I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1678 Where Is She?

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Chapter 1678 Where Is She?


Daniel Lockhart stared at Santa with burning eyes, wondering how in heaven's name such a weak, useless, ugly bastard climbed on Penelope's bed. novelbuddy(.)com

What's more, his family background was also too weak.

He didn't come from the upper-class noble society, but the middle class.

In fact, he was barely pushing the middle-class ranks.

From the reports, his family bounced between the middle class and lower class before he ever got together with Penelope.

So how did it happen?

Could it be Penelope, his future wife was blind?

No matter how Daniel saw it, that must be the only logical conclusion.

You have to know that though he hated his half-brother, Skye Lockhart, he had to admit that the bastard was still good-looking.

Yet, Penelope not only turned him down but also battered him up and locked him in some prison.

Daniel knew where Skye was, and didn't care about rescuing him.

Don't think he didn't know how much Skye had done to kill him when they were still in Dafaren, Veinitta.

As brothers with different mothers, they were bound to be at each other's necks, especially since he was the current Prince of Dafaren.

Daniel felt he had given the old man enough time to warm the throne.

1 year...

One year was all he was Giving his father, Alexander Lockhart, to get his old ass off the throne.

Daniel was already pushing 25.

He had 2 wives and 1 son who was 2 years old. As for his daughters, they were not in his scope of consideration.

In the future, he would sell them off in political marriages or sacrifice them for his greater good.

That was the only use Royal females had in his opinion.

Do you know how long he has been planning to take Penelope as his? He was 19 and a half at the time when he first saw her portrait.

He should've gone to her since but wanted to see how she would respond to his half-brother.

As for love, he had no considerations or that. What he wanted was her body, her loyalty and her power.

Who says he can't rule 2 empires?

He planned to rule Dafaren as well as Carona.

Although the T.O.E.P behind him didn't know of his ultimate plans, if he succeeds in the end they will have to choose but to agree to fate.

After all, the rules stated that no members should kill other members.

So after he governs, they will have no choice but to watch.

The only way they can truly retaliate is by getting more people to kill him during the 'open killing period.'

Once dead, they will vote and choose one of their own to rule Carona.

As for Dafaren, they might allow his children to take over the throne if he initiated them into the organization.

All in all, Daniel had his plans concerning Penelope. But as for Santa, heh... that was another issue on its own.


The air was tense and the cold winds were sharp.

Both men stared at each other, as though there were no other people in the space.

Daniel was a little shocked to see that Santa had a little spark in him but didn't take it seriously.

"Like I said… After today, you will step down and declare yourself unworthy of my woman or your niece will pay the price."

Cough, cough~

With a pained and tired look, Santa coughed and spewed a mouthful of blood on his lap.

"You... You make it seem so easy. How am I supposed to do it and make it believable?"

Daniel raised his brows calmly. "I take it you've already accepted my terms?"

Santa nodded heavily. "Yes... yes... so long as you don't hurt my niece."

A sly smile appeared on Daniel's face.

It was going to be easier than he thought. Sure enough, the worthless bastard was as useless as he seemed.

What sort of man gives up without a fight?

He expected to get resistance from Santa, so he could torture the bastard in places people couldn't see.

With the tools and buckets the few guards brought with them, Daniel hoped to use at least one on Santa.

Sadly, the bastard was too weak-livered to put up a fight.


Daniel slowly crouched down before Santa, slapping his chin playfully.

"Now, now Benjamin. If you can deceive my wife into letting her marry you, then I believe you're a bloody good actor. Remember, you're the one trying to save your niece, not me. So why should I help you in that aspect?"

"Fine," Santa replied hoarsely. "I said I'll do it. But before that, I need to see my niece! How am I sure she's still alive?"

Baymard hostage lessons 101.

Before agreeing to any evil scheme, one must endure the hostage is still alive or else everything they do would be for naught.

Recalling the harsh days he spent in Baymard's barracks years back, Santa couldn't help being thankful.

Had it been the old him, he might have rushed to do things without thinking much.

Looking at Daniel squarely, he revealed a hint of determination amidst his 'fear.'

Daniel slowly rose to his feet, taken aback by Santa's words.

It was the first time someone he was interrogating was asking for proof that their loved ones were still alive.

When people get their loved ones kidnapped, the hostage could be placed in hidden mansions 3 or 4 months away by horseback.

Some are even in other empires.

So don't you think it's ridiculous to ask for proof? What? Do you want them to bring those people all the way over before you confirm it?

Sorry. That's not how hostage situations work in medieval times.

You just have to believe they are alive. Only the future can prove whether they are truly dead or not.

You want to say they should bring a lock of her hair. That's stupid because they can find anyone with the same hair to deceive you with.

You want to say they should give her clothes to you so you can be sure she is alive.

Again, that's stupid.

They could have killed her in her birthday suite after stripping her.

Really and truly there was no way to prove anyone was alive other than seeing them eyeball to eyeball.

So if Gwen was already several days ahead in travel to a hidden location, where they would quickly send word for her escorted to turn around just to please him?

Sorry. Things didn't work this way.


Santa's words stumped not only Daniel but everyone else.

Are they sure they didn't hit him too hard in the head earlier? Or else why would he ask for such a bizarre request?

Daniel looked to one of the guards and nodded deeply.

"Ugly bastard. You're lucky we haven't shipped off the little rat." One of the guards said hastily, as they left the cell.

It's true.

They Were supposed to send the girl off immediately but because she purposefully injured herself, they first had to give her medical help to keep her alive for the long journey.

You have to know that the girl was their bargaining chip.

So how can they let her stay here for long?

No way!

They planned to ship her out of Carona, sending her to Dafaren to be a disguised, orphan servant girl. If she proved stubborn, he had more than one way to make her yield.


So what if she was a 3-year-old child?

He had some of his subordinates who liked the taste of really young flesh. She was going to fit tightly just as they wanted... If you know what he means.

As they say, the younger they say, the sweeter the taste.

Knowing how much Penelope, Santa and the other royals valued the girl, they will have to tread carefully for fear that he will injure her wherever she is.

They also have to say that the little runt is also very clever.

Knowing that she will be shipped away, she fiercely grabbed a dagger when they didn't expect it, stabbing herself in the belly without fear.

And then... thump!

She has had a high fever since then.

Luckily they had their own healer with them who worked fast in taking care of the brat.

It's been 2 days since the incident.

The brat's life seems to be too blessed, as she didn't stab any vital parts.

How dare they allow their bargaining chip to die?

Of course, if she did die they will still continue lying to Penelope's group. But the thing is, such lies don't last for long.

On a day they least expect it, perhaps the truth will be revealed, and they in Carona will be surrounded and killed in a blink of an eye.

Don't forget no matter how strong they are, they can't compete with Carona as a whole.

At least not until Daniel takes the throne.


Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

Santa listened to the ticking sounds from Daniel's watch feeling every second weighing heavy in his heart. And soon, the guard returned as planned.

Only this time, he was dragging an extra person along.


Santa's face grew pale seeing the weak figure appear.

"Bastards! What did you do to her?"

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