Incompatible Interspecies Wives-Chapter 72: Dems Village (3)

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Chapter 72: Dems Village (3)

After the meal, I approached the members who were making final preparations to set out.

Ner, who had been carried into the inn, now seemed to have regained her strength and walked behind me.

Upon my arrival, Baran started to gather the members.

No matter how minor the request was, everyone took a deep breath and mentally prepared themselves.

Seeing us gather like this, the villagers also started to come out to watch.

Village Chief Nox, who had been resting nearby with his daughter Kayla, approached us as well.

I could feel anew just how vital this request was to this village.

Berg-nim, are you leaving now?

Nox asked with concern.

I looked at him and nodded.

Thats the plan.

Please be careful. I know you can handle it, but... I cant help but worry.

His lighthearted words conveyed a deep sincerity.

It made me think he must have been the chief of the village for reasons like this.

To alleviate his worries, I nodded again.


Just as I was about to give Baran a command, Nox approached me once more.

He swallowed his words and hesitated for a while before carefully saying,

...Would you consider taking Kayla with you?

Seeing my silent puzzlement, he quickly tried to explain.

Its, its not that we dont trust you... but this is a matter of our safety, and we want to be absolutely certain...

...What do you mean?

Nox leaned in and earnestly clarified.

I hope you dont take this the wrong way. But if by chance Berg-nim were to overlook any monsters... theres nothing more troubling for our village. Wed feel more at ease if Kayla could see and verify things firsthand...

Though he chose his words carefully, I understood his intent.

...So youre saying you need a witness?


Nox confirmed my statement with silence.

In truth, trust was paramount in a relationship bound by promises.

But it couldnt be built solely on blind faith.

I wasnt particularly offended by his words.

So I proposed an alternative.

How about I bring back the heads of the monsters as proof? Would that suffice?

Wouldnt it be more convenient to take Kayla with you? Shes familiar with the local geography and could be of help.


Considering it, Nox had a point.

If the boss monster was the primary target, presenting its head as evidence would be sufficient. But killing dozens of dispersed monsters in Dems Village and collecting each one wouldnt be an easy task.

Both options had their conveniences.

Dems Village would get a reliable witness, and we wouldnt have to meticulously collect monster corpses.

But there was something I needed to confirm first.

I turned my gaze to Kayla, who stood behind Nox.

Our eyes met, and Kayla offered a faint smile.

Her evident flattery towards me was unsettling, but personal feelings had to be set aside from business.

I couldnt disregard the better option due to my emotions.

Would that be okay?

I asked Kayla.

It could be dangerous.

Without hesitation, she nodded in response.

Yes, its okay. If its for the village.

You could get hurt.

I believe you will protect me.

I then looked at my team members.

Their eyes sparkled as if urging me to accept the proposal.

Indeed, protecting one woman seemed better than beheading every monster we hunted.

So I nodded in agreement.

Alright, lets do it that way.


And then, something touched my back. Turning around, I found Ner looking up at me with startled eyes.

Oh, sorry. I just brushed against you by accident.

Glancing at Arwin, she quickly averted her eyes.

Reading their subtle reactions, I gestured to Kayla.

She dashed over quickly and joined our mercenary group.

Thank you, Nox said.

I nodded once more.

Looking at Baran, his eyes signaled that he was ready.

Encouraged by his gaze, I reiterated our initial plan.

Alright, everyones ready. As long as we dont get careless, well be fine. Stay focused.

Everyone nodded in unison.

Then I called out to a few members.

Burns, you will lead the way. If you spot traces of the monsters-

-I, I can help with that, Kayla interrupted from behind.

I can track them well. I know our villages pathways like the back of my hand. Please trust me.

Nox nodded in agreement from the side.

I shrugged, saying, Alright, Kayla will lead the way. But Burns, still scout ahead. Next up, Jackson.

Yes, vice-captain.

I pointed to Ner, who was behind me, and said,

Watch over Ner while were away. Shawn.

Shawn responded enthusiastically,


Guard Arwin. If anything happens, blow the horn loudly. Well be back quickly.


I wasnt thoughtless enough to leave behind the two who might be the future of our Red Flames.

From Noxs perspective, my caution might seem overly cumbersome, but I didnt care.

The safety of my wives was my top priority.

