Inside the Cave of Obscenity-Chapter Volume 2 2: Dwarf 1 (Non-Ero)

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Across the sky, far beyond the reach of humans, a black bird flew with a high-pitched cry.

The blue sky went on forever, and white clouds colored the sky with only one color.

The sun was bright and the wind was cool.

The ground she was walking on wasn't paved, and she could feel the firmness of the ground through her leather boots.

The feeling of stepping on the pebbles was kind of annoying, and the long gray-haired woman was yawning and walking on a messy trail.

Her long hair was tied together with a red ribbon at a high position on her head. Still, her hair extended long enough to reach her waist.

Her body was thin but well-fleshed, her ample breasts swaying softly as she walked, even though it was hidden by a white blouse and leather breastplate, the richness of her buttocks could still be seen even though they were hidden by her pants.

Her hips, wrapped by a belt, were so thin that one would wonder if the belt was compressing her internal organs, and her abdomen, visible through her blouse, was dazzlingly white.

Her abdominal muscles were peeking, and one could guess that her thin body had been tightened to the limit.

Her eyes that were covered by her gray hair were golden. Her eyes, like that of a predator's, were sharp and alert even on a normal day.

She was not a prim and proper young lady, but she was a beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman had two things that humans did not have. She had big ears next to her hair, which was tied with a red ribbon, and a big tail that swayed gently on her hips.

Both were colored gray, like her hair.

Her ears and tail were the same as those of a wolf, proving that the woman was not just a human, but a beastmen with excellent physical abilities.

She was probably no older than twenty. Her face was full of youth and vitality.

On her back was a huge sword that was unsuitable for a woman to handle. The woman was walking effortlessly with a huge sword on her back, which even a big man could not wield with both hands.

Aside from the huge sword, her appearance was that of a lightly-armored swordswoman.

"Fornelis. You're in a very good mood today, aren't you."

"Not really... but it looks like they're having fun."

Next to the gray-haired beauty - Fornelis - was a woman with golden hair that was beautifully braided.

The lightly-armored swordswoman replied to the soft, gentle voice of the woman in a cool, dignified voice. Her slightly high-pitched voice gave an androgynous impression to whoever listened to her, and the rugged weapon on her back also gave a strong impression.

She could be said to be strong as a wall that took the lead in battle, but her androgynous, slightly high-pitched voice sometimes made her feel feminine and inferior, given her love of flowers and her love of children.

Especially since the golden-haired woman walking next to her was more "feminine" than the gray-haired swordswoman.

Even though the beautiful woman was just as beautiful as the gray-haired swordswoman.

The woman was dressed in vestments of blue and white, with a mithril staff in her hand.

Her long golden hair was tied into a braid that hung down from her left shoulder, and her hair was adorned with a hair ornament that resembled a rose.

Her large, slightly drooping eyes were a deep blue.

As the blonde priestess walked, her long hair and red rose ornament swayed.

Her body, hidden by her vestments, was not very fleshy, or at worst, poor. However, it could be said that it was the charm of her slender body.

The waistband that tied her vestments together revealed her waistline, and her hips were fleshier than her breasts. The skirt of her vestments, which was so long that it covered her ankles for ease of movement, had a deep slit through which her beautiful legs wrapped in white stockings peek out.

The fact that she was half a head taller than Fornelis accentuated the fact that she was slimmer than the female swordswoman.

If the female swordswoman's body was voluptuous and sexy, then the priestess was a kind of perfected beauty best depicted on statues and paintings.

"And yet it is a lively one, don't you think, Fornelis?"

"Fufu, that's right. Doesn't we look very much like a party of heroes trying to defeat the Demon King?"

In the eyes of these two beautiful women, there were two figures.

One of them had black hair.

It was unusual in this world―― a word so unrealistic that when she first heard it, she suspected it was just a bard's lie or a fairy tale.

A hero from another world who was summoned to save the world.

She couldn't believe it at first.

The world was being overrun by the Demon King and the monsters he created.

Even though it was surrounded by a clear blue sky, the earth beneath it was always stained with human blood.

Goblins, lizardmen, and griffins. Monsters of all kinds. Monsters that kept multiplying endlessly.

Villages were attacked by various monsters, towns were destroyed, and cities were burned.

One day.

The largest forest kingdom in the land of beastmen where Fornelis lived, "Grabalt", was also attacked by monsters.

