Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith-Chapter 291: Gathering

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Irwin hummed thoughtfully as he raised the card.

"Did you succeed?" Endil asked.

Irwin nodded. Even if Ambraz hadn't shown him the card's result, he could tell from the reforging that it had worked.

"So that's the last one? Only three cards that can be used by someone to channel the Chaos Whale soulforce," Endil said as he sat down at the table in the corner of their smithy. "Do you think it will be enough?"

"It will have to be," Irwin said as he sat down opposite Endil.

The both of them had been away from the Academy for the last week. Irwin had been focusing on reforging cards that could harness the external power the Chaos Whales could provide while Endil had been watching him work, intent on learning as much about the Musical path of smithing as he could.

Staring at the card, Irwin felt the same antsy sensation he'd been feeling for a while now. The desire to head out, go to Igniz to see Scintilla, and head out to Dimarintsia to put a stop to the Smith abductions. With this card finished, it would leave two defenders for the harbor while Xi'kroak could continue his path of vengeance against the Oculithar.

"You are going to leave soon, aren't you?" Endil said softly.

Irwin looked up, noting the slightly jealous look in the other smith's eyes. Although they were technically born around the same time, due to the differences in time dilation, Endil looked younger and definitely less mature. Irwin knew he'd love to come with him, but he also knew it wasn't going to happen. You'gyn had been adamant that Endil should remain and take his time creating his own heartcard. If he could do that, it would increase his future potential.

Besides, Susnin would kill both of us if we even mentioned it, Irwin thought, picturing Endil's young wife in his mind, glowering at them.

"Yes," he said. "The Academy is doing fine. Trimdir knows how to break existing heartcards to reforge them. You have learned most of what I can teach, and I've reforged all the cards I had to. Those that remain can be done by you, Trimdir, Esther, and the others. I'll be creating more heartcards this week, and after that, we will be heading back out."

Endil stared at him quietly, then shook his head with a weary sigh.

"From all I've heard, that place is a good place to get yourself killed, but you look happy to head back. We are far from the troubles there, and someone else will eventually stop the abductions. So why would you go out there and risk so much?"

Irwin was about to answer it, then hesitated. Over the months of working together, he and Endil had become friends and talked about many things Irwin had seen and done in the Portal Gallery. What he hadn't told the other was everything to do with Scintilla. Should he? The only ones that knew about it were Greldo and his family… That said. Was it even the main reason he was heading out? With everything that had been going on since he returned, he'd not really given himself the time to reflect on it. Even during the quiet weeks with Greldo, exploring the island, he hadn't really thought about it.

He thought about what was driving him to go back into the dangers of the Portal Galery. First, he let the memories about Scintilla play through his mind, including the last time they had been together, pass through his mind. A tiny part of him became angry as he thought about the letter she'd given him- how she'd just used him to make children without warning him.

He pulled the anger to the front of his mind, examining it with a detached sense of curiosity, then sighed. He had no idea how he'd react when he saw Scintilla, but the desire to see her and talk to her definitely added to his wish to head out sooner rather than later. But, as much as he wanted to see her and their children, it wasn't the main reason. Neither was stopping the abductions of the smiths, although the fact that there was someone out there hunting him made him angry enough to go out and search them out to stop them. A large part of it was the lingering worry in the back of his mind about the mysterious enemy hunting the Galadin and their need for more information, but even that wasn't why he felt himself itching to leave.

No, the real reason was simpler… and as the realization fully set in, he couldn't help but smile ruefully.

"The reason you look like you want to come with me," he said, turning to Endil, who'd been quietly watching and waiting. "Curiosity. The Portal Gallery seems to be endless, and I've only seen a minute portion of it. There are places I want to go, people I want to meet."

Endil didn't say anything, but his eyes began glittering as Irwin continued, his own excitement building.

"With how many soulshards I have, I can buy rare cards and metals to work with from distant worlds!"

Search for ways to create cards from ambient soulforce, he thought to himself.

"Stop trying to trick him into coming with you," You'gyn snapped, flying down from his perch near the ceiling to land on Endil's shoulder. "You are leaving out the raiders and pirates that lurk everywhere, the unknown group that is hunting the smiths, and let's not forget about whatever is still chasing the Galadin."

Endil sighed, shaking his head. "Don't worry. I won't leave, though I wish I could see some of those things. There's too much to do here. With the cards you brought, we can start making more to suit the simple folk. If we can get everyone a few cards, disease and illness will be less of a problem. People will live longer, and our populace can increase faster."

