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Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith-Chapter 296: Obsidian City
Irwin followed Tiscian down a long, winding hallway while his second self was talking with Zender.
"It felt… horrible," Zender said. "Like something was trying to push into my soulscape."
The young Yuurindi was sitting on a rocky outcrop, staring out across the lava lake that flickered and gleamed with Irwin's soulforce.
"If Sting hadn't been in my soulscape…" he looked over at the Bird that was sitting on his shoulder, looking at him with its black eyes. "I… I think my soulscape would have torn itself apart from the inside."
"Is there anything wrong with it now?" Irwin asked, using his senses to search Zender's soulforce resonance for any problem. "Have you examined it?"
"There's nothing wrong, but Sting says there's some sort of scuff marks across the barrier," Zender said, waving at the barrier that sat miles away.
Scuff marks, Irwin thought, frowning. He wished he could have a look, but his presence would prove far too much for Zender. But perhaps not for Ambraz!
"Move to my soulscape," Irwin's other self whispered to his shoulder.
Ambraz didn't bother asking why, and a moment later, he appeared within Irwin's soulscape.
"What's wrong? Is the kid alright?" he said as he zipped down to where they were sitting.
"He's fine," Irwin said. "But Sting says there's some visible damage to Zender's soulscape barrier. Can you go and check it out?"
Ambraz snorted, landing beside Irwin and Zender.
"The kid's soulscape isn't fully formed. He'd need a soulcard for that. It's already a tiny miracle that Sting can enter it, and it means his bond must be somewhat similar to a Ganvil's bond to their smith. We will have to wait for his soulcard to form."
Zender's shoulders sagged a bit, and Irwin quickly put a hand on one, squeezing.
"Don't worry. If we have to head back, I'll just bring you from here. Now, you might want to come back out because we are about to leave the Exit Portal building," Irwin said.
"Alright," Zender said, looking around. "As awesome as this place is, you might want to think about adding a house or perhaps a chair?"
Ambraz laughed while Irwin looked around. His soulscape felt like a safe, small area to him. Every part of it connected an integral, intertwined part of him. That said, as he looked at the rugged, jagged mountains, rock dust floating around, and thin streams of lava making their way from the tip of the volcano to the lava lake, he guessed it might not be like that for others.
Nobody had complained before, but who had actually been there? Esther and the others had only been there for a day or two, and only the Ganvils had been inside longer. But those had been dormant.
"I'll think about it," he said before lowering his head. "Ready?"
Zender nodded, and with a slight push, Irwin ejected him out of his soulscape and back into the real world.
They were walking through a corridor made of the same black stone that had comprised most of the harbor, though these were etched with decorations and inlaid with what looked like bands of shining metal. The corridor was wide enough for ten people to walk side by side and so high he couldn't reach the ceiling. Ahead of them was a closed double door.
"Ah, there you are," Boohm shouted, walking forward and putting his arm around Zender's shoulder. "How's our little boy doing?"
He actually had to reach up, and Irwin was reminded again just how much the young Yuurindi had grown. Though Boohm wasn't tall, he wasn't exactly short, either. Zender, however, was now half a head taller, and Irwin knew he was still growing, his body still working to catch up to the Emerald heartcard he had.
"I'm fine," Zender said, trying to shake Boohm away and failing. "And I'm not a kid!"
"Sure you are," Boohm shouted, his voice echoing through the hallway. "Just cause you grew a few inches doesn't change that!"
Hind, who was walking behind them, grabbed Boohm's arm and removed it from Zender.
"Be quiet," she whispered. "We are about to enter the Central Register."
Boohm put his arms behind his neck with a laugh before grimacing as he reached for his head.
"Blasted headache," he muttered under his breath.
I wonder if they have damage on their soulscape barrier, Irwin thought.
He was about to suggest Ambraz had a look when they reached the double door.
"Blademother Tiscian."
Tiscian's calm order caused the doors to swing open, giving way to a balcony with two curved stairs. They stood in a massive oval room with a central pillar that reminded Irwin of Fiverio's and many other Central Registers. Bands of frozen fire covered the ceiling in delicate shapes, mostly blades, their light illuminating the area.
A viable army, as Ignitzian soldiers were arranged everywhere, all eyes focused on the balcony.
Before Irwin could get worried, a streak of fiery light moved toward them, and a soldier stood there. Unlike those on the outside, her arms were bare, showing the dark ink of ten sword tattoos. Toned but not overly muscular, her armor was different from that of the others, and unlike the tight ponytails, her shorter hair was held together by a clip that looked dangerously sharp.
