In Naruto: Reborn With Talent-Chapter 32 - Ch32. Bingo Book

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Chapter 32 - Ch32. Bingo Book

'This is pathetic.' Ringo thought as she cut down yet another bandit who was leering at her ten years old form.

She could see the l.u.s.t in their eyes. It disgusted her to have these eyes aimed at her. So... she cut and cut and cut trying to make it so there was nothing more in need of cutting down.

This was the 'real' trial. Her first mission.

They were on the way from the mission of her sensei and she was told this C-rank mission was for her alone. She was to massacre a camp full of bandits and save town women held there as pleasure slaves. 𝗳𝓇ℯe𝓌𝚎𝚋𝓃𝚘𝚟𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝚘𝙢

She was to be brutal. Show the men fear and the wrongness of their path. They had to despair before finally dying. That's why the screams all around. Ringo was chopping their limbs off instead of outright killing them. It was her mission and killing didn't bother her. Not since she killed the homeless man trying to molest her when she was six. And the kids in the orphanage always wondered why she was 'different'. She was not. She only understood the world much sooner than them.

She evaded an agonizingly slow slash and relieved a thug of his hands at the wrists. She wondered if this is how Rei-sensei feels when sparring with her. This... dull feeling. It sent chills through her spine thinking she could be in the place of the thugs. That there indeed were monsters who would see her effort only as agonizingly slow or... dull. Not worth a mention.

Ringo gained another eye-opener in this mission. She really thought that she had enough of them for this month.

The killing was... easy. Coping with it was surprisingly... easy. Witnessing an entire landscape being reformed with a single Jutsu was not. Coping with that was NOT easy! Seeing what real power means was not easy for Ringo.

But she would cope. She would always cope. She had to.

With another angry battle shout, Ringo charged at yet another bandit, making it as bloody and gruesome as possible. She had a job. Distractions were unneeded. Not now.


Rei, Konan, and Ringo stood in front of the Mizukage after their report. He nodded at them.

"You may go. Thank you for the job well done." The Mizukage told them. "Ringo, stay please."

Rei shrugged at Konan and they left.

The Mizukage turned to Ringo with a serious expression.

"Genin Ameyuri." His expression somewhat softened. "So... you saw."

"I-..." Ringo didn't know what to say to the man.

"You saw the might an S-rank shinobi can hold."

Ringo nodded mutely, mulling over the words. Indeed. She saw that might makes right. That was exactly what she saw. That was...

"The power that could level entire villages." The Mizukage gravely stated.

"Yes." Ringo croaked with difficulty. She wanted to be the best raiton user of Kiri. But now... Now she saw what exactly that meant. She couldn't see herself in the place of her sensei. Not yet...

"How do you feel about it?" The Mizukage asked, making Ringo take a shuddering breath.

"I...I am weak." Ringo looked towards the ground sullenly.

"Yes. That you are." Mizukage finally smiled. "You are a bright young woman. Tell me, why do you think I assigned you to Rei?"

Ringo stiffened. Why indeed. Rei was still a chunin. He should not have had an apprentice. No matter if his prowess were S-rank. Certainly not an orphan like her! He was fit for clan children. Those with status!

As she mulled over it, Mizukage threw her a book. She caught it.

"Bingo Book?" Ringo tilted her head. She of course knew what the book was.

"Page 34, and 35." Mizukage told her.

Ringo opened it on page 34. Her eyes widened as she stared at the page without any photo.

Rei of Kiri

Affiliation: Kiri.

Prowess - S-rank.

Bounty - none.

Identity - unknown other than the name.

Power - Kirigakure no Jutsu capable of blinding even Hyuuga. Always fights in dense mist or uses powerful landscape-changing suiton cooperation ninjutsu with Konan of Kiri.

Known Chakra Nature: Raiton, Suiton.

Nickname - Downpour: Rei of Kiri, Konan of Kiri.

Ringo's eyes looked towards Mizukage.

