I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1696 The Death Hour Is Here!

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Chapter 1696 The Death Hour Is Here!

In no time, several people did last-minute preparations, with their targets in mind.

However, they weren't the only ones rushing to get things done.

In the palace, the head butlers, cooks and maids were almost plucking all their hair out during inspections.

"Stupid is what you are! If stupid was a person, it would look just like you!"

"Yes, Chef. I am stupid."

"Dammit! Where are the candle boys? We need more candles here. With the dull weather, we cannot rely solely on electric lights! All ballroom candles will be lit alongside electric lights!"

"Say it with me, you are a potato. Say it! Say: I Am A Potato... because that's how you make me feel right now!"

The palace's bustling state only grew heavier and heavier as time sped up.

Even the gardeners were in a pickle, rushing to reshape the many visible lawns and paths one will have to drive through to get to the massive ballroom.

The ballroom would indeed take place at night, but so what?

The royals must never give the chance for anyone to ridicule them.

When entering the palace, one's face must always be that of awe and sometimes envy.

This meant everything must be in tip-top shape.

The roads, the nearby lawns, the trees, and the many roundabout fountains strategically placed at the start of every zone from outer to inner, must be awe-striking.

Likewise, the gardens surrounding the ballroom were typically used by the guests to stroll about when they wanted some air or privacy.

Don't think the gardens were small.

If not for the various flowers planted within the gardens, one might get lost if not careful.

In some regions, only roses were grown, and in other places, only tulips were grown.

The gardeners purposefully did this to give the many guests a sense of direction.

Apart from that, there were bushes and rocks carved and chiseled to look like people.

All in all, everyone was preparing hard for the day. In no time, the grand tour had arrived.

In the many noble homes young girls all lined up before the many carriages, entering as carefully as they could. freewe(b)novel

For the balls, they used their grandest carriages, wanting to make a statement on their wealth.


Gallup. Gallop. Gallop. Gallop.~

The night people stood by the streets, playing the game of guessing who is in the many carriages.

Many no doubt recognize the family crests and symbols of these nobles, but still joined in the fun, wanting to see if they were right or not.

Hey... the rainy seasons like this were somewhat slow in business unlike in the summer.

Many shop owners looked at the time, noting it was still 5:37 P.M.

Dont, think it's early because, by the time these noble carriages reach the palace, it will almost be 7 PM.

And as everyone knows, for balls such as these, carriage parking and name announcements were done from 5~8 PM, after which the doors will be closed.

Some people could still arrive late and would be allowed to enter, but it's just that their names won't be read.

To a noble, this was a huge blow.

For one, if any of the daughters or sons were looking for marriageable partners without the announcement, who would know they were here in this gathering of thousands and thousands of people?

Sure, maybe a hundred or so people could spot them, but their chances were greater when their names were announced and people were actively looking for them.

Do you know how many people this ballroom could fit comfortably? 10,000!

That's right.


Don't underestimate the number of nobles living in the Capital, as well as in neighboring towns and cities around the Capital.

Nobles from neighboring places came to the capital just to attend this final ball, hoping their children, nephews, nieces and descendants would catch a bigger fish than the options presented to them in their home regions.

From 5~8, all nobles mostly arrived within this period.

After 8 P.M, although the announcements for those late won't hold, those who came at 7:59 or even 7:51 will still have their names called out.

So from 8~8:44 PM, their names would still be called out while the group of nobles chatted and mingled with each urge briefly. And by 8:45~9 PM, his majesty would make his appearance.

A small show will follow after that, and by 9:15 to 12:45 AM, dance time and mealtime will be combined.

For those who wished to eat first before dancing, they could do so. For those who wished to first strike a bond with their potential partners, they too could make their move before eating.

But of course, some had no inkling of eating, as they did not wish to add even an inch of belly fat.

One could easily get bloated from the many delicious palace foods if not careful.

Welp, that was how many of the young girls felt but the boys were another matter altogether, with many planning to eat their fill. fr(e)enovelkiss

And of course, for the parents who already have partners... Please! How dare they not eat? They were ready to devour anything in their plates with class, poise and style.



On the streets, many cab drivers and taxi drivers gave priority to these carriages though they knew they didn't have to.

With the new traffic laws and road regulations, all carriages, horses and wagons carry equal weight of importance, so they didn't need to show favor to these noblemen.

But hey, these people were on a tight schedule today, they decided to let them have their way just this once.

Security at the palace gate was tight, as everyone's weapons were registered before entry.

How many bows and arrows do your men carry? How many swords do your guards have?

Are any hidden weapons found after a deep search?

Thanks to the UN's shared suggestions, all monarchs did thorough searches for balls such as these.

In the past, searches were never made. So assassinations, poisonings and all sorts of conspiracies often transpired.

But now, with searches being made, it was far more difficult for one to slip something in.

Even the servants, maids and other staff were checked by another team before they entered the ballroom.

The security check was the thing that delayed them the most.

After all, even if they drove on toward the ballroom, the driver would only drop them off and that was that.

In conclusion, they were the ones who had to worry about parking.

The guards and drivers they brought over will sort that matter out.

All they knew was that 30 minutes before the partner typically ended, their carriages should be already standing outside the vast space before the ballroom.

At the doors, there will also be 2 or more guards wearing their official uniforms with their crests in them. These guards were there to take them to where the carriages were parked in the vast space.

The open space in front of the ballroom was akin to a car-park zone before a Walmart or massive superstore. It was even bigger as some people came with 10 carriages, carrying their family members in them.

Finally, they were in!



At 5 PM exactly, the massive double-sided golden opened, revealing the lavishly decorated ballroom.

As the guests began making their way in, the herald stood near the entrance, announcing the arrival of each guest, their names echoing throughout the hall.

"Lord Charles of Staffordshire, his first wife, Lady Emelia of Staffordshire, and their sons and daughter... blah, blah, blah."

A man's first wife and the children born to her are all superior to the 2nd wife and her children.

Likewise, the 2nd wife is also superior to the 3rd wife and her children.

Thus, the names must be read like so.

Again, for those who entered the hall 45 minutes earlier, their names would be reread at 5:45, as a courtesy since they were the first people to enter.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

The clock ticked heavily, and soon it was already 7:45 PM.

Ezenia slowly followed her grandfather in, taking a seat in a high position deserving of her status.

It was times like these that she was glad she and her grandfather killed her mother. The woman was such a disgrace, one she felt shameful of having.

Many noble boys stared at Ezenia with interest but she pretended not to see them.

What a joke! Apart from her beloved Ulrich, who else is deserving of her?


The tumblers suddenly blew and soon, everyone rose to welcome the true man of the hour, their monarch, his majesty Henry!

Today, many women wished to become his queen!


Ezenia sneered viciously at the incoming silhouette above the garbed platform.

'Enjoy it while you still can because tonight will be your last! How dare you take what belongs to my baby?'

As the party continued Ezenia slowly made her way to Henry.

The two laughed and chuckled for a while, before heading for a private corner in the gardens.

This place was left exclusively for Henry. Heh.

How perfect.

Ezenia's smiles could light up the stars.

His majesty Henry… It's time for you to die!

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