After all, Nox had assigned Kayla to keep tabs on us, so he was no different in his caution.

Shawn and Jackson stepped out of the formation to stand behind Ner and Arwin.

Exchanging glances with them, both Shawn and Jackson nodded in acknowledgment.

Knowing that they were among the most trusted members in my Head Hunter unit made me feel more at ease.

Then, I turned my attention to my two wives.

They both stared intently at me.

Ill be back soon. Rest up.

With those words, I began to walk.

As I moved, the members followed in step.

We had decided not to ride horses today.

When hunting monsters other than the boss, it was more convenient this way.

- Grab.

Suddenly, something grabbed my wrist.

It was Ner.

Her eyes were directed at Kayla. After a moment of contemplative gaze, she spoke to me.

... Be careful out there.

With her words of concern, I smiled and nodded in acknowledgment.

... Please return safely.

Arwin, who stood behind, offered a similar sentiment.

Recalling the events of last night, I spoke to her.

Sleep a little more.

Arwins expression softened, and she nodded in agreement.

And so, we left the village.


Arwin returned to the room with Ner.

Under normal circumstances, they might have taken a walk... but for some reason, neither felt inclined to.

- Haaa.

In the room they both entered, a long sigh followed.

They both settled into a more comfortable position.

And after a while, Ner asked Arwin,

Are you going to sleep a bit more?

Arwin shook her head.

She wasnt sleepy.

No. I just plan to sit.

... I see. I shared my energy this morning, so Im a bit tired...

Upon hearing Ners words, a scene came to Arwins mind.

The image of Ner being carried on Bergs back.

Arwin couldnt understand why Ner emphasized and mentioned that incident again.

...No, maybe even feeling that it was emphasized was an overreaction.

Therefore, Arwin simply nodded in response to Ners words.

Rest, Ner.

With that, Ner carefully climbed onto the bed.

Arwin found herself silently observing the action.

For some reason, every move Ner made was drawing her attention.

...Specifically, the left side of the bed, usually occupied by Berg, caught her eye.

Why was she lying there when she always usually lies on the right side?

Ner buried her face into the sheets as she lay down.

In that position, she slowly wagged her tail and stretched out comfortably.

Seeing Ner on the bed, Arwins thoughts turned to Berg from the night before.

The memory of him giving up his sleep for her, even with a dangerous hunt awaiting the next day, because she had a nightmare.

Although there was prejudice against his kind, being of a short-lived species...

She had never received such warm treatment from anyone before.

She also knew the fact that he had kept watch over her until she could sleep comfortably.

...Maybe that was why Ners actions bothered her so much.

On the spot where Berg had lovingly cared for her... there lay Ner with her face buried.

She seemed to be sighing in an odd manner.

Ner probably wasnt thinking of anything, but why there?


But soon after, Arwin let out a sigh.

She couldnt understand why she was having these conflicting feelings.

Regardless of her thoughts, one fact remained.

Ner was still waiting for her destined partner.

Considering this, Arwins heart felt strangely softened.


She decided to take Bergs advice and get some rest.

All in all, Arwin simply wished for Berg to return soon.


Arwin wondered what on earth she was thinking.

Wishing for Berg to return quickly.

She frowned, deep in thought for a while.

...Because I want to see the sea.

She then mentally justified her feelings.

Having waited for 170 years, she was understandably anxious.

That was how Arwin tried to reason with herself.





Another shriek elicited laughter from the members.

Some were looking on in awe, sticking out their tongues in amazement.


Baran, too, gazed at me with a look of astonishment.

Only I couldnt find the humor in the situation.

Because Kayla was clinging to my body.

...Get off.

I said irritably,

...Im...Im scared...

But Kayla ignored my words, continuing with an unbelievable excuse.

There was nothing around that she could possibly be afraid of.

As soon as we left the village, she showed her true colors.

Talking to me, touching me, acting cute, clinging to me; Kayla was incessantly wooing me.

I found myself missing Ner, who used to pull her away from me.


I had expected Kayla to be like this, but facing it head-on was downright bothersome.

I let out a sigh.


I pushed her forehead, separating her from me.


Back off.

I warned her one last time.

I had no intention of having another woman anymore.

The End of The Chapter

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This chapt𝙚r is updated by fr(e)ew𝒆bnov(e)