In Naruto: Reborn With Talent-Chapter 92 - Ch92. The Nagori Isles 1

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Chapter 92 - Ch92. The Nagori Isles 1

The war started and the fights were intensifying by the day. Rei had many reports from his spies slash merchants about happenings and various rumors that flooded the capital cities. From there, it wasn't really that hard to depict what was going on. He might not have a full account and surely many important events evaded the civilians who were spying for him but then again, he didn't really need military secrets. Most of his intel was guesswork created through the recounting of purchases of various villages but at least 70% was actually spot-on. After all, a village couldn't really organize a military action without enough supplies and his company was selling the best seals in the world.

That's why Rei, Konan, and Mei, the newly dubbed team Downpour, knew exactly what to expect on their first mission in this war. The Mizukage kept them in the village for the first three months as the conflicts started escalating and now, he deployed them as reinforcements to a remote region made of isles near the Land of Lightning which held almost zero interest to the Land of Water or Kirigakure.

Rei was frowning for the entire way, trying to discern what was the plan of the old grouch but he was shooting blanks. He might not know what was the end-game but for this mission, he had his guesses and he didn't like them at all...

"What's bothering you?" Rei heard a voice calling out on him from behind. He didn't need to turn around to know who it was, after all, he trained her for years.

"Ringo? What are you doing here?" Rei asked incredulously. The past two years, Ringo was avoiding him like a plague. Only with a heavy heart did he slowly accept her distancing herself from him so he had no idea why she approached him now of all times. "Shouldn't you be in the commander's tent... I don't know... commanding?"

Ringo chuckled at his question and sat next to him. Both were now sitting on the edge of the roof of a very high lighthouse on the main Island of Nagori Isles, the place where the Mizukage apparently chose to make a forward base for the Kiri forces.

"Maybe..." She nodded and leaned her head on Rei's shoulder, startling him. "I am sorry." Ringo quietly said, gazing forward without turning to Rei despite feeling his eyes intently peering at her face. "I... started seeing things and-." She tried to push the emotion-filled words out of her but had quite a problem doing so as she clutched her hands.

"Ringo are you high?" Rei worriedly but bluntly asked in a deadpan tone. Not once during the years did the wild tomboy behave like a meek and bashful, nostalgic kitten. Something was clearly wrong. Rei narrowed his eyes at Ringo and added. "You are clearly not drunk... did you start smoking weed or something? You know you shouldn't do that during a war. Kusa is known for poisoning the weed they export during wartimes." He ranted, not paying attention to Ringo anymore as the words flew from his mouth, making her more and more exasperated by the second.

Rei only stopped when Ringo took his cheeks into her hands and suddenly, he could feel himself being pulled forward and his eyes widened as his lips landed on Ringo's. It was a gentle and awkward kiss. Rei's mind went blank when he felt her silky and soft lips, his heart beating hard from the surprise.

Ringo pulled back with her cheeks dyed crimson and her brown eyes contently sparkling. "Shut up." She said with utter happiness in her voice before her hands embraced Rei's torso and she put her head onto his chest.

It took a few moments for Rei to snap out of it and when he did, he saw the small cute woman tightly clutching him which made him smile. "Now I am certain you smoked something." He sighed jokingly but his real feelings were conveyed by his hand that tenderly landed on Ringo's head, caressing her hair. Rei was smiling contently as he was staring into the horizon while feeling Ringo's warmth but inwardly, his mind was in deep sadness knowing it wouldn't last as Ringo would not betray Kiri. 𝐟𝗿𝚎𝐞𝓌e𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵ𝒆𝑙.c𝚘𝓶

As if feeling his distress, Ringo started talking. "The Mizukage doesn't trust us." She said out of nowhere in a quiet and sad tone. Rei raised an eyebrow at that because he would never expect these words to come out of her mouth. "Every S-rank shinobi of Kirigakure was given the rank of commander but you, me, and Konan." Ringo continued.

"But you are the commander here." Rei said but his face was now smirking in relief that Ringo finally started using her own brain instead of believing everything the Mizukage told her. Maybe she still could be persuaded to join the 'light side'.

Hering him, Ringo rolled her eyes but didn't lift her forehead from his chest. "As if. I have two hundred people in this base that is too far away from anywhere Kiri would be able to send reinforcements once the fighting begins. Moreover, these islands are only a few kilometers away from the coasts of the Land of Lightning..."

