Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 23 A Stab

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The enemies were observing Reign, the enemy in front of them is not someone they want to underestimate, the short time he had before they all arrived was enough for him to slay 3 of their kin.

Reign was calm on the outside, giving off an aura of a warrior still in his peak, but on the inside was a different story, he knew that the battle would be a hard one, what's more is that the sounds of battle will make more enemies come, when that happens his fate will be sealed.

He needs to make the fight a quick one but that's impossible, even though he had experience in fights and difficult situations he never fought in a true life and death battle before, him, Shadow and other younger members were always shielded from that during their time in the gang.

His brain races to find solutions for the problem before him. Should he fight or flee?

No, fighting too many of them with his sword is impossible, not to mention that his skill is about to end and his ability is slowly becoming unstable due to prolong use.


The injured hobgoblin screams as he takes out the knife from his chest, throwing it on the ground he looks at Reign with eyes full of anger. It's underlings were slaughtered by this human in a short time and he got injured as well, it would not rest until it killed him. With a loud battle cry it charges towards Reign.

The lightning on Reigns sword was thin, he was trying to use the same move that helped him fatally wound the kobold, he knew that was his only way out, kill the hobgoblin with that and hope the remaining lightning can emit a strong enough power to scare off the others for a moment, letting him run away safely.

The tip of his sword turns light blue, Reign finds out that it was a lot easier to guide his lightning there now compared to before. Entering a state of deep focus he channels everything he has into the sword, still tracking the hobgoblin with the corner of his eye, seeing him come close and lunge at him he moves.

The hobgoblin was fast, with his anger he forgot about safety and only wanted to strike at the human before him, that made him go into a state of pure rage and increased his stats.

[Lvl 6 (7) Berserk Hobgoblin]

When a monster goes berserk all stats temporarily go up and their levels as well can increase by 1 to 3. In exchange for such power however the monsters mind changes, driven by pure rage it will operate solely on instinct and it will go into a weakened state afterwards. The attack by the goblin was strong and fast, but it was predictable and easy to dodge if the opponent was calm enough.

Ducking and moving his head sideways Reign passes the sword and delivers a fierce stab at the hobgoblin. It seemed as if time stopped for a moment, the tip of the sword emitted a strong flash of light and lightning surged from it, coating the entire sword and Reigns arm. Resembling a lance it pierces the hobgoblins chest and explodes behind him, making the others stop in fear.

[Skill created, additional rewards gained as player 06 is the second to do so.]

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Reign doesn't bother with the notifications as his situation is still dire, his mana was low and the skill he just used put a lot of pressure on his body. Turning around he uses the precious time he bought for himself and runs away, hoping to lose the group behind him.

As he turns at a corner he finds another group there, they had been alarmed by the loud fighting noises and came to investigate. Shocked to see a human in front of them they stop, Reign not wanting to get surrounded immediately turns around and runs at another direction.


The goblins recollect themselves and run after Reign, but since their levels were lower and their bodies weaker they can't catch up.

Reign runs, taking different turns the whole time, after 10 minutes he had already ran into 3 more groups, luckily they were all just groups of goblins, the last hobgoblin still hadn't showed up.

"I can't run for much longer, I need to lose them fast and climb up a wall, that's the only way I can hide from them."

Reign thought as he ran away from the 3rd goblin group, behind them he could hear the sounds of more goblins but he didn't bother with them, they were far away and couldn't catch up. His body had more wounds compared to before, the first two groups he stumbled upon were already on high alert and attacked him immediately, Reign not being ready barely managed to dodge most of the attacks but still got injured.

Turning at another corner Reign sees that it's empty, immediately he runs and jumps at the wall, pulling himself up before the goblins can see him. Successful, he lies on top of it and keeps quiet, the goblins should be right behind him, he doesn't want to give his position up before getting enough rest.

Hearing steps below he knew that those were them, he stops breathing for a brief time, hoping that they will just continue down the path in pursuit.

They do. The goblins were a primitive, dumb race, only at big tribes of the can you find more intelligent types such as the goblin shamans and more, the ones Reign faced however were just the low leveled and low intelligent ones, the only thing they knew to do when chasing is to run straight to where the opponent is.

Reign keeps lying down for a few minutes as more goblins pass by, he heard some steps that were louder than the others, that should be the hobgoblin from the first group. He was now certain that all of them are gone but stays quiet for a few more minutes just in case.

In the end Reign receives a notification.

[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]

- Lvl 2 Goblin Miner killed, 15 exp points gained-

- Lvl 2 Goblin Miner killed, 15 exp points gained-

- Lvl 2 Goblin Miner killed, 15 exp points gained-

- Lvl 1 Goblin Miner killed, 10 exp points gained-

-Lvl4 Goblin killed, 40 exp points gained-

-Lvl5 Goblin killed, 50 exp points gained-

-Lvl4 Goblin killed, 40 exp points gained-

-Lvl6 (7) Hobgoblin killed, 75 exp points gained –

-14 S coins gained

- Rank D Berserk Sword + 5 gained

[The player has earned 260exp points and 14S coins]

[Would you like to name your skill now?]

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Looking at the notifications in front of him Reign sighs in relief and smiles, letting out a small chuckle.

"I did it, I'm alive, phew."

Looking above him he sees the glittering crystals on the 9m tall cave ceiling. Reign wonders how a cave this big was formed, was it natural or did they goblins make it, probably neither, the system probably did it for the game.

"System, I'd like to see my rewards."

With a ding the system gives out a short series of notifications.

[Player 06 has received the following rewards: ]

[ 100S coins ]

[ 500 bonus exp ]

[ Rank C Calming necklace +3 ]

"Wow, that's what I got for being 2nd?" Reign wondered in amazement. "Who made the first skill, I wonder what he got."

Reign checks out his 2 new items.

[Rank C Calming necklace +3]

Atk: 0

Def: 0

Spirit + 6

Description: A magical necklace made from unknown materials, it strengthens the users spirit, allow for more mana to be stored and calm downs the users mind, allowing for more rational thoughts. It has been magically strengthened by someone.

"So items can be strengthened as well huh, this really is like a game." Putting the necklace around his neck he grabs the dark red sword next to him.

[ Rank D Berserk Sword + 5 ]

Atk: 40

Def: 5 ƒ𝐫𝒆𝐞w𝗲𝚋𝗻૦𝘷e𝙡.c𝑜𝙢

Strength + 1

Agility + 1

Description: A sword made from common materials, used in many battles the previous owner used unknown means to strengthen it with the blood of his enemies. The longer the user fights with it the stronger it becomes.

"This one is a lot better than my old sword, system can I put my old sword in the inventory?"


[Would you like to name your skill now?]

[ Yes / No ]

"Alright, I'll just go for a simple name then, system, name it Lightning Stab."

[Affirmative, skill Lightning Stab created.]

[ Lightning Stab ]

Description : By controlling lightning to the tip of the sword the user is able to stab out with great force and piercing ability, the lightning in the end coats the sword and arm of the user, making an illusion of a lightning lance being used, piercing inside the enemy the lightning will explode to deal more damage, piercing through the enemy will yield the same outcome.The skill has more room for growth though and is advised to be practiced more.]