In Naruto: Reborn With Talent-Chapter 155 - Ch155. Pakura 1

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Chapter 155 - Ch155. Pakura 1

Pakura was slowly and leisurely walking towards Kiri, sent on a diplomatic mission by Rasa. All around her were mist-filled forests and her senses were flaring at her, telling her she was being followed but she already expected that. The Kazekage himself told her it would happen and she shouldn't be too worked over it. She accepted it. After all, Kirigakure would not just leave a foreign ninja roaming free on their land.

Nevertheless, Pakura was still cautious and kept her guard up. She was almost half-way on her way towards the village through the Land of Water when her senses flared into high heavens and she only managed to whip out a kunai into each of her hands as her eyes widened. She nimbly started to deflect the flurry of projectiles flying her way while acrobatically jumping from side to side, weaving through the trees and using their trunks as temporary shields.

Pakura deflected the last projectile and glared into the mist as she could feel her body getting numb from a small cut on her thigh.

'I am poisoned!' She thought in panic and tried to counter the poison with her chakra only for her stomach to sink when she found out it was impossible. 'Chakra Poisoning and partial paralysis!? How? This is a poison only Sunagakure can produ-' Her mind completely halted.

"What's the meaning of this!?" Pakura screamed only for laughter to come out of the mist as ten figures appeared. They were all clad in Iwa shinobi attire but what made her widen her eyes was that she recognized them! They were quite famous Kiri Hunter Ninjas!

"Why?" She asked as her mind was swirling with possibilities.

One shinobi smirked at her provocatively, his eyes clearly condescending as he twirled his chokuto in his hand. "Well, Suna sc.u.m, wouldn't you like to know... Now, be a good girl and let us kill you." He smiled widely and Pakura's eyes steeled. There was no walking away from here, it seemed. She would have to fight.

Pakura wasn't just standing while they talked, her chakra was ready and the second he finished his monologue, she pushed it to create three Scorch Release Orbs and combined them in a blink of an eye into one big flaming orb several times as high as she was. She held it with her chakra above her head and with a snarl, she threw it onto the Kiri Shinobi while jumping backward.

White vapor exploded as the orb hit the ground and vaporized everything in its range. The vapor quickly spread and engulfed the entire battlefield, thickening the mist around even more.

Pakura was in the process of conjuring more of her flaming orbs while panting from exertion due to pushing her chakra through the poison effects when she could feel her thigh to be pierced, forcing her to drop onto her knee and grit her teeth in pain.

"You bitch! You killed Akio!" Another man shrieked, giving away his position.

As she heard him from the mist, she raised her kunai, just in time to block a sword about to decapitate her.

'Shit! They are all masters at Silent Killing and moving through the mist!' Pakura thought in despair as she could barely see three meters in front of her.

The sword stopped, and Pakura could feel yet another senbon aimed at her other leg, and with a great deal of effort, she twisted her body into a roll, making the senbon hit the ground. She sprang up and put her entire weight on her uninjured leg as she protectively held her two kunai at the ready while secretly kneading her chakra for her Scorch Release as she started deflecting more and more senbon flying her way while her back faced a tree.

She was f.u.c.k.i.e.d and she knew it. The initial flurry poisoned her and her body was getting number and number by the second. She could only move due to her extraordinarily strong chakra coursing through her body and somewhat forcedly mitigating the poison. A normal Suna jonin would already be a completely paralyzed lump of flesh lying on the ground.

Also, she was an agility-based shinobi. One of her legs useless basically meant game over for her. She steeled herself and decided to take as many of them down together with her.

It was then that a raiton coated sword pierced the tree she was leaning on from behind and her lower abdomen with it, making blood spurt from her mouth. She looked at the piece of sharp steel in her and lashed out with her orb, vaporizing the man behind the tree.

With a painful groan, Pakura pushed the sword out of her body as she dropped on all four, coughing blood while panting. She could feel the poison spreading through her body more and more as she slowly grew weaker and started to lose even the remaining control over her chakra.