Irwin could hear Daubutim's influence as Endil spoke, and as he did, he was glad Endil and the others were there. If they hadn't been, he'd have to stay here and do all these things while someone else would set out in his stead.

"So, who will go with you this time?" Endil asked eventually.

"Greldo," Irwin said instantly before tapping his chin.

He knew Earila and Zender wanted and expected to come, but should he bring them? Due to the storms, he needed to sail the ship most of the time now, and Greldo and Boohm could take over when he needed a break. With where he was going, was it smart to bring the two?

Zegritar will want his two offspring to see the Gallery, he thought.

"I might bring Zender and Earila," he said hesitantly. "Boohm, Hind, and-"

"I want to come."

Irwin and Endil jerked as he looked at the smithy entrance, where Dahlia stood. She was staring at him intently, and Irwin wondered how long she'd been standing there.

"She just came in," Ambraz said in his soulscape. "I was about to tell you."

"Your grandfather told me to bring you somewhere safe," Irwin said hesitantly.

He didn't add that she knew about Eluathar, and taking her meant trusting her with that knowledge.

"Grandfather isn't here, and I refuse to hide away like some scared little child," Dahlia said slowly. Then she looked at him, staring straight into his eyes. "I know asking to come with you is a lot, but you can trust me. I won't tell anyone about this place!"

"Why should we bring you?" Ambraz snapped as he flew down and landed on Irwin's shoulder. "Bringing another smith and another Ganvil will make things more complicated."

Dahlia looked at Ambraz while the lips of Juul'rish, her own Ganvil, pursed in a tight line.

"I know a lot about Dimarintsia, and Grandfather even took me there one time. We have a small family estate on the outskirts of the city, which will give us a base to work out of. My cousin handles affairs there, so we can ask her about things," Dahlia said. "Also, I am a capable fighter and close to filling up my soullake. I'll be able to take at least a few cards that will be of help during the journey."

"Dahlia! You need to use those for the cards we discussed to improve you-" Juul'rish chirped, her flute-like voice rising in worry.

"Yes, yes. I know," Dahlia said. "But we have two cards that can wait for the next heartcard."

Irwin hummed. "I won't promise anything yet, but I'll discuss it with Daubutim."

"That's all I ask," Dahlia said, suddenly smiling brightly. "I'll prepare just so I'm ready if I am allowed to come!"

She turned and dashed away, her excitement a change of her usual calm and collected demeanor.

Irwin stared at the door opening, not sure what to think. Having help from someone who knew Dimarintsia would definitely be a great asset.

"What do you think?" he said, looking at Endil.

"Take her along," Endil said without hesitation. "You will need all the help you can get."

Irwin nodded, but he wasn't sure yet. They continued chatting for the remainder of the afternoon before Greldo returned. Promising Endil he'd return before he left, Greldo teleported the two of them to Daubutim's place.

Teleporting is just too convenient, Irwin thought. He would have to look at how much wiggle room he still had in his soulscape after his next soulcard and see if he couldn't get one after all.

He pushed the idea away, both because he knew it was very unlikely to work and because Daubutim was looking up from behind his massive wooden desk. It was covered in books and papers, all arranged in neat stacks, while new maps covered the walls.

"You are heading back out?" Daubutim asked quietly.

"Told you that you are too predictable," Greldo said with a grin as he walked to the nearby couch and lay down on it.

"Yes," Irwin said as he walked forward and handed his friend the card he'd made that morning.

Daubutim inspected it quickly before putting it on the table with a nod.

"Greldo, Boohm, Hind, and I will be leaving in a week," he said, deciding the date on the spot. "I'm still not sure if I should bring Zender and Earila. Also, Dahlia asked to come."

He quickly explained what Dahlia had said, and Daubutim was quiet for a moment as his eyes flashed around.

"It's a risk, but only a very minor one," he finally said. "Lisbeth had some of the shadowwalkers check on her and the others, but there's no sign of them hiddenly wanting us harm. Esther and Montain are especially trustworthy, from what I could find, and although Selene is more volatile, she shows no signs of wanting to sell us out. Dahlia is a bit harder to read, but La'suna and Bron didn't detect any lies when they spoke with her."

Irwin stared at his friend in utter amazement before laughing softly.

So glad he's the one in charge of this place and I can get to run around, he thought.

"I was wondering what Lisbeth was doing," Greldo said from the couch. "I should have known you would check them out to be sure."