Surrounded by deep forests and swamps, Grabalt was a natural fortress.

It had been attacked by monster armies in the past, but it had been able to withstand their invasions every time.

However, even though it was an impregnable fortress for monsters like goblins and lizardmen who walked on the ground, it was completely vulnerable to flying monsters like griffins.

For beastmen that could not use magic, flying monsters were extremely troublesome, and they have no choice but to fight back with bows and stones.

If they turn their attention to the sky, the goblins were moving slowly through the swamp towards Grabalt.

Their number was not ten or a hundred.

It was a horde of a thousand or ten thousand...... or more.

The trees in the forest swayed greatly as though an earthquake was occurring, and beneath them, the red eyes, glowing from the monsters writhed in countless numbers in the darkness of the forest like a carpet.

The battle lasted for five days, and even though more than ten thousand warriors, Grabalt's entire strength, gathered to fight and took turns resting, the physically superior beastmen were very tired, and their minds were being driven into a slope due to the endless appearance of the monsters.

The swords the dwarves had prepared were shattered, spears were broken, and arrows were exhausted.

They had prepared plenty of food and water, but every morning and every night, the sound of the castle gates of Gravalt being battered by goblins, orcs, and even the larger ones, ogres, deprived them of their morale and dampened the minds of the warriors.

Monsters overflowed in all directions that were visible from the castle walls, and winged monsters covered the sky like a cloud haze.

Everyone already expected the collapse of the country, and yet only a small percentage of the strong-hearted was able to resist until the last moment.

And just when some of them were beginning to commit suicide, reinforcements finally appeared.

It was only two people.

They were the only reinforcements from the magic kingdom of Fonteau, which had been attacked by monsters several months before Grabalt's attack.

A young magician with impressive silver hair that shined like stars in the night sky, and a man with black hair that she had never seen before.

After killing more than 10,000 monsters, the two of them arrived in Grabalt, where they worked together with the army of beastmen to push back the Demon King's army and save the country.

Fornelis would never forget the excitement at that time.

Next, the party of three heroes saved the holy kingdom where the golden-haired woman beside her lived, where priests and scholars gathered, and so on.

On their journey, they saved towns and villages attacked by monsters, freed people trapped by monsters, and now the word "hero" was identical with the word hope, and they received aid wherever they go.

The simple-looking equipment of Fornelis and the Priestess was actually quite expensive, but it was specially prepared for them.

An oversized sword made by melting down a rare metal called mithril, a breastplate, and boots made by weaving the skin and hair of a special monster. The clothes were clean, but were lighter and stronger than steel armor, protecting against the flames and poisonous breath of the monsters.

"Do they get along or not? They are always arguing with each other."

"Ara. It's good, isn't it―― I'm even a little jealous."

"I see."

The only man among the four-man party that was traveling was having a lovely quarrel with the female in front of their gaze.

One was a girl with beautiful silver hair parted in two on her head and decorated with a green ribbon.

She was dressed in light green clothing that emphasized ease of movement. On top of that, she wore a fresh green cloak that hid her small limbs.

The ears peeking out from her silver hair were different from those of humans and beastmen and were long and unique to elves. However, it was a little shorter...... compared to that of an elf that Fornelis knew, which proved that she was a half-elf half-human.

She heard that because of that, she had been forced to live while feeling ashamed in the land of the elves despite her position as a princess.

Was it because she was a half-elf, or was it due to the talent of the silver-haired magician, Leticia?

Her magical power was superior to that of other elves who were good at magic, and even a single attack of a fireball, which was just basic magic, could destroy dozens of goblins.

What was curious was why she, a half-elf who was not well thought of by the elves, was working with a hero who was trying to save the world.

At first, Fornelis was suspicious of the relationship between the two.

That was right.

If one were neither human nor elf and was a princess, it was not surprising that she was hated by the whole country.

Elves were a restrictive race, and they cherish their old traditions above all else.

That meant that Leticia, who inherited human blood, was hated by all the high elves, the oldest and most powerful bloodline in the elven race.

It was no exaggeration to say that even living in the land of the elves was difficult, and even their existence was not acknowledged.

In fact, even Fornelis, the daughter of Baldur, the chief of the werewolf tribe who ruled the beastmen kingdom, didn't even know she existed until she rushed over as reinforcements.