The remaining Kiri men appeared in front of her, smiling in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Just give it up. You won-"

That was as far as the man got before Pakura's kunai embedded itself into his forehead. This however alerted the others and her follow-up scorch orbs missed.

Pakura cursed and stood up. "Well... If I am to die, you are coming with me." She brokenly smiled, her eyes the picture of exhaustion as she was pressing on the wound on her bleeding abdomen.

Three flaming orbs appeared around her and the bloody clash in the mist-covered forest continued.


Pakura sat beaten, leaning her back onto the tree as her right hand was raised upward, pierced through the palm with kunai to the tree. One of her legs, the one that was previously hit by a senbon, was completely numb while the other was broken at the knee, twisted at an unnatural angle. That was not as worrying as the fact it was lying in front of her unattached to her body. Her other arm... was full of cuts and senbons pierced it in many places as she used it to shield herself in desperation while the men laughed and jeered as they used her as a target for throwing practice. They were actually surprised she could still move it after the fiftieth senbon pierced it. They clearly didn't aim for anything vital but instead focused on the painful spots.

The men stopped throwing and quiet ensued in the clearing. Pakura raised her head to see them approaching her and took a shuddering breath as she coughed blood, making the trail of blood flowing from the sides of her mouth even redder.

How she would like to vaporize these men! But whatever poison they used, it was specifically engineered against her... She was unable to control her chakra fluidly. Well, she could but not enough to throw her bloodline around anymore. Her best bet was taijutsu and kunai but her body was already a wreck. No... this was game over and she knew it as tears trailed down her cheeks. She only wanted to know one thing. 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

"Why?" She rasped out as she looked at the three men. She managed to kill seven of them. All of them elite jonin level. That was what earned her the current torture they were putting her through. If she didn't kill them, her head would roll and it would at least be painless.

One of the men scowled at her question and sighed as he crouched down in front of her and grabbed her hair, yanking her head up to look at him.

"Why?" He smirked condescendingly. "Suna offered you in exchange for peace... Hero of the Suna." He mocked, gleefully enjoying Pakura's shaking eyes at the revelation that this was not a coincidence. "This was your last mission from the start, bitch." He slapped her cheek, a large bruise appearing on it.

"Rensatsu," A man next to him started but was cut off with the scoff from Rensatsu.

Pakura still couldn't believe she was sold to Kiri. She sacrificed her entire life for the village. Academy, Training, War, More Training, Training Disciple... She had never had time for herself. She gave herself to Sunagakure and this was how she was repaid?

With wide eyes, she stared in horror at the three men as her throat went dry. It was so unfair.

"I know, Akabo." Rensatsu, the man crouching in front of Pakura said in annoyance. "I won't hit her again."

"Good." Akabo grinned as his hand went to his pants. "I was really looking forward to this." He eyed Pakura's broken and bloody body with a want in his eyes, making her shudder. She knew what would follow. Hours upon hours of being their s.e.x toy. She stared at them in despair, unable to move...

'This is it?' Tears streamed down her cheeks with even bigger intensity as she watched two men unbuckle their pants, leering at her, while the third went away in annoyance, clearly disgusted but uncaring to her plight.

She shakily stuck her tongue slightly out, between her teeth. She would prefer a swift and painful end rather than a miserable and... humiliating one. She was about to bite her tongue off as her eyes closed.

Her mind was hazy and afraid, confused due to the revelation she was sold out by her own, no less. She was shaken enough to let out the only thing, the first thing that came to her mind.

'Help, please. I don't want to die, yet...' She sobbed but it was obvious no help would come. She was here to be slaughtered, set up by her own Kage. Her thoughts suddenly shifted into a desperate wail as a mad determination showed in her exhausted eyes. 'Sunagakure, Rasa, I curse you to hell!'

Pakura forcefully bit down on her tongue.

(Cliff-kun, yahooo!)