"Yes. Rei's identity is still secret. Not even most jonin of Kiri know that Rei-kun is Rei of Kiri. At least those that don't know him and Konan as more than passing acquaintances don't. I am keeping a tight lid on it, you see. But his reputation is solid among clients. What... you really thought I would assign an important search and destroy mission from a Daimyo to an unproved chunin? Please..." The Mizukage snorted. "Read the next page."

Ringo turned to page 35. Another page without a photo.

Konan of Kiri

Affiliation: Kiri.

Prowess - S-rank.

Bounty - none.

Identity - unknown other than the name.

Power - Kirigakure no Jutsu capable of blinding even Hyuuga. Always fights in dense mist or use powerful landscape-changing suiton cooperation ninjutsu with Rei of Kiri.

Known Chakra Nature: Futon, Suiton.

Nickname - Downpour: Rei of Kiri, Konan of Kiri. 𝒇𝑟𝐞𝐞w𝐞𝑏𝙣𝑜vℯl.co𝑚

"Nobody knows about Rei's kenjutsu as nobody ever survived him using it in his mist. Nobody knows of Konan's real deadliness, her paper Jutsus as nobody ever saw her using it in the mist. Most actually suspect she is proficient in shurikenjutsu or something. Two and half-years of missions and their real prowess and identity are still mostly hidden. But they are the boogeyman of this generation." The Mizukage shook his head and sighed. "The other countries are starting to notice. The unnatural utterly impossible feats of suiton ninjutsu they still couldn't help but desperately hope is cooperation ninjutsu..."

"It's not a-..." Ringo mumbled out of it, wide-eyed.

"I know." The Mizukage sighed. "I know too well, child."

"And when they used heavy crushing rain that would not fall even in Ame to devastate a rebel outpost in the Land of Wind with a rain of all things... Some people there never saw rain in their entire lives, Ringo." The Mizukage rubbed his forehead. "I sent them on that mission to see if the dry environment somehow hampers their bullshit suiton. But... blast it they actually flooded an entire area in the Land of Wind and created a lake! And diplomatically, it was not a pleasant thing."

"Cautious approach for them means dumping a disgusting amount of mist all around and just cutting through anyone to get to their target without being 'seen'. Seen by anyone left alive, that is. Quite frankly, the only missions I am assigning them are heavy assault ones since they pulled a stunt like that and managed to actually justify it!" The Mizukage chuckled.

"Why are you showing me this, Mizukage-sama?" Ringo respectfully asked as she came closer and put the book on the table.

The Mizukage gently smiled and made a hand gesture.

Ringo could only widen her eyes as four ANBU appeared and rushed out of the room. The Mizukage took a scroll from his table, handing it to Ringo. She read it and went rigid.

"You want me to get pregnant with Rei..." She stated breathlessly but then her talk about missions flashed through her mind. "I refuse, Mizukage-sama."

Ringo bowed and stayed in bow even though her body quivered at the consequences. She only heard a cheerful laugh.

"You are ten, Ringo. This was a plan for later, of course! A plan I discarded. It is not a viable opinion. It would not be right to force you." He told her with a soft expression. Even he was cringing inwardly. He knew to piss off Rei by forcing this mission on Ringo wasn't something he wanted to see during his lifetime. But he could still word it right to make Ringo more loyal! "That's why the scroll is yours. You can burn it or keep it... your choice. I would rather have you learn as much under Rei and when the time comes, claim Kiba to become one of the Seven, child. And most importantly, make Kiri proud."

Ringo's eyes watered. The Mizukage was telling her he would like her to reach her dream. Her. An orphan! She deeply bowed again, this time out of sheer respect.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed as she sniffed.

"Now go, Ringo Ameyuri. Get stronger for Kiri." The Mizukage smiled at her.

The second Ringo left the office, his cheery attitude evaporated. He sighed.

"Nurturing loyal and powerful people is such a hassle!" He whined out loud and got back to his blasted paperwork.