Daubutim nodded. "We investigated what we could from everyone you brought. Hind is likely to risk her life away to save yours, and Boohm is almost as trustworthy. I would suggest bringing either Zender and Earila or one of the two. Also, I presume you were going to bring Nim'dor?"

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Irwin nodded immediately. "Yeah, he is the only one besides Hou'dor that can power that barrier on his own."

"Then you should bring Dahlia," Daubutim said.

Irwin nodded, seeing what he was getting at. "To power the barrier," he said.

"Exactly. Did you prepare enough cards?"

"Plenty," Irwin said with a grin. "When Trimdir figured out I was leaving, he returned with a few dozen cards, which he said were both useless and too hard for the trainees to use. Besides that, I have other cards I can use in an emergency."

Daubutim was quiet for a bit as his eyes flashed with lightning.

"Did you attempt sideways reforging to generate energy, then reforge the card back the other way?" he asked.

"Won't work," Irwin said immediately. "A card can only be reforged sideways so many times until it shatters. Besides, I've found that reforging them up higher gives more energy. I just have to make sure I don't oversaturate the ambient soulforce."

"Will it eventually cause Nim'dor to rank up?" Daubutim asked as he picked up a booklet and a pen and began writing without looking at the book.

Ambraz snorted a laugh. "Yes, but it will take a very, very long time. Even with how much purified soulforce Irwin generates during his reforging, Nim'dor's potential isn't as high as that of Hou. It will take decades if he even manages. It would be better if Trimdir and Hou'dor proved it is possible to change Hou'dor's resonance to match Trimdir's. If that works, Nim'dor should just do that."

"I see," Daubutim said as he kept writing. "And the other two?"

“Ras’zin and Mor’vin? They are already on the edge of their ability. Even if they could rebind to a smith like Irwin or Trimdir, the chances of them becoming rank six are close to zero," Ambraz said. "Any smith good enough to make that work would be better suited to bind to one of the rank zeros."

Daubutim nodded and continued asking questions for a few more minutes. When he finished, he put the book aside and focused fully on Irwin.

"Remember to get as many books you can see if you can get in touch with Gelwin, and don't take too many risks," he said.

Although he sounded calm and emotionless, Irwin saw the tiny signs that Daubutim was worried: a slight narrowing of his eyes, even less movement of his hands, and an increase in the pools of lightning that were his eyes.

"I won't promise nothing bad will happen," Irwin said. "Cause that's just inviting trouble. But we will do our best to get what we need and return… Just don't expect us back soon. Even with how fast The Concerto is, we will need a year to travel to Igniz and then to Dimarintsia. That's not taking into account the time we will be on Igniz."

"That is fine," Daubutim said. "Don't rush, and take the time you need. We will be here when you return."

"Make sure you are! Keep everyone here safe while we're gone," Irwin said, a familiar sliver of worry about his family taking root in the back of his mind. It had been there the last time he left, and he knew it would remain there for the duration of his next trip.

"I will," Daubutim said, sounding incredibly certain. "Bron and I are working on plans in case larger Oculithar shows up. What happened before will not happen again. However, in the worst-case scenario of one that is too big and powerful, we will withdraw on-world and let the portal be closed. If this happens, you might have to reopen the portal for us if it is safe."

"And the two that got away?" Greldo asked.

"Xi'kroak will hunt them," Daubutim said as if there was no doubt in his mind. "If one drops a card, I will save it for when you return, as well as the Aurorium."

"When you get it, don't keep it all in the same place," Ambraz said. "Spread it out so it saturates sooner. Also, don't let any smith work with the bit that is in the mines right now. Only Trimdir and Hou'dor could handle it if they manage to synchronize."

Daubutim nodded and began writing something quickly. Irwin frowned as he watched him do that. He knew Daubutim, he had no need for notes. So, why-

"These are for the others in case something happens to me," Daubutim said. "If a situation arises where my abilities are what can save them, I can not have the worry about the future stop me from acting."

Irwin's eyebrows dropped in worry.

"Don't worry, I am making plans for every contingency Bron and I can come up with," Daubutim said, putting the booklet away again. "However, when we were being attacked by those Oculithar, I realized something. I could have used my lightning dash to help bring people from and to the ships. I didn't do it because I couldn't risk it. If something similar happens, I might still choose not to, but I refuse to be put in the spot where I need to make an impossible decision if I can prevent it."

Irwin was quiet as he watched his friend, noting something odd about him. A tautness in the face and a roughness in the voice.