The same goes for the golden-haired priestess walking next to her. As a priestess with a high position, she also didn't know about the existence of Leticia, who was of Elven royalty but of mixed blood with humans.

If she had been treated that way, Fornelis thought, it was only natural that she would hate her country and the world.

But in reality, Leticia neither hated the country nor wished for the world to collapse―― she was working with the hero to save the world.

――Fornelis suddenly thought.

She was sure it was people like her who should be revered as "saints".

And the person to whom the saint could express her true feelings was the black-haired young man walking next to her.

He was one head taller than Leticia.

His face wasn't handsome. Even Fornelis, who had zero experience with men, thought so, as his face was only ordinary.

And it would be too much of an understatement to say that he had no special features.

However, he was extremely good-natured.

He was a good man.

He cried, grieved, and got angry for the sake of many people.

Like when the forest kingdom of Grabalt was being attacked, and when he went to help the Holy Kingdom.

She was sure he was also angry when he fought in the Magic Kingdom of Fonteau.

For the sake of the innocent people being attacked by monsters.

That was who he was.

He got angry for the sake of others whose names, faces, and voices he didn't even know. And he was sad.

So she was sure he was angry for Leticia's sake as well...... then she could understand how the silver-haired magician, who was so forgiving, as she expressed it honestly and confidently.

"But. If possible, it would be nice if he could look in our direction even just a little."

"It's plenty worrisome even though we are traveling together."

"Fufu... yes, it is."

Fornelis, who claimed to be unfamiliar with the subtleties of emotions such as love and infatuation, laughed at the priestess's words.

She knew that the golden-haired priestess was yearning for the black-haired hero's love. However, she knew where the hero's feelings were directed, and she couldn't say her next words.

Fornelis smiled slightly and decided to say it some time, then stretched to loosen up her tired body from walking.

Her limbs, like that of an agile predator, arched back, and her ample breasts were crushed by the leather breastplate. The hem of her blouse, pulled up by her stretched body, revealed her abdomen, and her small pretty belly navel was in full view.

Seeing Fornelis dressed like that, the priestess covered her mouth with her hand and smiled elegantly.

"It's improper, Fornelis"

"Uu... I can't do anything about it because it's too short. When we get to the next town, I have to renew my equipment."


Her youthful limbs, not yet reaching her twenties, have grown during the journey, and her breastplate often became painful as they moved from town to town.

It was natural to adjust one's equipment to fit one's body, but Fornelis had always wondered why it always got tight.

That was probably a problem for the beastmen, who have never worn any kind of armor and have fought only with fists and weapons.

And in contrast to Fornelis, the priestess in her loose-fitting vestments didn't experience that kind of problem.

She glanced sideways at the cleavage of Fornelis's ample breasts, which had been distorted by the breastplate, and sighed.

It was a time when the Demon King was still alive.

The world was overflowing with monsters, and people were in despair every day, clinging only to the last hope, the hero.

For Fornelis, who traveled with the hero, those days were sometimes painful and sad.

But even so, it was also the important time that seemed to shine brightly.

A hero who saved the world and companions who she could call her best friends. It was the brightest time of her life. The most fulfilling time of her life.

It had never faded and remained as a memory in her mind.

Even though more than ten years have passed.

In the country of beastmen, two things could be called "treasures".

One was the magical sword, one of the equipments used by the hero who defeated the demon king.

The other one was Fornelis, the beautiful princess of the werewolf tribe who traveled with the hero.

She had gray hair that shone lightly in the moonlight and a body that was trained as a sharp blade.

Her powerful yet beautiful swordsmanship had been honed through fierce battles with the monsters created by the Demon King, and her physical abilities were unparalleled through their long history.

Although she was unable to use magic, it was said that by the end of their journey, she had acquired swordsmanship and physical strength comparable to the hero.

She was the most famous person in the forest kingdom of Grabalt, and even though she was over thirty years old, she was still a strong woman who was leading their country's knights.

She was the daughter of the king, but because she was a woman, she did not have the right to inherit the throne, so she decided to spend her life on the battlefield, and her boldness stood out even among the beastmen who take pride in fighting, making her popular among both men and women.

Her long, beautiful gray hair was tied up in a ponytail with a silk ribbon to keep it tied, but her hair still reach her waist.

