Immortality: Raising an Ant Queen to Cultivate by increasing stat points-Chapter 300 - 293 Feeding Bees with Blood_1

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Chapter 300: Chapter 293 Feeding Bees with Blood_1

When he dragged himself home, the wound on his hand had swelled significantly and turned black.

It was one of his uncles who had summoned a Pharmacist to treat the poison, saving his life. It was after that bite that his right hand became somewhat deformed, and what was worse, he was left with the aftereffects of facial paralysis and a limping gait.

After this, the thought of taking another girl as his bride was pretty much out of the question.

Lying on his rickety bed, Elder Jiu Yin sighed deeply, cursing the thieving heavens and lamenting the unfairness of his fate.

It was then that he discovered a cockroach looking for food in a corner of the wall, providing companionship in his days of hardship.

He deliberately tossed some scraps of food onto the floor every day for no other reason than to have the cockroach keep him company.

Because lying in bed alone was just too lonely.

Not even someone to talk to.

Now at least he had a cockroach for company.

Perhaps it was because he fed it every day that the cockroach gradually became much bolder.

Watching the cockroach, Elder Jiu Yin had a moment of inspiration and decided to tame it as a pet.

It seemed to be fated, for he tamed the cockroach with astonishing ease.

In his life, he now had his first pet.

From then on, he was never alone, as he had the cockroach for company every day.

As cockroaches are omnivorous, Elder Jiu Yin, after taming it, started deliberately killing some of the spiders in the house to feed it in order to help it grow stronger.

Latter, when a gecko came in search of food, Elder Jiu Yin also killed it, using it to feed the cockroach.

From then on, Elder Jiu Yin would kill any small animal or insect that entered his room to feed the cockroach.

He poured all his efforts into raising the cockroach.

The cockroach did not let him down and, after eating these slightly better-quality foods, it evolved directly from a Grade Two female to Grade Three.

This delighted Elder Jiu Yin tremendously.

After achieving the title of Insect Master, his status and destiny were completely transformed.

He then showed extraordinary talent in the way of rearing insects.

And not long after he gained the status of Insect Master, a beautiful young girl whose family was poor was married off to him with his uncle acting as a go-between, and the two of them tied the knot.

Elder Jiu Yin was on top of the world, and his days finally had hope.

Latter, utilizing the strong reproductive abilities of the cockroach, he made a name for himself in the insect fighting tournaments. He was appreciated by an elder of the Nine Insect Gang and taken in as a nominal disciple.

However, due to the chaotic management and backward thinking of the Nine Insect Gang,

that elder took a fancy to Elder Jiu Yin’s beautiful wife and ultimately forced himself upon her using despicable means.

Meanwhile, Elder Jiu Yin’s wife was already more than five months pregnant.

With a fierce temperament, she left a bloodstained letter and hung herself that very night.

Elder Jiu Yin was overwhelmed with grief and faced a choice: confront the elder immediately to seek justice for his wife,

or after careful consideration, he chose to bide his time.

The next day, when the master asked about his wife’s suicide, Elder Jiu Yin publicly cursed her for being ungrateful, saying her death was well-deserved.

He also said that if he took another wife in the future, if his master liked her, he could have her anytime.

As he spoke these words, Elder Jiu Yin’s heart bled.

But there was no choice, he had to endure it; otherwise, not only would he be unable to avenge her, but his master could also easily kill him.

The disparity in power between them was too great.

Not until sixty-seven years later did Elder Jiu Yin’s strength become sufficiently powerful.

He also unexpectedly acquired a celestial script detailing gu techniques.

Seizing the opportunity, he poisoned his master, hacked off his limbs, and then used him to feed insects. And not just that, he humiliated all of his master’s female relatives in front of him and sold them into a brothel.

Having avenged his great injustice, he finally dared to build a grave for his late wife to mourn and comfort her spirit.

Qin Niu, after reading about Elder Jiu Yin’s early history of vengeance, felt a mix of emotions.

Morality is very important.

If one acts immorally, sooner or later one will suffer a terrible fate and even bring disaster upon one’s family.

The fate of Elder Jiu Yin’s master, who for a moment’s pleasure brought calamity upon his disciple’s wife, ended up extremely wretched.

Through reading “Breeding Insects Secrets,” Qin Niu had gained some insights into cultivating Green Demon Bees.

Being able to hatch Green Demon Bee eggs with fresh blood suggested that it was also possible to feed the larvae with fresh blood.

The day he slaughtered Elder Jiu Yin, Qin Niu obtained a large amount of fresh blood, which came in handy for feeding the larvae.

He tried using a small wooden stick to scoop up a bit of coagulated blood and then placed it near the larvae’s mouth.

No use.

It couldn’t move at the moment and, although its mouthparts kept opening and closing, it couldn’t reach the blood.

This didn’t stump Qin Niu; he had a swarm of bees and could order a couple of Worker Bees to come and feed this larva.

He directly summoned two powerful War Bees over.

After consuming the coagulated blood, they began to feed the young Green Demon Bee.

Hey, this trick indeed worked.

It fed happily, with the two War Bees bustling about joyfully.

“Not bad, not bad. Hopefully, this larva will turn into a pupa soon.”

He tried checking the larva’s properties.

Green Demon Bee (Larva)

Grade: Grade Four Hymenopteran insects, experience needed for leveling up 10021/100000

Lifespan: 1000 years

Energy: 10070

Skills: None.

Talents: None.

Its skills and talents were not visible for the time being.

It might be necessary to wait for it to pupate and hatch before being able to see its skills and talents as a mature larva.

Being just a larva, it already had a lifespan of a thousand years, and it was a Grade Four insect.

Its innate conditions were even better than those of the Green Silk Worm.

This was the famous insect that brought renown to the Green Demon, and once it matured, Qin Niu was certain it would bring him pleasant surprises.

What he needed to do now was to nurture it with great care and wait patiently. freewёbnoν

After hesitating for a moment, he took out the egg of a Corpse Bee and placed it beside the larva.

Then, following the Secret Technique described in the “Spider Technique Scroll,” he used human blood as a catalyst to induce mutual consumption and fusion between them.

This was going to be a lengthy process.

“Master Qin, are you home?”

It was the voice of the matchmaker, Madam Hua.

“I am home. Let me change my clothes, and I shall accompany you to the Tang family to propose marriage.”

Qin Niu took this matter very seriously.

After all, it was a significant event in his life.

After changing his clothes, he and Madam Hua, carrying the betrothal gifts, set off for Tang Wenhаn’s residence.

In the backyard, Tang Fang was already busy with the craftsmen.

Qin Niu naturally wouldn’t bother with these trifles, leaving it to the craftsmen to get on with their tasks.

They needed to boil sticky rice juice, mix it with five-colored mud, and the firewood in the backyard was at their disposal.

In this world, there was no cement, but there were five-colored muds, which, as legend had it, were passed down by Nüwa when she mended the sky. However, Nüwa’s creation was the Five-Colored Yuhua Stones.

In folk burials or for constructing the foundations of houses, five-colored paste was often used.

It was made by mixing sticky rice juice, lime, sand paste, and other materials.

Impervious to soaking, resistant to corrosion, it could last a thousand years without damage.

Pool edges constructed with stones and green bricks along with this mud would be incredibly sturdy.

Because producing five-colored mud required the use of sticky rice, ordinary poor families would be reluctant to waste food. Thus, it was only the rich and powerful who would use it extravagantly.