"Daub?" he asked quietly.

His friend was quiet for a bit, then looked up. "Lisbeth is pregnant."

"Yeah, everyone could tell that," Greldo said from the couch. "Or did you think we thought she was just getting fat? It's a surprise she hasn't given birth yet, given how round she is."

Daubutim looked at Greldo and grunted while Irwin looked at his friend. He knew Daubutim didn't think nobody had noticed.

He didn't mean to protect the world or everyone, he thought, nodding slowly. With them his friend had meant that he wanted to be able to save Lisbeth and his child if he had to.

"You will be fine," Irwin said, knowing he could never be sure. Still, as Daubutim turned back to him, he smiled. "Eluathar is far from the other worlds, has cards, and now a way to get more even if it's slow, and eventually the best smiths. Best of all, it has people like you to guide it."

Daubutim's eyes stilled for a moment, the lightning dissipating to reveal the gray eyes behind it. They stilled as they had done many times in the past, and Daubutim let out a slow sigh. Then the lightning returned with a vengeance, the light from them illuminating the desk.

"Be safe," Daubutim said.

"We will be. But I'll return before we set out," Irwin said.

"What will you do in the final week?"

Irwin felt his excitement grow. "I am going to sing with the Chaos Wales and record all I can," he said.

Daubutim looked at him with mild surprise before he cocked his head. "Would you mind if Lisbeth and I came to listen?"

"No," Irwin said with a grin. "Bronwyn and the others are going to come too. I promised them I'd let them listen, and who knows if those Chaos Whales will remain. This might be their only chance."


Four days passed, mostly spent with his family and his mother, who was highly annoyed that he was leaving again. The only thing of note happened two days after speaking with Daubutim, Irwin went out to the Chaos Whales to prepare.

He had gone to inspect them before attempting to sing and play his soulstrum guitar and see their reaction. His song was initially met with what he could only describe as a shock as the Chaos Whales changed their course, almost seeming to search for something. Soon, however, the younger ones came close to investigate, and after a while, they began singing a very simple song.

Irwin joined in, and for half a day, he was lost in the joy of singing and playing, filling, then replacing songs in his Tablatures.

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Finally, two days before he would leave, he found himself standing on the end of the pier. Three of the juvenile Chaos Whales were flying toward him, their eyes shining with excitement. A large group of people had gathered on the pier behind him, some of who had never been through the exit portal. His mother, Bronwyn, his family, and most of his crew and friends were there, all but Bronwyn looking around with a mix of fear and wonder. A dozen of the smiths from the Academy, including Trimdir, Esther, Montain, and the other teachers, had come, as had Bron, Basil, and a large group of people he knew by face if not by name.

"I'm pretty sure this is something that has never happened before," Ambraz grumbled softly. "A concert with Chaos Whales, a soulstrum guitar and Ganvils."

"Well, let us not disappoint then," Hou'dor said.

He and the other rank fives stood beside Irwin, the largest of them -Hou'dor- reaching his shoulder.

Irwin summoned his soulstrum guitar and pulled both of his selves as close together as he could. One would be singing, the other playing.

"Here we go," he muttered as he filled the strings with a flood of soulforce before pulling them.

A crisp hum boomed out, loud enough to be audible throughout the entire harbor, and immediately, the other Chaos Whales responded, ceasing their circling and heading toward him. Scariander, the sole adult Chaos Whale, sped up, and Irwin saw an excited gleam in his eyes while a humming deep bass came from his enormous body.

Irwin closed his eyes for a moment as his fingers plucked the strings, slow at first but quickly speeding up until they danced across the snares. It wasn't really the start yet; it was just something to start things off. As the sound reverberated through the harbor, the youngest Chaos Whales began joining in, their efforts somewhat chaotic. Only when Scariander's hum came, setting the tone, did they begin following the direction Irwin wanted.

As the larger, juvenile Chaos Whales joined in, harmony began arising as the deep voices intermingled with Irwin's soulstrum guitar, slowly filling the gaps he left for them. He'd debated if he should let them sing, but the day before, he'd found that they were more than willing to sing along- and apparently, they weren't going to do anything else unless they felt like it.

He had thought about playing one of the Galadin songs but, in the end, decided it was a risk he didn't want to take. What if it somehow drew attention to them? Who knew what power the songs held besides helping him reforge cards beyond his abilities.

So, he'd opted for one of the songs he'd made with Skylar and the others.

"Here we go," Hou'dor rumbled, and immediately, he started singing, quickly joined by the others.