Her cool, slitted eyes were crimson in color, as though reflecting a blazing fire, in direct contrast to her white skin and gray hair. Her high nose, neat chin, and dignified expression give off an air of nobility that would make a timid individual to shy away at the mere sight of her.

Her large ears that sat high on her head and her tail on her buttocks were colored gray.

It looked good on her jet-black clothing―― a military uniform that was adaptable to any kind of situation.

Her breasts were so large that one could see them bulging out from her clothes, as though they were filled with two large fruits.

The rich bulge, which was disproportionate to her thin and tight limbs, was carving distorted wrinkles on the chest part of her military uniform, and its appearance swaying and trembling as though to stimulate a man's lower body even though she just walked slightly. Just like a freshly made sugar candy. The breasts that attracted the gaze of men like ants, however, were not very desirable to her.

It was not very pleasant to have a man's gazes directed at her, and more importantly, it got in the way of fighting.

In normal times, it could be squeezed into her underwear that was one size smaller.

And while the richness of her upper body may draw the eye, her plain jacket and matching pants were tightened by a belt to the limit, and the abdomen beneath it was so thin that one wondered if it was filled with internal organs.

The black leather boots were simple, which made the beauty of the woman and the richness of her body even more attractive to the man's gaze.

In a sense, it was a crime that a mere work attire could make those who saw her feel a kind of complex.

If she had gotten married, she might have been able to put a stop to this, but there was no talk of that sort of thing around the beastmaster, Fornelis.

The reason was that for her, her ideal lifelong partner was someone stronger than her.

That was a natural custom for the beastmen living in the forest kingdom of Grabalt, but there was no man stronger than her to be her partner who had traveled with the hero and defeated the Demon King, so until now she was still single.

(Though I have no desire to get married.)

However, now that she was in her thirties, she was thinking about marriage.

The only saving grace was the presence of the "challengers" who appeared before her every day.

She was not familiar with the subtleties of romantic love, as she had been for more than ten years, but she did not feel bad about the fact that there was a man who was courting a woman over thirty of age.

She understood that she had lived a martial life, devoted to the sword.

And there were more than ten men who wanted to defeat her and become her partner.

Surrounded by the forest, now that monsters were few, hunting and working in the fields were the only things she enjoyed.

The sight of men challenging a powerful and noble female heroine to become their "property" was now a form of entertainment.

A few years ago, a dueling arena was built and became a spectacle, but Fornelis thought that was not so bad.

She hoped she could relieve her boredom with her swordplay.

Today, she was standing in the middle of a large dueling arena with an oversized, wooden, bladeless sword in her hand.

From one end to the other, it took about fifty steps on a human foot. There were even seats for spectators around the circular wooden dueling arena, and now there were even people who bought good seats.

It was the most popular form of entertainment in Grabalt, where entertainment was scarce.

That was the duel to marry the Warrior Princess Fornelis.

Before the main event, famous mercenaries and knights fight in the arena, which was also quite popular.

And more importantly, recently capturing monsters had become a habit, whose numbers had dwindled, and had them fight in the arena.

Fornelis thought that a battle between monsters was too much, but boredom was something that darkened and muddied people's desires.

There was a lot of money involved in the buying and selling of monsters, and the people gambled when they fight in the arena.

Was it a duel for money? Was it a duel to test one's strength?

Now it was becoming vague.

"I'm going to win today!"

As she was questioning the nature of the duel, the loud voice brought her thoughts back.

The young man who dared to stand in front of Fornelis, his long gray hair swaying in the wind, was a young man whose expression still showed his youthfulness.

He was not yet 20 years old.

Every time she looked at the young man, Fornelis thought that he was not much older than the hero was when she started her journey with him.

Yes, every time she saw him.

It was not the first time he had stood in front of Fornelis in the arena.

As far as Fornelis remembered, it was the third time.

In fact, it was his fifth time, but the first and second times he failed to strike even a single blow and fainted, leaving her with no memory of him.

The third time, she received only a single blow, and the fourth time, he managed to strike back, which was enough to make her remember his face.

From the beastwoman's perspective, who decided their mates were those who were stronger than they were, she had no name or even a face to choose from.

His strength, which didn't have the ability but only hope was impressive, seemed to be amusing to the others, and his declaration raised a burst of laughter from the beastmen sitting in the audience seats.

However, such comments did not reach the ears of the young man.

"I see."

Focusing only on Fornelis's figure standing in front of him, he pointed the tip of his normal-sized wooden sword at her.