"Blademother," she said, looking at Tiscian. "We have warned the Bladematriarch, and she will be waiting for you in half a day. She also asked that you keep your guests in your family domain for now."
Tiscian shook her head, pointing at the central pillar. "I will register them first. As you can see, there is a Fiz'rin with us, and she will be wanting to contact her family to see if they are alright."
"I… Yes, Blademother. The others will have to remain within the bounds of your family domain. The Bladematriarchs have convened and declared that until more is learned about the aggressor, no more on-world visiting will be allowed."
"I will speak with the Bladematriarchs," Tiscian said.
Irwin saw the other Ignitzian look at her for a moment before lowering her head.
"Very well. Also, my condolences for your losses. My mother said she will be visiting you soon."
"Thank you for letting me know, Falingha," Tiscian said, her eyes turning slightly duller. "Tell your mother she is always welcome."
Without another word, she walked toward the left staircase.
Falingha turned her eyes on Irwin and fell in line with him as he followed Tiscian.
Her eyes, orbs of molten fire, widened slightly as she saw Ambraz, and Irwin wasn't surprised as she quickly scanned him. She was probably searching for his rank plate. When she didn't find any, a quick frown flickered across her face before being replaced by a smile.
"My apologies for the cold welcome," she said. "Sadly, the attacks have made everyone on edge. May I welcome you to Igniz, the Burning Jewel."
"Thank you," Irwin said, looking around. "I wish I could have come here in quieter times."
"I am sure you would have loved it here," the soldier said, raising her arm to move a strand of hair from her face. Her eyes widened slightly as her gaze ran across him again.
Irwin blinked, suddenly remembering how things had been back on Scour. Before he could react, Tiscian stopped and looked at the soldier.
"Falingha, this is not the time to flirt. Head back to your post."
Falingha's hairs crackled as the flames that ran along them burned brighter.
"Of course, Blademother," she said.
She took a step to the side, still looking at Irwin.
"If you need someone to show you the city, ask for me," she said softly. "I know every nook and cranny of Obsidian."
"I'll think about it," Irwin said, forcing a smile before walking after Tiscian.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Tiscian slowed to walk beside him.
"Did my daughter properly warn you?" she asked, glancing at Irwin.
"She said I'd be drawing some attention," he said.
Tiscian eyed him, then rolled her eyes.
"That's an understatement," she said. "If things hadn't been as they are, that little troublemaker Falingha wouldn't have been the only one trying to vie for your attention. Fiz'rin males have always been well-liked among my people, but the younger generation seems especially enamored by them. Combined with that aura of your card and its type… You are distracting, to say the least."
Aura? Irwin thought.
"She means your soulscape's resonance," Ambraz said.
"Indeed," Tiscian said. "I will warn those in my family domain and within my personal estate to leave you be, but that will only go so far."
"So lucky," Boohm said, his voice echoing. "I wish-"
His voice was cut off, and Irwin looked back to see him stagger a bit while Hind shook her head. Zender, who was trailing behind them, looked at Irwin and pointed at his elbow, making a swinging motion.
"That young one… he looks Yuurindi," Tiscian said.
Irwin looked up, worried that would be a problem.
"Is he?" she asked. "There's something odd about him…"
Irwin nodded, watching her intently as they continued toward the central pillar.
"Well, you might want to warn him. He will likely draw a crowd of young Blademaidens as soon as things settle down. That silvery sheen and gleaming hairs…" she said, her voice low enough that Zender wouldn't hear it.
"I'll make sure to warn him," Irwin said, sharing a look with Hind, who just shrugged, while Boohm looked incredibly jealous.
The shenanigans managed to distract Irwin from what had been happening, lightening his mood.
When they reached the central pillar, Tiscian moved in front of a large green tablet.
"I wish to register these four as guests of my family's domain," she stated.
A cool, emotionless voice that Irwin instantly recognized droned from the tablet.
"Tiscian Smokeblade, current head of the Smokeblade bloodline. Please be advised that due to the current state -besieged- you will be required to vouch for your guests."
"I know. This won't be a problem," Tiscian said calmly. "The Smokeblade bloodline will take responsibility for these four."
You could be reading stolen content. Head to Royal Road for the genuine story.
Irwin felt a minute touch of soulforce, so faint he knew he and Ambraz were the only ones to feel it. It spread out around his soulscape for a quick moment before retreating.
"Emerald ranked smith, Irwin Roddington, currently with Tensor's smithy. Last reported as having gone missing from Fiverion. You have two messages registered with the Langost Main Register. Please hold out your hand."
