to coax her side while infiltrating Carona's Royals for them.

He was indeed the crown prince of Dafaren. But nothing stipulated that he couldn't rule 2 empires at once, right?

He admitted he was greedy, but with his power and resources, it wasn't something far-fetched... At least for him.

In a way, it would be akin to colonization.

Back in Landon's former world, the British empire moved out, colonizing 'for queen and country'.

The queen herself only visited these regions perhaps once a year or once every 2 years. Yet, these places were still under their control.

Provided one had the power, resources and the men for the job, he could run empires from Dafaren. So yes, he was greedy. But provided he proved to have the strength to back it up, it was allowed.

As it stands, the T.O.E.P never approved of this because Carona was a delicate place for them.

How should he put it?

Even during the reign of Alec Barn and all the ingenious rulers, Carona was always strange, as it mostly governed its people with honesty.

Look! They even banned sex establishments, causing Nopline to operate underground and in hiding.

There were hardly any people they could support that would take the throne easily. This was why they slowed things down when it came to Carona.

Of course, before Penelope was announced as heir, they did try to tempt her brothers. But even they who were douchebags at the time, didn't want to join.

They weren't so rotten. Caronian brainwashing had made its people believe all those 'stupid' rules.

The T.O.E.P. was frustrated with them. But Daniel's plan though good was frowned upon because they didn't want him to become so powerful too.

Yes! He was a Veit, far superior to those in Pyno. The fact that he came from one of the top continents in the world did not imply that he could jump above Morgs.

Know your place!

He was still their servant! All continents should serve Morgany! This was their belief. So they haven't given Daniel any feedback since he made his request.

Daniel has been waiting and waiting for over 4 years now with no one saying anything.


Well then, since they neither approved nor disapproved, then they couldn't blame him for his actions.

Daniel ran his fingers over Penelope's portrait possessively.

"When the rains end, get the Looming Bird and send word to Bojan."

The guards nodded. Bojan was one of the master's many commanders in his army.

And over these 4 years, the master has been sending forces to Carona little by little.

Their task was to lay on wait and monitor Penelope's every action, as well as Carona's many changes.

The empire would soon belong to him. So how could he not monitor it? Despite not having won the battle yet, Daniel had already taken it as his.

Hey... Who knows... After he succeeds, he might also pay his dear brother a visit too.

According to reports, Skye seems to be in a well-guarded Baymardian prison guarded by Caronian guards.

He has been tightly held by Caronian guards. So his brother wasn't able to escape on his own.


What a waste! A prince from Veinitta can't even take care of mere Pyno people? How incompetent.

Daniel had no desire to free his brother. Who told the fool to target the woman he desired?

As for the woman's current husband... He was already a dead man!

Daniel stroked the portrait, looking deep into Penelope's eyes.

'It's been over four years now, my lady. Soon, you won't have to wait too long. If you are obedient, I'll give you the world, making you my main wife, among my 7. But should you prove stubborn..."

His eyes flashed with a cold light. 'For your sake, I hope not.'

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