Compared to Fornelis's extra-large sword, his weapon was not that small nor poorly made, but the determination to "definitely win" made Fornelis's heart tremble.

There were many standing before her to win her, but not so many who stand before her purely to win. That was probably why Fornelis felt the pure gaze of the young man comfortable, and without being aware of it, her mouth relaxed that only those close to her could understand.

At the same time, she knew that she couldn't take him seriously, but she didn't want to relax and take it easy on him.

She understood that she had an inflexible personality, but when it came to fighting, no matter who the opponent was, she would not go easy on them.

That was especially true if it was a battle with a sword in hand.

A strong wind blew.

A small amount of dust flew up, shaking the hem of the black military uniform that Fornelis was wearing.

Her long hair, tied up with a ribbon, was also swaying, and for a moment her bangs blocked her view.

There was no signal for a duel to begin. The young man was holding a wooden sword in his hand, but a bad hit would result in death, so it would be foolish for him to challenge her as a mere test.

The young man had learned that from his second fight with Fornelis.

"I'm coming!!"

However, it was too early to utter those words, thought the strong woman who continued to practice even after defeating the Demon King.

It was not a bad idea to aim for a momentary gap, but it was foolish to declare that he was coming at her.

It was only for a moment that her vision was blocked. In that split second, the young man came to her fast. However, if she knew that he was coming at her, she wouldn't be surprised.

Before his last step was taken, Fornelis took a step back.

The young man's strike aimed at her head but missed, and the tip of the sword slightly cut her forelock.

Without even blinking, Fornelis sliced up the oversized sword with her right arm, which even a large man would have to hold with both arms, and the wooden sword passed right in front of him.

The strike that hit the young man's wooden sword bounced, but it did not knock the wooden sword out of his hand.

She didn't go easy on him.

It was purely a matter of training and endurance.

The young man's face twisted in pain, he regripped his wooden sword and immediately struck back. With its momentum, the raised wooden sword was swung down towards Fornelis, who was still holding her oversized sword up high, but it was repelled by the hilt of the oversized sword.

"It's not bad. It looks like you've been training a lot."


The young man let out a sound in her honest praise.

She understood when she heard his voice that he was genuinely not up to par with her abilities.

In fact, Fornelis was able to block the young man's attacks without any difficulty, and she was just calm. The young man, on the other hand, was breathing hard with extreme tension and was sweating heavily.

The young man jumped back to take a breath but in the next moment, Fornelis, carrying an oversized sword on her shoulder, closed in the distance between them in one step.



Only one word.

Without hesitation, Fornelis put all her strength into the arm holding the oversized sword. The muscles rose beneath her military uniform, and she felt uncomfortable, as though her arm had grown a full size.

The intimidating feeling of fear of death made the young man cower, and he held the wooden sword up high, not by thinking, but by instinct.

He was defending himself when his leg got tangled up and he fell down, but Fornelis was not holding back.

She swung her extra-large sword at the head of the young man who had lost his balance and slammed his body, which was a size larger than his own, into the ground.

There was no scream.

The young man was unable to defend her attack and fainted from the impact. Then he was slammed down to the ground and collapsed.

It was obvious to everyone that Fornelis was not serious.

But before the crowd could finish their small talk, the duel was already over.

When one of the spectators noticed that, he cheered, and all the spectators who had been in the dueling grounds also cheered.

As to response to the cheers, Fornelis waved her hands, and wild and high-pitched screams went up.

The dignified Fornelis had many female fans, and today almost half of the dueling grounds were filled with women.

While waving to these women, Fornelis was careful not to show it on her face, and let out a sigh inwardly.


Just a single word.

But a pure and simple feeling.

It had been fun when she was traveling to defeat the Demon King.

She had seen a lot of death, and it had been very painful, but it had been fun nonetheless.

A powerful enemy. Countless enemies like a haze of clouds. To challenge them, together with the hero from the other world and the companions she could call her best friends.

Those days were precious and important to her, but she would never experience them again.

The demon king had fallen, the remaining monsters have become tools for entertainment, and the children were growing up without knowing the threat of the demon king.

So, she was bored.

She was bored, bored, bored―― and without even realizing it, a sigh escaped her lips.

Deeply, deeply. It was a heavy sigh.

(So boring)

After the duel, it was always like this.

