Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love-Chapter 1810

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"By the way, I have a present for you." Murong Feng said with a smile, and another thing appeared on the big screen in the conference room.

This time it's not a file. It's a video.

When the video opens, you can hear the woman's scream "ah", which makes everyone in the room jump.

After that, the voice became charming again. All the people on the stage were experienced. They immediately knew what was played by Murong Feng.

When the voice of "ah" came out, Murong Lian recognized who it was. When he saw the woman on the screen, the whole person was frozen in place, unbelievable.

How could it be!

The woman on the screen is his wife, Yao junluo.

It was Murong Yu who first responded and snapped, "turn it off, turn it off quickly!" 𝑓𝙧𝘦𝘦we𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃𝗲

He is in the downwind now. Seeing the videos of Yao and the two men played out in public, Murong Yu feels that she will fail.

For Murong Yu's words, Murong Feng obeyed.

It's not that he's afraid of Murong Yu, it's that the video is too dirty for people's eyes and ears.

The video, Murong Feng has not been destroyed, has been left to threaten Murong Yu and Murong Lian, after broadcast, the effect really surprised him.

Look at the weak Yao jiangluo. He is so sick at his age.

Murong Lian also saw that he could not compare Yao jiangluo, who was weak in front of him, with the shameless woman in the video.

He cherished Yao Jianluo in his palm. He was always gentle and relative. Yao Jianluo was always soft and weak. How could he know that she would be like this when she was surrounded by two young men!

When Murong Lian saw it, he didn't think that it was the taunt of Yao who was in pain. He thought that the hat on his head was green and green. He thought that he was cheated by Yao.

"Murong Feng, you turn against me." Can calm down only Murong Yu, Murong Yu pointed to Murong Feng said.

The video promised to be destroyed, but Murong Feng didn't.

"Murong Yu, I think you should go back and comfort Ms. Yao, because there will be many reporters to Murong's house to interview her later."

This video is not directly released in the conference room. Murong Feng has sent people to the Internet.

Yao's debauchery will be seen by everyone.

"Murong Feng! You are so mean! " Murong Yu scolded angrily.

It's over. He's finished today. He's been dragged down by Murong Lian and Yao Zhen.

"I've finished what I have to say. Now invite the irrelevant people out."

When Murong Shanshan saw that things were almost said, she ordered the security guards waiting outside to come in and carry Murong Lian out again.

This time, Murong Lian didn't cry out to resist. He was still in the same spot, staring at the large screen, although the video on the screen had been turned off.

He was dragged out without saying a word. Murong Yu saw Murong Lian go. He looked at his directors just now. He looked at their father and son scornfully. Murong Yu could only go like this.

However, he will come back! Murong group must be his.

Without Murong Lian and his son, the meeting room was quiet again.

The directors looked at Murong Shanshan in the main position, and there was no objection. Whether it was Murong Shanshan or Murong Feng, the Murong family was their husband and wife's.

At the end of the meeting, Murong Feng shouts shoulder acid and asks Murong Shanshan to stay and press him.

There are two of them left in the meeting room. Murong Feng opens his eyes and looks at Murong Shanshan, who works hard to massage himself. "Wife, don't you have anything to ask me?"

"Ask what?" Murong Shanshan said.

"For example, Murong Lian is not the father's own son."

Murong Feng said, Murong Shanshan followed, "yes, he is not the father's own son."

When hearing Murong Feng say this at the meeting, Murong Shanshan is confused, but she supports everything Murong Feng does.

"Did you find someone to fake it?" This is what Murong Shanshan thought.

Murong Feng reached for the hand on his shoulder, and he called softly, "Shanshan."

"Yes." Murong Shanshan replied.

"That's true!"

"Yes?" Murong Shanshan is even more confused. Her first reaction is that those adoptions prove something false.

Why is Murong Lian not the son of the old man? Does the old man have no other relatives?

"Murong Lian was adopted by the old man." Murong Feng slowly said that for what he would say later, Murong Feng actually thought about it for many days, and he was worried that his words would make Murong Shanshan sad.

It's just the case of the old man. If he doesn't say it, he can't recognize Murong Shanshan even if he dies.

"The old man and his wife are separated because of misunderstanding. He hasn't married for her for many years."

Murong Shanshan didn't hear much about the past.

In the Murong family, the old man seldom mentions his wife. Even Murong Lian says he hasn't seen a picture of his mother.It wasn't that he didn't see it, but that he was not the Murong family at all. It doesn't matter if he doesn't see it.

"So he adopted Murong Lian for the inheritance of Murong family."

"So it is." Murong Shanshan replied, but her heart was uneasy. Then she watched Murong Feng reach out his hand and pull her to his leg to sit down. She felt more that Murong Feng had not finished what he wanted to say.

"Shanshan, the old man never forgot his wife. After many years, he suddenly received a call from his seriously ill wife. When he arrived, his wife was gone."

"But he knew that when his wife left him, she gave birth to a daughter."

"He knew later that he had a granddaughter in the world."

Murong Feng said here, deliberately stop.

He looked at Murong Shanshan, and her face began to change.

"He was afraid that his granddaughter hated her, so he didn't tell her the truth and kept her at home in the name of adoption."

Murong Feng finished, Murong Shanshan immediately stood up from him.

"Brother Feng, I have something to deal with. Let's go first." 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

Murong Shanshan hurriedly walked to the door. When her hand touched the door, Murong Feng stopped her.

"Shanshan, you are the father's family, the only family."

"The old man wrote that will for you. He wanted to give you everything."

Only Murong family can control Murong group, and this Murong family refers to Murong Shanshan.

Murong Lian and Murong Yu fought hard for each other. At last, they didn't know that they were not qualified at all.

Only Murong Shanshan is qualified.

Murong Shanshan didn't answer. She left the meeting room.

Murong Feng sits in place. He knows that Murong Shanshan can't accept it for a while. Give her another period of time, and Murong Shanshan quickly finds out.

Anyway, Murong Shanshan is a relative of the old man. After half a meeting, Murong Feng received a call from long Hanxiang.