Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 49 Deep Forest

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[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]

- Lvl15 Ogre killed, 550exp gained

- 60 S coins gained

- Rank D Ogres Club gained

- Rank C Ogres armband gained f𝐫𝑒𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧૦𝘃𝗲l.c𝚘𝘮

[The players have earner 550exp and 60S coins, distributing …]

[The player has earned 110exp and 12S coins.]

Checking the items they gained everyone gets disappointed at the weapon, it was only a rank D, and quite a normal one to bout, the armband was something any one of them could wear though, so it was much more valuable to them.

[Rank C Ogres armband ]

Def: 15

Vitality + 1

Endurance + 2

Description: An armband worn by ogres, being worn in many battles it has bathed in the blood of the fallen enemies and absorbed some mana from them, making it stronger and allowing it to strengthen the body of its wearer.

"Yeah, this thing is yours Tank, you're the only one that needs these stats that much anyway." Shadow simply shrugs his shoulders as he turns around and sits down on a broken log that was nearby.

Reign uses the system to get the valuable parts of the ogre's body before joining the others to venture further inside the forest.

Entering deeper inside they realized that their surroundings have become much darker, the trees became thicker and bigger, their branches and leaves blocking the sunlight from entering and bringing light in it.

The atmosphere turned gloomy after a while, even after walking for so long they have yet to encounter any enemies, something wasn't right.

"This place is creepy, just being here gives me the creeps guys, not to mention that something fishy is going on, how is it possible that we have yet to encounter a single monster, it's been over 20 minutes now, we should have run into at least 1 group till now." Shadow voices his opinion to which everybody agrees.

While walking carefully nobody seems to notice the branches and roots of the trees move slightly, like a snake they slowly crawl on the ground or move carefully in the air, trying not to alarm the unsuspecting prey.

"I know it's weird, we all do, that's why we're moving so carefully now, we need to be prepared to deal with an enemy right away, especially if it's something stealthy." Reign turns to Shadow and shushes him before explaining. Everyone else joins it and gives their opinion on why there are no monsters and why this part of the forest is different compared to before.

"I think that it's just the atmosphere, not only does the forest house stronger monsters deep inside it, it also starts to attack you mentally like this, making us lose focus and alertness." Beast analyzes the behavior of the forest so far coupled with this part, his conclusion immediately got accepted as the right theory currently.

"Agreed, it's only trees here and nothing else, if your mind really does go haywire here it would be very problematic to leave with all of these huge trees that look like monsters." Wolf nods in agreement as he adds his own analysis after Beast, as soon as he said it though he stopped immediately in his tracks.

"Guys, get your weapons out, I think I know what's happening here." Wolf suddenly says as he grips his greatsword. "The monsters were always around us, we just failed to see them.

Lighting the fire on his sword Wolf immediately cuts behind, severing and burning some branches that were behind them, a high-pitched scream of pain could be heard as he did so, the other branches and roots launch and attack at the group right away.

The attack came too quickly and unpredictably, not giving them time to form a defensive situation and making them give their all to defend against the pouring attacks.

Reign uses his sword to slash the branches, cutting them neatly and letting some lightning pass on to them, shocking them in the process. Looking ahead he could finally see what the enemy was by the status window he could now see.

[Lvl15 Cursed Tree ]

[Lvl13 Cursed Tree ]

[Lvl16 Cursed Tree ]

[Lvl14 Cursed Tree ]

[Lvl15 Cursed Tree ]

Most of the trees inside this part of the forest where the monsters here, always laying low and not moving any parts of their body do that they can seem harmless, before going all out to kill and devour the enemy.

Wolf's situation was the best compared to them, the fire he uses with his sword was enough to burn the approaching branches, prompting them to leave him and find a new target amongst them 5.

Beast and Shadow were the ones that could not do much right now, Beasts power is good against one enemy, not having any aoe attacks and skills, Shadow was not much better off, his daggers were not very useful against trees, throwing them at his enemies like before would only deal superficial damage while going in close would be incredibly difficult with all the branches and roots between them.

"Shit, we can't keep this up much longer, does anyone have any idea on how to defeat these things?" Tank shouts as he uses his axe to chop the branches and roots coming and him, periodically he would use his shield to bash and smash some of them.

"Simple, attack the trees instead of only dealing with these small parts, Wolf is already near one so he will take care of it, I'll need your help to get close to one though." Tank nods in confirmation to Reign, the trees weren't stopping with the assault, so it was suicide to just stay here only defending.

Putting his huge shield in front he slowly moves toward one of the trees with Reign behind him, taking care of all the attacks coming from the back. As they get nearer and nearer the attacks changed a bit, becoming more unpredictable and faster, that on the other hand allowed both Shadow and Beast a bit of rest.

Getting to the tree, Reign immediately uses his lightning charge to get in front of the tree. Using his new sword he hacks and slashes at the tree, even these huge trees would fall sooner or later. f𝓇𝘦ℯ𝙬𝑒𝐛n𝐨νe𝙡.c𝑜𝗺

Lightning flickers everywhere in the area, mixing together with the flames unleashed by Wolf in an attempt to burn everything nearby.

The fire unfortunately wasn't able to fully destroy the trees fully, only leaving burns everywhere.

After some 20 minutes, they had successfully, burning and shocking the branches before fully destroying them.

"Dammit, even the freaking forest wants to kill us, where can we stop to rest now, nobody wants to risk it now." Tank shouts in frustration, he loved fighting but lately wasn't getting any strong enemies to fight against, which in turn made him even angrier than before.

"So, should we leave then, or we go even deeper?" Reign asks everyone with consideration, the trees were hard enemies to defeat but they did give a good amount of exp and items.

"If we go back we'll definitely encounter more of these trees so I suggest we move a bit deeper, "Who knows if some monsters are hiding behind us and waiting for us to come back so that they could attack us again.

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