As long as she was holding the sword, she could forget about that boredom and get excited, but once the duel was over, the excitement cooled down and she started to feel nostalgic in proportion to the heat.

Understanding that it was a bad thing, an act of looking only at the past and turning away from the future, Fornelis left the dueling grounds, pushed back by the cheers.

It was also important to remember that she needed to have a good relationship with her family and friends.

She had to patrol around the city, resolve complaints from the people, and so on.

It was a chore. It was not a job for a hero who saved the world should do...... but it was a job that someone must do.

That was what Fornelis was doing to take her mind off her boredom.

It was the nature of beastmen to want to let loose in battle, even though they understand how precious and important the peace was.

The hustle and bustle reached her animal ears, but the noise from a battle that she longed for did reach her.

The world's calamity was almost upon them.

The sky was clear. It was the same color as the sky she always dreamed of seeing in her less peaceful but more precious days.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow. The world was peaceful.

"Hmm... what's this?"

Looking at the line of carriages, the petite girl tilted her head and muttered.

She was only a little over ten years old. Her height was only about the same as the abdomen of an adult beastmen, and her breasts were a little small or...... flat.

However, her language was natural and disproportionate to her appearance, and the few beastmen around her did not question it.

That was because they know that the girl...... was much older than they were, so much older that they could call her "grandma".

The woman's name was Shamia.

With reddish copper hair and yellow eyes, she had deep knowledge in her eyes as she watched the procession of more than a dozen carriages pass in front of her.

Ahead of them was a checkpoint.

She was in charge of one of the checkpoints on the border between the magic kingdom of Fonteau and the forest kingdom of Grabalt and was having trouble deciding how to deal with a group of people who claim to be refugees from Fonteau.


It was normal for the country of Fonteau to issue a pass for travelers consisting of several or a dozen people.

And this time, the group was more than a dozen times that size, and no one in the group had any kind of pass.

Of course, none of them had anything of value. Even those who had something to prove their identity were few.

It was normal to wonder if the group had some sort of problem. However, it was also a mystery when it came at this scale.

For starters, these self-proclaimed refugees said that the royal capital of the magical kingdom of Fonteau was destroyed by slimes.

"Can you believe that a slime destroyed Fonteau?"

"No way―― the country was full of stupid magic user elves and the slime's weakness was magic..."

Shamia replied annoyingly to the large, round-eared bear-like beastmen who spoke to her.

A dwarf, not a beastmen, who, like the elves, could sense the presence of spirits and used those abilities in smithing.

Shamia could feel the presence of spirits as well, and so could the elves.

However, the decisive difference between Dwarves and Elves was whether or not they could use magic.

Dwarves couldn't use magic, but they have a talent for smithing―― they were strongly blessed by the spirit of the sun, which elves were not good at.

Shamia, who looked like a little girl, had unimaginable arm strength from her slender arms, and she fought with a huge hammer on her back.

Since the war with the Demon King ended, the number of places for smithing had decreased, and now she spent her days at the border, bored while checking the IDs of travelers who wanted to pass.

Not a few Dwarves thought it would have been better when the Demon King was still alive, and Shamia was no different.

For the dwarves, blacksmithing was a part of their lives, something they could not do without. It was something that should not be missing.

She used to think about it in her head every time she woke up from bed, but now that there was no more conflict, her skills were no longer needed.

Nowadays when monsters appeared, they were few, and existing weapons were sufficient. Dwarves used iron and silver for building houses and furnishings and using their hammers to create utensils.

For Shamia and the other Dwarves, Elves were the object of envy and jealousy.

The magic of the elves would still be useful even after the battle was over, while the dwarven weapon-making technology loses its place.

The bear-eared beastmen smiled bitterly from her words of jealousy.

"Aside from the magic user idiots, it would be difficult to keep this many refugees at this border. Captain Shamia."

"I know, you idiot, but if they're bandits, it's a problem to let them into the country."

"But if they're bandits, we'll have trouble defending the border."

This time, a young man with a tiger-striped tail spoke up.

His words made Shamia ponder again.

It was suspicious, but it was also understandable that it would be difficult to decide when the country was far away. Were they really refugees or were they lying?

In the first place, could a country be destroyed by a slime?

"Excuse me……"

"What is it, this time――"

"If you don't mind, could you give us some food... Some of us have children, so if you could at least feed them..."