Irwin stared at the green crystal sheet in stunned silence. It had been a while since he thought about Tensor, and who would leave him a message like that? A message that could span all of the Langost Branch would have to cost a ridiculous amount of soulshards.
He quickly stuck out his hand, putting it before the crystal tablet, and the soulforce rippled before two small packages dropped into his hand. Both were folded papers that were obviously made by soulforce. Had the Central Register done this to deliver the message? It had to be. He hesitated for only a moment before pulling them into his soulscape, into the waiting hands of his other self.
Turning to the others, he saw Tiscian stare at him quietly.
"Let's go. You can read it when we arrive at my home," she said.
Irwin nodded, noticing curious looks from the others. As one of his selves followed them out, the other unfolded the parchment.
My informants have spotted you on Granvox. I hope this means you and the others succeed. Sadly, I can't remain to verify. You must have heard of the war on the other distant branches, far from the Langost branch. Although I can't be sure, I fear it could be the ancient enemy.
This means I will need to leave and take with me all information that could potentially indicate any of our locations. Don't try to find me; you will fail in your attempt, and if you do, you might endanger us all.
I send you this message with a single warning.
Stay hidden!
If you read this, it means you are not where I had hoped you would be. You are likely out searching for answers, and I can understand why. But, if my fears are justified, you must not go back. Even the slightest chance that you are followed would prove disastrous.
I wish I could speak with you, but when you read this, I'll be long gone.
A final warning. Don't go into the Library unless you have no other choice. It will be one of the first places they will search. There was a reason I was there, and I suspect they know of it.
Irwin blinked as he reread the message twice. There was barely any concrete information in it besides things he and the others had already thought of. The only new information was the warning to stay away from the Library and that Gelwin was now gone.
Did Gelwin know of the attackers with the purple blood? Irwin wondered as he looked at the paper.
For a moment, he decided just to destroy it, but then he had another idea. He summoned his Tablatures, flipped to a new page, and began singing the exact words on the message. When he was done, he destroyed the original message, finally looking at the second one.
His eyebrows shot up as he unfolded the paper and began reading it.
"Smith Irwin,
As an official member of one of the Smith's Charters, you are hereby summoned to Suiderfuix and the main Smithing Charter. With the growing threats, we can no longer protect our members. As one of the few promising Emerald Ranked Smiths, you qualify for transportation beyond Suiderfuix to the Tweelak Main Branch. There will be no help, so we request you buy protection from mercenaries. You will be reimbursed when you reach safety.
Rank-three Diamond Smith Mei Joulihn.
Ps: I have heard you fled Fiverio for some reason. If you are having any trouble, please try to come to Suderfuix. You will be safe from any type of harm there."
Irwin looked at the message in surprise.
"That's the world Driseog is from," he muttered before frowning as he recalled something else. "And Monique."
While one of Irwin's selves read the message and thought about it, the other part of him had followed Tiscian out of the Central Register and into an open courtyard. There were soldiers everywhere, and although many watched them, none stopped them. They walked towards a staircase leading down, and a few moments later, they were in a subterranean room with a metallic-looking construction on the far side.
"Except for Hind, this will be the first time you will travel by steampipe," Tiscian said as she walked towards an opening in the metal construction. "Just know that there is no reason to worry. We travel like this all across our world and have done so for hundreds of years."
Irwin blinked in surprise as he followed her to the door. There was a two-foot corridor covered with Runes on the sides, and as he stepped through, Irwin found himself in a small metallic room with a row of chairs facing toward a translucent ruby-red crystal pane.
Tiscian sat down on the front row, beckoning to follow suit.
"Hold on to the arm rails, and don't forget to breathe," she said.
Irwin did as ordered, finding he could barely fit in the small seat. Hind, who moved a few seats from him, snorted as her hips caused the metal armrails to flare outward.
"Still so small," she said before smiling at Tiscian. "Not that I am complaining!"
"It is fine," Tiscian said as he glanced at Boohm and Zender. Then, she focused on the crystal pane.
"Obsidian northern exit," she said calmly.
"Yes, Blademother Tiscian," the same emotionless voice as in the central register said while the sound of closing doors sounded from behind them. A moment later, there was a hissing sound, and he sensed the surrounding soulforce start heaving and roiling.
What is going on? he thought while the voice continued.
"Leaving in three, two, one-"
Irwin felt like he was kicked in the chest, his head trying to move back. It lasted for only a moment, but he heard surprised shouts and grunts. He looked to the side, noticing Hind grin at him.
"Could have warned us," he muttered.