"Well, the team Downpour was called here because according to Kiri spies, this base here will be attacked." Rei said offhandedly while nodding. He knew her worries well and they were not unfounded. By now, they were bunkering down and waiting for Kumo troops to show up.

"The problem is we have no idea how many and who Kumo will send." Ringo stated, her voice growing weaker and weaker. Rei could feel her shuffling her head and looked down, only to be greeted with big brown eyes of Ringo, looking at him with affection apparent inside of them. "If this goes south, I want you to run." Ringo said, tightening the hold on his torso.

Rei softly smiled and pecked her nose. "Don't worry. Kumo will certainly send at the very least over thousand shinobi led by several S-rankers." He whispered calmingly. At first, Ringo calmed down due to his tone but when her brain processed what he said... Rei however continued speaking with a smirk when he saw her eyes widening. "After all, a little birdie not belonging to Kiri whispered to me that the Kumo received a missile about our numbers and that three S-rank shinobi of Kiri are here... far from home, outnumbered, and outkunaied." Rei added a bit of dramatic flair into his voice, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "Apparently the Mizukage's main goal is Kumo too! Who would have guessed..." He snorted.

Ringo wasn't stupid. She knew tactics and strategy. She just preferred to disregard them most of the time. After all, she wasn't the type to lead troops. She was a fighter, not a leader. But even then she clearly understood the message Rei was giving her by being so sarcastic. "We are a bait." She said with realization apparent in her eyes but then stopped herself. "Wait... your flight." Ringo gulped, still in disbelief at what her mind was telling her. "Only team Downpour has means of running away for sure. I have a fifty-fifty chance of survival depending on who Kumo will send. Even I can't fight an army alone." Ringo was biting her fingernail while droning on. "The two hundred shinobi under my command were sent here to be slaughtered..."

"Which would mean 'The End' for your reputation in the village. Well, if you survive and get back to Kiri, that is." Rei shrugged, getting a gaping look from Ringo. "After all, you are the commander. It's your duty to call for retreat." He said and looked towards the sea with amus.e.m.e.nt. Despite the ability to walk on water, ninjas had to use boats for naval warfare. Clearly, the boats Ringo received to get here were not the fastest sort.

"Son of a bitch." Ringo breathlessly stated. Yes... if she called for a retreat now, she would be regarded as a coward. If she called for a retreat mid-battle, her forces would be slaughtered due to slow boats. Not many if any would survive. This was one massive death trap and the only one who would easily 'dodge' it was Rei's team... "Oh." Ringo was hit with a realization and looked at their position. She was hugging Rei and he was returning the hug with head pats. "I... The Mizukage is counting on you saving me, isn't he." She plainly said with a dry tone.

"Yes... that he clearly is. Having a ruined reputation doesn't mean your skill would drop. You would be still an S-rank and a very important killing tool for the village. Just look at how many people you assassinated already, making this war easier for Kiri. It would be only your influence in the village politics and respect of the village that would disappear." Rei told her. "A clever plan, indeed."

"But if we are the bait..." Ringo's brows furrowed and Rei eye-smiled at her.

"Yup... the main goal of the Mizukage for this war was always Konoha. The spies of many countries are bringing home intel about Kiri attacking and focusing mainly on Kumo... after all, these islands are VERY close to their territory. And I bet the main force of Kiri already set sails towards Kumo. If the advance force, which we clearly are not but they don't know that, is 200 hundred strong, the main army would be around a few thousand. Oh, Kumo will hit this place hard, of that, you can be sure." Rei shook his head.

"And because of that, Konoha will lower their guard." Ringo finished with a difficult expression. "The Kiri force that set sails will turn mid-way towards the shores of the Land of Fire." Ringo bitterly stated before looking at Rei. "What should I do, Sensei?"

Rei was a bit bewildered she asked him this but appreciated her trust. He smirked as a plan was starting to form in his head. "Well, since you asked so nicely, naturally we can't attack them head-on nor try to defend the base if they will outnumber us greatly." He tenderly smiled at Ringo and kissed her forehead, making her fl.u.s.tered as he leaned towards her ear and whispered. "Let's do it like this..."