It was a silver-haired woman who spoke to Shamia.

She was about half a head taller than Shamia. But compared to Shamia, who was naturally small, it was clear that she was still an elf girl.

Her originally beautiful silver hair was unkempt, disheveled, and dirty with dust. The dress she was wearing was probably decorated with lots of frills, but it too was stained with dirt and an unidentifiable mucus.

Her face was shaded by fatigue, but there was still a hint of beauty in it that made her think that this girl was of noble birth.

Even though her entire body was dirty, her back was straight and her chest was sticking out as though to show off the bosom of her former peach-colored dress.

She had large breasts.

The dwarven race naturally had no voluptuous flesh, and she thought that it was beautiful that there was no wasteful flesh, Even Shamia, who had such values, could understand that this Elven girl must be extremely beautiful.

After swallowing their earlier complaints, Shamia and the other beastmen stationed at the checkpoint straightened their postures as they saw the girl's presence in their sight.

"Huh―― even at the border, food supplies are limited...."

"Just for the children, please. Is there any way you can accommodate us?"

Even so, there was a limit to the amount of food that could be distributed to theborder.

However, when the word "children" was used, even Shamia and her subordinates, who have decent empathy, feel the urge to do something about it.


"I-i'm sorry."

Growl. There was a small noise.

It was coming from the elf girl's abdomen. Her stomach was growling.

"One question"


"...Is Fonteau really destroyed by a slime?"

When Shamia asked the question in an unfamiliar, faltering honorific tone, the girl lowered her eyes sad but nodded firmly.

"I think they'll probably head here next, to Grabalt."

"...The slime?"

"Because this country was close to Fonteau."

The girl's words made Shamia look up and call out to the soldiers on the watchtower, who had been keeping an eye out for the refugees in the direction of Fonteau since their arrival.

"Do you see anything?"

"No ma'am, I can't see anything."

"...That so?"

"If they didn't come, that's for the best. Just Fonteau... that way, we won't lose more people."

The girl said then exhaled.

"As I mentioned earlier, we would like to meet with Lord Baldur, King of Grabalt―― as soon as possible. If you can't share your food with us, that's fine. We just need you to let us through quickly."


Shamia folded her arms and looked around at the beastmen standing around her.

All of them had troubled looks on their faces.

It was very hard to believe, but it was very convincing. It must be true that they were hungry, and she could feel that they were trying to push their way to the Kingdom of Grabalt.

The suspicion she had felt earlier faded, and the feeling that it might be true began to creep into her mind.

That was how serious the girl's words were.

"Anyway, I'm sorry if it was a little bit, but let's get you some food. Hey."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"I can't help it. I can't just abandon the children―― hey, keep an eye on them."

"Roger that."

His tone had no respect for his superior, but that was the way it was for soldiers stationed at the border.

Shamia would rather think that there was no hierarchy and build a good bond.

That aside.

"And get the horses ready. Tell King Grabalt that a guest is coming."

"All right. I'll do that."

The one who volunteered was a young man with a tiger tail. The large, bear-eared beastmen went to prepare the meal.

The right person for every task.

The slender and fast beastmen and the strong and powerful beastmen begin to be useful in their own areas of expertise.

"Then I'll take a fast horse――"

"I can't do that. I will allow you to enter the country, but first, you must eat and rest. I can't provide you with hot water, but there is a river in the back. You should clean yourself."

At these words, the girl bowed her head deeply.

She was surprised that the elf―― who in Shamia's mind an arrogant elf and only cared about magic―― had bowed, and her normally unchanging expression was tinged with surprise.

"Thank you"

"W-what... you, are you crying?"

Shamia was surprised that she would be so happy...... What if the country had really been destroyed?

It was a bad premonition that crossed her mind.

"Anyway, rest your body first. And don't do anything strange―― I'm watching."

With that, Shamia left the place.

Hundreds of refugees were waiting in an open area behind the border, just outside Grabalt side.

As expected, it was difficult for such a large number of people to stay inside.

While observing the area, Shamia called another beastmen that was on her side.

"Prepare another fast horse. Check things on Fonteau."

"Are you sure? We can't just enter another country without permission..."

"It doesn't sound like a lie to me. If the royal capital has been destroyed, the country must be in chaos. We just need to find out the extent of the chaos."

"I see. I'll send the fastest one."

"Umu―― tell them to be careful, just in case."