Irwin opened his eyes and looked around to see the chaotic soulforce that had leaked in from beyond the barrier start to pull towards them like the tide: a dense cloud of glittering energy in many colors, roiling as if stirred by a giant hand.

As he sensed the soulforce congregating and the song begin to pick up speed and volume, Irwin grinned as he joined with the others- his voice one with the others as his soulcard and heartcard began vibrating with a power that seemed to resonate through his bones.


"Uncle Irwin has to get me a gweetar when he returns," Drum shouted excitedly as he bounced around on Bronwyn's shoulder, waving his arms around as he tried to follow the beat.

"I'm sure he will try," Irwin's mother said, her eyes glued to Irwin.

Although she couldn't hear the soulforce resonance as he could, she could tell from the muted but excited conversations of the smiths that it was something special.

"It's beautiful," Carla said, her whispered voice almost lost in the still-increasing torrent of music.

The songs continued for a long time, rising and falling as one stopped and the other began, and at some point, those present felt a warm pulsing sensation from their cards. Most ignored it in favor of listening to the music, but some of the smiths resumed their excited conversation.

Hours later, when the final song died down, the Chaos Whales flew away, still happily humming among themselves.

Irwin unsummoned his soulstrum guitar, staring after the Chaos Whales thoughtfully. The soulforce concentration around the harbor was close to what they had created to power the shield of The Concerto.

"If we could create a barrier around the harbor…" he muttered.

"Do you have any idea how expensive that would be?" Ambraz said. "The one around The Concerto was expensive enough to buy a set of diamond rank cards."

Irwin's eyes widened at that, but that didn't stop him from contemplating it. "What do we need to create those barriers?"

"A master runecrafter, which is more rare than a smith," Hou'dor said. "Lots of expensive materials and a soulforce battery."

"And we'd need dozens of rank five Ganvils to power it," Ambraz said. "Instead of dreaming of things that won't happen, why dont you look at your soullake."

Irwin quickly moved his second self back into his soulscape, and as soon as he did, he saw the edges of his lake had crumbled again, its size expanding. It wasn't a lot, perhaps only a percent, but knowing how hard it was to normally expand it made him more than a little happy.

"It should be the same for everyone that was here, though the ones that didn't sing will have less of an increase," Hou'dor said. "Trimdir's soullake increased by almost ten percent!"

Irwin whistled, though he wondered why Trimdirs had increased so much more.

"Well, let's go and see how the others are doing," he said as he turned to see that the crowd of people had started breaking up.

Most were heading back to the exit portal, but his family and friends were there, waiting for him. Bronwyn was dangling Drum upside down, seeming to keep the boy from running toward him. Zender stood next to them, his eyes wide as he stared at Irwin. As soon as their eyes locked, Zender began mimicking something with his hands, seeming incredibly excited.

Greldo appeared beside him before he was halfway there.

"What is going on?" Irwin asked.

"Oh, nothing much," Greldo said with an innocent grin. "Zender and Earila's birds were able to harness the soulforce and use it to stabilize their soulscapes to the point that they are almost exploding with excitement."

Irwin whistled. "That's fantastic. Perhaps that means they can hold a soulcard and another heartcard."

"Zender definitely seems to think so," Greldo agreed.

When they reached the group, Zender bounced forward.

"Irwin, I-" he stopped and glanced at Greldo. "Wait, did you tell him already?"

"Of course," Greldo said as he walked to Coal and rubbed his summon's neck.

Zender sniffed, then turned to Irwin. "If more Yuurindi can bond with a Leafarit, can you sing again? I could feel my soulforce lose some of its instability!"

Earila moved next to him, nodding excitedly, causing her purple hair to flit around. "It was amazing! I feel so much better! I'm sure even Ib would be interested now!"

"I can sing again," Irwin said. "But you know that Zegritar said there wouldn't be more Leaflings for a while, right? He and the others wanted to see how the bond between the four of you goes first."

"Of course! When we return, they are going to be so impressed!" Zender shouted.

Irwin shared a look with Daubutim, who nodded.

"They will," he said, turning to Zender. "Now, how about we head back and have a party!"

"Are you going to sing more?!" Drum shouted, now perched on his father's shoulder.

"Only if you help," Irwin said seriously.

"I will! But I want to touch the gweetar!"

There was a round of laughter as the group made their way to the exit portal. As Irwin watched everyone jump in, he felt a tiny flicker of sadness, knowing he would be leaving in a few days.

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