Hind shrugged, focusing on the translucent pane. Irwin saw the sides of the tunnel zip by at insane speed.
"This is incredible!" Zender shouted excitedly. "I wish Greldo was here!"
Irwin grinned, guessing Greldo would have probably enjoyed this as much as Zender was.
They continued zipping through the tunnel for a few minutes before the odd room they were in slowed till it stopped. Tiscian got up, moving back to the door, and Irwin quickly followed her. He saw that Zender was looking hyped, but Boohm's face was dull, his eyes wide, and he kept rubbing his stomach.
"Boohm? You alright?" Irwin asked.
"Fine… Capt-" Boohm made a gagging sound, barely seeming to hold back from vomiting, and he ran for the door around Tiscian.
"One of my daughters has the same reaction to the Steampipe," Tiscian said. "He will be fine within a few minutes."
They walked outside into another subterranean room, this time with three exits, one nearly in front of them and one on either side. Boohm stood near the stairs leading up to the nearest one, taking deep, ragged breaths.
Tiscian walked towards the stairs, and Irwin and the others followed her, with Boohm coming in last.
Irwin's worry for his cook vanished as soon as they walked out of the tunnel at the end of the staircase.
Before him lay a sprawling, multi-layered city built from the same black stone; colorful yellow and orange banners hung everywhere, creating a rich, vibrant sight. Flags with different symbols fluttered in the scorching wind while Irwin took a deep breath as he looked around. Many roofs were covered in deep-red tiles with cloudy black smoke seemingly caught within their gleaming surfaces. Vast stretches of pale white sand bordered the roads, with trees Irwin recognized growing out of it.
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High in the red, purple, and yellow sky, clouds of smoke and ash floated by while a bright white sun was dropping behind the distant horizon.
"It's really beautiful," Zender muttered as he walked beside Irwin.
Irwin saw that he was looking at a narrow channel from which thin yellowish plumes of gas rose. Looking inside, he saw that a translucent pale golden liquid flowed across a glowing black and red river bed. Red and golden, fiery soulforce drifted up from it while shadowy shapes moved along it. Pale rocky outcrops grew across parts of the riverbed, growing up the black channel walls.
"Pyroflux," Tiscian said, looking back at them. "From what my daughter told me, you should be able to swim in it like we do, but I suggest the young one be careful."
Hind grinned as she walked to the border of the channel. "It's been so long since I saw something I can actually swim in without having to worry about dying," she said.
"Yeah," Boohm said, looking like he'd already forgotten the trip through the Steampipe. He looked at the Pyroflux river, seeming ready to jump in. "I've heard there are fabulous beaches here! Perhaps we can go and have some fun! Food, swimming, and beautiful-"
Hind kicked him in the shin, causing him to hop around while Zender laughed.
"There are some beautiful private beaches of Earthtitan Bonemarrow Sand on my family domain," Tiscian said. "You are more than welcome to go there."
Irwin shared a look with Zender, who was looking at the river wistfully.
"There should be enough cards here to fill your soullake. We can get you cards to allow you to swim there," Irwin said.
Zender hesitated, then shook his head ruefully.
"No need, Captain. I'll need those slots for cards that will help me become stronger."
"Kid, there are plenty of options to get you both," Ambraz said as he flew around them.
They continued chatting, the mood rapidly turning better. Still, as they walked through the crowded city, Irwin noticed that a lot of people were walking around skittishly. As his crew chatted about what they saw and Hind filled them in on the local specialties and sights, Irwin moved to walk beside Tiscian.
"Everyone is still looking worried," he said, watching two Ignitzians herd a group of children forward. They kept looking around, and one of them had been looking at him and the others.
"As many dangers there are out there, Igniz's peace was never violated," Tiscian said softly. "At least not from beyond the Exit Portal. People will have to learn to live with the new reality that even our beautiful world could be attacked."
Irwin watched as a group of soldiers marched by, and as he looked around, he realized that nearly everyone he saw was an Igniztion. There were a few others, but far fewer than what he'd seen in the Harbor City.
"Are there no Onyxians or others here?" he asked.
Tiscian was quiet for a bit before glancing at him.
"Usually, we don't allow foreigners on-world. Those that we do have to earn it, and when they do, they usually are requested to live far from the exit portal."
Irwin frowned. "Why?"
"For one, we have had some… troubles with treasure seekers," Tiscian said. "Beyond that, the Onyxians have an unhealthy obsession with us. Beyond them, most other races simply aren't able to survive here."
Irwin hummed as he watched a trio of Vridians walk past, their leaves a bright red, showing their age.