If it was just an unfounded fear, that was fine.

However, the girl's honest words made her feel uneasy.


The girl who had spoken to Shamia, who had been observing the refugees for some time, tried to speak to her.

Her expression was somewhat brighter than before, and she seemed to have regained her vitality.

She seemed to have recovered her strength after eating a simple but nutritious meal.

"Oya, you look better."

The one who spoke was one of the beastmen who was observing the refugees with her.

The man who was instructed to prepare some men to scout Fonteau earlier.

"Thank you for the meal... umm."

"I don't want your thanks―― but that's right. Can you tell me your name?"

It was a question to resolve the initial doubt that she might be a famous nobleman, but the girl hurriedly bowed her head, realizing now that she still hadn't told Shamia her name.

"I'm sorry, inspector-sama. I'm Meltia―― Meltia Fonteau. I'm the daughter of Leticia Fonteau."

She elegantly picked up the skirt of her dress and bowed gracefully.

Her gesture was refined, and it was easy to see that it was no random act.

Then, realizing the meaning of the name, Shamia hurriedly took a step back.

Her back hit the wooden house used by the soldiers staying at the border with a thud, but even the pain didn't reach her mind.

"...huh, haaah??!?"

That was what came out of her mouth. Shamia was speechless and astonished, but the beastmen absurdly raised their voices.

Shamia was not sure whether she should trust that statement or not.

Leticia was the queen of Fonteau. Even Shamia understood that much.

She also knew her daughter's name.

It was hard to decide whether it was a trick or the truth, but then Meltia took off the ring on her finger and presented it to Shamia.

"Take it, please. This was my thanks for the meal...... Please sell it and share the money with everyone at the border."


The ring that was presented to her was a large red jewel. In addition, because the dwarves had wielded their hammer for many years crafting weapons and jewels, she knew that its price was quite high.

"It pains me to say this, but it's the only thing I have on hand at the moment..."

"U-umu... nnー..."

With the opposite hand that had received the ring, Shamia scratched her head wildly.

Her reddish copper hair was disheveled, and she even felt a slight pain as she clawed at it. Still, the pain told her that the situation was real.

"What do you mean by this?"

"It's my payment―― for sharing us your food."

"That's quite a price for what you're getting, isn't it?"

"I'm so grateful. The children can smile lightly now. The people can rest and had calmed down―― I am sorry to say that is all I can offer."

Shamia was sure that she meant every word.

The elven girl...... Meltia's words warmed the hearts of Shamia and the beastmen who had heard them conversing.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to get some rest."

"U, mu..."

In the end, Shamia was unable to give a proper reply and saw Meltia off.

However, just as the back of her figure was about to disappear from her sight, she saw a black-haired girl snuggled up to the silver-haired princess, and her suspicion turned to certainty.

Black hair.

It was a hair color that did not exist in this world.

It was the hair color of the hero who was summoned from another world.

And there was only one person who inherited that hair color.

Another daughter of Leticia Fonteau. Mariabelle, the younger sister of Meltia.

She was a member of the "Hero's bloodline" named after Mary, who was the Virgin Mary from the other world, and the sound of the bell of happiness that announced its arrival.

"It's real"

"Huh... the refugees are real?"

"You fool! Don't you ever use that word again!"

"Eeeh!? The captain was the one who said it first...."


That was also true.

Shamia held her head, feeling like she wanted to redo her past statements.

"A-anyway, we must serve all the food we can find for dinner and entertain them."

"That's too much...... More importantly......"


"If the princess is real, does that mean Fonteau was really destroyed by a slime?"


Shamia gasped at the words and turned her gaze toward where Meltia had left off.

She had a bad feeling about it.

A cold sweat ran down her spine.

No one could believe that the elves who were good at magic had been destroyed by slime who had no defense against magic. She couldn't believe it.

That was because it was such a bizarre fact that would shake the very foundations of the world.

"At any rate, no one will be passing through here today. Close the gates of the border."

"Just for now, right?"

"Yeah, just for now."

In the first place, dwarves and beastmen who couldn't use magic couldn't fight the slime unless they destroy its nucleus.

Then why did the elf princess visit the land of beastmen?

It occurred to her that the first thing to do was to close the gates of the border and increase the number of guards, so she decided to leave.

Read The Reborn Wife is Farming
FantasyRomanceSci-fiSlice Of Life