"There are a few Viridian enclaves on our world," Tiscian said. "Even a small one here, but mostly on the other continents. There is a town of Granitians below the Skyfire Mountains, but those are nearly on the other side of the world. Beyond that, there are only the Fiz'rin that live hidden below the ground."
As she spoke, they walked across a massive pavilion with stone terraces on one side, looking out across a lower section of the city. Long walkways and balconies were along the sides of massive fissures that moved further below the ground, and the buildings all seemed chopped out of the rock instead of built from it.
It's built along the edge of the mountains, Irwin realized.
They continued walking for a short while until they reached a familiar sight: a plaza with small airships docked to rounded pillars of black stone. Irwin had been to similar areas on multiple other worlds, and he was glad to see a familiar sight. Most of the pillars had symbols on the side, and he saw a few Ignitzians beside them look up as they approached. They seemed ready to shout for their attention when they saw Tiscian, but instead, they took a step back and made a hand sign that Irwin remembered Scintilla making. Then, they all turned back to their conversations, though Irwin saw some take quick looks.
"This is the symbol of my family," Tiscian said, as she pointed at a symbol that looked like a V made from two swords with the points overlapping. "Although I suggest you don't, if you do somehow end up on your own, you can always search for any ship, building, or guard with this symbol. Mention you are my guest, and they will help you get in contact with me."
"I am sure that won't be needed," Irwin said, though as he thought about Scintilla and where she had been last seen, he wasn't going to promise that.
"Indeed," Tiscian said, walking to the ship anchored from the pillar and climbing inside the ship.
The others followed her and sat down in the rows of seats. Irwin and Hind needed the entire two-people bench for themselves.
"Usually, I have someone to pilot for me," Tiscian said calmly. "But as I had no time to arrange anything, I will have to do so myself. Let us see if I haven't forgotten."
Irwin froze, but before he could even say anything, the ship floated up slowly before accelerating, causing Zender to let out a happy whoop.
She better know what she is doing, Irwin thought. Not that he had to worry. Even if he hadn't been able to move safely along the soundwaves, a fall from most heights wouldn't kill him. Probably.
Within moments, they were over fifty feet in the air, still accelerating. Irwin looked across the enormous city before turning around to stare beyond it. Very far in the distance was a single, lonely pillar of stone.
Is that the exit portal? he thought. How fast had that Steampipe moved them?
The ship reached a height a hundred feet above the ground before pulling straight. To the left, Irwin saw a vast sea of Pyroflux, a translucent golden with the lava-like seabed visible far below. Shapes of various sizes moved through it, while more of the bone-white structures grew across stretches along the coast, where it climbed up the pearlescent beach that bordered the sea.
Far ahead, an enormous, pitch-black mountain range rose up—some of the peaks seeming to touch the clouds. Steams of superheated smoke flowed out of holes on one side, circling around the mountain before adding to a large pale cloud, which constantly dissipated from the sides.
"Those are the Obsidian Mountains," Hind shouted, sounding happy. "Smelter, my home, is below those!"
"I am sure you will be able to contact them," Tiscian shouted from her position behind the helm.
They continued onward, passing a few towns below. Finally, when the mountains became more rugged, Irwin saw a larger town beside a golden river that ran to the sea. Plumes of golden gas exploded from a section of the river where lava streamed inside. Buildings were built further out, some straight into the side of mountainsides or atop ridges.
"This is my family's domain," Tiscian shouted as the ship began descending. "This is Smokeblade town, named after the first Blademother in my family. And that-" she pointed at a small castle built on the edge of a ridge overlooking the town and the distant sea. "-is my home."
She angled the ship in a roll down, and Irwin saw Ignitzions run around in the castle grounds.
When they landed, with a dull thud, a group of four warriors stood ready.
"Welcome home, Tiscian," one of them said.
"Good to be back, Catrin, even if only for a short while," Tiscian said as she jumped out of the ship.
She visibly relaxed as she walked to the soldiers before turning to Irwin and the others.
"Smith Irwin, heatfather to my grandchildren. Welcome to Smokeblade Keep. Now, let me show you where your children are. Catrin, bring the others to the main guest chambers and see to it that they get what they need."
Irwin saw the soldiers stare at him, eyes wide, before spinning to Tiscian, making a hand sign, and focusing on Hind and the others.
"Irwin, if you would follow me?"
Irwin walked and glanced at Boohm.
"I'll take care of things here, Captain," the Onyxian said.
Irwin nodded before striding after Tiscian.
"Stay calm, kid," Ambraz whispered in his mind.
Irwin nodded.
Yeah. Sure.